23 research outputs found

    Fungal diversity notes 929–1035: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungi

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    This article is the ninth in the series of Fungal Diversity Notes, where 107 taxa distributed in three phyla, nine classes, 31 orders and 57 families are described and illustrated. Taxa described in the present study include 12 new genera, 74 new species, three new combinations, two reference specimens, a re-circumscription of the epitype, and 15 records of sexualasexual morph connections, new hosts and new geographical distributions. Twelve new genera comprise Brunneofusispora, Brunneomurispora, Liua, Lonicericola, Neoeutypella, Paratrimmatostroma, Parazalerion, Proliferophorum, Pseudoastrosphaeriellopsis, Septomelanconiella, Velebitea and Vicosamyces. Seventy-four new species are Agaricus memnonius, A. langensis, Aleurodiscus patagonicus, Amanita flavoalba, A. subtropicana, Amphisphaeria mangrovei, Baorangia major, Bartalinia kunmingensis, Brunneofusispora sinensis, Brunneomurispora lonicerae, Capronia camelliaeyunnanensis, Clavulina thindii, Coniochaeta simbalensis, Conlarium thailandense, Coprinus trigonosporus, Liua muriformis, Cyphellophora filicis, Cytospora ulmicola, Dacrymyces invisibilis, Dictyocheirospora metroxylonis, Distoseptispora thysanolaenae, Emericellopsis koreana, Galiicola baoshanensis, Hygrocybe lucida, Hypoxylon teeravasati, Hyweljonesia indica, Keissleriella caraganae, Lactarius olivaceopallidus, Lactifluus midnapurensis, Lembosia brigadeirensis, Leptosphaeria urticae, Lonicericola hyaloseptispora, Lophiotrema mucilaginosis, Marasmiellus bicoloripes, Marasmius indojasminodorus, Micropeltis phetchaburiensis, Mucor orantomantidis, Murilentithecium lonicerae, Neobambusicola brunnea, Neoeutypella baoshanensis, Neoroussoella heveae, Neosetophoma lonicerae, Ophiobolus malleolus, Parabambusicola thysanolaenae, Paratrimmatostroma kunmingensis, Parazalerion indica, Penicillium dokdoense, Peroneutypa mangrovei, Phaeosphaeria cycadis, Phanerochaete australosanguinea, Plectosphaerella kunmingensis, Plenodomus artemisiae, P. lijiangensis, Proliferophorum thailandicum, Pseudoastrosphaeriellopsis kaveriana, Pseudohelicomyces menglunicus, Pseudoplagiostoma mangiferae, Robillarda mangiferae, Roussoella elaeicola, Russula choptae, R. uttarakhandia, Septomelanconiella thailandica, Spencermartinsia acericola, Sphaerellopsis isthmospora, Thozetella lithocarpi, Trechispora echinospora, Tremellochaete atlantica, Trichoderma koreanum, T. pinicola, T. rugulosum, Velebitea chrysotexta, Vicosamyces venturisporus, Wojnowiciella kunmingensis and Zopfiella indica. Three new combinations are Baorangia rufomaculata, Lanmaoa pallidorosea and Wojnowiciella rosicola. The reference specimens of Canalisporium kenyense and Tamsiniella labiosa are designated. The epitype of Sarcopeziza sicula is re-circumscribed based on cyto- and histochemical analyses. The sexual-asexual morph connection of Plenodomus sinensis is reported from ferns and Cirsium for the first time. In addition, the new host records and country records are Amanita altipes, A. melleialba, Amarenomyces dactylidis, Chaetosphaeria panamensis, Coniella vitis, Coprinopsis kubickae, Dothiorella sarmentorum, Leptobacillium leptobactrum var. calidus, Muyocopron lithocarpi, Neoroussoella solani, Periconia cortaderiae, Phragmocamarosporium hederae, Sphaerellopsis paraphysata and Sphaeropsis eucalypticola

    The Faces of Fungi database: fungal names linked with morphology, phylogeny and human impacts

