173 research outputs found

    Marca personal “Javier Marugán”. Creación de la identidad visual personal

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    Este trabajo recorrerá un camino que me permitirá crear mi marca personal en base a la información recopilada en este trabajo y adaptar esto a mi propia marca. En este proceso, me enfrento a la tarea de búsqueda de mis habilidades y valores para la posterior plasmación en un evento visual que identifique todo esto con mi marca personal. Los primeros capítulos están destinados a desarrollar un marco teórico que recopile el conjunto de conceptos, definiciones y el estado actual del tema de estudio. La última parte del trabajo se conforma en los siguiente apartados, en él encontramos detallados la misión, visión y valores de mi marca personal, los elementos básicos de la identidad visual, así como la ejecución práctica de todo lo tratado teóricamente que tiene como consecuencia la creación del manual de identidad visual personal.Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Pública

    Effective dynamics of scalar perturbations in a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetime in Loop Quantum Cosmology

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    We study the evolution of a homogeneous and isotropic spacetime whose spatial sections have three-torus topology, coupled to a massless scalar field with small scalar perturbations within loop quantum cosmology. We consider a proposal for the effective dynamics based on a previous hybrid quantization completed by us. Consequently, we introduce a convenient gauge fixing and adopt reduced canonical variables adapted to that hybrid quantum description. Besides, we keep backreaction contributions on the background coming from terms quadratic in the perturbations in the action of the system. We carry out a numerical analysis assuming that the inhomogeneities were in a massless vacuum state at distant past (where the initial data are set). At distant future, we observe a statistical amplification of the modes amplitude in the infrared region, as well as a phase synchronization arising from quantum gravity phenomena. A description of the perturbations in terms of the Mukhanov-Sasaki gauge invariants provides the same qualitative results. Finally, we analyze some consequences of the backreaction in our effective description.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Hybrid quantization of an inflationary model: The flat case

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    We present a complete quantization of an approximately homogeneous and isotropic universe with small scalar perturbations. We consider the case in which the matter content is a minimally coupled scalar field and the spatial sections are flat and compact, with the topology of a three-torus. The quantization is carried out along the lines that were put forward by the authors in a previous work for spherical topology. The action of the system is truncated at second order in perturbations. The local gauge freedom is fixed at the classical level, although different gauges are discussed and shown to lead to equivalent conclusions. Moreover, descriptions in terms of gauge-invariant quantities are considered. The reduced system is proven to admit a symplectic structure, and its dynamical evolution is dictated by a Hamiltonian constraint. Then, the background geometry is polymerically quantized, while a Fock representation is adopted for the inhomogeneities. The latter is selected by uniqueness criteria adapted from quantum field theory in curved spacetimes, which determine a specific scaling of the perturbations. In our hybrid quantization, we promote the Hamiltonian constraint to an operator on the kinematical Hilbert space. If the zero mode of the scalar field is interpreted as a relational time, a suitable ansatz for the dependence of the physical states on the polymeric degrees of freedom leads to a quantum wave equation for the evolution of the perturbations. Alternatively, the solutions to the quantum constraint can be characterized by their initial data on the minimum-volume section of each superselection sector. The physical implications of this model will be addressed in a future work, in order to check whether they are compatible with observations.Comment: 20 pages, no figures. v2: minor changes, in particular, abstract shortened, final discussion improve

    A complete hybrid quantization in inhomogeneous cosmology

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    A complete quantization of a homogeneous and isotropic spacetime with closed spatial sections coupled to a massive scalar field is provided, within the framework of Loop Quantum Cosmology. We identify solutions with their initial data on the minimum volume section, and from this we construct the physical Hilbert space. Moreover, a perturbative study allows us to introduce small inhomogeneities. After gauge fixing, the inhomogeneous part of the system is reduced to a linear field theory. We then adopt a standard Fock representation to quantize these degrees of freedom. For the considered case of compact spatial topology, the requirements of: i) invariance under the spatial isometries, and ii) unitary implementation of the quantum dynamics, pick up a unique Fock representation and a particular set of canonical fields (up to unitary equivalence).Comment: 6 page

    A uniqueness criterion for the Fock quantization of scalar fields with time dependent mass

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    A major problem in the quantization of fields in curved spacetimes is the ambiguity in the choice of a Fock representation for the canonical commutation relations. There exists an infinite number of choices leading to different physical predictions. In stationary scenarios, a common strategy is to select a vacuum (or a family of unitarily equivalent vacua) by requiring invariance under the spacetime symmetries. When stationarity is lost, a natural generalization consists in replacing time invariance by unitarity in the evolution. We prove that, when the spatial sections are compact, the criterion of a unitary dynamics, together with the invariance under the spatial isometries, suffices to select a unique family of Fock quantizations for a scalar field with time dependent mass.Comment: 11 pages, version accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Criteria for the determination of time dependent scalings in the Fock quantization of scalar fields with a time dependent mass in ultrastatic spacetimes

