53 research outputs found

    Is There a Relationship between Ovarian Epithelial Dysplasia and Infertility?

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    Aim. Ovarian epithelial dysplasia was initially described in material from prophylactic oophorectomies performed in patients at genetic risk of ovarian cancer. Similar histopathological abnormalities have been revealed after ovulation stimulation. Since infertility is also a risk factor for ovarian neoplasia, the aim of this study was to study the relationship between infertility and ovarian dysplasia. Methods. We blindly reviewed 127 histopathological slides of adnexectomies or ovarian cystectomies according to three groups—an exposed group to ovulation induction (n = 30), an infertile group without stimulation (n = 35), and a spontaneously fertile control group (n = 62)—in order to design an eleven histopathological criteria scoring system. Results. The ovarian dysplasia score was significantly higher in exposed group whereas dysplasia score was low in infertile and control groups (resp., 8.21 in exposed group, 3.69 for infertile patients, and 3.62 for the controls). In the subgroup with refractory infertility there was a trend towards a more severe dysplasia score (8.53 in ovulation induction group and 5.1 in infertile group). Conclusion. These results raise questions as to the responsibility of drugs used to induce ovulation and/or infertility itself in the genesis of ovarian epithelial dysplasia

    Relationship between ventilator-associated pneumonia and mortality in COVID-19 patients: a planned ancillary analysis of the coVAPid cohort

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    Background Patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection are at higher risk for ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). No study has evaluated the relationship between VAP and mortality in this population, or compared this relationship between SARS-CoV-2 patients and other populations. The main objective of our study was to determine the relationship between VAP and mortality in SARS-CoV-2 patients. Methods Planned ancillary analysis of a multicenter retrospective European cohort. VAP was diagnosed using clinical, radiological and quantitative microbiological criteria. Univariable and multivariable marginal Cox's regression models, with cause-specific hazard for duration of mechanical ventilation and ICU stay, were used to compare outcomes between study groups. Extubation, and ICU discharge alive were considered as events of interest, and mortality as competing event. Findings Of 1576 included patients, 568 were SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia, 482 influenza pneumonia, and 526 no evidence of viral infection at ICU admission. VAP was associated with significantly higher risk for 28-day mortality in SARS-CoV-2 group (adjusted HR 1.65 (95% CI 1.11-2.46), p = 0.013), but not in influenza (1.74 (0.99-3.06), p = 0.052), or no viral infection groups (1.13 (0.68-1.86), p = 0.63). VAP was associated with significantly longer duration of mechanical ventilation in the SARS-CoV-2 group, but not in the influenza or no viral infection groups. VAP was associated with significantly longer duration of ICU stay in the 3 study groups. No significant difference was found in heterogeneity of outcomes related to VAP between the 3 groups, suggesting that the impact of VAP on mortality was not different between study groups. Interpretation VAP was associated with significantly increased 28-day mortality rate in SARS-CoV-2 patients. However, SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia, as compared to influenza pneumonia or no viral infection, did not significantly modify the relationship between VAP and 28-day mortality

    a retrospective multicenter study

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    Funding This study was supported in part by a grant from the French government through the « Programme Investissement d’Avenir» (I-SITE ULNE) managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (coVAPid project). Prof. Ignacio Martin-Loeches has been supported by SFI (Science Foundation Ireland), Grant number 20/COV/0038. The funders of the study had no role in the study design, data collection, analysis or interpretation, writing of the report or deci sion to submit for publication.BACKGROUND: Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is common in patients with severe SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia. The aim of this ancillary analysis of the coVAPid multicenter observational retrospective study is to assess the relationship between adjuvant corticosteroid use and the incidence of VAP. METHODS: Planned ancillary analysis of a multicenter retrospective European cohort in 36 ICUs. Adult patients receiving invasive mechanical ventilation for more than 48 h for SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia were consecutively included between February and May 2020. VAP diagnosis required strict definition with clinical, radiological and quantitative microbiological confirmation. We assessed the association of VAP with corticosteroid treatment using univariate and multivariate cause-specific Cox's proportional hazard models with adjustment on pre-specified confounders. RESULTS: Among the 545 included patients, 191 (35%) received corticosteroids. The proportional hazard assumption for the effect of corticosteroids on the incidence of VAP could not be accepted, indicating that this effect varied during ICU stay. We found a non-significant lower risk of VAP for corticosteroid-treated patients during the first days in the ICU and an increased risk for longer ICU stay. By modeling the effect of corticosteroids with time-dependent coefficients, the association between corticosteroids and the incidence of VAP was not significant (overall effect p = 0.082), with time-dependent hazard ratios (95% confidence interval) of 0.47 (0.17-1.31) at day 2, 0.95 (0.63-1.42) at day 7, 1.48 (1.01-2.16) at day 14 and 1.94 (1.09-3.46) at day 21. CONCLUSIONS: No significant association was found between adjuvant corticosteroid treatment and the incidence of VAP, although a time-varying effect of corticosteroids was identified along the 28-day follow-up.publishersversionpublishe