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    WOS: 000365690400002Taxonomic names are key links between various databases that store information on different organisms. Several global fungal nomenclural and taxonomic databases (notably Index Fungorum, Species Fungorum and MycoBank) can be sourced to find taxonomic details about fungi, while DNA sequence data can be sourced from NCBI, EBI and UNITE databases. Although the sequence data may be linked to a name, the quality of the metadata is variable and generally there is no corresponding link to images, descriptions or herbarium material. There is generally no way to establish the accuracy of the names in these genomic databases, other than whether the submission is from a reputable source. To tackle this problem, a new database (FacesofFungi), accessible at www.facesoffungi.org (FoF) has been established. This fungal database allows deposition of taxonomic data, phenotypic details and other useful data, which will enhance our current taxonomic understanding and ultimately enable mycologists to gain better and updated insights into the current fungal classification system. In addition, the database will also allow access to comprehensive metadata including descriptions of voucher and type specimens. This database is user-friendly, providing links and easy access between taxonomic ranks, with the classification system based primarily on molecular data (from the literature and via updated web-based phylogenetic trees), and to a lesser extent on morphological data when molecular data are unavailable. In FoF species are not only linked to the closest phylogenetic representatives, but also relevant data is provided, wherever available, on various applied aspects, such as ecological, industrial, quarantine and chemical uses. The data include the three main fungal groups (Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Basal fungi) and fungus-like organisms. The FoF webpage is an output funded by the Mushroom Research Foundation which is an NGO with seven directors with mycological expertise. The webpage has 76 curators, and with the help of these specialists, FoF will provide an updated natural classification of the fungi, with illustrated accounts of species linked to molecular data. The present paper introduces the FoF database to the scientific community and briefly reviews some of the problems associated with classification and identification of the main fungal groups. The structure and use of the database is then explained. We would like to invite all mycologists to contribute to these web pages.Chinese Academy of SciencesChinese Academy of Sciences [2013T2S003]; MFLU [56101020032]; ROM; NSERCNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada; Mushroom Research Foundation, Chiang Rai, ThailandWe acknowledge the International Highly Cited Research Group (IHCRRGP# 14-205), Deanship of Scientific Research, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Kevin D. Hyde thanks the Chinese Academy of Sciences for an award of Visiting Professorship for Senior International Scientists at Kunming Institute of Botany [project number 2013T2S003]. MFLU [grant number 56101020032] is thanked for supporting studies on Dothideomycetes. J.M. Moncalvo thanks the ROM Governors and NSERC for supporting fungal biodiversity studies. O.L. Pereira thanks the FAPEMIG and CNPq. T.C. Wen are grateful to The National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31460012 & No. 31200016). We are grateful to the Mushroom Research Foundation, Chiang Rai, Thailand for financing the webpage. Subashini C. Jayasiri is grateful to Mr. and (the late) Mrs. Jayasiri and S.P.R.D. Lasantha for their valuable suggestions

    Towards a natural classification and backbone tree for Graphostromataceae, Hypoxylaceae, Lopadostomataceae and Xylariaceae

