270 research outputs found

    Population dynamics of Meloidogyne incognita on cucumber grafted onto the Cucurbita hybrid RS841 or ungrafted and yield losses under protected cultivation

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    The influence of the squash hybrid RS841 rootstock (Cucurbita maxima x C. moschata) on population dynamics of Meloidogyne incognita and yield of cucumber cv. Dasher II was assessed during 2013 and 2014 in a plastic greenhouse. In addition, the relationship between ecophysiological parameters (plant water status, gas exchange, and leaf reflectance) and Pi and cucumber yield were also estimated in 2013. Nematode densities were determined at the beginning (Pi) and at the end (Pf) of each crop, and the relationship between these parameters was used to estimate the maximum multiplication rate (a), the maximum population density (M) and the equilibrium density (E) per grafted and ungrafted cucumber and cropping season. Moreover, the relationship between the multiplication rate (Pf/Pi) and Pi was compared between grafted and ungrafted cucumber per cropping season. Finally, the relative yield of grafted or ungrafted cucumber was plotted against Pi to determine the tolerance limit (T) and the minimum relative yield (m) by the Seinhorst damage function model. Values of a, M and E in grafted cucumber were higher than in ungrafted one irrespective of the cropping season. These results were supported by comparing the relationship between Pf/Pi and Pi between grafted and ungrafted cucumber. The relationship between Pi and yield fitted the Seinhorst damage function. The values of T and m did not differ between grafted and ungrafted each year. Predawn water potential, net photosynthetic rate, and leaf chlorophyll index decreased with increasing Pi. In addition, relative yield was related to variation in net photosynthetic rate and the leaf chlorophyll index. Under the conditions of this study, RS841 rootstock was neither resistant nor tolerant to M. incognita.Postprint (published version

    The regulatory framework for wind energy in EU Member States Part 1 of the Study on the social and economic value of wind energy – WindValueEU

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    This document is the first deliverable of to the study on the social and economic value of wind energy. The aim of this paper is to provide an updated overview of the regulatory framework for wind energy in European Union Member States. The study is focused in both onshore and offshore wind energy describing the main features of the regulatory framework currently in force in each Member State. Three main aspects are covered in this report: support schemes, grid issues and potential barriers for wind energy deployment.JRC.F.6-Energy Technology Policy Outloo

    Brief intervention in substance-use among adolescent psychiatric patients: a randomized controlled trial

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    Objective of the study is to assess the efficacy of a brief motivational enhancement intervention in adolescents referred to psychiatric treatment who reported substance-use. In a sample of adolescents (n = 237) consecutively admitted to a psychiatry department, 143 were identified as users. Subjects were randomly allocated to one of two groups: an experimental group that received a brief intervention aimed at increasing their awareness of the risks of substance-use, or a control group. All subjects received standard treatment according to the primary diagnosis. Structured questionnaires assessing knowledge, problems, perception of risks and intention of use of psychoactive substances were administered upon admission and 1 month later. Fifty-nine subjects entered the experimental group and 44 the control group. No significant differences between the two groups were identified in socio-demographic features or substance-use. Non-parametric analyses showed a significant increase across time in overall knowledge about drugs and perception of risk in the experimental group (P < 0.05). A significant increase in overall knowledge in the experimental group compared to controls was found (P < 0.05). No differences were observed for other variables such as intention of use or perception of risk. Brief intervention in adolescents entering psychiatric treatment led to a significant change in overall knowledge about psychoactive substances but not in other variables related to use. Our results point to the need of more intensive interventions

    The Effect of the Spanish Nuclear Phase-out on the Electricity Market

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    Portugal and Spain are integrated into what is known as the Iberian Electricity Market. Spain participates in this market with significant contribution of energy produced by nuclear plants. In 2022, nuclear energy accounted for 22 % of the total energy generated in Spain. Nuclear power plants sell their energy largely through bilateral contracts, and approximately 20 % is offered in the day-ahead electricity market. By 2035, Spain will phase-out nuclear power producing a structural change of its generation mix. In this paper, we investigate the effect on the day-ahead Iberian electricity market that the gradual removal of nuclear power plants will have on the daily electricity market. The methodology is based on a ceteris paribus approach, where generation conditions are modified by removing nuclear plants and keeping the rest of the variables constant (demand and other generation). Under these conditions, the market is reproduced, estimating how electricity prices change in the day-ahead electricity market. To evaluate the market electricity prices under this new scenario with a total or a partial elimination of nuclear energy generation, it is necessary to use a market model. The existing literature shows various approaches to replicate the electricity market, among which are agent-base modelling, optimization algorithms, artificial intelligence techniques or metaheuristic merit-order methods. Our approach is based on the latter methods, by using actual generation and demand data, the new market generation and demand curves are reconstructed and the new clearing price is obtained. For the most conservative scenario, the results show a price increase of more than 5 % for the first 6 months of 2021. The reason for this increase is that nuclear generation participates in the market by offering its energy at prices close to zero. When this generation is withdrawn, there is a shift to the left of the hourly generation curve producing a new market equilibrium at a point of higher price and lower energy

