47 research outputs found

    Tin and its compounds in the environment

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je vypracování aktuální literární rešerše, týkající se problematiky cínu v životním prostředí. Zahrnuje chemické a fyzikální vlastnosti, výskyt a koloběh cínu v životním prostředí. Obsahuje také možné metody extrakce a stanovení cínu a jeho sloučenin.The aim of this thesis is the actual elaboration literature search concerning the issue tin in the environment. It includes chemical and physical properties, occurrence and tin cycle in the environment. It also contains possible methods for extraction and determination of tin and its compounds.

    Measurement of career-specific parental behaviors perceived by Czech adolescents

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    Parents are considered to be the main stakeholders for adolescents, helping them in their educational and career choices. Although theoretical and empirical studies have pointed out the links between career-specific parental behaviors and the career development of adolescents, there has been a lack of research in this area in the Czech Republic. One of the reasons is the absence of an instrument that would enable measurement of parental behaviors. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to provide a tool for measuring career-specific parental behaviors in the Czech environment—the Parent Career Behavior Checklist (PCBC)—to verify its psychometric properties and explore the associations between career-specific parental behaviors and selected demographic and school-related variables. The data collection took place in June 2017 and the participants were students in the Vysočina Region in vocational upper-secondary schools finishing with school-leaving examinations or apprenticeship certificates (N = 501). Participant age ranged from 15 to 21 years (M = 17.19, SD = 1.10). The results show that the Czech version of the PCBC is an internally consistent and structurally valid tool for measuring two dimensions of career-specific parental behavior—(psychosocial) support and (instrumental) action. It was confirmed that mothers were more engaged in educational or career choices than fathers were; mothers having tertiary education was an advantage for adolescents, which is reflected in increased support and action; and lower levels of support and action were perceived by adolescents who for various reasons were living exclusively with their fathers.Rodiče jsou považováni za hlavní partnery adolescentů, kteří jim pomáhají při volbě vzdělávací a profesní dráhy. Přestože teoretické a empirické práce poukazují na souvislosti mezi kariérově-specifickým rodičovským chováním a kariérovým rozvojem adolescentů, v českém prostředí výzkum v této oblasti chybí. Jednou z příčin je absence nástroje, který by umožňoval rodičovské chování měřit. Cílem současné studie proto je do českého prostředí přinést nástroj pro měření rodičovského chování Parent Career Behavior Checklist (PCBC), ověřit jeho psychometrické vlastnosti a prozkoumat asociace kariérově-specifického rodičovského chování s vybranými demografickými a školními proměnnými. Sběr dat proběhl v červnu 2017 u žáků maturitních a výučních oborů odborně orientovaných vyšších sekundárních škol v Kraji Vysočina (N = 501). Věk participantů se pohyboval v rozmezí od 15 do 21 let (M = 17.19; SD = 1.10). Výsledky ukazují, že česká verze PCBC-CZ je vnitřně konzistentním a strukturně validním nástrojem měření dvou dimenzí kariérově-specifického rodičovského chování – psychosociální podpory a instrumentální pomoci. Bylo potvrzeno, že se v záležitostech volby vzdělávací a profesní dráhy v rodině více angažují matky nežli otcové; terciární vzdělání matky představuje pro adolescenty výhodu, která se projevuje ve vyšší psychosociální podpoře a instrumentální pomoci; nižší míru psychosociální podpory a instrumentální pomoci vnímají adolescenti, kteří žijí z různých důvodů výhradně se svým otcem

    Factor validity and internal consistency of the Expressions of Spirituality Inventory – Revised (ESI-R) : The Czech context

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    This study is the first attempt to examine the validity of the Expressions of Spirituality Inventory (ESI-R) for use in the Czech context. Data were obtained via online survey from 222 emerging adults (18-25 years; 82% women), with a background in helping professions. Structural equation modelling revealed reasonably good support for structural validity of the ESI-R factor model. In addition, all of the dimension scores showed acceptable interitem consistency. However, our findings presumptively point to problems with measurement non-invariance as some items were observed to correlate with different dimensions than expected. Overall, these findings are consistent with cross-cultural research on ESI-R showing that the ESI-R has structural but not measurement invariance at the item and dimension level and provide support for further use of the ESI-R with Czech respondents

    Factor Validity and Internal Consistency of the Expressions of Spirituality Inventory – Revised (ESI-R): The Czech Context

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    This study is the first attempt to examine the validity of the Expressions of Spirituality Inventory (ESI-R) for use in the Czech context. Data were obtained via online survey from 222 emerging adults (18-25 years; 82% women), with a background in helping professions. Structural equation modelling revealed reasonably good support for structural validity of the ESI-R factor model. In addition, all of the dimension scores showed acceptable inter-item consistency. However, our findings presumptively point to problems with measurement non-invariance as some items were observed to correlate with different dimensions than expected. Overall, these findings are consistent with cross-cultural research on ESI-R showing that the ESI-R has structural but not measurement invariance at the item and dimension level and provide support for further use of the ESI-R with Czech respondents

    Determination of platinum group metals in great urban agglomerations

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    Cílem této diplomové práce je vypracování aktuální literární rešerše, týkající se problematiky platinových kovů v životním prostředí, stanovení platiny a palladia na území městské částí Brno a Moskva. Zahrnuje chemické a fyzikální vlastnosti, výskyt a koloběh platinových v životním prostředí. Obsahuje také použité metody extrakce a stanovení platiny a palladia.The aim of this thesis is the actual elaboration literature search concerning the issue of platinum group metals in the environment, determination of platinum and palladium in great urban agglomerations. It includes chemical and physical properties, occurrence and platinum and palladium cycle in the environment. It also contains methods for extraction and determination of platinum and palladium.

