35 research outputs found

    Dyskurs naukowy – perspektywa socjologiczna

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Models of universities and global culture building processes : towards education and science based challenges

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    The paper is going to investigate challenges associated with the idea of improving quality of acquiring scientific knowledge and gaining international experience. The main scope of the paper is strongly focused on the professional place of sharing and exchanging knowledge as university is/should be. The supported perspective is the open science approach which problematizes the core problems concerning the contemporary science overview. The paper’s goal is to provide the key propositions which have affected universities. In other words the paper reveals key problems about the changes connected with universities which play a significant role in globalization of world’s knowledge

    Analiza tematyczna wybranych artykułów naukoznawczych

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    This paper relates to the scientific study and is a summary of one of the chapters from my own PhD thesis. The aim of the paper is to present my own interpretations of the content of Polish scientific journals devoted to the issues of science and higher education. The thematic analysis gives a distinction into four analytical categories of visibility and productivity in science, the normativisation of scientific policy, communication capital and discoursive anomie.Prezentowany artykuł wpisuje się w dziedzinę naukoznawstwa. Tekst stanowi streszczenie jednego z rozdziałów rozprawy doktorskiej. Jego celem jest przedstawienie własnych interpretacji tematów poruszanych w czasopismach naukowych ukazujących się w Polsce, a poświęconych zagadnieniom nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego. Analiza tematyczna artykułów pozwoliła wyszczególnić cztery kategorie analityczne: widzialności i produktywności naukowej, normatywizacji polityki naukowej, kapitału komunikacyjnego i anomii dyskursywnej

    W stronę globalizacji zarzadzania edukacją akademicką : polityka internacjonalizacji

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    The paper’s starting assumption is the increasing globalization of/in science. It means that the management of scientific knowledge is directed towards the networked scientific relations. The scientific networks combine scientists from different academic centers, research institutes, from various countries and continents. Ones of the most significant conceptions, which emerge from the discussion between globalization and internationalization, are: globally engaged university and bridge building. The next step in the considerations is associated with the most desired model of education which can be treated as a prominent stage in the internationalization policy. This issue is related to elaborating the intellectual capacities especially competencies in the area of intercultural education and internationalization of the administrative service at university. The examples of changes are those connected with the teacher’s roles, their educational approaches, holistic attitude to professional development including both the scientific mobility and the emphasis on the life-long learning process. The wider context of mentioned problems of an effective internationalization policy formulates postulations of socialization of good practices, cultural inclusion and strengthening international scientific collaboration

    Oxidatively modified protein products and lipid peroxidation products in hypertensive patients

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    Oxidative stress is considered to be one of the key factors responsible for the development of this disease. It has been proven that the increased production of free radicals and reactive oxygen species, and thus the decreased antioxidant activity of the organism, can lead to the oxidative modification of biomolecules important for the organism, including proteins and lipids. The imbalance between pro and antioxidant factors may have a direct impact on the development and course of cardiovascular diseases, including arterial hypertension. This thesis presents the most important information about the oxidative stress and the etiology of arterial hypertension, characterizes various types of products of oxidative modification of proteins and lipid peroxidation, and presents the results of research confirming the significant role of oxidative stress in the development of this disease

    Opinie kobiet naukowców na temat różnic genderowych w zawodzie naukowca

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    This paper is an attempt to portray the academic community from the perspective of gender, indicating differences between women and men. The conclusions included in the paper are derived from problems that emerged during in-depth interviews. The objective is to present research material gathered through interviews with women scientists managing tertiary schools in Cracow during 2008- 2012. The research focused on problems regarding family and work, defi ning scientifi c and administrative careers, and perception of socio-cultural barriers from the perspective of the subjective experiences of women.Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą opisu środowiska akademickiego z perspektywy gender, to znaczy zwracającej uwagę na różnice między kobietami a mężczyznami. Wnioski zawarte w artykule stanowią rekonstrukcję problemów wyłonionych w trakcie wywiadów pogłębionych. Celem artykułu jest prezentacja materiału badawczego zebranego na podstawie wywiadów przeprowadzonych z kobietami naukowcami zarządzającymi uczelniami wyższymi w Krakowie w latach 2008-2012. Oś zainteresowań badawczych przebiegała wzdłuż problemów: rodziny i pracy, definiowania karier naukowo-administracyjnych oraz dostrzegania barier społeczno-kulturowych z perspektywy subiektywnego doświadczenia kobiet

    In searching for science understanding. Applying the sociology of a science based approach

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    The paper discusses the chosen ongoing perspectives related to science understanding based problems. Science is viewed, following Robert Merton, as a functioning institution. Social context plays a significant role in defining the possibilities of developing science. The question arises how a functioning institution can be effectively analyzed and which perspectives can be implemented. Hence this paper’s goal is to reveal some ways of exploring science understanding. Consequently the paper touches the scientific discourses upon science discussing its academic functional ethos and on the other hand tension between bureaucratization and openness in science. More broadly how far science is democratized in an academic interaction. The proposition of examining the problem of the quality of science as an institution is to grasp two perspectives: first, the formal perspective, related to the legal field and its rationality and second, followed by Adele Clarke known as “situatedness”. The idea of joining formalization with situatedness can be regarded as an embodiment within John Meyer and Brian Rowan’s concept of an institutionalized organization. Hence science understanding is defined as a complex functioning institution escaping from a modern version of science into many postmodern ad-hoc made sciences. The paper’s intention is to provide problems and proposition of solving them through applying an integrating perspectiv

    Body Modification as the Right of Body in the light of Cosmopolitanism – Appiah’s perspective

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    The assumption of the paper is a liquidity between sacrum and profanum.. The work done on the body makes bodily practices and rituals the art of body. The body is an altar of our identity, manifestation of Self. The great visibility of this tendency is illustrated in the frame of popular culture, especially in the stream called the culture of transparency. The examples of body modifications’ practices, referred to the Western culture, are recognized as the contemporary new-primitivism (neo-primitive perspective) – the Modern Primitive Movement. The wide cult of the body is commonly known and practiced and its official name is corporeism. There are a various platforms of trainings to relax and strengthen the body, “the work on our body” in lighter form, express body. Probably the most opposite trends and cultural phenomenon can verify our level of tolerance and ability to understand significantly other people. The case of body modification can be the first one. The reason of it can be that the body can be perceived as the most visible open-text of ourselves. A variety of its manifestations can really provoke a huge cosmopolitan debate towards a more aesthetically-directed approach on those forms of practices which are not met too often in one specific culture and which argue with its standard of normality