    Profitability Assessment of Windfarm Overplanting in Spain

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    The efforts made by European institutions to decarbonise the electricity system over the last decade have led Spain to become the fifth country in the world in terms of wind power plant capacity in 2021. This major achievement is still far from being able to contain and limit CO2 emissions. By 2030, it is expected that, together with photovoltaic energy, Spain will reach 74 % of renewable generation in its electricity system. Wind technology is currently very mature in onshore wind farms and its relatively low cost makes this technology attractive to investors. However, the best wind sites were the first places to be occupied by the first turbine generations. On the other hand, newer wind farms occupy sites with less wind resource but have more efficient turbines. To improve the profitability of the wind farm and increase its production, the feasibility of other alternatives such as overplanting or storage is beginning to be investigated. Overplanting aims to optimise the use of the transmission system by increasing wind capacity above the transmission capacity limit. In this work, we measure the profitability of an overplanting strategy by quantifying the parameters that make profitable the investment. The developed model optimised the production of energy taking into account technical and financial parameters in order to cover a wide range of situations. We analysed the case of a specific site with 25 2 MW turbines with the Python tool PyWake. The results obtained show that for each new turbine the annual energy produced (AEP) grows by around 3.87 GWh per turbine added (a cut of 1.69 GWh due to congestion of the transmission system). The study shows improvements in profitability when the electricity price exceeds 70 €/MWh

    How Should Stressors Be Examined in Teachers? Answering Questions about Dimensionality, Generalizability and Predictive Effects Using the Multicontext Stressors Scale

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    Using the Multicontext Stressors Scale (MSS), this study investigates which factorial structure should be used to measure teacher stressors, and the extent to which this factorial structure of MSS remains invariant across gender. Subsequently, grounded in self-determination theory, the present study also examines the extent to which stressors may differentially predict teachers' psychological functioning. Participants were 584 (Mage = 45.04; SD = 8.97) secondary school teachers. Goodness-of-fit indices and estimated parameters of the models, together with latent correlations between stressors, offered support for the six-factor structure, whereas the opposite was true for the one-factor structure of the MSS. Results also supported gender invariance of the MSS. Predictive findings showed that student misbehavior, lack of shared decision-making, and workload stressors are negatively related to basic psychological needs. Likewise, results noted the important role of basic psychological needs to reach optimal teachers' psychological functioning. The results are discussed, arguing the importance of assessing and analyzing teacher stressors using a multifactorial and invariant scale. From a more practical approach, it seems important for school leaders to be especially vigilant about all stressors. Nonetheless, if they desire to prevent detrimental psychological functioning in teachers, special attention should be placed on stressors related to student misbehavior, lack of shared decision-making, and workload

    Targeting γ-secretases protect against angiotensin II-induced cardiac hypertrophy

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    OBJECTIVE: The Notch pathway has been linked to pulmonary hypertension, but its role in systemic hypertension and, in particular in left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), remains poorly understood. The main objective of this work was to analyse the effect of inhibiting the Notch pathway on the establishment and maintenance of angiotensin II (Ang-II)-induced arterial hypertension and LVH in adult mice with inducible genetic deletion of γ-secretase, and to test preclinically the therapeutic efficacy of γ-secretase inhibitors (GSIs). BASIC METHODS: We analysed Ang-II responses in primary cultures of vascular smooth muscle cells obtained from a novel mouse model with inducible genetic deletion of the γ-secretase complex, and the effects of GSI treatment on a mouse cardiac cell line. We also investigated Ang-II-induced hypertension and LVH in our novel mouse strain lacking the γ-secretase complex and in GSI-treated wild-type mice. Moreover, we analysed vascular tissue from hypertensive patients with and without LVH. MAIN RESULTS: Vascular smooth muscle cells activate the Notch pathway in response to Ang-II both 'in vitro' and 'in vivo'. Genetic deletion of γ-secretase in adult mice prevented Ang-II-induced hypertension and LVH without causing major adverse effects. Treatment with GSI reduced Ang-II-induced hypertrophy of a cardiac cell line 'in vitro' and LVH in wild-type mice challenged with Ang-II. We also report elevated expression of the Notch target HES5 in vascular tissue from hypertensive patients with LVH compared with those without LVH. CONCLUSION: The Notch pathway is activated in the vasculature of mice with hypertension and LVH, and its inhibition via inducible genetic γ-secretase deletion protects against both conditions. Preliminary observations in hypertensive patients with LVH support the translational potential of these findings. Moreover, GSI treatment protects wild-type mice from Ang-II-induced LVH without affecting blood pressure. Our results unveil the potential use of GSIs in the treatment of hypertensive patients with LVH.Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral contract from MINECO [JCI-2011-09663]; MINECO; ProCNIC Foundation; Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (MINECO) [SAF2013-46663-R]; Instituto de Salud Carlos III [RD12/0042/0028, RD12/0042/0009, MS-00151]; Inserm (jeune chercheur accueilli)S