    Interparental Conflict as Perceived by Adolescents

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    The preliminary methodic study describes Children's Perceptions of Interparental Conflict Scale used in ELSPAC data collection at age 15.Předběžná metodická studie popisuje Škálu dětské percepce konfliktu mezi rodiči, která byla užita v rámci sběru dat projektu ELSPAC ve věku patnácti let respondentů

    Adaptation of Teacher Power Use Scale to Lower Secondary Students and Student Teachers

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    Power can be defined as an ability to influence opinions, values, and behaviour of others. The realisation of curricular aims is enabled by clearly established power relationships in classes. Newly qualified teachers often struggle with establishing power relationships. French and Raven’s influential typology of social power as a relational phenomenon distinguishes coercive, reward, legitimate, referent, and expert bases of teacher power. In our methodological study we adapted Teacher Power Use Scale – TPUS (Schrodt, Witt, & Turman, 2007) measuring these power bases. The adaptation focuses (instead of tertiary teachers, their students, and Anglo-Saxon context) on student teachers, lower secondary students, and reflects the Czech sociocultural context. The non-probability adaptation sample consists of 1686 students from 96 lower secondary classes taught by 96 student teachers on their long term practice. Our data basically support French and Raven’s theory and the original TPUS, except that the structure of student teacher power bases seems to be naturally simpler in the perception of lower secondary students. Above all, legitimate and coercive power bases were strongly inter-correlated, i.e. perceived by students as one factor; similar to teacher power bases structure in the Czech data.Studie popisuje adaptace dotazníku Teacher Power Use Scale (TPUS; Schrodt, Witt, & Turman, 2007) na žáky durhého stupně základní školy a studenty učitelství na praxi v českých podmínkách. Ne náhodný výběr zahrnoval 1686 žáků a 96 studentů učitelství PdF MU na praxích na základních školách. Ukazuje se, že struktura bází moci studentů učitelství je z pohledu žáků jednodušší než předpokládá teorie (5 bází - legitimní, donucovací, referenční, expertní a odměňovací). Zejména legitimní a donucovací báze jsou velmi silně korelované a tvoří dle CFA analýz jeden faktor, což odpovídá našim výsledkům u adaptace dotazníku na učitele (Vlčková, et. al., 2016).Power can be defined as an ability to influence opinions, values, and behaviour of others. The realisation of curricular aims is enabled by clearly established power relationships in classes. Newly qualified teachers often struggle with establishing power relationships. French and Raven’s influential typology of social power as a relational phenomenon distinguishes coercive, reward, legitimate, referent, and expert bases of teacher power. In our methodological study we adapted Teacher Power Use Scale – TPUS (Schrodt, Witt, & Turman, 2007) measuring these power bases. The adaptation focuses (instead of tertiary teachers, their students, and Anglo-Saxon context) on student teachers, lower secondary students, and reflects the Czech sociocultural context. The non-probability adaptation sample consists of 1686 students from 96 lower secondary classes taught by 96 student teachers on their long term practice. Our data basically support French and Raven’s theory and the original TPUS, except that the structure of student teacher power bases seems to be naturally simpler in the perception of lower secondary students. Above all, legitimate and coercive power bases were strongly inter-correlated, i.e. perceived by students as one factor; similar to teacher power bases structure in the Czech data

    Driving locus of control : The Czech adaptation

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    Objectives. This study attempts to introduce the Driving Locus of Control (DLoC), a method focused on the internal or external source of attribution of the driving behaviour, to the Czech context. This study also relates DLoC to attitudes towards autonomous vehicles (AVs). Participants and setting. Out of the general population, 59 inquirers personally interviewed (CAPI) 1 065 respondents (49% women) in the age range between 15 and 92 years (M = 50, SD = 17). The respondents were sampled via multistage random sampling procedure, based on the list of addresses in the Czech Republic. Hypotheses. The authors hypothesised to replicate the original two-factor structure of the DLoC Scale and that the higher levels of internal DLoC result in not considering the improvement in traffic safety as the AVs replace human drivers. Statistical analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to analyse the factor structure of DLoC Scale. Hypotheses related to the empirical validity of the method were assessed via structural equation modelling. The reliability of DLoC Scale was calculated in terms of internal consistency (McDonald coefficient). Results. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed reasonably good support for structural validity of the one-dimensional DLoC-CZ15 factor model (χ2 = 426.967, df = 90, CFI = 0.964, TLI = 0.958, SRMR = 0.066, RMSEA = 0.065). In addition, the one-dimensional DLoC-CZ15 factor model showed acceptable internal consistency - ω = 0.9 (95% CI [0.89, 0.91]). The structural equation modelling found a relationship between DLoC and some of the items capturing attitudes towards AVs, too. Study limitations. The analysed data were obtained via interviews between respondents and inquirers. As a result, the study does not contain indicators of empirical validity measured by a methodologically different approach, such as an observation of driving behaviour

    The Psychological Branch of the ELSPAC Study: A Survey of 15-Year-Old Respondents

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    The introduction aims to provide an overview of the scope of the ELSPAC study in the Czech Republic from the perspective of content areas from which data have been collected in the course of study.Úvodní kapitola představuje psychologickou část studie ELSPAC, její základní cíle a zkoumané oblasti, v kterých byly získávána data

    Depressive Symptoms in Adolescence

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    The preliminary methodic study describes The Mood and Feelings Questionnaire used in ELSPAC data collection at age 15.Předběžná metodická studie popisuje metodu MFQ, která byla užita v rámci sběru dat projektu ELSPAC ve věku patnácti let respondentů