10 research outputs found

    IdentitĂ© ethnique Ă  l’adolescence : perspectives interculturelles

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    Comme suite Ă  la traduction française et Ă  l'adaptation (Tremblay, CorbiĂšre, Perron, & Coallier, 2000) du Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (Phinney, 1992), cette Ă©tude vise Ă  reproduire, avec des groupes d'Ă©lĂšves quĂ©bĂ©cois du cursus secondaire, les conclusions de travaux rĂ©alisĂ©s aux États-Unis avec des groupes analogues. Les rĂ©sultats de trois types d'analyses (dĂ©veloppemental, diffĂ©rentiel, corrĂ©lationnel) sont la plupart du temps semblables Ă  ceux des Ă©tudes amĂ©ricaines et permettent de conclure que la Mesure d'IdentitĂ© Ethnique (M.I.E. ; Perron & Coallier, 1992) est valide et pourrait servir Ă  mieux comprendre le processus de la formation de l'identitĂ© ethnique d'Ă©lĂšves de divers groupes culturels dans les pays de la francophonie.Following the translation and adaptation (Tremblay, CorbiĂšre, Perron, & Coallier, 2000) of the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (M.E.LM. ; Phinney, 1992), this study aimed at replicating, with high school QuĂ©bĂ©cois students, the conclusions of researches petformed in the United States with analogue groups. Results from three types of analyses (developmental, differential, and correlational) were mostly similar to those of the American studies and lent support for the conclusion that the Mesure d'IdentitĂ© Ethnique (M.LE. ; Perron & Coallier, 1992) is a valid instrument and could help to further understand the process of ethnic identity formation among students of diverse ethnic groups within French-speaking countries

    Scoping study of definitions and instruments measuring vulnerability in older adults

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    Abstract: It is important to foster social participation and health equity especially for older adults in situations of vulnerability Despite growing interest in the concept of vulnerability there is no consensus regarding how to define or measure it This paper provides an inventory and synthesis of definitions and instruments measuring vulnerability in older adults Using a scoping study framework eight databases Abstracts in Social Gerontology Academic Search Complete AgeLine CINAHL MEDLINE SocINDEX PsycInfo Scopus were searched with relevant keywords Vulnerab AND Concept Defin Meaning Terminology Measurement Assessment Indicator Instrument Scale Questionnaire OR Test AND Aging Ageing Elder Gerontolog Older OR Senior Thirty-one original definitions and five measurement instruments were identified content-analyzed and compared Vulnerability definitions mostly focused on people under conditions that increased their risk of being harmed because of individual physical factors or the social environment Considering these definitions experts in the field of aging including two representing older adults took part in a workshop and a consensus was reached to define a situation of vulnerability as a set of circumstances in which one or more individuals experience at a specific moment in time one or multiple physiological psychological socioeconomic or social difficulties that may interact to increase their risk of being harmed or having coping problems that lead to negative consequences on their life Although none of the measures fully targeted this definition the Perceived Vulnerability Scale PVS was judged best at operationalizing the concept with 22 items considering feelings of vulnerability toward personal and environmental factors it also has good psychometric properties The proposed definition and the PVS help to provide a common language and measure in health and social sciences research policy and practice identifying and reaching older adults in situations of vulnerability and intervening to foster social participation and health equity

    Awareness Tool for Safe and Responsible Driving (OSCAR) : A Potential Educational Intervention for Increasing Interest, Openness and Knowledge About the Abilities Required and Compensatory Strategies Among Older Drivers

