110 research outputs found

    Structure and properties of weldment of rotor steels

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    Předmětem této diplomové práce je hodnocení strukturní stability heterogenního svarového spoje, který se skládá ze dvou různých základních materiálů (ocel 16 537 a ocel 16 236) a dále ze svarového kovu NiCrMo2,5-IG a návaru P24-IG. Všechny uvedené materiály patří do skupiny nízkolegovaných žáropevných ocelí, které své uplatnění našly především v energetickém průmyslu. Svarový spoj byl zhotoven pomocí svařovací metody TIG hot wire. Strukturní stabilita uvedeného svarového spoje byla hodnocena redistribucí uhlíku a změnami v mikrostruktuře po žíhání při teplotě 300 °C a 400 °C po dobu 500 hodin. Pro modelování fázového složení jednotlivých ocelí bylo využito softwaru ThermoCalc. Všechny získané výsledky by měli posloužit k posouzení, zda je heterogenní svarový spoj rotoru parní turbíny vhodný k dlouhodobému provozu v náročných pracovních podmínkách.The object of this thesis is to assess the structural stability of heterogeneous weld joint, which consists of two different base materials (16,537 steel and 16,236 steel) and weld metal NiCrMo2.5-IG with buttering layer P24-IG. All these materials belong to the group of low-alloyed creep-resistant steels that are to be used mainly in the power industry. The weld joint was made by application of the TIG hot wire welding method. Structural stability of this joint was evaluated by carbon redistribution and microstructural changes after annealing in temperature 300 °C and 400 °C during 500 hours. For modelling the phase composition of particular steels was used the ThermoCalc software. All gained results should be employed to appraise whether the heterogeneous weld joint of the steam turbine´s rotor is eligible for long-term operation in hard working conditions.

    Weldability of steels for steam turbine parts

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    Cílem současných standardních svařovacích technologií je vytvoření homogenních svarů s vysokými hodnotami pevnosti a houževnatosti v laboratorních i provozních podmínkách. Tato technologie svařování je uplatňována u nových žárupevných ocelí na bázi CrMoV a CrMoNiV, které vykazují vysoké hodnoty pevnosti a žárupevnosti. Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou svařitelnosti ocelí pro rotory parních turbín a jejím cílem je vyhodnocení strukturních a mechanických vlastností svarového spoje pro uvažované kombinace materiálů. K vyhodnocení vlastností svarového spoje bylo použito měření mikrotvrdosti a tvrdosti podle Vickerse, mikrostruktura svaru byla pozorována metodami světelné mikroskopie.The aim of contemporary standard welding technologies is to create compact welds with high value of solidity and toughness in laboratorial and operational conditions. This welding technology is asserted in new creep - resisting steels on basis of steel CrMoV and CrMoNiV, which have high value of solidity and creep - resistance. The thesis deals with problems connected with the weldability of steels for steam turbine rotors and it´s aim is to interpret the structural and mechanical features of the weld joint for material combinations under consideration. For the assessment of weld joint features has been used measuring of micro hardness and hardness according to Vickers, microstructure was observed by methods of light microscopy.

    Measuring club-sequences together with the continuum large

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    Measuring says that for every sequence (C_\delta)_{\delta\aleph_2. The construction works over any model of ZFC + CH and can be described as a finite support forcing iteration with systems of countable models as side conditions and with symmetry constraints imposed on its initial segments. One interesting feature of this iteration is that it adds dominating functions f:ω1ω1f:\omega_1\longrightarrow\omega_1 mod. countable at each of its stages

    Separating club-guessing principles in the presence of fat forcing axioms

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    We separate various weak forms of Club Guessing at ω1\omega_1 in the presence of 202^{\aleph_0} large, Martin's Axiom, and related forcing axioms. We also answer a question of Abraham and Cummings concerning the consistency of the failure of a certain polychromatic Ramsey statement together with the continuum large. All these models are generic extensions via finite support iterations with symmetric systems of structures as side conditions, possibly enhanced with ω\omega-sequences of predicates, and in which the iterands are taken from a relatively small class of forcing notions. We also prove that the natural forcing for adding a large symmetric system of structures (the first member in all our iterations) adds 1\aleph_1-many reals but preserves CH

    A Generalization of Martin's Axiom

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    We define the 1.5\aleph_{1.5} chain condition. The corresponding forcing axiom is a generalization of Martin's Axiom and implies certain uniform failures of club--guessing on ω1\omega_1 that don't seem to have been considered in the literature before.Comment: 36 page

    Large cardinals and gap-1 morasses

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    We present a new partial order for directly forcing morasses to exist that enjoys a significant homogeneity property. We then use this forcing in a reverse Easton iteration to obtain an extension universe with morasses at every regular uncountable cardinal, while preserving all n-superstrong (0<n<omega+1), hyperstrong and 1-extendible cardinals. In the latter case, a preliminary forcing to make the GCH hold is required. Our forcing yields morasses that satisfy an extra property related to the homogeneity of the partial order; we refer to them as mangroves and prove that their existence is equivalent to the existence of morasses. Finally, we exhibit a partial order that forces universal morasses to exist at every regular uncountable cardinal, and use this to show that universal morasses are consistent with n-superstrong, hyperstrong, and 1-extendible cardinals. This all contributes to the second author's outer model programme, the aim of which is to show that L-like principles can hold in outer models which nevertheless contain large cardinals.Comment: 49 page

    Comparisons among ten models of acoustic backscattering used in aquatic ecosystem research

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 2015. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138 (2015); 3742, doi:10.1121/1.4937607.Analytical and numerical scatteringmodels with accompanying digital representations are used increasingly to predict acoustic backscatter by fish and zooplankton in research and ecosystem monitoring applications. Ten such models were applied to targets with simple geometric shapes and parameterized (e.g., size and material properties) to represent biological organisms such as zooplankton and fish, and their predictions of acoustic backscatter were compared to those from exact or approximate analytical models, i.e., benchmarks. These comparisons were made for a sphere, spherical shell, prolate spheroid, and finite cylinder, each with homogeneous composition. For each shape, four target boundary conditions were considered: rigid-fixed, pressure-release, gas-filled, and weakly scattering. Target strength (dB re 1 m2) was calculated as a function of insonifying frequency (f = 12 to 400 kHz) and angle of incidence (θ = 0° to 90°). In general, the numerical models (i.e., boundary- and finite-element) matched the benchmarks over the full range of simulation parameters. While inherent errors associated with the approximate analytical models were illustrated, so were the advantages as they are computationally efficient and in certain cases, outperformed the numerical models under conditions where the numerical models did not convergeThis work was supported by the NOAA Fisheries Advanced Sampling Technologies Working Group, the Office of Naval Research, and the National Oceanic Partnership Program. Josiah S. Renfree