7 research outputs found

    The Dynamics of The China Maritime Militia Conflict In South China Sea On Sovereignty Indonesian Countries And ASEAN Region Countries

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    The South China Sea is a strategic water area and is rich in natural resources. The South China Sea dispute is the hottest dispute in the 21st century, in which China and most ASEAN members are involved indirectly. China's unilateral claim of ownership of the South China Sea area using the nine dash line principle and maritime power has triggered a response from surrounding countries, including Indonesia. For Indonesia itself, its main concern in this conflict is to maintain the security of its country and protect the vulnerable island of Natuna. In this study, we will discuss the dynamics of the China Maritime Militia conflict in the South China Sea against the sovereignty of the Indonesian state and ASEAN countries. This study uses a qualitative method with a literature study approach where the data sources used are journals, articles, books and other relevant sources. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the disputes that occurred in the South China Sea were disputes between countries, because the actors were not only claiming countries but also other countries with an interest in the region. Therefore, the strategy taken in efforts to resolve the China Maritime Militia dispute in the South China Sea is to strengthen the capacity of maritime security enforcement and command for various Indonesian maritime law enforcement agencies, and take a free and active approach that is manifested in support and participation in regional organizations such as ASEANThe South China Sea is a strategic water area and is rich in natural resources. The South China Sea dispute is the hottest dispute in the 21st century, in which China and most ASEAN members are involved indirectly. China's unilateral claim of ownership of the South China Sea area using the nine dash line principle and maritime power has triggered a response from surrounding countries, including Indonesia. For Indonesia itself, its main concern in this conflict is to maintain the security of its country and protect the vulnerable island of Natuna. In this study, we will discuss the dynamics of the China Maritime Militia conflict in the South China Sea against the sovereignty of the Indonesian state and ASEAN countries. This study uses a qualitative method with a literature study approach where the data sources used are journals, articles, books and other relevant sources. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the disputes that occurred in the South China Sea were disputes between countries, because the actors were not only claiming countries but also other countries with an interest in the region. Therefore, the strategy taken in efforts to resolve the China Maritime Militia dispute in the South China Sea is to strengthen the capacity of maritime security enforcement and command for various Indonesian maritime law enforcement agencies, and take a free and active approach that is manifested in support and participation in regional organizations such as ASEA


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    - Ancaman siber sekarang sudah sangat meresahkan semua pihak. Ancaman siber perlu diantisipasi agar tidak menimbulkan dampak buruk bagi kelangsungan proses bisnis suatu organisasi. Pusat Data dan Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi (Pusdatik) Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara (BSSN) mempunyai tugas perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi, dan pelaporan di bidang data dan teknologi informasi komunikasi. Kondisi saat ini penerapan manajemen risiko Pusdatik BSSN masih belum optimal dikarenakan aturan maupun pedoman yang ada saat ini masih minim, adanya insiden yang pernah terjadi seperti salah prosedur maintenance UPS, serta adanya insiden yang terjadi pada website JDIH disebabkan serangan siber. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan manajemen risiko yang baik terhadap aset dan layanan Pusdatik BSSN untuk meminimalisasi ancaman siber. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi risiko, menganalisis risiko, serta merencanakan penanganan dan penerimaan risiko dalam meminimalisasi ancaman siber pada Pusdatik BSSN. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analitis kualitatif dengan pendekatan ISO/IEC 27005 dan NIST 800-30 Revisi 1. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapatkan bahwa 14 aset teridentifikasi sebanyak 13 potensi ancaman, serta terdapat 27 skenario risiko, dimana 14 skenario risiko dapat diterima dan 13 skenario risiko harus dimitigasi. Pada tahap penanganan risiko dan penerimaan risiko, 13 skenario risiko yang dimitigasi diberikan strategi penanganan risiko modifikasi dan 36 rekomendasi kontrol, serta terdapat tiga pihak yang terlibat dan bertangung jawab dalam pengelolaan risiko yaitu Bidang Manajemen Risiko dan Kelangsungan TIK, Bidang Infrastruktur, dan Vendor. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah dokumen manajemen risiko keamanan informasi yang disertakan dengan rekomendasi kontrol keamanan informasi