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    Abstract : Objective: This pilot study aimed to verify the impact of the awareness tool for safe and responsible driving (OSCAR) on older adults’ (1) interest, openness, and knowledge about the abilities and compensatory strategies required for safe driving; (2) awareness of changes that have occurred in their own driving abilities; and (3) actual utilization of compensatory strategies. Methods: A preexperimental design, including a pretest (T0) and posttest (T1) 8 to 10 weeks after exposure to the intervention, was used with 48 drivers aged between 67 and 84. The participants had a valid driving license and drove at least once a week. Results: Overall, the results demonstrate that OSCAR increased interest, openness, and knowledge about the abilities and compensatory strategies of older drivers (P < .01). After exposure to OSCAR, the majority of the participants confirmed that changes had occurred in at least one of their abilities. Moreover, half of the older drivers reported having started using 6 or more compensatory strategies. Conclusion: In summary, in addition to increasing older adults’ interest, openness, and knowledge to discussion about driving, OSCAR also improved awareness of the changes that could negatively impact safe driving and enhanced utilization of compensatory strategies. While promoting safe driving and the prevention of crashes and injuries, this intervention could ultimately help older adults maintain or increase their transportation mobility. More studies are needed to further evaluate OSCAR and identify ways to improve its effectiveness

    L’orientation Ă©ducative : enjeux pour la formation des conseillers

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    Outil de sensibilisation des conducteurs ùgés aux capacités requises pour une conduite automobile sécuritaire et responsable (OSCAR) : développement et validation

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    International audienceThe objective of the study was to develop and validate an intervention tool to sensitize older drivers to safe driving. A scoping study was first conducted to develop an awareness tool for safe and responsible automobile driving (OSCAR). The tool includes a series of 15 questions and 15 educational capsules on aging and driving. A pre‐experimental design, including a pre‐test and post‐test conducted eight to ten weeks after exposure to the intervention, was used with 48 drivers aged between 67 and 84 who drove at least once a week. Overall, the results demonstrate that OSCAR increased the older drivers’ interest, openness and knowledge about the abilities required and compensatory strategies for driving (p < 0.01). After exposure to OSCAR, the majority of the participants confirmed that changes occurred in at least one of their abilities. Moreover, half of the older drivers started using more than five compensatory strategies. In summary, in addition to increasing older adults’ interest, openness and knowledge to discussion about driving, OSCAR also improved awareness of the changes that could negatively impact safe driving and enhanced utilization of compensatory strategies. While promoting safe driving and the prevention of crashes and injuries, this intervention could ultimately help older adults maintain or increase their transportation mobility. More studies are needed to further evaluate OSCAR and improve its effectiveness.L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait de dĂ©velopper et de valider un outil d’intervention pour sensibiliser les conducteurs ĂągĂ©s aux capacitĂ©s requises et aux stratĂ©gies compensatoires pour une conduite automobile sĂ©curitaire. Une recension Ă©largie des Ă©crits a d’abord Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e pour dĂ©velopper l’Outil de Sensibilisation des conducteurs ĂągĂ©s aux capacitĂ©s requises et aux stratĂ©gies compensatoires pour une conduite automobile sĂ©curitaire et responsable (OSCAR). L’outil comprend une sĂ©rie de 15 questions et 15 capsules Ă©ducatives en lien avec le vieillissement et la conduite automobile. Un dispositif expĂ©rimental incluant un pré‐test et un post‐test huit Ă  dix semaines aprĂšs l’intervention a ensuite Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© auprĂšs de 48 personnes ĂągĂ©es entre 67 et 84 ans qui conduisaient au moins une fois par semaine. À la suite de la passation de l’OSCAR, les rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent que l’intĂ©rĂȘt, l’ouverture et les connaissances des aĂźnĂ©s sur les capacitĂ©s requises et les stratĂ©gies compensatoires ont augmentĂ© de façon significative (p < 0,01). La majoritĂ© des participants ont confirmĂ© que des changements se sont produits dans au moins une de leurs capacitĂ©s. En outre, toujours Ă  la suite de l’OSCAR, la moitiĂ© des conducteurs ĂągĂ©s ont commencĂ© Ă  utiliser plus de cinq stratĂ©gies compensatoires. Tout en faisant la promotion d’une conduite automobile sĂ©curitaire, cette intervention pourrait aider les personnes ĂągĂ©es Ă  maintenir ou Ă  accroitre leur mobilitĂ© lors des dĂ©placements. D’autres Ă©tudes sont nĂ©cessaires pour Ă©valuer l’efficacitĂ© et l’implantation de l’OSCAR

