249 research outputs found

    Conferencia del Excmo. Sr. D. Javier Gómez de la Serna pronunciada en la sesión pública de 19 de enero de 1916

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    Tema: Derecho municipalCopia Digital : Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación, 2011Precede al tít.: Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislació

    FreeWall-1: un cortafuegos corporativo para plataformas Win32

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    FreeWall-1 es el proyecto para construir un cortafuegos corporativo para plataformas Win32 similar a los cortafuegos comerciales existentes tipo FireWall-1 de CheckPoint o StoneGate de StoneSoft. FreeWall-1 pretende ser una alternativa robusta, fiable y gratuita. FreeWall-1 no pretende ser una copia de un producto comercial, sino que incorporará tecnologías únicas como un IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) en el propio filtrado del cortafuegos. Este IPS en un principio estará basado en reglas de nuestra propia creación o compatibilidad con algunas reglas del IDS SNORT. En un principio dado los recursos humanos (3 personas) y de tiempo (9 meses) que se dispondrán no se incorporará soporte VPN (Virtual Private network), servidores seguros, ni balanceo de carga. Pero se dejará una interfaz para su fácil inclusión posterior. [ABSTRACT] FreeWall-1 is the project to build a corporative firewall for Win32 platform similar to the commercial existing ones such as FireWall-1 of Checkpoint or StoneGate of StoneSoft. FreeWall-1 aims to be a robust alternative, reliable and free. FreeWall-1 objectives are not to be a copy of a commercial product, it will have unique technologies such as an IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) in the filtering stage of the firewall. This IPS in a first stage will be rule based compatible with IDS SNORT rules. Due to limited human (3 people) and time resources (9 months) we will face, FreeWall-1 will not support technologies such as VPN (Virtual Private Network), secure servers nor load balancing. But there will be a clean interface for easy future development

    Formación en Cinemática y Dinámica de Sistemas Multicuerpo Mediante Coordenadas Naturales

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    La formación de los futuros ingenieros mecánicos en dinámica de sistemas multicuerpo 3-D rara vez encuentra una materia específica en los planes de estudio, ni siquiera en postgrado. Cuando sólo se dispone de algunas horas (entre 5 y 10 horas de clase y unas 15 de trabajo personal) en el marco de una materia más general, las coordenadas naturales y Matlab son probablemente el único camino para alcanzar ciertos objetivos prácticos. Aquí se aborda cómo se pueden alcanzar estos objetivos, con un aprendizaje basado en .casos reales. Very often, the curriculum of mechanical engineers doesn't include any specific subject on kinematics and dynamics of multibody systems. In these situations the unique opportunity to introduce MBS is to dedicate from 5 to 10 hours to this subject inside a more general course, plus about 15 hours of personal work. This paper shows how this short time can be enough if natural coordinates are used. Keywords

    Gold clusters immobilized by post-synthesis methods on thiol-containing SBA-15 mesoporous materials for the aerobic oxidation of cyclohexene: influence of light and hydroperoxide

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    Gold nanospecies produced by a historically inspired two-liquid phase system were immobilized on plate-like mesoporous silica, SBA-15, functionalized with mercaptopropyl groups by a post-synthesis method, and the resulting materials were tested in the oxidation of cyclohexene with molecular oxygen at atmospheric pressure. The main purpose of this approach was to compare the physicochemical properties and catalytic performance of these materials with those of previously reported related materials functionalized by in situ methods during synthesis. In addition, catalytic tests under ambient lighting and darkness and also in the presence and absence of the initiator tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP) were carried out. The samples were characterized by chemical analysis, N2 adsorption/desorption, TGA, SEM, HRTEM, UV-vis spectroscopy and XPS. Gold nanoclusters and isolated gold atoms but no AuNPs were found in the catalysts (0.31–2.69 wt.% of gold). The XPS shows that nearly 60% of the -SH groups (1.33 wt.% of S) were oxidized to sulphonic groups upon gold immobilization. The AuNCs and isolated gold atoms evolved in the the reaction medium to form AuNPs. The activity of the samples was lower than that of the catalysts supported on related S-bearing SBA-15 functionalized in situ, which was attributed to their different Au/S ratios, which in turn regulated the evolutionary process of the gold species during the reaction. The catalysts turned out to be inactive in darkness, which evidences that the cyclohexene oxidation carried out at ambient illumination is actually photocatalyzed by the AuNPs formed in situ during the reaction. The TBHP initiator is required to obtain the activity in order to counteract the inhibitors of cyclohexene auto-oxidation present in the commercial reagent. On the other hand, no major differences in the selectivity among the different catalysts and reactions were observed, with 2-cyclohexen-1-one and 2-cyclohexen-1-ol resulting from the allylic oxidation as main products (selectivity of (one + ol) ~80% at a conversion ≥ 35%; one/ol~2)

    Amplificación cruzada de microsatélites en el género Centaurea (Compositae).

