293 research outputs found

    Wavelet packet modulation a new equalization scheme

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    Multicarrier modulation systems have experienced a tremendous growth in complexity and possibilities during the past decade, allowing data transmission rates never before imagined, leading to the commercial appearing of high-definition video on demand on mobile scenarios, faster Ethernet connections, increased number of digital television channels, etc. This tremendous change came up with the application of OFDM in various branches related to information interchange: ADSL and VDSL networks, DVB, WLAN, digital radio, or even the 4th generation standard for mobile communications (LTE). Therefore, OFDM is a cornerstone for communication exchange, but at the same time there are some aspects that might be improved, especially its flexibility and spectral efficiency. Wavelet-Based communication systems have some advantages like lower transmitted signal Sidelobe Level (SLL), higher spectral efficiency as well as higher flexibility with respect to OFDM technology. However, there is an important lack for WPM systems: its structure is complex and there is a lack of specific equalization schemes for it. In this thesis, we will go in deep of the Wavelet Packet System and try to find an equivalent and more efficient model, that leads to a proper specific equalization to improve the characteristics of these systems. Then, after introducing Wavelet theory and the equalization methods, we will present the concept of a post-processing equalization scheme, whose main components will be described in detail. Afterwards the new system will be tested in different scenarios in order to verify and validate theoretical assumptions, to finally conclude this work with a summary of conclussions and related work.Ingeniería de Telecomunicació

    Rodent Models for the Study of Soil-Transmitted Helminths: A Proteomics Approach.

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    Soil-transmitted helminths (STH) affect hundreds of millions worldwide and are some of the most important neglected tropical diseases in terms of morbidity. Due to the difficulty in studying STH human infections, rodent models have become increasingly used, mainly because of their similarities in life cycle. Ascaris suum and Trichuris muris have been proven appropriate and low maintenance models for the study of ascariasis and trichuriasis. In the case of hookworms, despite most of the murine models do not fully reproduce the life cycle of Necator americanus, their proteomic similarity makes them highly suitable for the development of novel vaccine candidates and for the study of hookworm biological features. Furthermore, these models have been helpful in elucidating some basic aspects of our immune system, and are currently being used by numerous researchers to develop novel molecules with immunomodulatory proteins. Herein we review the similarities in the proteomic composition between Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri and Trichuris muris and their respective human counterpart with a focus on the vaccine candidates and immunomodulatory proteins being currently studied.JS is a Miguel Servet Fellow funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CP17III/00002, MPY 406/18 and MPY 504/19).S

    La utilización de las nuevas tecnologías para la búsqueda de bibliografía básica sobre las dificultades en el aprendizaje escolar

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    El objetivo de este artículo y la presentación de una bibliografía básica sobre las investigaciones que en la década de los 90 se han llevado a cabo en distintos países nos parece básica. El interés que suscita este campo de trabajo por la mayoría de los educadores hace que surja un interés desde la propia escuela por averiguar qué se investiga respecto a los alumnos que presentan dificultades en la escuela. Sobre todo estas investigaciones nos dan una idea de la intervención psicopedagógica y las estrategias educativas para utilizar en el aula con alumnos que no siguen de forma adecuada el currículum escolar

    Gastrointestinal worms and bacteria: From association to intervention

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    A plethora of studies, both experimental and epidemiological, have indicated the occurrence of associations between infections by gastrointestinal (GI) helminths and the composition and function of the host gut microbiota. Given the worldwide risk and spread of anthelmintic resistance, particularly for GI parasites of livestock, a better understanding of the mechanisms underpinning the relationships between GI helminths and the gut microbiome, and between the latter and host health, may assist the development of novel microbiome-targeting and other bacteria-based strategies for parasite control. In this article, we review current and prospective methods to manipulate the host gut microbiome, and/or to exploit the immune stimulatory and modulatory properties of gut bacteria (and their products) to counteract the negative impact of GI worm infections; we also discuss the potential applications of these intervention strategies in programmes aimed to aid the fight against helminth diseases of humans and livestock.Javier Sotillo is a Miguel Servet Fellow funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CP17III/00002).S