    Methodology to address radioprotection and safety issues in the IFMIF/EVEDA accelerator prototype

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    In the IFMIF/EVEDA accelerator prototype, deuterons (with energies up to 9 MeV) interact with the materials of the accelerator components due to beam losses and in the beam dump, where the beam is stopped. The productions of neutrons/photons together with radioactive inventories due to deuteron-induced reactions are some major issues for radioprotection and safety assessment. Here, we will focus on the proposal of a computational approach able to simulate deuteron transport and evaluate deuteron interactions and production of secondary particles with acceptable precision. Current Monte Carlo codes, such as MCNPX or PHITS, when applied for deuteron transport calculation, use built-in semi-analytical models to describe deuteron interactions. These models are found unreliable in predicting neutron and photon generated by low energy deuterons, typically present in the IFMIF/EVEDA prototype accelerator. In this context, a new computational methodological approach is proposed based on the use of an extended version of current MC codes capable to use evaluated deuteron libraries for neutron (and gamma) production. The TALYS nuclear reaction code is found to be an interesting potential candidate to produce the evaluated data for double-differential neutron and photon emission cross sections for incident deuterons in the energy range of interest for IFMIF/EVEDA applications. The recently-released deuteron Talys-based Evaluated Nuclear Data Library, TENDL-2009, is considered a good starting point in the road to achieve deuteron data files of enough quality for deuteron transport problems in EVEDA. Unfortunately, current Monte Carlo transport codes are not able to handle light ion libraries except for protons. To overcome this drawback the MCNPX code has been extended to handle deuteron (also triton, helion and alpha) nuclear data libraries. In this new extended MCNPX version called MCUNED, a new variance reduction technique has also been implemented for the production of secondary particles induced by light ions nuclear reactions, which allow reducing drastically the computing time needed in transport and nuclear response function calculations. Verification of these new capabilities for Monte 2 Carlo simulation of deuteron transport and secondary products generation included in MCUNED is successfully achieved. The existence of the MCUNED code allows us for the first time testing the deuteron crosssection TENDL package by simulation of integral experiments. Some preliminary efforts are addressed to compare existing experimental data on thick target neutron yields for Copper with those computed by the MCUNED code using TENDL cross sections

    Cost-Effectiveness of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Anti-TNF Therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Systematic Review

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    Infliximab and adalimumab are monoclonal antibodies against tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) used to manage inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) has been proven to prevent immunogenicity, to achieve better long-term clinical results and to save costs in IBD treatment. The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review on cost-effectiveness analyses of studies that apply TDM of anti-TNF in IBD and to provide a critical analysis of the best scientific knowledge available in the literature. The quality of the included studies was assessed using Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards (CHEERS). Cost-effectiveness of the TDM strategies was presented as total costs, cost savings, quality-adjusted life-years (QALY) and incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER). Thirteen studies that examined the health economics of TDM of anti-TNF in IBD from 2013 to 2021 were included. Eight of them (61.5%) achieved a score between 17 and 23 on the CHEERS checklist. The comparison between the TDM strategy and an empirical strategy was cost saving. The ICER between reactive TDM and an empirical strategy was dominated (favorable) by reactive TDM, whereas the ICER value for proactive TDM compared to an empirical strategy ranged from EUR 56,845 to 3,901,554. This systematic review demonstrated that a TDM strategy is cost-effective or cost-saving in IBD.S.M.-M. received a predoctoral fellowship from Miguel Hernandez University (“Ayudas a la contratación de personal investigador en formación 2021”).S

    Optimized design of local shielding for the IFMIF/EVEDA beam dump

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    This paper describes the local shielding design process of the IFMIF/EVEDA Beam Dump and the most relevant results obtained from the simulations. Different geometries and materials have been considered, and the design has been optimized taking into account the origin of the doses, the effect of the walls of the accelerator vault and the space restrictions. The initial idea was to shield the beam stopper with a large water tank of easy transport and dismantling but it was shown to be insufficient to satisfy the dose limit requirements, basically due to photon dose, and hence a denser shield combining hydrogenous and heavy materials was preferred. It will be shown that, with this new shielding, dose rate outside the accelerator vault during operation comply with the legal limits and unrestricted maintenance operations inside most of the vault are possible after a reasonable cooling time after shutdown