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    For Klein-Gordon fields, it is well known that there exist an infinite number of nonequivalent Fock representations of the canonical commutation relations and, therefore, of inequivalent quantum theories. A context in which this kind of ambiguities arises and prevents the derivation of robust results is, e.g., in the quantum analysis of cosmological perturbations. In these situations, typically, a suitable scaling of the field by a time dependent function leads to a description in an auxiliary static background, though the nonstationarity still shows up in a time dependent mass. For such a field description, and assuming the compactness of the spatial sections, we recently proved in three or less spatial dimensions that the criteria of a natural implementation of the spatial symmetries and of a unitary time evolution are able to select a unique class of unitarily equivalent vacua, and hence of Fock representations. In this work, we succeed to extend our uniqueness result to the consideration of all possible field descriptions that can be reached by a time dependent canonical transformation which, in particular, involves a scaling of the field by a function of time. This kind of canonical transformations modify the dynamics of the system and introduce a further ambiguity in its quantum description, exceeding the choice of a Fock representation. Remarkably, for any compact spatial manifold in less than four dimensions, we show that our criteria eliminate any possible nontrivial scaling of the field other than that leading to the description in an auxiliary static background. Besides, we show that either no time dependent redefinition of the field momentum is allowed or, if this may happen, the redefinition does not introduce any Fock representation that cannot be obtained by a unitary transformation.Comment: 37 pages. Modified title. Improved discussion concerning the spatial symmetry group. New section (section VI

    Thiemann transform for gravity with matter fields

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    The generalized Wick transform discovered by Thiemann provides a well established relation between the Euclidean and Lorentzian theories of general relativity. We extend this Thiemann transform to the Ashtekar formulation for gravity coupled with spin-1/2 fermions, a non-Abelian Yang-Mills field and a scalar field. It is proved that, on functions of the gravitational and matter phase space variables, the Thiemann transform is equivalent to the composition of an inverse Wick rotation and a constant complex scale transformation of all fields. This result also holds for functions that depend on the shift vector, the lapse function and the Lagrange multipliers of the Yang-Mills and gravitational Gauss constraints, provided that the Wick rotation is implemented by means of an analytic continuation of the lapse. In this way, the Thiemann transform is furnished with a geometric interpretation Finally, we confirm the expectation that the generator of the Thiemann transform can be determined just from the spin of the fields and give a simple explanation for this fact.This work was supported by funds provided by the DGICYT Project No. PB94–0107.Peer Reviewe

    Immirzi ambiguity, boosts and conformal frames for black holes

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    We analyse changes of the Immirzi parameter in loop quantum gravity and compare their consequences with those of Lorentz boosts and constant conformal transformations in black-hole physics. We show that the effective value deduced for the Planck length in local measurements of vacuum black holes by an asymptotic observer may depend on its conformal or Lorentz frame. This introduces an apparent ambiguity in the expression of the black-hole entropy which is analogous to that produced by the Immirzi parameter. For quantities involving a notion of energy, the similarity between the implications of the Immirzi ambiguity and a conformal scaling disappears, but the parallelism with boosts is maintained

    Influence of the Synthesis pH on the Properties and Activity of Sol-Gel TiO 2

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    The activity of titania photocatalysts is highly dependent on the synthesis procedure. This work reports a study of the correlation between the photocatalytic activity and the physicochemical and photoelectrochemical properties of sol-gel TiO2 powders and electrodes synthesized using different pH values and temperatures. The activity of the materials has been evaluated using the decolorization of Reactive Orange 16 (RO16) as model reaction. In contrast with the large number of studies reporting the influence of the temperature, our results point out that preparation pH has even more influence on the crystalline phases and the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 powders and photocurrents of the electrodes. However, the effects on the activity and the photocurrents recorded after immobilization on a conducting support do not vary accordingly. Consequently, our results indicate that the measurement of the photocurrent in an electrolyte media is not a good indicator of the photocatalytic activity of the unsupported system

    Adapting the teaching to the European Space for Higher Education: an experience in a energy resources course

