130 research outputs found

    Agriculture Adaptation Strategies of Tunisian Oasis Households to Climate Change

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    Climate change should have impacts on Tunisian arid regions oasis households are likely to bear the most significant negative impacts, the case of the oasis of "Metouia" in the governorate of "Gabes". This research is based on an econometric analysis through cross-sectional probit models involving 50 oasis households. The binary probit models showed that certain factors contribute significantly to the adaptation strategies identified, such as: the age of the agricultural household head, agriculture as a main activity, the agricultural production system adopted the mode of ownership of agricultural land, extension for farmers. All actions aimed at improving the resilience of Tunisian oasis agricultural households to climate change focus mainly on the strategies adopted by farmers in terms of water management, the technical choices and the production systems adopted combined with the experience and local know-how

    Avaliação do desempenho de linhas de transmissão baseado em perdas de carga por afundamento de tensão.

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    Nas últimas duas décadas, a Qualidade de Energia Elétrica tem sido um dos temas mais importantes nos sistemas elétricos e, dentro desse tema, os Afundamentos Momentâneos - AMTs têm sido os fenômenos de mais difícil monitoramento. Dentre as principais causas de AMTs estão os curtos-circuitos em linhas de transmissão e esta dissertação propõe correlacionar esses fenômenos e suas consequências para, ao final, propor um novo critério de avaliação do desempenho dessas linhas. A questão da análise de desempenho de linhas de transmissão é assunto complexo e não há um padrão estabelecido, tendo em vista que diversos aspectos podem ser considerados, desde questões de manutenção até aspectos de ordem econômica. Como uma forma de padronizar e também simplificar essa análise, é apresentada uma metodologia capaz de ponderar os diversos curtos-circuitos de acordo com seus impactos na curva de carga do sistema elétrico propondo-se, assim um critério diferente para avaliar o desempenho das linhas de transmissão. O critério proposto é aplicado a um conjunto de linhas de transmissão através de um programa computacional, identificando e atribuindo automaticamente um fator de severidade aos curtos-circuitos reais no sistema de transmissão de uma das mais importantes empresas de energia do Brasil. Grande parte das informações contidas neste trabalho foi obtida durante o desenvolvimento de um projeto de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento – P&D, suportado pela Cemig Geração e Transmissão com aprovação da Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica - Aneel

    Effect of intercropping alfalfa on physiological and biochemical parameters of young grapevine plants cultivated on agricultural and contaminated soils

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    Our research aimed to reveal the capacity of intercropping with Medicago sativa-rhizobia in the amelioration of grapevine growth in agricultural and a Cd/Pb contaminated soils. A local variety of grapevine was cultivated in monocropping and in intercropping with Medicago sativa inoculated or not with its associated rhizobia. Intercropping with alfalfa induced a significant increase in shoot and root biomass of grapevine in the agricultural soil. However, in the contaminated soil, a slight increase in root biomass was observed. Concerning photosynthesis apparatus, we showed that the presence of Cd and Pb in the soil induced a significant decrease in both CO2 assimilation rate and stomatal conductance. Interestingly, intercropping with alfalfa only and with rhizobia alleviate this effect. Similar results are obtained for chlorophyll and carotenoid content. This was associated with a significant decrease in the malondialdehyde level in leaves and roots of grapevine cultivated in intercropping with alfalfa with and without inoculation in the two soils as compared the monoculture treatment. Comparison between treatments revealed also that intercropping with alfalfa induced a decrease in the activities of some enzymes implicated in the defence to the oxidative stress such as catalase and superoxide dismutase. Regarding soluble protein content, it is needed to signal the improvement of this parameter with the intercropping system in the contaminated soil when compared to the monocropping treatment. This work highlights the importance of the use of legumes in intercropping with grapevine as intercrop plant non-competitive for soil nutrient and proving N supply for associated plants.         &nbsp

    Lineas de investigación del laboratorio de informatica de gestión

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    El Laboratorio Informática de Gestión (LIG) fue creado en marzo del 2005 para nuclear los proyectos de investigación de los docentes del área y apoyar al grupo de materias Taller de Desarrollo de Proyectos de la Carrera Ingeniería Informática de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Buenos Aires a través de la propuesta y coordinación de trabajos finales de asignatura y de tesis de grado.Eje: Ingeniería de Software y Base de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    The videoclip as an extension of music: Points for analysis

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    The videoclip as an extension of music: Points for analysis — This article scrutinizes the mediatic analysis methodology of the shift of popular songs towards the videoclip. Our starting point is an analysis of the bonds linking music to videoclips, discussing the ideas of passage, chorus and diction of the song in the field of videoclip imagery based on concepts of Semiotics and on Cultural Studies. The concepts of musical genres underpin our debate on this audiovisual instrument, extending it beyond a textual analysis to understand its dynamics of consumption. Through the idea of the performance of mass pop music, we discuss concepts that help us outline categories that can be applied in a future methodology of mediatic videoclip analysis

