97 research outputs found

    Hardness of Function Composition for Semantic Read once Branching Programs

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    In this work, we study time/space trade-offs for function composition. We prove asymptotically optimal lower bounds for function composition in the setting of nondeterministic read once branching programs, for the syntactic model as well as the stronger semantic model of read-once nondeterministic computation. We prove that such branching programs for solving the tree evaluation problem over an alphabet of size k requires size roughly k^{Omega(h)}, i.e space Omega(h log k). Our lower bound nearly matches the natural upper bound which follows the best strategy for black-white pebbling the underlying tree. While previous super-polynomial lower bounds have been proven for read-once nondeterministic branching programs (for both the syntactic as well as the semantic models), we give the first lower bounds for iterated function composition, and in these models our lower bounds are near optimal

    Lower Bounds for Nondeterministic Semantic Read-Once Branching Programs

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    We prove exponential lower bounds on the size of semantic read-once 3-ary nondeterministic branching programs. Prior to our result the best that was known was for D-ary branching programs with |D| >= 2^{13}

    Cake cutting really is not a piece of cake

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    Constraints on the presence of water megamaser emission in z~2.5 ultraluminous infrared starburst galaxies

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    We present Expanded Very Large Array and Arecibo observations of two lensed submm galaxies at z~2.5, in order to search for redshifted 22.235 GHz water megamaser emission. Both SMM J14011+0252 and SMM J16359+6612 have multi-wavelength characteristics consistent with ongoing starburst activity, as well as CO line emission indicating the presence of warm molecular gas. Our observations do not reveal any evidence for H2O megamaser emission in either target, while the lensing allows us to obtain deep limits to the H_2O line luminosities, L(H2O) < 7470 Lsun (3-sigma) in the case of SMM J14011+0252, and L(H2O) < 1893 Lsun for SMM J16359+6612, assuming linewidths of 80 km/s. Our search for, and subsequent non-detection of H2O megamaser emission in two strongly lensed starburst galaxies, rich in gas and dust, suggests that such megamaser emission is not likely to be common within the unlensed population of high-redshift starburst galaxies. We use the recent detection of strong H2O megamaser emission in the lensed quasar, MG J0414+0534 at z = 2.64 to make predictions for future EVLA C-band surveys of H2O megamaser emission in submm galaxies hosting AGN.Comment: AJ accepte

    Caenorhabditis elegans dnj-14, the orthologue of the DNAJC5 gene mutated in adult onset neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, provides a new platform for neuroprotective drug screening and identifies a SIR-2.1-independent action of resveratrol

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    Adult onset neuronal lipofuscinosis (ANCL) is a human neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive neuronal dysfunction and premature death. Recently, the mutations that cause ANCL were mapped to the DNAJC5 gene, which encodes cysteine string protein alpha. We show here that mutating dnj-14, the Caenorhabditis elegans orthologue of DNAJC5, results in shortened lifespan and a small impairment of locomotion and neurotransmission. Mutant dnj-14 worms also exhibited age-dependent neurodegeneration of sensory neurons, which was preceded by severe progressive chemosensory defects. A focussed chemical screen revealed that resveratrol could ameliorate dnj-14 mutant phenotypes, an effect mimicked by the cAMP phosphodiesterase inhibitor, rolipram. In contrast to other worm neurodegeneration models, activation of the Sirtuin, SIR-2.1, was not required, as sir-2.1; dnj-14 double mutants showed full lifespan rescue by resveratrol. The Sirtuin-independent neuroprotective action of resveratrol revealed here suggests potential therapeutic applications for ANCL and possibly other human neurodegenerative diseases

    A Cryptographic Moving-Knife Cake-Cutting Protocol

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    This paper proposes a cake-cutting protocol using cryptography when the cake is a heterogeneous good that is represented by an interval on a real line. Although the Dubins-Spanier moving-knife protocol with one knife achieves simple fairness, all players must execute the protocol synchronously. Thus, the protocol cannot be executed on asynchronous networks such as the Internet. We show that the moving-knife protocol can be executed asynchronously by a discrete protocol using a secure auction protocol. The number of cuts is n-1 where n is the number of players, which is the minimum.Comment: In Proceedings IWIGP 2012, arXiv:1202.422

    Potential Unintended Consequences Of Recent Shared Decision Making Policy Initiatives

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    Shared decision making (SDM)-when clinicians and patients make medical decisions together-is moving swiftly from an ethical ideal toward widespread clinical implementation affecting millions of patients through recent policy initiatives. We argue that policy initiatives to promote SDM implementation in clinical practice carry the risk of several unintended negative consequences if limitations in defining and measuring SDM are not addressed. We urge policy makers to include prespecified definitions of desired outcomes, offer guidance on the tools used to measure SDM in the multitude of contexts in which it occurs, evaluate the impact of SDM policy initiatives over time, review that impact at regular intervals, and revise SDM measurement tools as needed
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