    Rights of persons with chronic condition or disability in the legal clinic

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    Este trabajo recoge una visión de la Clínica Legal. En primer lugar, el lector encontrará una introducción acerca del interés personal sobre el tema objeto de estudio. En segundo lugar, un capítulo sobre la historia de la Clínica compuesto por varios bloques: su historia y concepto y la repercusión ética y social. En tercer lugar, se exponen una serie de casos en los que el autor ha trabajado. Por último, se realizan unas conclusiones sobre la experiencia obtenida en estos casos así como la del funcionamiento de la Clínica Legal de la Universidad de Alcalá.This study includes a vision of the Legal Clinic. First of all, the reader will find an introduction that explains the author personal interest on the matter. Second, a chapter on the history of the Clinic including several topics: its history and concept and the its ethical and social impact. Third, a series of cases in which the author has worked related to the rights of citizens with chronic conditions or disability. Finally, conclusions are drawn about the experience obtained in these cases as well as the operation of the Legal Clinic of the Universidad de Alcalá.Máster Universitario en Acceso a la Profesión de Abogado (M155

    The venom of the spine-bellied sea snake (Hydrophis curtus): proteome, toxin diversity and intraspecific variation

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    The spine-bellied sea snake (Hydrophis curtus) is known to cause human deaths, yet its venom composition has not yet been proteomically characterised. An in-depth proteomic analysis was performed on H. curtus venom from two different seasons, January and June, corresponding to adults and subadults, respectively. Venoms from adult and subadult H. curtus individuals were compared using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC), matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS) to detect intraspecific variation, and the molecular weight data obtained with ESI-MS were used to assess toxin diversity. RP-HPLC and LC-ESI-MS/MS were used to characterise the venom proteome and estimate the relative abundances of protein families present. The most abundant protein family in January and June venoms is phospholipase A2 (PLA2: January 66.7%; June 54.5%), followed by three-finger toxins (3FTx: January 30.4%; June 40.4%) and a minor component of cysteine-rich secretory proteins (CRISP: January 2.5%; June 5%). Trace amounts of snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMP), C-type lectins and housekeeping and regulatory proteins were also found. Although the complexity of the venom is low by number of families present, each family contained a more diverse set of isoforms than previously reported, a finding that may have implications for the development of next-generation sea snake antivenoms. Intraspecific variability was shown to be minor with one obvious exception of a 14,157-Da protein that was present in some January (adult) venoms, but not at all in June (subadult) venoms. There is also a greater abundance of short-chain neurotoxins in June (subadult) venom compared with January (adult) venom. These differences potentially indicate the presence of seasonal, ontogenetic or sexual variation in H. curtus venom

    A quantitative proteomic analysis of the tegumental proteins from Schistosoma mansoni schistosomula reveals novel potential therapeutic targets

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    The tegument of Schistosoma mansoni plays an integral role in host–parasite interactions, particularly during the transition from the free-living cercariae to the intra-mammalian schistosomula stages. This developmental period is characterised by the transition from a trilaminate surface to a heptalaminate tegument that plays key roles in immune evasion, nutrition and excretion. Proteins exposed at the surface membranes of newly transformed schistosomula are therefore thought to be prime targets for the development of new vaccines and drugs for schistosomiasis. Using a combination of tegumental labelling and high-throughput quantitative proteomics, more than 450 proteins were identified on the apical membrane of S. mansoni schistosomula, of which 200 had significantly regulated expression profiles at different stages of schistosomula development in vitro, including glucose transporters, sterols, heat shock proteins, antioxidant enzymes and peptidases. Current vaccine antigens were identified on the apical membrane (Sm-TSP-1, calpain) or sub-tegumental (Sm-TSP-2, Sm29) fractions of the schistosomula, displaying localisation patterns that, in some cases, differ from that in the adult stage fluke. This work provides the first known in-depth proteomic analysis of the surface-exposed proteins in the schistosomula tegument, and some of the proteins identified are clear targets for the generation of new vaccines and drugs against schistosomiasis

    Special considerations for studies of extracellular vesicles from parasitic helminths: A community-led roadmap to increase rigour and reproducibility

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    Over the last decade, research interest in defining how extracellular vesicles (EVs) shape cross-species communication has grown rapidly. Parasitic helminths, worm species found in the phyla Nematoda and Platyhelminthes, are well-recognised manipulators of host immune function and physiology. Emerging evidence supports a role for helminth-derived EVs in these processes and highlights EVs as an important participant in cross-phylum communication. While the mammalian EV field is guided by a community-agreed framework for studying EVs derived from model organisms or cell systems [e.g., Minimal Information for Studies of Extracellular Vesicles (MISEV)], the helminth community requires a supplementary set of principles due to the additional challenges that accompany working with such divergent organisms. These challenges include, but are not limited to, generating sufficient quantities of EVs for descriptive or functional studies, defining pan-helminth EV markers, genetically modifying these organisms, and identifying rigorous methodologies for in vitro and in vivo studies. Here, we outline best practices for those investigating the biology of helminth-derived EVs to complement the MISEV guidelines. We summarise community-agreed standards for studying EVs derived from this broad set of non-model organisms, raise awareness of issues associated with helminth EVs and provide future perspectives for how progress in the field will be achieved

