2,276 research outputs found

    Automatic identification and enumeration of algae

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    A good understanding of the population dynamics of algal communities is vital in many ecological and pollution studies of freshwater and oceanic systems. Present methods require manual counting and identification of algae and can take up to 90 min to obtain a statistically reliable count on a complex population. Several alternative techniques to accelerate the process have been tried on marine samples but none have been completely successful because insufficient effort has been put into verifying the technique before field trials. The objective of the present study has been to assess the potential of in vivo fluorescence of algal pigments as a means of automatically identifying algae. For this work total fluorescence spectroscopy was chosen as the observation technique

    Communities in university mathematics

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    This paper concerns communities of learners and teachers that are formed, develop and interact in university mathematics environments through the theoretical lens of Communities of Practice. From this perspective, learning is described as a process of participation and reification in a community in which individuals belong and form their identity through engagement, imagination and alignment. In addition, when inquiry is considered as a fundamental mode of participation, through critical alignment, the community becomes a Community of Inquiry. We discuss these theoretical underpinnings with examples of their application in research in university mathematics education and, in more detail, in two Research Cases which focus on mathematics students' and teachers' perspectives on proof and on engineering students' conceptual understanding of mathematics. The paper concludes with a critical reflection on the theorising of the role of communities in university level teaching and learning and a consideration of ways forward for future research

    A Design Of Feeding Network For A Dual-Linear Polarization, Stacked, Probe-Fed Microstrip Patch Antenna Array

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    Performance of silicon solar cell assemblies

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    Solar cell assembly current-voltage characteristics, thermal-optical properties, and power performance were determined. Solar cell cover glass thermal radiation, optical properties, confidence limits, and temperature intensity effects on maximum power were discussed

    Alpha Emitter Intrinsic Concentration in Copper required for Nuclear Spectrometry Application

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    Low-level radioactivity content in copper are employed for bolometric thermal radiation sensors and astro-nuclear spectrometers. The required lowest achievable alpha emitters concentration, for treated and untreated surfaces, are measured by Double Sided Silicon Strip Detectors in a high vacuum chamber and provide information on its intrinsic NORM content. Results shows that copper alpha emitters content can be achieved in the range below 0.01 (counts. keV-¹·kg-¹·y-¹) adequate for specific nuclear spectrometry applications

    Time as an operator/observable in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics

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    The nonrelativistic Schroedinger equation for motion of a structureless particle in four-dimensional space-time entails a well-known expression for the conserved four-vector field of local probability density and current that are associated with a quantum state solution to the equation. Under the physical assumption that each spatial, as well as the temporal, component of this current is observable, the position in time becomes an operator and an observable in that the weighted average value of the time of the particle's crossing of a complete hyperplane can be simply defined: ... When the space-time coordinates are (t,x,y,z), the paper analyzes in detail the case that the hyperplane is of the type z=constant. Particles can cross such a hyperplane in either direction, so it proves convenient to introduce an indefinite metric, and correspondingly a sesquilinear inner product with non-Hilbert space structure, for the space of quantum states on such a surface. >... A detailed formalism for computing average crossing times on a z=constant hyperplane, and average dwell times and delay times for a zone of interaction between a pair of z=constant hyperplanes, is presented.Comment: 31 pages, no figures. Differs from published version by minor corrections and additions, and two citation

    Chern - Simons Gauge Field Theory of Two - Dimensional Ferromagnets

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    A Chern-Simons gauged Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equation is derived from the continuous Heisenberg model in 2+1 dimensions. The corresponding planar magnets can be analyzed whithin the anyon theory. Thus, we show that static magnetic vortices correspond to the self-dual Chern - Simons solitons and are described by the Liouville equation. The related magnetic topological charge is associated with the electric charge of anyons. Furthermore, vortex - antivortex configurations are described by the sinh-Gordon equation and its conformally invariant extension. Physical consequences of these results are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, Plain TeX, Lecce, June 199

    Teachers’ perspectives on collaboration with didacticians to create an inquiry community

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    This article was published in the journal, Research in Mathematics Education [Routledge © British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics]. The definitive version is available at: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14794800902732209A research and development project, Learning Communities in Mathematics (LCM) was designed to create opportunities for ‘co-learning inquiry’ between mathematics teachers in eight schools and didacticians in a university in Norway (UiA). The focus has been on improving mathematics teaching and learning at school levels from lower primary to upper secondary and on the developmental processes and partnerships involved. A central aim was to create a community of inquiry through which aspects of mathematics teaching and learning could be explored, and through which both teachers and didacticians could learn in practice. Theoretically, ‘Community of Inquiry’ derives from ‘Community of Practice’ as expounded by Lave andWenger, and particularlyWenger’s concept of ‘belonging’. The project included three, one-year phases of joint activity. At the end of Phase II, didacticians led focus group interviews with teacher teams to gain insights into schools’ and teachers’ perceptions of the project and its activity. We report on insights into how teachers thought about the activities of the project and what an inquiry community looks like in terms of the learning of those involved. We relate this back to the theoretical perspectives of communities of practice and inquiry
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