    a planned ancillary analysis of the coVAPid cohort

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    Funding: This study was supported in part by a grant from the French government through the «Programme Investissement d’Avenir» (I-SITE ULNE) managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (coVAPid project). The funders of the study had no role in the study design, data collection, analysis, or interpreta tion, writing of the report, or decision to submit for publication.BACKGROUND: Patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection are at higher risk for ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). No study has evaluated the relationship between VAP and mortality in this population, or compared this relationship between SARS-CoV-2 patients and other populations. The main objective of our study was to determine the relationship between VAP and mortality in SARS-CoV-2 patients. METHODS: Planned ancillary analysis of a multicenter retrospective European cohort. VAP was diagnosed using clinical, radiological and quantitative microbiological criteria. Univariable and multivariable marginal Cox's regression models, with cause-specific hazard for duration of mechanical ventilation and ICU stay, were used to compare outcomes between study groups. Extubation, and ICU discharge alive were considered as events of interest, and mortality as competing event. FINDINGS: Of 1576 included patients, 568 were SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia, 482 influenza pneumonia, and 526 no evidence of viral infection at ICU admission. VAP was associated with significantly higher risk for 28-day mortality in SARS-CoV-2 (adjusted HR 1.70 (95% CI 1.16-2.47), p = 0.006), and influenza groups (1.75 (1.03-3.02), p = 0.045), but not in the no viral infection group (1.07 (0.64-1.78), p = 0.79). VAP was associated with significantly longer duration of mechanical ventilation in the SARS-CoV-2 group, but not in the influenza or no viral infection groups. VAP was associated with significantly longer duration of ICU stay in the 3 study groups. No significant difference was found in heterogeneity of outcomes related to VAP between the 3 groups, suggesting that the impact of VAP on mortality was not different between study groups. INTERPRETATION: VAP was associated with significantly increased 28-day mortality rate in SARS-CoV-2 patients. However, SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia, as compared to influenza pneumonia or no viral infection, did not significantly modify the relationship between VAP and 28-day mortality. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: The study was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT04359693.publishersversionpublishe

    Inséminations intra-utérines post chirurgie de l'endométriose (résultats, facteurs prédictifs (à propos de 295 cycles))

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    Il s'agit d'une Ă©tude Ă  propos de 138 patientes ayant Ă©tĂ© opĂ©rĂ©es d'endomĂ©triose et ayant dans les suites bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d'insĂ©minations intra-utĂ©rines (295 cycles au total). L'objectif Ă©tait de rechercher des facteurs prĂ©dictifs de bonne rĂ©ponse Ă  l'association stimulation ovarienne + insĂ©mination intra-utĂ©rine. L'Ăąge moyen des patientes au moment de la 1Ăšre insĂ©mination Ă©tait de 32,45 +- 3,69 ans. 15,9% de patientes (n=22) avaient un nodule recto-vaginal, 21,7% (n=30) un ou plusieurs nodule(s) utĂ©ro-sacrĂ©(s), 23,2% (n=32) un ou plusieurs endomĂ©triomes, 42,8% (n=59) des adhĂ©rences. Les patientes Ă©taient classĂ©es dans le stade I rAFS dans 51,5% des cas (n=71), II dans 26,8% des cas (n=37), III dans 15,2% des cas (n=21) et IV dans 6,5% des cas (n=9). L'Ă©preuve au bleu Ă©tait bilatĂ©rale dans 61,6% des cas (n=85). Le dĂ©lai entre la chirurgie et la 1Ăšre insĂ©mination intra-utĂ©rine Ă©tait de 11,5 +- 7,47 mois. Les taux de grossesse et d'accouchement par cycle ainsi que le taux cumulĂ© d'accouchement au terme de 3 insĂ©minations intra-utĂ©rines Ă©taient respectivement de 18,3% ; 15% et 37,6%. L'analyse statistique multivariĂ©e retrouvait principalement un facteur prĂ©dictif positif de rĂ©ussite d'une grossesse qu'Ă©tait une Ă©preuve au bleu positive bilatĂ©ralement (OR=2,92 ; p=0,0095) et un facteur prĂ©dictif nĂ©gatif qu'Ă©tait la prĂ©sence d'adhĂ©rences (OR=0,46 ; p=0,046). Pour l'accouchement, les 2 facteurs prĂ©dictifs de rĂ©ussite Ă©tait une Ă©preuve au bleu positive bilatĂ©ralement (OR=2,97 ; p=0,019), la prĂ©sence d'un ou plusieurs nodule(s) utĂ©ro-sacrĂ©(s) (OR=3,35 ; p=0,013) et les 2 facteurs prĂ©dictifs nĂ©gatifs la prĂ©sence d'adhĂ©rences (OR=0,27 ; p=0,0046) et l'Ăąge croissant de la patiente (OR=0,85 ; p=0,014). Ces rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent l'intĂ©rĂȘt d'une prise en charge par stimulation ovarienne + insĂ©minations intra-utĂ©rines aprĂšs chirurgie de l'endomĂ©triose chez les patientes correctement sĂ©lectionnĂ©es, Ă  savoir, les patientes les plus jeunes, ayant des trompes parfaitement permĂ©ables et n'ayant pas d'adhĂ©rences. La prĂ©sence d'un ou plusieurs nodule(s) utĂ©ro-sacrĂ©(s) semble ĂȘtre un argument de plus pour la prise en charge alors que le stade rAFS, la prĂ©sence de nodules de la cloison recto-vaginale ou d'endomĂ©triomes ne semblent pas influencer nĂ©gativement les rĂ©sultats.CLERMONT FD-BCIU-SantĂ© (631132104) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Syndrome des ovaires polykystiques (morbidité et efficacité du drilling ovarien étudié sur 104 cas de 1998 à 2006)

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    Le drilling ovarien, rĂ©alisĂ© dĂšs 1935 par laparotomie (Stein & Levental) sous le terme de rĂ©section cunĂ©iforme, chez des patientes infertiles prĂ©sentant des ovaires polykystiques, connaĂźt actuellement un vĂ©ritable essor grĂące Ă  la coelioscopie et la fertiloscopie. L'efficacitĂ© et la morbiditĂ© du drilling ovarien rĂ©alisĂ© selon ces deux techniques chirurgicales sont rapportĂ©es dans ce travail. Nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective de tous les drillings ovariens (n=104), effectuĂ©s de juin 1998 Ă  octobre 2006 dans le service du Pr G. Mage, au CHU de Clermont-Ferrand. Cinquante-neuf patientes ont Ă©tĂ© opĂ©rĂ©es par coelioscopie et 47 par fertiloscopie. Toutes les patientes prĂ©sentaient un syndrome des ovaires polykystiques rĂ©sistant au citrate de clomifĂšne. Nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© la morbiditĂ© et l'efficacitĂ© du drilling ovarien en termes d'ovulation, de grossesse et de naissance. AprĂšs drilling ovarien et en dehors de tout traitement d'induction de l'ovulation ou d'assistance mĂ©dicale Ă  la procrĂ©ation, nous obtenons 67% d'ovulation, 58% de grossesse et 42% de naissance. Le drilling ovarien peut ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ© par coelioscopie ou par fertiloscopie avec une efficacitĂ© et une morbiditĂ© identiques. NĂ©anmoins, la fertiloscopie a permis de rĂ©duire la durĂ©e d'hospitalisation. Neuf patientes ont eu des complications per-opĂ©ratoires. Toutes ces complications Ă©taient mineures et n'ont nĂ©cessitĂ© aucune reprise chirurgicale. Le drilling ovarien a permis d'Ă©liminer le risque d'hyperstimulation ovarienne et d'Ă©viter les grossesses multiples souvent dĂ©crites chez ces patientes, traitĂ©es par induction de l'ovulation. Le drilling ovarien est une technique efficace pour induire l'ovulation. Il doit ĂȘtre proposĂ© aux patientes infertiles prĂ©sentant un syndrome des ovaires polykystiques rĂ©sistant au citrate de clomifĂšne, avant d'envisager le recours Ă  une autre technique d'assistance mĂ©dicale Ă  la procrĂ©ation.CLERMONT FD-BCIU-SantĂ© (631132104) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Mise en place d'une politique de transfert mono-embryonnaire dans la prévention des grossesses gémellaires en FIV/ICSI (analyse rétrospective sur 4 ans)