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    Species and generic recognition in the orderXylariales has been uncertain due to lack of molecular datafrom authentic cultures, as well as overlapping morphologicalcharacteristics. In this study, we revise the familiesGraphostromataceae, Hypoxylaceae, Lopadostomataceaeand Xylariaceae in Xylariales. Our study is based on DNAsequence data derived from living cultures of fresh isolates,data from GenBank and morphological observation of typeand worldwide herbarium specimens. We also collectednew specimens from Germany, Italy and Thailand. Combinedanalyses of ITS, LSU, RPB2 and b-tubulin sequencedata were used to reconstruct the molecular phylogeny ofthe above families. Generic and familiar boundariesbetween these families are revised and presented in anupdated combined phylogenetic tree. We accept six generain Graphostromataceae, 19 genera in Hypoxylaceae, fourin Lopadostomataceae and 37 genera in Xylariaceae. Fivegenera previously treated in Xylariaceae are placed inAmphisphaeriales genera incertae sedis and seven generaare placed in Xylariales genera incertae sedis. Two generaare placed in Sordariomycetes genera incertae sedis, whilefour genera are placed as Xylariomycetidae genera incertaesedis. Three genera are considered as doubtful. Barrmaeliaand Cannonia, presently included in Xylariaceae aretransferred to Diatrypaceae and Coniochaetales respectively,based on their morphology and phylogeny. Areolosporaand Myconeesia are excluded from Xylariaceaeand synonymized with Phaeosporis and Anthostomellarespectively. Updated descriptions and illustrations areprovided for all taxa with notes provided on each genus.Excluded and doubtful genera are listed with notes on theirtaxonomy and phylogeny. Taxonomic keys are providedfor all revised families with morphological details forgenera within the families.Fil: Daranagama, Dinushani A. Mae Fah Luang University; Tailandia. Institute of Microbiology Chinese Academy of Sciences; ChinaFil: Hyde, Kevin D.. Mae Fah Luang University; TailandiaFil: Sir, Esteban Benjamin. Fund.Miguel Lillo. Dir.de Botanica. Laboratorio Criptogámico; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Thambugala, Kasun M.. Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences; China. Mae Fah Luang University; TailandiaFil: Tian, Qing. Mae Fah Luang University; TailandiaFil: Samarakoon, Milan C.. Mae Fah Luang University; TailandiaFil: McKenzie, Eric H. C.. Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research; Nueva ZelandaFil: Jayasiri, Subashini C.. Center Of Excellence In Fungal Research-mflu; TailandiaFil: Tibpromma, Saowaluck. Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research; Nueva ZelandaFil: Bhat, Jayarama D.. Goa University; IndiaFil: Liu, XingZhong. Institute of Microbiology Chinese Academy of Sciences ; ChinaFil: Stadler, Marc. Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research; Alemani

    Fungal diversity notes 603–708: taxonomic and phylogenetic notes on genera and species

