3,141 research outputs found

    Le non-recours aux prestations sociales et sanitaires : quelles implications pour la citoyenneté sociale?

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    Since the 1960s, a specific stream of literature in the field of social welfare has been concerned with the phenomenon of non-take-up, i.e. people who are entitled to social benefits but do not receive them. This issue of non-take-up is becoming increasingly salient and reaching policy agendas, including in Switzerland. It questions both the conditions of access to social benefits and their adequacy or even legitimacy when some people prefer not to claim their rights. What does non-take-up say about the aims of social policies and the way they are perceived by concerned people? What does it say about the underlying norms of those policies and the ways these norms are incorporated or contested by (potential) beneficiaries? What does it say about the public service and its capacity to reach its communities and support them? This special issue starts with an introduction to the topic of non-take-up of health and social benefits, focusing more specifically on the case of Switzerland. Building on this state of the art, the agenda is further developed to explore what non-take-up of social benefits says about the reconfiguration of the relationship between citizens and the state. The five authors of the special issues contribute to this new research agenda in three different ways: by emphasizing the temporal dimension of non-take-up; by supporting a view of recipients as capable and critical actors; and by arguing for a systemic and relational approach to non-take-up.Seit den 1960er Jahren befasst sich eine spezifische Literaturströmung der Soziologie des Wohlfahrtsstaates mit dem Phänomen des Nichtbezuges, d.h. mit Menschen, die Anspruch auf Sozialleistungen haben, diese aber nicht erhalten. In den letzten Jahren gewann diese Thematik zunehmend an Aufmerksamkeit und erreicht die politische Agenda, auch in der Schweiz. Wenn einige Menschen es vorziehen, ihre Rechte nicht in Anspruch zu nehmen, stellt es sowohl die Bedingungen für den Zugang zu Sozialleistungen als auch deren angemessene Ausgestaltung oder gar deren Legitimität in Frage. Was sagt der Nichtbezug über die vorherrschende Sozialpolitik aus? Können wir daraus etwas über die zugrunde liegenden Normen dieser Politik lernen? Wie kann der Nichtbezug aus der Perspektive von Betroffenen verstanden werden? Übernehmen die (potenziell) Anspruchsberechtigten die vorherrschenden Normen oder ist er ein Ausdruck des Widerstandes? Können öffentliche Dienste ihren Auftrag der Grundversorgung von vulnerablen Gruppen überhaupt erfüllen, wenn diese den Angeboten fernbleiben? Diese Sonderausgabe beginnt mit einer Einführung in das Thema des Nichtbezuges von Gesundheits- und Sozialleistungen und konzentriert sich dabei besonders auf den Forschungsstand in der Schweiz. Auf dieser Auslegeordnung aufbauend wird das Thema anschliessend analytisch weiterentwickelt. Damit wird eine Einordnung des Nichtbezuges möglich, die zur Analyse der Beziehung von BürgerInnen und Wohlfahrtsstaat genutzt werden kann. Die fünf Autoren des Sonderhefts tragen auf drei verschiedene Arten zu dieser neuen Forschungsagenda bei: indem sie die zeitliche Dimension des Nichtbezuges betonen; indem sie eine Sichtweise der Betroffenen als fähige und kritische Akteure unterstützen; und indem sie für einen systemischen und relationalen Ansatz des Nichtbezuges plädieren.Que nous apprend le non-recours sur les objectifs des politiques sociales et la manière dont ceux-ci sont perçus par les populations concernées ? Que nous dit-il des normes qui sous-tendent ces politiques, de leur approbation ou de leur rejet par les publics concernés? Que nous apprend-il sur le fonctionnement des services publics et leur capacité à atteindre et soutenir les populations précarisées ? Ce numéro spécial s'ouvre sur une introduction à la question du non-recours aux prestations sociales et de santé. Celle-ci dresse un bref état des savoirs, y compris en Suisse; sur cette base, elle propose de mobiliser l'analyse du non-recours pour éclairer la reconfiguration des relations entre l'Etat et les citoyen.e.s. Les cinq contributions qui suivent participent à ce nouvel agenda de recherche de trois manières: en mettant en évidence la dimension temporelle du non-recours; en considérant les publics des politiques sociales en tant qu'acteurs capables et critiques et en plaidant pour une approche systémique et relationnelle du non-recours

    A survey of Identification and mitigation of Machine Learning algorithmic biases in Image Analysis

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    The problem of algorithmic bias in machine learning has gained a lot of attention in recent years due to its concrete and potentially hazardous implications in society. In much the same manner, biases can also alter modern industrial and safety-critical applications where machine learning are based on high dimensional inputs such as images. This issue has however been mostly left out of the spotlight in the machine learning literature. Contrarily to societal applications where a set of proxy variables can be provided by the common sense or by regulations to draw the attention on potential risks, industrial and safety-critical applications are most of the times sailing blind. The variables related to undesired biases can indeed be indirectly represented in the input data, or can be unknown, thus making them harder to tackle. This raises serious and well-founded concerns towards the commercial deployment of AI-based solutions, especially in a context where new regulations clearly address the issues opened by undesired biases in AI. Consequently, we propose here to make an overview of recent advances in this area, firstly by presenting how such biases can demonstrate themselves, then by exploring different ways to bring them to light, and by probing different possibilities to mitigate them. We finally present a practical remote sensing use-case of industrial Fairness