    Diesel ignition delay and lift-off length through different methodologies using a multi-hole injector

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    In this paper, lift-off length has been measured via both broadband luminosity and OH chemiluminescence. In addition, ignition delay has also been measured via broadband chemiluminescence and Schlieren imaging. A 3 orifice injector from the Engine Combustion Network (ECN) set, referred to as Spray B, and a single component fuel (n-dodecane) was used. Experiments were carried out in a constant flow and pressure facility, that allowed to reproduce engine-like thermodynamic conditions, and enabled the study to be performed over a wide range of test conditions with a very high repetition rate. Data obtained was also compared with results from a single orifice injector also from the Engine Combustion Network, with analog orifice characteristics (90 lm outlet diameter and convergent shape) and technology as the injector used. Results showed that there is good correlation between the ignition delay measured through both methodologies, that oxygen concentration and injection pressure plays a minor role in the ignition delay, being ambient temperature and density the parameters with the highest influence. Lift-off length measurements showed significant differences between methodologies. Minor deviation was observed between injectors with different nozzle geometry (seat inclination angle), due to temperature variations along the chamber, highlighting the importance of temperature distribution along combustion vessels. Empirical correlations for lift-off and ignition delay were calculated, underlining the effect of the conditions on the parameters studied. Coefficients of the correlations were compared with results for the single orifice injector, this showed that variations of test conditions have the same impact on ignition delay and lift-off length regardless the nozzle orifice configuration.This work was sponsored by "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad" of the Spanish Government in the frame of the Project "Comprension de la influencia de combustibles no convencionales en el proceso de injeccion y combustion tipo Diesel", Reference TRA2012-36932. Additionally, the optical equipment used for the project was purchased with funding from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad FEDER-ICTS-2012-06.Payri, R.; Salvador Rubio, FJ.; Manin, J.; Viera Sotillo, AA. (2016). Diesel ignition delay and lift-off length through different methodologies using a multi-hole injector. Applied Energy. 162:541-550. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.10.118S54155016

    Differences between single and double-pass schlieren imaging on diesel vapor spray characteristics

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    [EN] The use olschlieren imaging at high acquisition rate has been adopted as a standard optical technique for the analysis of vaporizing diesel sprays under engine-like conditions. A single-pass schlieren arrangement is typically used for the study of axially drilled single-orifice nozzles, as vessels with multiple optical accesses regularly allow line of sight visualization. Contrarily, for multi-spray nozzles, measurements are commonly performed through a single,optical access, in which case a double-pass arrangement is employed. As a consequence, the light beams pass through the test section twice, increasing the optical sensitivity of the schlieren setup. However, the influence this has on the macroscopic spray characteristics is still unclear. The scope of this study is to analyze the differences in vapor phase penetration and spreading angle measured for the same injection event, through high-speed imaging, for both single and double-pass schlieren configurations. Experiments were carried out with a three hole nozzle with a nominal orifice diameter of 90 mu m, named Spray B from the Engine Combustion Network, using commercially available diesel fuel and in non-reactive conditions. The impact of different injection pressures, chamber temperatures and densities on the spray captured by each setup was assessed. On the results, vapor. phase penetration and spreading angle followed the expected trend found in the literature, for the different boundary conditions tested. Comparing the optical setups, vapor phase penetration and spreading angle results obtained with the double-pass arrangement were marginally higher than those from the single-pass. The deviation was observed throughout all tested conditions. For spray tip penetration, although the discrepancy was approximately constant for different injection pressures and chamber temperature, it increased with increasing density. These results highlight the importance of a proper understanding regarding the limitations of optical diagnostics, in particular for results used in calibration of computational models. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This research has been partially funded by FEDER and Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad through project TRA2015-67679-C2-1-R. Additionally, Alberto Viera is supported through the FPI contract 2016-S2-1361 of "Programa de Apoyo para la Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID)" of Universitat Poltecnica de Valencia.Payri, R.; Salvador, FJ.; Bracho Leon, G.; Viera-Sotillo, AA. (2017). Differences between single and double-pass schlieren imaging on diesel vapor spray characteristics. Applied Thermal Engineering. 125:220-231. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.06.140S22023112