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    This is the sixth in a series of papers where we bring collaborating mycologists together to produce a set of notes of several taxa of fungi. In this study we introduce a new family Fuscostagonosporaceae in Dothideomycetes. We also introduce the new ascomycete genera Acericola, Castellaniomyces, Dictyosporina and Longitudinalis and new species Acericola italica, Alternariaster trigonosporus, Amarenomyces dactylidis, Angustimassarina coryli, Astrocystis bambusicola, Castellaniomyces rosae, Chaetothyrina artocarpi, Chlamydotubeufia krabiensis, Colletotrichum lauri, Collodiscula chiangraiensis, Curvularia palmicola, Cytospora mali-sylvestris, Dictyocheirospora cheirospora, Dictyosporina ferruginea, Dothiora coronillae, Dothiora spartii, Dyfrolomyces phetchaburiensis, Epicoccum cedri, Epicoccum pruni, Fasciatispora calami, Fuscostagonospora cytisi, Grandibotrys hyalinus, Hermatomyces nabanheensis, Hongkongmyces thailandica, Hysterium rhizophorae, Jahnula guttulaspora, Kirschsteiniothelia rostrata, Koorchalomella salmonispora, Longitudinalis nabanheensis, Lophium zalerioides, Magnibotryascoma mali, Meliola clerodendri-infortunati, Microthyrium chinense, Neodidymelliopsis moricola, Neophaeocryptopus spartii, Nigrograna thymi, Ophiocordyceps cossidarum, Ophiocordyceps issidarum, Ophiosimulans plantaginis, Otidea pruinosa, Otidea stipitata, Paucispora kunmingense, Phaeoisaria microspora, Pleurothecium floriforme, Poaceascoma halophila, Periconia aquatica, Periconia submersa, Phaeosphaeria acaciae, Phaeopoacea muriformis, Pseudopithomyces kunmingnensis, Ramgea ozimecii, Sardiniella celtidis, Seimatosporium italicum, Setoseptoria scirpi, Torula gaodangensis and Vamsapriya breviconidiophora. We also provide an amended account of Rhytidhysteron to include apothecial ascomata and a J+ hymenium. The type species of Ascotrichella hawksworthii (Xylariales genera incertae sedis), Biciliopsis leptogiicola (Sordariomycetes genera incertae sedis), Brooksia tropicalis (Micropeltidaceae), Bryochiton monascus (Teratosphaeriaceae), Bryomyces scapaniae (Pseudoperisporiaceae), Buelliella minimula (Dothideomycetes genera incertae sedis), Carinispora nypae (Pseudoastrosphaeriellaceae), Cocciscia hammeri (Verrucariaceae), Endoxylina astroidea (Diatrypaceae), Exserohilum turcicum (Pleosporaceae), Immotthia hypoxylon (Roussoellaceae), Licopolia franciscana (Vizellaceae), Murispora rubicunda (Amniculicolaceae) and Doratospora guianensis (synonymized under Rizalia guianensis, Trichosphaeriaceae) were re-examined and descriptions, illustrations and discussion on their familial placement are given based on phylogeny and morphological data. New host records or new country reports are provided for Chlamydotubeufia huaikangplaensis, Colletotrichum fioriniae, Diaporthe subclavata, Diatrypella vulgaris, Immersidiscosia eucalypti, Leptoxyphium glochidion, Stemphylium vesicarium, Tetraploa yakushimensis and Xepicula leucotricha. Diaporthe baccae is synonymized under Diaporthe rhusicola. A reference specimen is provided for Periconia minutissima. Updated phylogenetic trees are provided for most families and genera. We introduce the new basidiomycete species Agaricus purpurlesquameus, Agaricus