    Effect of increasing zinc levels on Trigonella foenum-graecum growth and photosynthesis activity

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    Zinc is an indispensable element for the plant growth and the cellular metabolism. However, this mineral element becomes harmful athigh quantities. The effects of high zinc supply on different physiological parameters were investigated in fenugreek. Seedlings were grown in plastic pots filled with inert sand under five ZnSO4 treatments (C: control :1.5 μM Zn; 1mM, 2 mM, 3 mM and 4 mM ZnSO4). Results showed a decrease of 56% to 75% in shoot dry weight and a decrease of 65% to 90% in roots dry weight, relatively to the control. In addition we showed a significant reduction in photosynthetic parameters, with the highest value of CO2 assimilation under 1 mM Zn (3.3 μmol CO2, m-2·s-1) and a lower value under 4 mM Zn (0.5 μmol CO2, m-2·s-1). The concentration of zinc in plant shoot was around two folds the control under 1, 2 and 3 mM Zn and about four folds under the maximal concentration, 4 mM Zn. In roots, we showed a progressive increase of zinc content. Increasing zinc concentration induced a significant decrease of phosphorus concentration in shoot. Fenugreek was mainly affected by zinc excess greater than 1 mM ZnSO4, however at the highest concentration, fenugreek plants exhibited different adaptation strategies

    Lineas de investigación del laboratorio de informática de gestión

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    El Laboratorio Informática de Gestión (LIG) fue creado en marzo de 2005 para nuclear los proyectos de investigación de los docentes del área y apoyar al grupo de materias Taller de Desarrollo de Proyectos de la Carrera Ingeniería en Informática de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, a través de la propuesta y coordinación de trabajos finales de asignatura y de tesis de grado.Eje: Ingeniería de Software y Bases de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Lineas de investigación del laboratorio de informática de gestión

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    El Laboratorio Informática de Gestión (LIG) fue creado en marzo de 2005 para nuclear los proyectos de investigación de los docentes del área y apoyar al grupo de materias Taller de Desarrollo de Proyectos de la Carrera Ingeniería en Informática de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, a través de la propuesta y coordinación de trabajos finales de asignatura y de tesis de grado.Eje: Ingeniería de Software y Bases de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Como falar de si mesmo no videoclipe? A música popular massiva como parte constituinte de um sujeito inacabado // How to talk about yourself in the music video? Pop music as a constituent part of an unfinished subject

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    Resumo Este artigo parte da análise do videoclipe “Amor Marginal”, de Johnny Hooker, para compreender como as discussões sobre “autenticidade” na música popular massiva são entrecortadas pelos “relatos de si”, mostrando que há uma tessitura da intriga em torno da construção dos personagens musicais que envolvem diferentes suportes, materialidades e interrelações entre gender e genre. Como procedimento metodológico, desenvolvemos uma cartografia de construções de relatos de si mesmo a partir de entrevistas, críticas, canção e videoclipe de Johnny Hooker. Subject This article goes through a music video analysis "Amor Marginal", by Johnny Hooker, to understand how discussions about "authenticity" in the pop music are punctuated by "reports of yourself", showing that there is a formation of intrigue surrounding the construction of musical characters involving different media, materiality and interrelations between gender and genre. As methodological procedure, a cartography of constructions reports of yourself from interviews, reviews, song and music video by Johnny Hooker

    Modelos de proceso para la integración del negocio utilizando service oriented architecture (SOA).

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    La Arquitectura Orientada a Servicios es el siguiente paradigma arquitectónico luego del advenimiento del modelo cliente/servidor y las aplicaciones basadas en Internet. La diferencia con esos paradigmas es que en lugar de focalizarse en la tecnología, hace foco en cómo organizar los negocios. Visto del lado del negocio, una arquitectura orientada a servicios es una técnica de desarrollo de aplicaciones de alto nivel que le permite a la IT focalizar en los procesos de negocio, antes que en la infraestructura, para alcanzar una ventaja competitiva. Las industrias que implementen satisfactoriamente SOA, seguramente poseerán una ventaja competitiva importante sobre las industrias que no, porque las que tienen sus servicios alineados con los negocios estratégicos de IT, pueden reaccionar mas rápido a los cambios en los requerimientos de negocio que las que no los tienen. SOA es una arquitectura en el cual una aplicación se constituye de servicios que se exponen y servicios que se consumen; difiere del tradicional enfoque cliente/servidor haciendo énfasis en el bajo acoplamiento entre los componentes de software. Dado que estos servicios pueden ser consumidos por diferentes sistemas y plataformas, las características de los Web Services son ideales para implementar esta solución, pero debe seguirse algún tipo de Modelo de Ciclo de Vida para el desarrollo de aplicaciones con esta arquitectura.Eje: Ingeniería de Software y Base de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI