143 research outputs found

    Students’ Perception about MPhil Leading to PhD Program in Library and Information Science: A Case Study

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    This paper reports findings of three focus group interviews conducted to obtain students’ perception about MPhil (Master of Philosophy) leading to PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) program in Library and Information Science (LIS) at the University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. The results represent four open-ended questions of discussion that comprise, (a) students’ opinion about the admission policy and procedure of this program, (b) students’ reflection on program of the study, (c) students’ view on the coursework curriculum and its relation with writing a research dissertation, and (d) students’ opinion about the availability of required facilities. The key findings reveal that this academic program is a great opportunity for the LIS professionals. Being in initial stage, it has certain skill related challenges ahead. Hence, preparing LIS students for the future leadership roles does involve teaching them technology skills, practical research skills, communication skills, and management and leadership skills. Further, the availability of required facilities needs improvement

    Pengaruh Suplementasi Fitase Pada Pakan terhadap Performa Broiler

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    Hasil percobaan menunjukan bahwa suplementasi 750 FTU/kg fitase mampu menurunkan jumlah konsumsi pakan, meningkatkan pertambahan bobot badan, serta menurunkan nilai konversi pakan pada broiler. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa suplementasi fitase berpengaruh baik dalam performa broiler

    Cooperative Diversity for Inter-Vehicular Communications

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    Recent technological advances and pervasiveness of wireless communication devices have offered novel and promising solutions to the road safety problem and on-the-go entertainment. One such solution is the Inter-Vehicular Communications (IVC) where vehicles cooperate in receiving and delivering the messages to each other, establishing a decentralized communication system. The communication between vehicles can be made more effective and reliable at the physical layer by using the concept of space-time coding (STC). STC demonstrated that the deployment of multiple antennas at the transmitter allows for simultaneous increase in throughput and reliability because of the additional degree of freedom offered by the spatial dimension of the wireless. However, the use of multiple antenna at the receiver is not feasible because of the size and power limitations. Cooperative diversity, which is also known as user cooperation is ideal to overcome these limitations by introducing a new concept of using the antenna of neighboring node. This technique exploits the broadcast nature of wireless transmissions and creates a virtual (distributed) antenna array through cooperating nodes to realize spatial diversity advantage. Although there has been a growing literature on cooperative diversity, the current literature is mainly limited to Rayleigh fading channel model which typically assumes a wireless communication scenario with a stationary base station antenna above roof-top level and a mobile station at street level. In this thesis, we investigate cooperative diversity for inter-vehicular communication based on cascaded Rayleigh fading. This channel model provides a realistic description of inter-vehicular channel where two or more independent Rayleigh fading processes are assumed to be generated by independent groups of scatters around the two mobile terminals. We investigate the performance of amplify-and-forward relaying for an inter-vehicular cooperative scheme assisted by either a road-side access point or another vehicle which acts as a relay. Our diversity analysis reveals that the cooperative scheme is able to extract the full distributed spatial diversity. We further formulate a power allocation problem for the considered scheme to optimize the power allocated to broadcasting and relaying phases. Performance gains up to 3 dB are obtained through optimum power allocation depending on the relay location

    Pembuatan Papan Komposit Berbahan Limbah Industri Kopi dan Plastik Bekas

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kualitas papan komposit hasil pengolahan limbah ampas kopi dan plastik bekas, serta komposisi dengan kualitas terbaik dari empat variasi komposisi berdasarkan SNI 03-2105-2006. Ampas kopi dipilih sebagai filler karena kandungan ligninnya yang tinggi (33,6%), plastik bekas High Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE) dipilih sebagai matriks karena sifat karakter mekanisnya lebih baik dibandingkan dengan jenis plastik lain, dan ditambahkan Maleat Anhidrida (MAH) sebagai compatibilizer. Empat variasi komposisi yang digunakan adalah 50:50; 40:60; 30:70; dan 20:80 untuk perbandingan matriks dan filler. Papan komposit dibuat dengan metode hot press pada suhu 180ºC, tekanan 25 kg/cm2, dan durasi hot press 20 menit. Metode uji dan standar nilai kualitas, meliputi nilai kerapatan, kadar air, pengembangan tebal, modulus elastisitas lentur, keteguhan tarik tegak lurus, dan kuat cabut sekrup mengacu pada SNI-03- 2105-2006. Hasilnya nilai kerapatan (0,63 – 0,79 g/cm3), kadar air (1,37 – 2,98%), pengembangan tebal (4,08 – 8,26%), modulus elastisitas lentur (3,77 x104 – 4,1x104 kgf/cm2), dan keteguhan tarik tegak lurus (5,33 – 19,46 kgf/cm2). Nilai yang belum memenuhi standar adalah nilai kuat cabut sekrup (20,12 – 27,9 kgf/cm2). Hasil tersebut menunjukkan lima dari enam parameter kualitas produk papan komposit telah memenuhi SNI-03-2105-2006. Komposisi dengan kualitas terbaik adalah perbandingan matriks:filler 50:50. Kata kunci: ampas kopi, HDPE, papan komposit, Maleat Anhidrida (MAH), daur ulang

    Efficient, one-pot synthesis of 14-aryl-14Hdibenzo[a, j]xanthenes in aqueous medium catalyzed by bis-piperidinium compounds

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    A novel procedure for the synthesis of 14-aryl-14Hdibenzo[a,j]xanthenes through one-pot condensation of b-naphthol with aryl halides in aqueous media catalyzed by bis-piperidinium compounds is described. The method resulted in good to excellent yields in short reaction times
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