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    Instansi YAZA merupakan instansi pemerintah yang memiliki tugas dalam bidang keamanan informasi. Dalam menjalankan tugasnya, perlu didukung oleh beberapa layanan publik yang bersifat elektronik serta memanfaatkan aplikasi dengan menggunakan jaringan internet, contohnya: absensi elektronis, email, website, portal, sistem informasi kepegawaian, dan sistem informasi manajemen aset. Keseluruhan data dari aplikasi-aplikasi tersebut dikelola secara terpusat pada data center. Dengan banyaknya aplikasi yang terhubung pada data center tersebut, maka akan berdampak munculnya ancaman pada sistem keamanan informasi seperti pencurian data, perubahan data, dan ancaman dunia maya seperti virus, pembajakan, DoS, dan DDoS yang dapat mengancam Instansi YAZA. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penilaian atas sistem keamanan informasi menggunakan Indeks KAMI versi 4.1 dan standar SNI ISO/IEC 27001:2013 pada data center di Instansi YAZA. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan mengkaji aspek teoritis dan aspek legal lalu dilakukan studi literatur, observasi, diskusi narasumber, dan kuesioner. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah tingkat ketergantungan penggunaan sistem elektronik sebesar 36 dari total skor 50 dan masuk kedalam kategori Strategis. Hasil penilaian kelima area yang telah dilakukan adalah sebesar 242 dari 645 dan berada pada kategori belum optimal. Dari hasil itu sehingga dibuat rekomendasi berdasarkan kontrol ISO 27002:2013

    Kesiapan Sumber Daya Manusia Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi DKI Jakarta Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Menghadapi Society 5.0

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    AbstrakSociety 5.0 adalah bagian dari revolusi yang tidak hanya berfokus pada teknologi saja, melainkan fokus kepada manusia sebagai objek utama. Secara bersamaan tahun meluncurnya konsep society 5.0 dibarengi juga dengan munculnya pandemi Covid-19. Pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan dampak yang besar bagi ketahanan Indonesia mulai dari sektor pangan, ekonomi, kesehatan dan tentunya pendidikan. Banyak sekali perubahan yang dihadapi akibat pandemi Covid-19, salah satunya yaitu perubahan yang terjadi di dalam Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi DKI Jakarta yakni, perubahan metode pembelajaran menjadi metode daring yang dilakukan untuk meminimalisir pandemi COVID-19 yang terjadi. Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) yang baik sangat mendukung kinerja pegawai. Namun dalam implementasinya, kualitas sumber daya manusia (SDM) di Dinas Pendidikan Pemprov DKI Jakarta perlu diperhatikan karena SDM merupakan faktor utama penunjang dalam organisasi. Pada penelitian ini akan membahas tentang kesiapan dari SDM Dinas Pendidikan Pemprov DKI Jakarta di masa pandemi Covid-19 menuju society 5.0. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kepustakaan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa untuk mencapai tingkat kesiapan SDM Dinas Pendidikan Pemprov DKI Jakarta yang baik, maka pendidikan dan latihan dibidang TIK masih harus ditingkatkan agar tercapai kemampuan SDM yang maksimal dan adaptif kedepannya.Kata Kunci: Society 5.0, Pandemi Covid-19, Dinas Pendidikan Pemprov DKI Jakarta, Sumber Daya Manusia.AbstractSociety 5.0 is part of a revolution that focuses not only on technology, but focuses on humans as the main object. Simultaneously, the year of the launch of the concept of society 5.0 was also accompanied by the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact on Indonesia's resilience starting from the food sector, economy, health and of course education. There are so many changes faced due to the Covid-19 pandemic, one of which is the changes that have occurred within the DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office, namely, the change in learning methods to online methods carried out to minimize the COVID-19 pandemic that occurs. The good use of information and communication technology (ICT) is very supportive of employee performance. However, in its implementation, the quality of human resources (HR) in the Education Office of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government needs to be considered because human resources are the main supporting factor in the organization. In this study, we will discuss the readiness of the human resources of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Education Office during the Covid-19 pandemic towards society 5.0. This research uses qualitative methods with a literature study approach. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that to achieve a good level of human resource readiness for the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Education Office, education and training in the field of ICT must still be improved in order to achieve maximum and adaptive HR capabilities in the future.Keywords: Society 5.0, Covid-19 Pandemic, DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Education Office, Human Resources