rufusfibrillosus, Lactifluus holophyllus, Lactifluus luteolamellatus, Lactifluus pseudohygrophoroides, Russula benwooii, Russula hypofragilis, Russula obscurozelleri, Russula parapallens, Russula phoenicea, Russula pseudopelargonia, Russula pseudotsugarum, Russula rhodocephala, Russula salishensis, Steccherinum amapaense, Tephrocybella constrictospora, Tyromyces amazonicus and Tyromyces angulatus and provide updated trees to the genera. We also introduce Mortierella formicae in Mortierellales, Mucoromycota and provide an updated phylogenetic tree

    The faces of fungi database: fungal names linked with morphology, phylogeny and human impacts

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    Taxonomic names are key links between various databases that store information on different organisms. Several global fungal nomenclural and taxonomic databases (notably Index Fungorum, Species Fungorum and MycoBank) can be sourced to find taxonomic details about fungi, while DNA sequence data can be sourced from NCBI, EBI and UNITE databases. Although the sequence data may be linked to a name, the quality of the metadata is variable and generally there is no corresponding link to images, descriptions or herbarium material. There is generally no way to establish the accuracy of the names in these genomic databases, other than whether the submission is from a reputable source. To tackle this problem, a new database (FacesofFungi), accessible at www.facesoffungi.org (FoF) has been established. This fungal database allows deposition of taxonomic data, phenotypic details and other useful data, which will enhance our current taxonomic understanding and ultimately enable mycologists to gain better and updated insights into the current fungal classification system. In addition, the database will also allow access to comprehensive metadata including descriptions of voucher and type specimens. This database is user-friendly, providing links and easy access between taxonomic ranks, with the classification system based primarily on molecular data (from the literature and via updated web-based phylogenetic trees), and to a lesser extent on morphological data when molecular data are unavailable. In FoF species are not only linked to the closest phylogenetic representatives, but also relevant data is provided, wherever available, on various applied aspects, such as ecological, industrial, quarantine and chemical uses. The data include the three main fungal groups (Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Basal fungi) and fungus-like organisms. The FoF webpage is an output funded by the Mushroom Research Foundation which is an NGO with seven directors with mycological expertise. The webpage has 76 curators, and with the help of these specialists, FoF will provide an updated natural classification of the fungi, with illustrated accounts of species linked to molecular data. The present paper introduces the FoF database to the scientific community and briefly reviews some of the problems associated with classification and identification of the main fungal groups. The structure and use of the database is then explained. We would like to invite all mycologists to contribute to these web pages

    The Faces of Fungi database: fungal names linked with morphology, phylogeny and human impacts

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    Taxonomic names are key links between various databases that store information on different organisms. Several global fungal nomenclural and taxonomic databases (notably Index Fungorum, Species Fungorum and MycoBank) can be sourced to find taxonomic details about fungi, while DNA sequence data can be sourced from NCBI, EBI and UNITE databases. Although the sequence data may be linked to a name, the quality of the metadata is variable and generally there is no corresponding link to images, descriptions or herbarium material. There is generally no way to establish the accuracy of the names in these genomic databases, other than whether the submission is from a reputable source. To tackle this problem, a new database (FacesofFungi), accessible at www.​facesoffungi.​org (FoF) has been established. This fungal database allows deposition of taxonomic data, phenotypic details and other useful data, which will enhance our current taxonomic understanding and ultimately enable mycologists to gain better and updated insights into the current fungal classification system. In addition, the database will also allow access to comprehensive metadata including descriptions of voucher and type specimens. This database is user-friendly, providing links and easy access between taxonomic ranks, with the classification system based primarily on molecular data (from the literature and via updated web-based phylogenetic trees), and to a lesser extent on morphological data when molecular data are unavailable. In FoF species are not only linked to the closest phylogenetic representatives, but also relevant data is provided, wherever available, on various applied aspects, such as ecological, industrial, quarantine and chemical uses. The data include the three main fungal groups (Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Basal fungi) and fungus-like organisms. The FoF webpage is an output funded by the Mushroom Research Foundation which is an NGO with seven directors with mycological expertise. The webpage has 76 curators, and with the help of these specialists, FoF will provide an updated natural classification of the fungi, with illustrated accounts of species linked to molecular data. The present paper introduces the FoF database to the scientific community and briefly reviews some of the problems associated with classification and identification of the main fungal groups. The structure and use of the database is then explained. We would like to invite all mycologists to contribute to these web pages.Fil: Jayasiri, Subashini C.. Mae Fah Luang University. Center of Excellence in Fungal Research; TailandiaFil: Hyde, Kevin D.. Mae Fah Luang University. Center of Excellence in Fungal Research; Tailandia. World Agro forestry Centre East and Central Asia Office; China. King Saud University. College of Science. Botany and Microbiology Department; Arabia SauditaFil: Ariyawansa, Hiran A.. Mae Fah Luang University. Center of Excellence in Fungal Research; Tailandia. Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology; ChinaFil: Bhat, Jayarama. Goa University. Department of Botany; IndiaFil: Buyck, Bart. Museum National D; FranciaFil: Romero, Andrea Irene. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Micología y Botánica. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Micología y Botánica; ArgentinaFil: Taylor, Joanne E.. Royal Botanic Gardens; Reino UnidoFil: Tsui, Clement K. M.. University Of British Columbia; CanadáFil: Vizzini, Alfredo. University of Turin. Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology; ItaliaFil: Abdel wahab, Mohamed A.. Sohag University. Faculty of Science. Department of Botany and Microbiology; EgiptoFil: Wen, Tingchi. Guizhou University. Ministry of Education. Engineering Research Center of Southwest Bio-Pharmaceutical Resources; ChinaFil: Boonmee, Saranyaphat. Mae Fah Luang University. Center of Excellence in Fungal Research; TailandiaFil: Dai, Dong Qin. Mae Fah Luang University. Center of Excellence in Fungal Research; Tailandia. World Agro forestry Centre East and Central Asia Office; ChinaFil: Daranagama, Dinushani A.. Mae Fah Luang University. Center of Excellence in Fungal Research; Tailandia. Chinese Academy of Sciences. Institute of Microbiology. State Key Laboratory of Mycology; ChinaFil: Dissanayake, Asha J.. Mae Fah Luang University. Center of Excellence in Fungal Research; Tailandia. Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences. Institute of Plant and Environment Protection; ChinaFil: Ekanayaka, Anusha H.. Mae Fah Luang University. Center of Excellence in Fungal Research; TailandiaFil: Fryar, S. C.. Flinders University. School of Biology; AustraliaFil: Hongsanan, Sinang. Mae Fah Luang University. Center of Excellence in Fungal Research; TailandiaFil: Jayawardena, Ruvishika S.. Mae Fah Luang University. Center of Excellence in Fungal Research; Tailandia. Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences. Institute of Plant and Environment Protection; ChinaFil: Li, Wenjing. Mae Fah Luang University. Center of Excellence in Fungal Research; Tailandia. World Agro forestry Centre East and Central Asia Office; ChinaFil: Perera, Rekhani H.. Mae Fah Luang University. Center of Excellence in Fungal Research; TailandiaFil: Phookamsak, R.. Mae Fah Luang University. Center of Excellence in Fungal Research; TailandiaFil: Silva, Nimali I. de. Chiang Mai University. Faculty of Science. Department of Biology; TailandiaFil: Thambugala, Kasun M.. Mae Fah Luang University. Center of Excellence in Fungal Research; Tailandia. Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology; ChinaFil: Tian, Qing. Mae Fah Luang University. Center of Excellence in Fungal Research; Tailandia. World Agro forestry Centre East and Central Asia Office; ChinaFil: Wijayawardene, Nalin N.. Mae Fah Luang University. Center of Excellence in Fungal Research; Tailandia. Guizhou University. Ministry of Education. Engineering Research Center of Southwest Bio-Pharmaceutical Resources; ChinaFil: Zhao, Ruilin. Chinese Academy of Sciences. Institute of Microbiology. State Key Laboratory of Mycology; ChinaFil: Zhao, Qi. World Agro forestry Centre East and Central Asia Office; China. Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Science. Biotechnology and Germplasm Resources Institute; ChinaFil: Kang, Jichuan. Guizhou University. Ministry of Education. Engineering Research Center of Southwest Bio-Pharmaceutical Resources; ChinaFil: Promputtha, Itthayakorn. Chiang Mai University. Faculty of Science. Department of Biology; Tailandi

