411 research outputs found

    The contribution of specific class I and II histone deacetylases in the development of anxietyrelated behavior in a mouse model of prenatal immune challenge

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    Several lines of evidence demonstrated that maternal infection during gestation might be an environmental risk factor for offspring to develop mood and anxiety disorders later in life. Previous experiments revealed that anxiety-related behavior, observed after prenatal immune challenge, is associated with increased histone deacetylase (HDAC) activity in adult female mice. Based on these findings, this study aims to investigate which class I and II HDAC isotypes might be involved in the development of the long-lasting consequences of prenatal immune challenge. Therefore, pregnant C57BL/6JRccHsd inbred mice were intravenously injected with poly I:C (5 mg/kg bodyweight) at gestational day (GD) 17 to mimic a viral infection. Brains from adult offspring were homogenized and used for western blotting to analyse the relative protein levels of HDAC1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Due to a lack of signal in HDAC1, HDAC3 and HDAC5, an irregular signal in HDAC2, and a weak signal in HDAC4 and HDAC6, the quality of the western blots was insufficient for protein quantification. Therefore, no subsequent comparison could be made between mice exposed to prenatal poly I:C and PBS in the current stud

    Simulation study:fluidization with heat transfer

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    Social Movement Structures in Relation to Goals and Forms of Action: An Exploratory Model

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    ABSTRACT This article describes a theoretical taxonomy of the structural features of social movements. We begin by using two classification criteria to analyze the types of relations that characterize the structure of social movements. From there, we look at how differences in structure relate to different goals and forms of action. We then derive a four-fold classification system based on formalization and hierarchy of relationships. For each classification we provide case descriptions of social movements (or parts thereof) using literature on how different movement structures support different types of goals and forms of action. Furthermore, we discuss the dynamics of social movements (or parts thereof) and how their classification may evolve. By doing so, we illustrate how changes in structure, goals, and forms of action mutually influence each other. RÉSUMÉ Cet article dresse une taxonomie théorique des caractéristiques structurelles des mouvements sociaux. Nous utilisons d’abord deux critères de classification pour analyser les types de relation propres à la structure des mouvements sociaux. Par la suite, nous observons comment des différences de structure coïncident avec des buts et des formes d’action différents. Nous développons ensuite un système de classification quadruple fondé sur la formalisation et l’hiérarchisation des relations. Pour chacune des classifications, nous fournissons des descriptions de cas de mouvements sociaux (ou de parties de ceux-ci) en recourant à des écrits sur la manière dont des structures de mouvement différentes entraînent des buts et des formes d’action différents. En outre, nous discutons des dynamiques des mouvements sociaux (ou de parties de ceux-ci) et comment leur classification pourrait évoluer. Par ce moyen, nous illustrons comment des changements de structure, de but et de forme d’action s’influencent réciproquement

    The effect of subsidising firms on voting behaviour: Evidence from Flemish elections

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    Despite an international consensus on the importance to limit State aid spending, large amounts of resources are still devoted to a wide variety of subsidies to firms. A sizable literature studies the relationship between general government spending and the proximity of elections, mostly documenting a positive link. In addition, other studies verify whether this strategy of increasing government expenditure pays off in terms of number of votes. We focus on one type of government spending that can be quite vulnerable to becoming "targeted spending", i.e. subsidies to firms. We empirically test the relationship between the amount of subsidies granted to firms at the local level and local support for incumbent parties in the regional government. To that end, we make use of subsidy data derived from financial statements on 2008 and Flemish election results of 2004 and 2009. We find that the total amount of subsidies as well as subsidies per capita granted in 2008 positively correlate to support for incumbent parties 2009, meaning that voters appear to reward subsidy granting politicians

    Реконструкция системы электроснабжения блока цехов "Б" ОАО "Гомсельмаш" в связи с заменой технологического оборудования участка мехобработки осей, цапф и втулок цеха режущих барабанов и разработкой мероприятий по экономии ТЭР

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    This paper presents an approach to analyze and re-design evaluation methods. The domain explored in thispaper is evaluation methods for evaluating fun and entertainment. However, the approach presented may be appliedin other domains as well. The approach is conceptually described and two examples of processes where the approachwere used in practice are further discussed. As the map of IT applications and digital media is continuously redesigned,there is a constant need of re-designing evaluation methods