    Force development against irregular and hybrid warfare in Indonesia

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    The development of national defense is directed to be able to answer various possible threats and actual problems that are adjusted to the geographical conditions and dynamics of the strategic environment. Current and future threats are growing very fast and increasingly complex. Threats to the state can essentially be classified into three types, namely military threats, both armed and unarmed, non-military threats, and hybrid threats. The threats that have emerged during the co-19 pandemic are irregular warfare and hybrid threats. This research will discuss the analysis of force development to face the threat of irregular warfare and hybrid warfare in Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative method with a literature study approach. Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that Indonesia as a country that has a strategic location and attractiveness of various spectrums needs to always prepare itself by implementing relevant strategies in accordance with the capital already owned in the Indonesian nation itself, this is needed to avoid national disunity due to irregular warfare that enters the joints of state life

    Cooperative Reformable Channel System with Unique Recognition of Gas Molecules in a Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework with Multilevel Flexible Ligands

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    We report a cooperative reformable channel system in a ZIF-L crystal arising from coexistence of three types of local flexible ligands. The reformable channel is able to regulate permeation of a nonspherical guest molecule, such as N<sub>2</sub> or CO<sub>2</sub>, based on its longer molecular dimension, which is in a striking contrast to conventional molecular sieves that regulate the shorter cross-sectional dimension of the guest molecules. Our density functional theory (DFT) calculations reveal that the guest molecule induces dynamic motion of the flexible ligands, leading to the channel reformation, and then the guest molecule reorientates itself to fit in the reformed channel. Such a unique “induced fit-in” mechanism causes the gas molecule to pass through six-membered-ring windows in the <i>c</i>- crystal direction of ZIF-L with its longer axis parallel to the window plane. Our experimental permeance of N<sub>2</sub> through the ZIF-L membranes is about three times greater than that of CO<sub>2</sub>, supporting the DFT simulation predictions

    Manajemen Perubahan PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero) Dalam Menghadapi Lingkungan Strategis Di Era Vuca

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    AbstrakPerubahan yang terjadi sangat cepat dan dinamis di Era VUCA ini mendorong perlu adanya sistem manajemen yang efektif guna mencapai tujuan perusahaan dan menyelesaikan seluruh tantangan baik internal maupun eksternal. PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) merupakah industri strategis yang memproduksi alat utama sistem pertahanan Indonesia khususnya untuk matra laut juga perlu memiliki strategi-strategi dalam menghadapi lingkungan strategis di Era VUCA. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis bagaimana manajemen perubahan yang dilakukan PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) dalam menghadapi Lingkungan Strategis di Era VUCA. Metode penulisan artikel ilmiah yaitu menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data yang berupa Studi Literatur dan Library Research. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa Transformasi Industri Maritim 4.0 adalah upaya PT PAL Indonesia dalam merespon tantangan VUCA untuk meningkatkan persaingan bisnis perusahaan. Manajemen SDM PT PAL Indonesia melalui peningkatan core capability dan people competency adalah modal penting dalam mewujudkan Transformasi Industri Maritim 4.0.Kata kunci: Manajemen perubahan, Manajemen SDM, Lingkungan strategis Era VUCA, PT PAL Indonesia. AbstractChanges that occur very quickly and dynamically in the VUCA encourage the need for an effective management system to achieve company goals and solve all challenges that arise internally and externally. PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) as one of the strategic industries that produces the main tools of the Indonesian defense system, especially for the marine dimension, also needs to have strategies in dealing with the strategic environment in the VUCA. This study aims to analyze how change management is conducted by PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) in dealing with the Strategic Environment in the VUCA. This study used qualitative research methods and data collection techniques in the form of Literature Studies and Library Research. The results of the study revealed that the Maritime Industry Transformation 4.0 is a measure taken by PT PAL Indonesia to respond VUCA's challenges in order to increase the company's business competition. Further discovery highlighted that PT PAL Indonesia's HR management in increasing core capability and people competency is an important capital to objectify Maritime Industry Transformation 4.0.Keywords: Change management, HR management, VUCA’s Strategic environment, PT PAL Indonesia