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    [ES] En el presente trabajo se discuten los resultados obtenidos en la adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) de la asignatura Recursos Energéticos, de la Titulación de Ingeniero Técnico Industrial, especialidad en Química Industrial. La adaptación se ha llevado de manera progresiva en tres cursos académicos consecutivos. En el primero, los profesores recibieron formación docente adecuada y se fomentó la motivación de los alumnos, dada la elevada tasa de abandono que presentaba la asignatura. En el segundo, se elaboró la guía docente de la asignatura y se realizó un diagnóstico de las horas de trabajo de los alumnos. Finalmente, se realizó un rediseño metodológico de la asignatura pasando a un sistema en varios niveles: utilización de bibliografía especializada, material audiovisual, prototipos de pequeño tamaño, prácticas de laboratorio y visitas a instalaciones industriales. Se modificó la evaluación por un sistema diversificado basado en las diferentes actividades realizadas y en las competencias objetivo. Como resultado de este proceso de adaptación progresiva, se ha alcanzado un alto nivel de motivación y una elevada tasa de éxito (89%), aunque se ha encontrado una limitación fundamental en el número de alumnos máximo con el que es posible desarrollar una gran parte de las actividades.[EN] This work deals with the results obtained in the adaptation to the European Space for Higher Education of an Energy Resources course. This adaptation has been developed progressively in three consecutive academic years. In the first one, the teachers received suitable teaching training and they tried to increase the student motivation, due to the very low ratio of student attending the final evaluation exam respect to the number of students enrolled on the course. The second year was focused on the elaboration of teaching guides and the evaluation of the true student working time. Finally, in the third year, the course was methodologically redesigned and structured in several levels: use of specialized bibliographic material, audiovisual material, small scale prototypes, practical laboratory courses and visits to industrial facilities. The evaluation method was changed to a diversified system based on the different proposed activities and the abilities to be developed. As a result of this progressive adaptation process, a high level of motivation and success rate (89%) were reached. Nevertheless, the application of those new methodologies was found to be restricted to a not very high number of students per group to carry out most of the activities.Marugán, J.; Rodríguez, R. (2009). Adaptación al Espacio europeo de Educación superior: experiencia en una asignatura de recursos energéticos. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 7(2):1-21. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2009.6246OJS12172Álvarez Álvarez, B., González Mieres. C. y García Rodríguez N. (2007). La motivación y los métodos de evaluación como variables fundamentales para estimular el aprendizaje autónomo. Red U. Revista de Docencia Universitaria, 2.th ASEE/AaeE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education (2005), 26-29 September, Sydney, Australia.Badia, A., Pallarès, M., y Llurdés, J.C. (2006). L'ús de les noves tecnologies en l'ensenyament de la geografia dins l'EEES. Les assignatures de Geografia econòmica i social, Cartografia i fotointerpretació, i SIG. Digithum Les humanitats en l'era digital, 8.Bell, J. y Watkins, R. (2006). Strategies in Dealing with the Bologna Process, International Educator, 70-75.Bologna Follow-up Seminar, Bachelor's Degree: What Is It? (2004) 25-26 November, St. Petersburg State University, Russia.ECTS and assessment in higher education (2006). Umea, Sweden: Umea University.th EUA Convention of European Higher Education Institutions Europe's universities beyond 2010 - diversity with a common purpose (2007), 29-31 March, Lisbon, PortugalEuropean Commission (2007), http://ec.europa.eu/education/policies/educ/bologna/bologna_en.html (consultado en Septiembre de 2008, última actualización: 13/08/2007).Feixás, M. (2004), De Bolonia a Berlín, Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 18 (1), 149-162.Kettunen, J. y Kantol, M. (2006). The implementation of the Bologna Process, Tertiary Education and Management, 12, 257-267.Kronenwetter, E. (2007). NAFSA, Association of International Educators, The Bologna Process, International Educator, Bologna Process Supplement.Lloret, T. y Mir, A. (2008). ¿Qué ha ocurrido en el primer año de implementación del EEES en algunas titulaciones?: Un primer balance en la UPF en términos de rendimiento académico, satisfacción y proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Red U. Revista de Docencia Universitaria, 1.López Pastor, V.M., Martínez Muñoz, L.F. y Julián Clemente, J.A. (2007). La Red de Evaluación Formativa, Docencia Universitaria y Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). Presentación del proyecto, grado de desarrollo y primeros resultados. Red-U. Revista de Docencia Universitaria, 2.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (2008). http://www.micinn.es/prensa/files/2008-nota-prensa-ministra-parlamentoprincipales-con-univ.pdf (consultado en Septiembre de 2008).Ministerio de Educación, Política Social y Deporte (2005). http://www.mepsyd.es/mecd/gabipren/notas/2005/enero/edu_24_Consejo_ Ministros.pdf (consultado en Septiembre de 2008).Palomero, J., y Torrego, L. (2004). Europa y calidad docente ¿Convergencia o reforma educativa? Presentación del "XI Congreso de Formación del Profesorado. Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 18 (3), 23-40.Sánchez, A. (2006). Innovación en la Construcción del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior: camino de Londres 2007. Foro de Educación, 7-8, 119-129