    Fungal diversity notes 1-110: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal species

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    International audienceThis paper is a compilation of notes on 110 fungal taxa, including one new family, 10 new genera, and 76 new species, representing a wide taxonomic and geographic range. The new family, Paradictyoarthriniaceae is introduced based on its distinct lineage in Dothideomycetes and its unique morphology. The family is sister to Biatriosporaceae and Roussoellaceae. The new genera are Allophaeosphaeria (Phaeosphaeriaceae), Amphibambusa (Amphisphaeriaceae), Brunneomycosphaerella (Capnodiales genera incertae cedis), Chaetocapnodium (Capnodiaceae), Flammeascoma (Anteagloniaceae), Multiseptospora (Pleosporales genera incertae cedis), Neogaeumannomyces (Magnaporthaceae), Palmiascoma (Bambusicolaceae), Paralecia (Squamarinaceae) and Sarimanas (Melanommataceae). The newly described species are the Ascomycota Aliquandostipite manochii, Allophaeosphaeria dactylidis, A. muriformia, Alternaria cesenica, Amphibambusa bambusicola, Amphisphaeria sorbi, Annulohypoxylon thailandicum, Atrotorquata spartii, Brunneomycosphaerella laburni, Byssosphaeria musae, Camarosporium aborescentis, C. aureum, C. frutexensis, Chaetocapnodium siamensis, Chaetothyrium agathis, Colletotrichum sedi, Conicomyces pseudotransvaalensis, Cytospora berberidis, C. sibiraeae, Diaporthe thunbergiicola, Diatrype palmicola, Dictyosporium aquaticum, D. meiosporum, D. thailandicum, Didymella cirsii, Dinemasporium nelloi, Flammeascoma bambusae, Kalmusia italica, K. spartii, Keissleriella sparticola, Lauriomyces synnematicus, Leptosphaeria ebuli, Lophiostoma pseudodictyosporium, L. ravennicum, Lophiotrema eburnoides, Montagnula graminicola, Multiseptospora thailandica, Myrothecium macrosporum, Natantispora unipolaris, Neogaeumannomyces bambusicola, Neosetophoma clematidis, N. italica, Oxydothis atypica, Palmiascoma gregariascomum, Paraconiothyrium nelloi, P. thysanolaenae, Paradictyoarthrinium tectonicola, Paralecia pratorum, Paraphaeosphaeria spartii, Pestalotiopsis digitalis, P. dracontomelon, P. italiana, Phaeoisaria pseudoclematidis, Phragmocapnias philippinensis, Pseudocamarosporium cotinae, Pseudocercospora tamarindi, Pseudotrichia rubriostiolata, P. thailandica, Psiloglonium multiseptatum, Saagaromyces mangrovei, Sarimanas pseudofluviatile, S. shirakamiense, Tothia spartii, Trichomerium siamensis, Wojnowicia dactylidicola, W. dactylidis and W. lonicerae. The Basidiomycota Agaricus flavicentrus, A. hanthanaensis, A. parvibicolor, A. sodalis, Cantharellus luteostipitatus, Lactarius atrobrunneus, L. politus, Phylloporia dependens and Russula cortinarioides are also introduced. Epitypifications or reference specimens are designated for Hapalocystis berkeleyi, Meliola tamarindi, Pallidocercospora acaciigena, Phaeosphaeria musae, Plenodomus agnitus, Psiloglonium colihuae, P. sasicola and Zasmidium musae while notes and/or new sequence data are provided for Annulohypoxylon leptascum, A. nitens, A. stygium, Biscogniauxia marginata, Fasciatispora nypae, Hypoxylon fendleri, H. monticulosum, Leptosphaeria doliolum, Microsphaeropsis olivacea, Neomicrothyrium, Paraleptosphaeria nitschkei, Phoma medicaginis and Saccotheciaceae. A full description of each species is provided with light micrographs (or drawings). Molecular data is provided for 90 taxa and used to generate phylogenetic trees to establish a natural classification for species

    Redined families of Dothideomycetes: orders and families incertain in Dothideomycetes

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    peer reviewedNumerous new taxa and classifications of Dothideomycetes have been published following the last monograph of families of Dothideomycetes in 2013. A recent publication by Honsanan et al. in 2020 expanded information of families in Dothideo- mycetidae and Pleosporomycetidae with modern classifications. In this paper, we provide a refined updated document on orders and families incertae sedis of Dothideomycetes. Each family is provided with an updated description, notes, including figures to represent the morphology, a list of accepted genera, and economic and ecological significances. We also provide phylogenetic trees for each order. In this study, 31 orders which consist 50 families are assigned as orders incertae sedis in Dothideomycetes, and 41 families are treated as families incertae sedis due to lack of molecular or morphological evidence. The new order, Catinellales, and four new families, Catinellaceae, Morenoinaceae Neobuelliellaceae and Thyrinulaceae are introduced. Seven genera (Neobuelliella, Pseudomicrothyrium, Flagellostrigula, Swinscowia, Macroconstrictolumina, Pseudobogoriella, and Schummia) are introduced. Seven new species (Acrospermum urticae, Bogoriella complexoluminata, Dothiorella ostryae, Dyfrolomyces distoseptatus, Macroconstrictolumina megalateralis, Patellaria microspora, and Pseu- domicrothyrium thailandicum) are introduced base on morphology and phylogeny, together with two new records/reports and five new collections from different families. Ninety new combinations are also provided in this paper

    Fungal diversity notes 603\u2013708: taxonomic and phylogenetic notes on genera and species

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    Fungal diversity notes 1036-1150: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungal taxa

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