6 research outputs found


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    ArianeGroup and Aurock led a feasibility study through the realization of a scale 1 TA6V demonstrator, using superplastic forming (SPF). ArianeGroup designed the demonstrator according to its knowledge of representative structures, comprising singularities: welds, stiffeners and areas with important thicknesses variations. Aurock performed first numerical simulations of the complete process, putting in evidence the various difficulties to be solved. Then, the demonstrator was physically carried out. Once the demonstration was virtually obtained, each steps of the process were experimented: welding of thick plates with limited deformation, machining of flat panels, pre-forming by rolling and final SPF. For the SPF step, a heating cover and a reinforced refractory castable die were manufactured. Infrared emitters’ position and heating power regulation laws were carefully defined, for the panel to be kept at the correct temperature until being formed. The SPF step led to a successful demonstration of the representative structure. The experimental approach confirmed the process modelling predictability. Limited Scale 1 demonstration was necessary to ensure the process validity with real thicknesses and thickness variations, which are known to mask problems if scale reductions are used without precautions. This methodology can be transfer to a real structure only by tooling adaptations, without additional feasibility works

    Assessment of Lemna minor (duckweed) and Corbicula fluminea (freshwater clam) as potential indicators of contaminated aquatic ecosystems: responses to presence of psychoactive drug mixtures

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    International audienceThe pharmaceutical products are emerging pollutants continuously released into the environment, because they cannot be effectively removed by the wastewater treatment plants. In recent years, questions have been raised concerning the environmental risks related to these pollutants. The goal of this research was to evaluate the responses in Lemna minor after 7 days and in Corbicula fluminea after differing durations (1, 3, 7, and 19 days) of exposure to the psychoactive drug mixture (valproic acid, citalopram, carbamazepine, cyamemazine, hydroxyzine, oxazepam, norfluoxetine, lorazepam, fluoxetine, and sertraline) in different concentrations (0, 0 + ethanol, drug concentration (DC) 1 = river water concentration, DC2 = effluent concentration, and DC3 = 10× effluent concentration). In this aim, growth parameters of L. minor, gluthathione S-transferase (GSTs), catalase (CAT), ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) and/or gene expressions (pi-gst, cat, cytochrome P450 4 (cyp4), multidrug resistant 1 (mdr1), and superoxide dismutase (sod)) were measured. GST activities increased significantly in L. minor exposed to DC3, but no changes were found in CAT activity. In C. fluminea, EROD activity was induced significantly in both gill and digestive gland tissues after 3 days’ exposure to DC3, while a GST increase was observed only in digestive gland tissues, suggesting that these pharmaceuticals induced an oxidative effect. Gene expression analysis revealed transient transcriptomic responses of cyp4, sod, and mdr1 under drug concentrations 2 or 3 and no change of expression for the other genes (cat and pi-gst) or condition (environmental drug concentration) tested. Finally, the data reported in this study represent important ecotoxicological information, confirming that this enzyme family (cyp4, sod, and mdr1) may be considered as a sensible and early indicator of exposure to drugs and emphasizing the involvement of selected genes in detoxification pathways


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    Le débat relatif à l’emploi de la notion de fétiche en anthropologie reste ouvert : devons-nous déplorer la confusion où nous plonge trop fréquemment l’imprécision du terme ou apprécier qu’il confère une dénomination globale à un ensemble d’objets magico-religieux que nul n’est parvenu jusqu’ici à répartir en catégories convenables ? L’indéniable difficulté à s'en défaire n’indiquerait-elle pas qu’il correspond, en dépit de ses défauts, à quelque chose de terriblement présent pour la désignation de laquelle nous ne savons encore nous référer à aucun concept adéquat ? Le meilleur moyen de faire progresser la recherche en ce domaine est sans doute de recueillir sur le terrain les données précises qui continuent de faire défaut pour l’alimenter, tant le discrédit sur les pratiques en question induit à négliger de les observer et de les analyser avec le soin qu’elles méritent. Les articles réunis ci-dessous apporteront une première contribution en ce sens. Ils constituent le tout premier résultat d’un travail de réflexion qu'une équipe du laboratoire « Systèmes de Pensée d’Afrique Noire » a engagé à partir de matériaux récents recueillis en Afrique

    Effect of a thymol application on olfactory memory and gene expression levels in the brain of the honeybee Apis mellifera

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    International audienceEssential oils are used by beekeepers to control the Varroa mites that infest honeybee colonies. So, bees can be exposed to thymol formulations in the hive. The effects of the monoterpenoid thymol were explored on olfactory memory and gene expression in the brain of the honeybee. In bees previously exposed to thymol (10 or 100 ng/bee), the specificity of the response to the conditioned stimulus (CS) was lost 24 h after learning. Besides, the octopamine receptor OA1 gene Amoa1 showed a significant decrease of expression 3 h after exposure with 10 or 100 ng/bee of thymol. With the same doses, expression of Rdl gene, coding for a GABA receptor subunit, was not significantly modified but the trpl gene was upregulated 1 and 24 h after exposure to thymol. These data indicated that the genes coding for the cellular targets of thymol could be rapidly regulated after exposure to this molecule. Memory and sensory processes should be investigated in bees after chronic exposure in the hive to thymol-based preparations