36 research outputs found

    The W,ZW,Z scale functions kit for first passage problems of spectrally negative Levy processes, and applications to the optimization of dividends

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    First passage problems for spectrally negative L\'evy processes with possible absorbtion or/and reflection at boundaries have been widely applied in mathematical finance, risk, queueing, and inventory/storage theory. Historically, such problems were tackled by taking Laplace transform of the associated Kolmogorov integro-differential equations involving the generator operator. In the last years there appeared an alternative approach based on the solution of two fundamental "two-sided exit" problems from an interval (TSE). A spectrally one-sided process will exit smoothly on one side on an interval, and the solution is simply expressed in terms of a "scale function" WW (Bertoin 1997). The non-smooth two-sided exit (or ruin) problem suggests introducing a second scale function ZZ (Avram, Kyprianou and Pistorius 2004). Since many other problems can be reduced to TSE, researchers produced in the last years a kit of formulas expressed in terms of the "W,ZW,Z alphabet" for a great variety of first passage problems. We collect here our favorite recipes from this kit, including a recent one (94) which generalizes the classic De Finetti dividend problem. One interesting use of the kit is for recognizing relationships between apparently unrelated problems -- see Lemma 3. Last but not least, it turned out recently that once the classic W,ZW,Z are replaced with appropriate generalizations, the classic formulas for (absorbed/ reflected) L\'evy processes continue to hold for: a) spectrally negative Markov additive processes (Ivanovs and Palmowski 2012), b) spectrally negative L\'evy processes with Poissonian Parisian absorbtion or/and reflection (Avram, Perez and Yamazaki 2017, Avram Zhou 2017), or with Omega killing (Li and Palmowski 2017)

    Alternative approach to the optimality of the threshold strategy for spectrally negative Levy processes

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    Consider the optimal dividend problem for an insurance company whose uncontrolled surplus precess evolves as a spectrally negative Levy process. We assume that dividends are paid to the shareholders according to admissible strategies whose dividend rate is bounded by a constant. The objective is to find a dividend policy so as to maximize the expected discounted value of dividends which are paid to the shareholders until the company is ruined. Kyprianou, Loeffen and Perez [28] have shown that a refraction strategy (also called threshold strategy) forms an optimal strategy under the condition that the Levy measure has a completely monotone density. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach to this optimal problem.Comment: 16 page

    Brownian excursions and Parisian barrier options

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    In this paper we study a new kind of option, called hereinafter a Parisian barrier option. This option is the following variant of the so-called barrier option: a down-and-out barrier option becomes worthless as soon as a barrier is reached, whereas a down-and-out Parisian barrier option is lost by the owner if the underlying asset reaches a prespecified level and remains constantly below this level for a time interval longer than a fixed number, called the window. Properties of durations of Brownian excursions play an essential role. We also study another kind of option, called here a cumulative Parisian option, which becomes worthless if the total time spent below a certain level is too long

    Optimization of consumption with labor income

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    We present the solution of a portfolio optimization problem for an economic agent endowed with a stochastic insurable stream, under a liquidity constraint over the time interval [0,T]. Generally, the existence of labor income complicates the agent's decisions. Moreover, in the real world the economic agents are restricted in their ability to borrow against their future labor income. We deal with this kind of liquidity constraint following the lines of American option valuation which allows us to give a precise characterization of the optimal consumption as well as the terminal wealth. In a Markovian case, with infinite horizon and HARA utility, we obtain a closed form solution.Portfolio optimization, labor income, American option, optimal stopping problem

    Some combinations of Asian, Parisian, and barrier options

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    This article addresses some of the valuation problems, in the Black and Scholes setting of a geometric Brownian motion for the underlying asset dynamics, for options whose pay-off is related to the terminal price of the stock and an arithmetic average of fixing and/or involves stopping times related to excursions. In all cases, we are able to provide at least the Laplace transform in time of the option price under a form whose complexity varies with the number of exotic features. We emphasize that we do not give closed form formulas for the general case, but we aim to develop a methodology which may be used in many cases