15 research outputs found

    Étude préliminaire d’un ossuaire protohistorique inédit : la grotte Zubiate (Montmaurin, Haute-Garonne)

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    La grotte dite Zubiate correspond à une petite cavité (étroite galerie débouchant dans une salle de dimensions modestes) découverte en 1947, lors des activités d’une carrière exploitant le massif calcaire de la rive gauche de la Seygouade, sur la commune de Montmaurin (Haute-Garonne). À l’époque, Louis Méroc et son équipe se dédient aux fouilles des cavités situées sur la rive droite à proximité d’une cheminée dite de La Niche où une mandibule humaine est mise au jour en 1949 (Vallois 1956, B..

    Runtime Monitoring for Executable DSLs

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    International audienceRuntime monitoring is a fundamental technique used throughout the lifecycle of a system for many purposes, such as debugging, testing, or live analytics. While runtime monitoring for general purpose programming languages has seen a great amount of research, developing such complex facilities for any executable Domain Specific Language (DSL) remains a challenging, reoccurring and error prone task. A generic solution must both support a wide range of executable DSLs (xDSLs) and induce as little execution time overhead as possible. Our contribution is a fully generic approach based on a temporal property language with a semantics tailored for runtime verification. Properties can be compiled to efficient runtime monitors that can be attached to any kind of executable discrete event model within an integrated development environment. Efficiency is bolstered using a novel combination of structural model queries and complex event processing. Our evaluation on 3 xDSLs shows that the approach is applicable with an execution time overhead of 121% (on executions shorter than 1s), to 79% (on executions shorter than 20s) making it suitable for model testing and debugging

    Morphology and surface heterogeneities in synthetic goethites

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    International audienceIn the framework on a study of the acido-basic and sorption properties of iron oxides, a thorough characterization of two types of goethite powders was performed in several laboratories joined in a common project. Chemical analysis by ICPAES; high-resolution SEM, TEM, and AFM observations; XRD with line width analysis; and argon and nitrogen sorption isotherms were used for that purpose. The main crystallographic faces of goethite particles could be identified as {001}, {101}, and {121}, and their abundance correlated with the distribution of low-pressure argon adsorption local isotherms. These results will be very useful for further studies on the relationship between surface reactivity in aqueous solution and orientation of solid surfaces

    Le retournement des choses

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    Prêter attention à toutes ces petites choses, ces « choses banales » et moins banales, qui composent notre univers ordinaire, et que l’on finit par ne plus voir tant elles se fondent dans le décor devenu lui-même anodin, prêter attention à ces objets qui entrent dans les collections de musée qui ont parfois perdu leur sens originel, sont au cœur des préoccupations de ce numéro de la revue Socio-anthropologie consacré au « retournement des choses ». Le « retournement » suppose un « changement radical », un « revirement », une « conversion », un « retour ». Aussi, sortant des chantiers battus consacrés à la « biographie », la « carrière » ou à la « vie sociale » des choses (des objets), la réflexion pluridisciplinaire proposée ici se centre sur leur passage d’un état à l’autre, d’un statut à l’autre, d’un lieu à l’autre, d’une vie à l’autre, à travers l’analyse de cas historiques et contemporains. Étudier ce processus consiste à étudier précisément le moment de l’arbitrage, les circonstances de la transformation matérielle et donc physique des choses, et/ou les modalités de leur requalification et de leur réappropriation. La nature des choses se voit ainsi bousculée, leur frontière oscillée entre concret et abstrait, vivant et mort, imaginaire et réalité, profane et sacré, ordinaire et extraordinaire, etc. Ce numéro prend au sérieux les manières dont nous jouons, au propre et au figuré, avec ces choses. Il entend comprendre comment se fabrique un nouveau sens (la narration) et un nouvel usage (l’action)

    The polysemous concepts of psychomotricity and catatonia: A European multi-consensus perspective.

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    Current classification systems use the terms "catatonia" and "psychomotor phenomena" as mere a-theoretical descriptors, forgetting about their theoretical embedment. This was the source of misunderstandings among clinicians and researchers of the European collaboration on movement and sensorimotor/psychomotor functioning in schizophrenia and other psychoses or ECSP. Here, we review the different perspectives, their historical roots and highlight discrepancies. In 1844, Wilhelm Griesinger coined the term "psychic-motor" to name the physiological process accounting for volition. While deriving from this idea, the term "psychomotor" actually refers to systems that receive miscellaneous intrapsychic inputs, convert them into coherent behavioral outputs send to the motor systems. More recently, the sensorimotor approach has drawn on neuroscience to redefine the motor signs and symptoms observed in psychoses. In 1874, Karl Kahlbaum conceived catatonia as a brain disease emphasizing its somatic - particularly motor - features. In conceptualizing dementia praecox Emil Kraepelin rephrased catatonic phenomena in purely mental terms, putting aside motor signs which could not be explained in this way. Conversely, the Wernicke-Kleist-Leonhard school pursued Kahlbaum's neuropsychiatric approach and described many new psychomotor signs, e.g. parakinesias, Gegenhalten. They distinguished 8 psychomotor phenotypes of which only 7 are catatonias. These barely overlap with consensus classifications, raising the risk of misunderstanding. Although coming from different traditions, the authors agreed that their differences could be a source of mutual enrichment, but that an important effort of conceptual clarification remained to be made. This narrative review is a first step in this direction

    Point mutations in Exon 1B of APC reveal gastric adenocarcinoma and proximal polyposis of the stomach as a familial adenomatous polyposis variant

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    Gastric adenocarcinoma and proximal polyposis of the stomach (GAPPS) is an autosomal-dominant cancer-predisposition syndrome with a significant risk of gastric, but not colorectal, adenocarcinoma. We mapped the gene to 5q22 and found loss of the wild-type allele on 5q in fundic gland polyps from affected individuals. Whole-exome and -genome sequencing failed to find causal mutations but, through Sanger sequencing, we identified point mutations in APC promoter 1B that co-segregated with disease in all six families. The mutations reduced binding of the YY1 transcription factor and impaired activity of the APC promoter 1B in luciferase assays. Analysis of blood and saliva from carriers showed allelic imbalance of APC, suggesting that these mutations lead to decreased allele-specific expression in\ua0vivo. Similar mutations in APC promoter 1B occur in rare families with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). Promoter 1A is methylated in GAPPS and sporadic FGPs and in normal stomach, which suggests that 1B transcripts are more important than 1A in gastric mucosa. This might explain why all known GAPPS-affected families carry promoter 1B point mutations but only rare FAP-affected families carry similar mutations, the colonic cells usually being protected by the expression of the 1A isoform. Gastric polyposis and cancer have been previously described in some FAP-affected individuals with large deletions around promoter 1B. Our finding that GAPPS is caused by point mutations in the same promoter suggests that families with mutations affecting the promoter 1B are at risk of gastric adenocarcinoma, regardless of whether or not colorectal polyps are present