    Manager en responsabilité à l'heure du digital.: Regards croisés de chercheurs

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    International audienceThis book is called "Responsibility Manager in the Digital Age". It is part of a context characterized in particular by a double shock wave that affects many companies: First, the growing questions about the shareholder model, the dominant model of corporate governance, lead to exploring the possible ways of going beyond this model. by encouraging, alongside traditional shareholding, the promotion of employee, ethical and social shareholding. Second, companies are also facing major upheavals brought about by digital technology, upheavals that are changing governance, jobs and the organization of work.The goal here is to take stock of new forms of people management in the digital age. Indeed, new ways of working remotely, more digital, more virtual are pushing towards an awareness of the human being. What is required of new digital managers is probably more than ever relational activities: the ability to anticipate and initiate change, to build networks and partnerships, to function as a team, the desire to empower more its employees and find other ways to motivate them. Digital also poses a question of trust and discernment: the manager will have to know how, to what extent and under what conditions to use the virtual and the collaborative so that it is beneficial for the company and the employee, for example, to privilege the meeting for annual interviews. Digital transformation will necessarily require the emergence of a new family of digital managers, who, to succeed, will have to demonstrate their leadership and start by becoming actors in their own transformation.This work, the work of French-speaking authors from various backgrounds, follows the research project "Responsible governance of the company and technological developments" (GRET) funded by the Catholic University of the West as part of its program of research 2018-2021 "Technological developments and society". It also benefited from the support of the six sponsors and partners of the UCO Human Resources Chair (Bodet Software, Bakertilly Strego, CIC Ouest, Scania Production, Groupe IdĂ©a, Cetih).Cet ouvrage s’intitule « Manager en responsabilitĂ© Ă  l’heure du digital ». Il s’inscrit dans un contexte caractĂ©risĂ© notamment par une double onde de choc qui touche nombre d’entreprises : Primo, les interrogations croissantes sur le modĂšle actionnarial, modĂšle dominant de gouvernance des entreprises, conduisent Ă  explorer les voies possibles de dĂ©passement de ce modĂšle en encourageant, Ă  cĂŽtĂ© de l’actionnariat classique, la promotion de l’actionnariat salariĂ©, Ă©thique et social. Secundo, les entreprises font aussi face Ă  de grands bouleversements apportĂ©s par le numĂ©rique, bouleversements qui modifient la gouvernance, les mĂ©tiers et l’organisation du travail. Le but ici est de faire le point sur les nouvelles formes de management des personnes Ă  l’heure du digital. En effet, de nouvelles façons de travailler Ă  distance, plus digitales, plus virtuelles poussent vers une prise de conscience de l’humain. Ce qui est demandĂ© aux nouveaux managers digitaux relĂšve probablement plus que jamais d’activitĂ©s d’ordre relationnel : la capacitĂ© d’anticiper et d’initier le changement, de bĂątir des rĂ©seaux et des partenariats, de fonctionner en Ă©quipe, la volontĂ© de responsabiliser davantage ses collaborateurs et trouver d’autres façons de les motiver. Le digital pose aussi une question de confiance et de discernement : le manager devra savoir comment, jusqu’oĂč et dans quelles conditions utiliser le virtuel et le collaboratif pour que cela soit gagnant pour l’entreprise et le collaborateur, par exemple, privilĂ©gier la rencontre pour les entretiens annuels. La transformation digitale passera nĂ©cessairement par l’émergence d’une nouvelle famille de managers digitaux, qui, pour la rĂ©ussir, devront dĂ©montrer leur leadership et commencer par devenir acteurs de leur propre transformation.Cet ouvrage, Ɠuvre d’auteurs francophones venant d’horizons divers, fait suite au projet de recherche « Gouvernance responsable de l’entreprise et Ă©volutions technologiques » (GRET) financĂ© par l’UniversitĂ© catholique de l’Ouest dans le cadre de son programme de recherche 2018-2021 « Évolutions technologiques et sociĂ©tĂ© ». Il a Ă©galement bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© du soutien des six mĂ©cĂšnes et partenaires de la Chaire Ressources humaines de l’UCO (Bodet Software, Bakertilly Strego, CIC Ouest, Scania Production, Groupe IdĂ©a, Cetih)