    Diffeomorphic Registration using Sinkhorn Divergences

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    The diffeomorphic registration framework enables to define an optimal matching function between two probability measures with respect to a data-fidelity loss function. The non convexity of the optimization problem renders the choice of this loss function crucial to avoid poor local minima. Recent work showed experimentally the efficiency of entropy-regularized optimal transportation costs, as they are computationally fast and differentiable while having few minima. Following this approach, we provide in this paper a new framework based on Sinkhorn divergences, unbiased entropic optimal transportation costs, and prove the statistical consistency with rate of the empirical optimal deformations

    Stress in seamen and non seamen employed by the same company

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    Objectives: The aim of this survey was to compare the level of professional stress among seamen – crew members - who work on French oceanographic vessels to the one of technicians and engineers from the oceanographic institute, who board the ships to operate special equipment during sea voyages. Results: two groups of subjects were included: 74 seamen and 74 non seamen, males of comparable ages were questioned. Results showed that there was no significant difference in strain at work and social support between them (41 seamen and 50 non seaman professionals who filled in the questionnaires). There was a very significant difference in the decision latitude: much lower level for seamen as compared to non seamen. 17% compared to zero percent of non seamen were ranked in the heavy strain/low decision latitude category regarded by Karasek as a high risk of stress (compared to 0% of non seaman professionals). 33% of seamen in this group reached a score that indicated psychical stress according to Langner’s total health test. Conclusion: The results of the survey show that the occupation of seamen includes specific elements regarded by Karasek as leading to a risk of stress. Method: Two questionnaires were used for collecting data: - Langner’s total health test (22 items) that investigates the level of psychical stress, - Karasek’s "Job Content Questionnaire" (38 items) used for investigation of strain at work, psychological pressure, decision latitude and social support. Data were processed by a statistical software : Sphinx, using Chi² test. Results: two groups of subjects were included: 74 seamen and 74 non seamen, males of comparable ages were questioned. Results showed that there was no significant difference in strain at work and social support between them (41 seamen and 50 non seaman professionals who filled in the questionnaires). There was a very significant difference in the decision latitude: much lower level for seamen as compared to non seamen. 17% compared to zero percent of non seamen were ranked in the heavy strain/low decision latitude category regarded by Karasek as a high risk of stress (compared to 0% of non seaman professionals). 33% of seamen in this group reached a score that indicated psychical stress according to Langner’s total health test. Conclusion: The results of the survey show that the occupation of seamen includes specific elements regarded by Karasek as leading to a risk of stress

    Investigation of the Protonation Site in the Dialanine Peptide by Infrared Multiphoton Dissociation Spectroscopy

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    Protonated dialanine cations have been isolated in a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass-spectrometer (FT-ICR-MS) and subjected to infrared multiphoton dissociation (IRMPD) at the free electron laser facility CLIO in Orsay (France). The spectral dependence of the IR induced fragmentation pattern in the mid-infrared region (800-2000 cm-1) is interpreted with the help of structure and vibrational spectrum calculations of the different protonated conformers. This comparison allows for the assignment of the proton on the terminal amino group, as the most favourable proton site, the neighbouring amide bond being in the trans conformation

    Direito de autor

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    The author comments the Decision taken by the Portuguese Court of Intellectual Property on March, 2014, regarding a case of ilegal streaming of sports broadcastings, where the Court decreted na injunction against all the companies which operate search engines in Portugal, as well as those which render Internet access services, ordering them to block access from Portugal to a number of websites. After summarizing the major European Case-law and some other international Decisions on similar situations, the Author acknowledges the importance of the injunction as a positive measure for the defense of rightholders. Nevertheless, the author expresses a substantiated doubt regarding the effectiveness of this type of measures, aimed at a specified number of websites, taking into consideration the easiness with which illegal content may change its website, name or server location, and the fact that most of the ilegal traffic is diverted to other jurisdictions, requiring the national Courts to be forwardlooking in order to overcome difficulties generated by the ubiquity of the Internet, the everchanging reality of websites and use of domain names. The author recalls some Foreign Courts Decisions which have managed to overcome such limitations, and points out a number of possible different solutions to the massive damages caused by Internet piracy, as suggested by several studies and articles.O autor comenta uma decisão do Tribunal de Propriedade Intelectual de março deste ano de 2014. Trata-se um caso de streaming ilegal no que respeita a transmissões televisivas de eventos desportivos. O tribunal ordenou às empresas que em Portugal oferecem serviços de acesso à Internet, ou de motor de busca, que limitem o acesso a tais sítios web, a partir de Portugal. Depois de uma referência à jurisprudência principal do TJUE neste tópico, bem como a outras decisões internacionais sobre situações semelhantes, o autor destaca a importância da medida tomada pelo tribunal em defesa dos titulares de direitos. No entanto, o autor assume o seu ceticismo quanto à eficácia destas medidas, evocando a facilidade com que os conteúdos podem mudar de sítio web, de nome ou de localização num servidor, sem esquecer a diversidade de jurisdições por onde passam tais conteúdos ilegais, ou seja, a dificuldade dos juízes quanto à ubiquidade da Internet. Finalmente, o autor evoca outras decisões coevas tomadas por jurisdições estrangeiras, bem como algumas soluções ensaiadas para contornar aquelas limitações, avançando com popostas destinadas a limitar os prejuízos causados pela pirataria na Internet