142 research outputs found

    Foot strike patterns in runners wearing floating heel, minimalist and conventional footwear

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    The purpose of this study was investigate the vertical loading rate and footstrike angles when running in floating heel shoes (a new concept called FBR (Faster and Better Runners) compared to conventional and minimalist shoes. Footstrike angle and force data were collected from 15 male recreational runners as they ran in three different footwear conditions, floating heel, conventional and minimalist shoes. Results revealed that running in floating heel shoes promotes a non-rearfoot strike and results in reduced vertical loafing rates compared to both conventional and minimalist footwear. These findings suggest that floating heel shoes may offer a new way of running with a nonrearfoot strike without the risk of impact related injuries


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    The purpose of this study was investigate the vertical loading rate and footstrike angles when running in floating heel shoes (a new concept called FBR (Faster and Better Runners) compared to conventional and minimalist shoes. Footstrike angle and force data were collected from 15 male recreational runners as they ran in three different footwear conditions, floating heel, conventional and minimalist shoes. Results revealed that running in floating heel shoes promotes a non-rearfoot strike and results in reduced vertical loafing rates compared to both conventional and minimalist footwear. These findings suggest that floating heel shoes may offer a new way of running with a nonrearfoot strike without the risk of impact related injuries

    Implementation Huffman algorithm modification using neuronal networks

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    En este trabajo se implementa un algoritmo de compresión, para ser utilizado en el proceso de codificación de la fuente de información en un sistema de telecomunicaciones. Esta implementación incluye una modificación en la estructura de datos manejada por el algoritmo de Huffman, que de forma canónica utiliza una estructura de datos abstractos tipo árbol binario para distribuir los caracteres o símbolos de la ráfaga de información a codificar, clasificándolos, dependiendo de las frecuencias relativas de aparición. Este árbol puede ser reemplazado por una red neuronal que es similar en su topología a un grafo k-completo dirigido, con pesos en las conexiones o aristas, de esta manera se logra entrenar la red neuronal para que encuentre patrones en las ráfagas de información acotadas en tamaño, fragmentando el mensaje y así aumentar la tasa de compresión de la información que se quiere enviar hacia el canal, este resultado también estará enmarcado en el análisis de la complejidad temporal que requiere el algoritmo para ser ejecutado; si se logra reducir el volumen de información, significaría una mejora en el grado de servicio y desempeño de la red de telecomunicaciones aumentando la capacidad sin depender del tipo de canal ni de su ancho de banda.In this work a compression algorithm is implemented, to be used in the process of coding the source of information in a telecommunications system. This implementation includes a modification in the data structure managed by the Huffman algorithm, which canonically uses a binary tree abstract data structure to distribute the characters or symbols of the information burst to be encoded, classifying them, depending on the frequencies relative of appearance. This tree can be replaced by a neural network that is similar in its topology to a directed k-complete graph, with weights in the connections or edges, in this way it is possible to train the neural network so that it finds patterns in the limited bursts of information in size, fragmenting the message and thus increasing the compression rate of the information to be sent to the channel, this result will also be framed in the analysis of the temporal complexity required by the algorithm to be executed; If it is possible to reduce the volume of information, it would mean an improvement in the degree of service and performance of the telecommunications network by increasing capacity without depending on the type of channel or its bandwidth

    Aplicación de la herramienta TPM para mejorar la productividad en el proceso de granallado, empresa JCB Estructuras S.A.C., 2019

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    Mediante la observación y análisis de los datos recogidos del proceso de producción de JCB Estructuras se identificó la razón que logró crear una baja productividad en el proceso. El área de mantenimiento fue la principal causa, es por ello que se desarrolló el análisis de criticidad de las máquinas, el cual el proceso de granallado, con su máquina granalladora lograba causar aquel impacto debido a una deficiente gestión de mantenimiento que carecía la empresa. Por tal motivo nació el desarrollo de la implementación del TPM que consistió en aplicar los pilares de mantenimiento autónomo y planificado a la máquina granalladora. Finalmente, se procedió a comparar los resultados del proceso de granallado antes y después de la implementación del TPM obteniendo un incremento de 22.86% en productividad del proceso gracias a la mejora de la gestión del mantenimiento.Tesi

    Upstream kinases of plant SnRKs are involved in salt stress tolerance

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    Sucrose non-fermenting 1-related protein kinases (SnRKs) are important for plant growth and stress responses. This family has three clades: SnRK1, SnRK2 and SnRK3. Although plant SnRKs are thought to be activated by upstream kinases, the overall mechanism remains obscure. Geminivirus Rep-Interacting Kinase (GRIK)1 and GRIK2 phosphorylate SnRK1s, which are involved in sugar/energy sensing, and the grik1-1 grik2-1 double mutant shows growth retardation under regular growth conditions. In this study, we established another Arabidopsis mutant line harbouring a different allele of gene GRIK1 (grik1-2 grik2-1) that grows similarly to the wild-type, enabling us to evaluate the function of GRIKs under stress conditions. In the grik1-2 grik2-1 double mutant, phosphorylation of SnRK1.1 was reduced, but not eliminated, suggesting that the grik1-2 mutation is a weak allele. In addition to high sensitivity to glucose, the grik1-2 grik2-1 mutant was sensitive to high salt, indicating that GRIKs are also involved in salinity signalling pathways. Salt Overly Sensitive (SOS)2, a member of the SnRK3 subfamily, is a critical mediator of the response to salinity. GRIK1 phosphorylated SOS2 in vitro, resulting in elevated kinase activity of SOS2. The salt tolerance of sos2 was restored to normal levels by wild-type SOS2, but not by a mutated form of SOS2 lacking the T168 residue phosphorylated by GRIK1. Activation of SOS2 by GRIK1 was also demonstrated in a reconstituted system in yeast. Our results indicate that GRIKs phosphorylate and activate SnRK1 and other members of the SnRK3 family, and that they play important roles in multiple signalling pathways in vivo.España, MINECO IO2015-70946-

    Design specifications to develop a pilota valenciana protection glove

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    [EN] This paper covers the first phase of a project aimed at developing a protective glove for pilota valenciana. At present, players do not use specific equipment to protect their hands, and the lack of scientific knowledge for the development of specific materials is notable. Within this context, we present a study based on questionnaires administered to 100 pilota valenciana players (51 playing professionally). The purpose is to establish the design specifications of a future protective glove as well as to determine a standard protection. Some results show that 64% of the players believe their protections to worsen performance and 84% of them spend one hour or more to make them. The need to overcome the disadvantages of the current protections has been proved, and design specifications by players must be kept in mind.[ES] El presente artículo se corresponde con la fase inicial de un proyecto que tiene como objetivo desarrollar un guante de protección para jugar a pilota valenciana. Actualmente, los jugadores no tienen un equipamiento específico de garantía para protegerse las manos y existe una ausencia general de conocimiento científico para desarrollar materiales específicos. En este contexto, se presenta un estudio de encuestas sobre 100 jugadores de pilota valenciana, 51 de ellos profesionales, acerca de las protecciones tradicionales que utilizan. El objetivo es definir las especificaciones de diseño de la futura protección así como definir una protección tipo. Algunos de los resultados más destacables indican que el 84% de los jugadores emplean una hora o más en confeccionarse la protección y que 64% de los jugadores consideran que sus protecciones empeoran el rendimiento. Se ha comprobado que las actuales protecciones resultan ineficaces en términos de rendimiento y confort.Montaner, C.; Llana, S.; Gamez Paya, J.; Alcantara Alcover, E. (2012). Especificaciones de diseño para el desarrollo de un guante de pilota valenciana. Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte. 12(47):405-429. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/102083S405429124