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    11p. Fotog. en color. Tablas.[EN] Microsatellites are widely used for population genetic studies although the development of these species-specific markers is costly and time-consuming. One strategy for saving time and money is the use of markers developed for one species (source species) in a different species (target species). This is known as cross-amplification. In the present work, two sets of microsatellites are used to test their transferability to six narrow endemic Centaurea species: i) 16 nuclear loci previously published for three congeneric species and ii) 10 universal chloroplast markers designed from Nicotiana tabacum sequences. Seventeen of the 26 markers tested were transferable and 14 of them were also polymorphic and therefore useful for future works. Nuclear markers were more variable and thus more informative than chloroplast markers. Interspecific amplification performed better for the nuclear loci developed for different Centaurea species than for the universal chloroplast markers developed for Nicotiana tabacum. Likewise, transferability was more successful for the species from sect. Phalolepis than for sect. Lepteranthus. Therefore, our results support the idea that the success of the cross-amplification is influenced by the evolutionary distance between the target and the source species.[ES] Los microsatélites se usan habitualmente en estudios de genética de poblaciones aunque su desarrollo es un proceso caro y largo dada su elevada especificidad. Una estrategia que permite ahorrar tiempo y dinero es la llamada amplificación cruzada que consiste en amplificar el DNA de una especie determinada (especie objetivo) usando marcadores que han sido diseñados para una especie diferente (especie fuente). En este trabajo se ha realizado un ensayo sobre amplificación cruzada usando seis endemismos del género Centaurea y dos conjuntos de microsatélites: i) 16 marcadores nucleares desarrollados para tres especies congenéricas y ii) 10 marcadores cloroplásticos universales diseñados para Nicotiana tabacum. Diecisiete de los 26 marcadores evaluados resultaron transferibles, de los cuales 14 fueron polimórficos siendo así útiles para futuros trabajos. Las regiones nucleares se mostraron más variables y por lo tanto más informativas que las cloroplásticas. La amplificación cruzada funcionó mejor para los marcadores nucleares específicos de Centaurea que para los cloroplásticos universales específicos de Nicotiana tabacum. A su vez, se obtuvo mejor resultado para las especies de la sección Phalolepis que para las de la sección Lepteranthus. En consecuencia, nuestros resultados apoyan la idea de que el éxito de la amplificación cruzada está estrechamente ligado a la distancia evolutiva entre especie fuente y especie objetivo.Financial support from the Spanish MICINN (Project CGL2007-60781 and CGL2010/18631) and the Generalitat de Catalunya (Ajuts a Grups de Recerca Consolidats 2009/ SGR/00439-GREB) is gratefully acknowledged.Peer reviewe

    IFBiD: Inference-Free Bias Detection

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    Also published online by CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org, ISSN 1613-0073)This paper is the first to explore an automatic way to detect bias in deep convolutional neural networks by simply look- ing at their weights. Furthermore, it is also a step towards understanding neural networks and how they work. We show that it is indeed possible to know if a model is biased or not simply by looking at its weights, without the model infer- ence for an specific input. We analyze how bias is encoded in the weights of deep networks through a toy example using the Colored MNIST database and we also provide a realistic case study in gender detection from face images using state- of-the-art methods and experimental resources. To do so, we generated two databases with 36K and 48K biased models each. In the MNIST models we were able to detect whether they presented a strong or low bias with more than 99% ac- curacy, and we were also able to classify between four levels of bias with more than 70% accuracy. For the face models, we achieved 90% accuracy in distinguishing between models biased towards Asian, Black, or Caucasian ethnicityThis work has been supported by projects: TRESPASSETN (MSCA-ITN-2019-860813), PRIMA (MSCAITN-2019-860315), BIBECA (RTI2018-101248-B-I00 MINECO/FEDER), and BB for TAI (PID2021-127641OB-I00 MICINN/FEDER). I. Serna is supported by a FPI fellowship from UAM

    Invaginación Apendicular en preescolar: Reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura

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    Intestinal invagination occurs when an intestinal segment is introduced into another segment. The appendicular presentation is less common and affects predominantly infants. The diagnosis is corroborated during the surgical intervention which consists of de-invagination followed by surgical removal of the appendix, if the latter is not possible then a wide resection or right hemicolectomy is indicated. We present the case of a 4-year-old girl who attended with a history of abdominal pain, anorexia, vomiting and fever; an abdominal ultrasound showed intestinal agglomeration and a rounded mass. The surgical findings included appendicular invagination that affected the cecum, the lesion was resected until the ascending colon. An ileostomy was performed, the anatomopathological findings indicated necrosis of the appendix. Three months later the normal intestinal transit was restored. Appendicular intussusception has non-specific symptoms and could be mortal in Peru. A detailed clinical history may help in diagnosing and offering proper treatment.La invaginación intestinal sucede cuando un segmento del intestino se introduce en otro. La presentación apendicular es menos común, afectando principalmente a lactantes. Frecuentemente, se comprueba durante el intraoperatorio. El tratamiento es la desinvaginación, seguido de la exéresis del apéndice. De no lograrse, se prefiere la resección amplia o una hemicolectomía derecha. Se presenta en caso de una niña de 4 años que acudió por dolor abdominal, hiporexia, vómitos y sensación de alza térmica; la ecografía mostró conglomeración de asas intestinales e imagen redondeada. En cirugía se encontró invaginación apendicular que compromete el ciego, se resecó la masa hasta el inicio del colon ascendente. Se realizó una ileostomía sin fístula mucosa; el estudio anatomo-patológico informó necrosis del apéndice cecal. Tres meses después se restituyó el tránsito intestinal. La Intususcepción apendicular tiene síntomas inespecíficos. En Perú, puede llegar a ser mortal. Una historia clínica detallada con evaluación minuciosa ofrece un acertado diagnóstico y un tratamiento oportuno

    Advice from a Medical Expert through the Internet on Queries about AIDS and Hepatitis: Analysis of a Pilot Experiment

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    BACKGROUND: Advice from a medical expert on concerns and queries expressed anonymously through the Internet by patients and later posted on the Web, offers a new type of patient–doctor relationship. The aim of the current study was to perform a descriptive analysis of questions about AIDS and hepatitis made to an infectious disease expert and sent through the Internet to a consumer-oriented Web site in the Spanish language. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Questions were e-mailed and the questions and answers were posted anonymously in the “expert-advice” section of a Web site focused on AIDS and hepatitis. We performed a descriptive study and a temporal analysis of the questions received in the first 12 months after the launch of the site. A total of 899 questions were received from December 2003 to November 2004, with a marked linear growth pattern. Questions originated in Spain in 68% of cases and 32% came from Latin America (the Caribbean, Central America, and South America). Eighty percent of the senders were male. Most of the questions concerned HIV infection (79%) with many fewer on hepatitis (17%) . The highest numbers of questions were submitted just after the weekend (37% of questions were made on Mondays and Tuesdays). Risk factors for contracting HIV infection were the most frequent concern (69%), followed by the window period for detection (12.6%), laboratory results (5.9%), symptoms (4.7%), diagnosis (2.7%), and treatment (2.2%). CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm a great demand for this type of “ask-the-expert” Internet service, at least for AIDS and hepatitis. Factors such as anonymity, free access, and immediate answers have been key factors in its success

    Endocranial morphology of the extinct Antillean shrew Nesophontes (Lipotyphla: Nesophontidae) from natural and digital endocasts of Cuban taxa

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    This paper documents and describes fossil microbial structures inferred to be of algal/bacterial origin in the Upper Cretaceous Agua Nueva Formation in the Xilitla area (San Luis Potosi, Mexico), located in the southern part of the Tampico-Misantla basin. The sequence consists of alternating decimeter-thick beds of limestone with occasional brown shale and green bentonite layers. The limeston also include intermittent beds of black chert. The sedimentary succession shows two calcareous facies: 1) dark laminated limestones containing fossil remains of holosteans, teleosteans and shark teeth, as well as lenticular layers of sedimentary pyrite, and high content of organic matter (Corg 1 ‒ 8 wt%); and 2) gray, non-laminated, bioturbated limestones with low content of organic matter (Corg \u3c 1.0 wt%). Petrographic and scanning electron microscope analyses of the laminated limestone reveal a micritic matrix with sub-parallel wavy lamination, continuous and discontinuous folded laminae with shreds of organic matter, as well as different kinds of filaments, coated grains and planktonic foraminifera. On the other hand, the non-laminated, bioturbated limestone comprises infrequent filaments and pyrite. Both textures and biomorphic structures are very similar to those previously described for ancient and recent sediments representative of microbial origin. Furthermore, the occurrence of filaments embedded in the organic-matter-rich laminae suggests in situ production related to benthic microbial activity. Concurrence of lamination due to the absence of bioturbation, pervasive framboidal pyrite, and the high concentration of organic matter in the laminated limestones are consistent with persistent dysoxic/anoxic conditions, whereas the bioturbated limestones might represent recurrent relatively well-oxygenated episodes. The presence of the planktonic foraminifera Rotalipora cushmani concomitant with Inoceramus labiatus indicates a time interval from the Late Cenomanian to the Earliest Turonian for the Agua Nueva Formation at Xilitla, thus indicating that this interval of intermittent severe oxygen deficient conditions is coeval with the global Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE-2)