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    Le tranfert de 2 embryons (DET) lors des tentatives de FIV/ICSI est Ă  l'origine d'un taux Ă©levĂ© de grossesses gĂ©mellaires responsables de complications obstĂ©tricales, nĂ©onatales, Ă©conomiques et sociales. Cette Ă©tude rĂ©trospective Ă©value l'intĂ©rĂȘt de la mise en place d'une politique de transfert Ă©lectif d'un embryon (eSET) dans la prĂ©vention des grossesses gĂ©mellaires. L'eSET est proposĂ© entre le 01/01/2005 et le 31/12/2008 Ă  611 couples dont la femme Ă  moins de 36 ans, ayant obtenu au moins 2 embryons dont un de bonne qualitĂ© et entrant dans leur 1Ăšre puis 2Ăšme tentative de FIV/ICSI. Les couples refusant l'eSET se voient transfĂ©rĂ©s deux embryons. Nous relevons les taux cumulĂ©s (c'est-Ă -dire incluant les transfert d'embryons frais et congelĂ©s), de grossesse (TCG), d'accouchement (TCAcc) et de grossesse gĂ©mellaire (TGG), ainsi que le devenir obstĂ©trical et nĂ©onatal des enfants issus de ces tentatives. Au total 611 couples bĂ©nĂ©ficient de 789 tentatives. 56,45% sont des eSET et 43,55% des DET. Il n'y a pas de diffĂ©rence en terme de TCG entre eSET et DET (40,72% vs 42,52%, p=ns), TCAcc (30,89% vs 34,60%, p=ns), par contre le TGG est significativement plus bas en eSET (0,74% vs 21,19%, p<0,0001). Le taux d'acceptation de l'eSET augmente au cours des annĂ©es permettant un TGG global de 10,28% sur les 4 ans de l'Ă©tude. Mais ce taux de 7,11% lors de la 1Ăšre tentative et de 21,43% lors de la 2Ăšme, et le taux eSET 67,59% lors des 1Ăšres tentatives et 16,86% lors de la 2Ăšme. Le devenir des enfants issus du groupe eSET est meilleur que celui des enfants issus du groupe DET. Dans une population sĂ©lectionnĂ©e, l'eSET rĂ©duit significativement le TGG, sans diminuer les taux cumulĂ©s de grossesse et d'accouchement. Cependant l'eSET est peu acceptĂ© lors de la 2Ăšme tentative de FIV/ICSI. Il convient donc de trouver des solutions pour favoriser son extention au-delĂ  de la 1Ăšre tentative comme par exemple des mesures incitatives (remboursement d'un nombre plus important de tentatives), car la seule information des couples ne semble pas ĂȘtre efficace.CLERMONT FD-BCIU-SantĂ© (631132104) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Effects of U0126 and MK2206 on cell growth and re-growth of endometriotic stromal cells grown on substrates of varying stiffness

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    International audienceEndometriosis is a common gynecological disorder responsible for infertility and pelvic pain. A complete cure for patients with endometriosis awaits new targets and strategies. Here we show that U0126 (a MEK inhibitor) and MK2206 (an AKT inhibitor) synergistically inhibit cell growth of deep endometriotic stromal cells (DES) grown on polyacrylamide gel substrates (PGS) of varying stiffness (2 or 30 kilopascal [kPa]) or plastic in vitro. No significant differences in cell proliferation were observed among DES, endometrial stromal cells of patients with endometriosis (EES) from the proliferative phase (P), EES-S (secretory phase) and EES-M (menstrual phase) compared to cells grown on a substrate of the same stiffness at both higher (U0126 [30 ÎŒM] and MK2206 [9 ÎŒM]) and lower (U0126 [15 ÎŒM] and MK2206 [4.5 ÎŒM]) combined doses. However, cell re-growth of DES after drug discontinuation was higherthan that of EES-P and EES-S when cells were grown on rigid substrates at both combined doses. Combination U0126 and MK2206 treatment is more effective than each drug alone in cell growth inhibition of DES. However, further studies are required to investigate the mechanisms underlying high cell survival and proliferation after drug discontinuation for developing target therapies that prevent recurrence
