7 research outputs found

    The Effects of Sequence and Delay on Crowd Work

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    A common approach in crowdsourcing is to break large tasks into small microtasks so that they can be parallelized across many crowd workers and so that redundant work can be more easily compared for quality control. In practice, this can re-sult in the microtasks being presented out of their natural order and often introduces delays between individual micro-tasks. In this paper, we demonstrate in a study of 338 crowd workers that non-sequential microtasks and the introduction of delays significantly decreases worker performance. We show that interruptions where a large delay occurs between two related tasks can cause up to a 102 % slowdown in com-pletion time, and interruptions where workers are asked to perform different tasks in sequence can slow down comple-tion time by 57%. We conclude with a set of design guide-lines to improve both worker performance and realized pay, and instructions for implementing these changes in existing interfaces for crowd work. Author Keywords Crowdsourcing; human computation; workflows; continuity

    Deadline-aware fair scheduling for multi-tenant crowd-powered systems

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    Crowdsourcing has become an integral part of many systems and services that deliver high-quality results for complex tasks such as data linkage, schema matching, and content annotation. A standard function of such crowd-powered systems is to publish a batch of tasks on a crowdsourcing platform automatically and to collect the results once the workers complete them. Currently, these systems provide limited guarantees over the execution time, which is problematic for many applications. Timely completion may even be impossible to guarantee due to factors specific to the crowdsourcing platform, such as the availability of workers and concurrent tasks. In our previous work, we presented the architecture of a crowd-powered system that reshapes the interaction mechanism with the crowd. Specifically, we studied a push-crowdsourcing model whereby the workers receive tasks instead of selecting them from a portal. Based on this interaction model, we employed scheduling techniques similar to those found in distributed computing infrastructures to automate the task assignment process. In this work, we first devise a generic scheduling strategy that supports both fairness and deadline-awareness. Second, to complement the proof-of-concept experiments previously performed with the crowd, we present an extensive set of simulations meant to analyze the properties of the proposed scheduling algorithms in an environment with thousands of workers and tasks. Our experimental results show that, by accounting for human factors, micro-task scheduling can achieve fairness for best-effort batches and boosts production batches

    Uncovering Nuances in Complex Data Through Focus and Context Visualizations

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    <p>Across a wide variety of digital devices, users create, consume, and disseminate large quantities of information. While data sometimes look like a spreadsheet or network diagram, more often for everyday users their data look more like an Amazon search page, the line-up for a fantasy football team, or a set of Yelp reviews. However, interpreting these kinds of data remains a difficult task even for experts since they often feature soft or unknown constraints (e.g. ”I want some Thai food, but I also want a good bargain”) across highly multidimensional data (i.e. rating, reviews, popularity, proximity). Existing technology is largely optimized for users with hard criteria and satisfiable constraints, and consumer systems often use representations better suited for browsing than sensemaking. In this thesis I explore ways to support soft constraint decision-making and exploratory data analysis by giving users tools that show fine-grained features of the data while at the same time displaying useful contextual information. I describe approaches for representing collaborative content history and working behavior that reveal both individual and group/dataset level features. Using these approaches, I investigate general visualizations that utilize physics to help even inexperienced users find small and large trends in multivariate data. I describe the transition of physicsbased visualization from the research space into the commercial space through a startup company, and the insights that emerged both from interviews with experts in a wide variety of industries during commercialization and from a comparative lab study. Taking one core use case from commercialization, consumer search, I develop a prototype, Fractal, which helps users explore and apply constraints to Yelp data at a variety of scales by curating and representing individual-, group-, and dataset-level features. Through a user study and theoretical model I consider how the prototype can best aide users throughout the sensemaking process. My dissertation further investigates physics-based approaches for represent multivariate data, and explores how the user’s exploration process itself can help dynamically to refine the search process and visual representation. I demonstrate that selectively representing points using clusters can extend physics-based visualizations across a variety of data scales, and help users make sense of data at scales that might otherwise overload them. My model provides a framework for stitching together a model of user interest and data features, unsupervised clustering, and visual representations for exploratory data visualization. The implications from commercialization are more broad, giving insight into why research in the visualization space is/isn’t adopted by industry, a variety of real-world use cases for multivariate exploratory data analysis, and an index of common data visualization needs in industry.</p

    The Effects of Sequence and Delay on Crowd Work [email protected]

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    ABSTRACT A common approach in crowdsourcing is to break large tasks into small microtasks so that they can be parallelized across many crowd workers and so that redundant work can be more easily compared for quality control. In practice, this can result in the microtasks being presented out of their natural order and often introduces delays between individual microtasks. In this paper, we demonstrate in a study of 338 crowd workers that non-sequential microtasks and the introduction of delays significantly decreases worker performance. We show that interruptions where a large delay occurs between two related tasks can cause up to a 102% slowdown in completion time, and interruptions where workers are asked to perform different tasks in sequence can slow down completion time by 57%. We conclude with a set of design guidelines to improve both worker performance and realized pay, and instructions for implementing these changes in existing interfaces for crowd work