7 research outputs found

    Model of Basic Locomotor Movement with Balance for 1st Grade Elementary School Children

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    The purpose of this study was to obtain information in the process of implementing basic locomotor movement learning with balance, creating and transmitting the learning process with basic locomotor movement models with balance for elementary school children in grade I to obtain empirical data about the effectiveness and efficiency and interest of children from the motion learning process. basic locomotor with balance for elementary school children in class I and created a learning model book for teachers as a guide for teaching basic locomotor movements with balance for elementary school children. This will increase effectiveness and efficiency as well as increase children's motivation to learn basic locomotor movements with balance. This research was conducted at SDN Semanan 14 Petang, West Jakarta, with 32 children as research objects. This study uses the ADDIE learning development model, which in this model starts at the stages of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. From the results obtained, the basic locomotor motion learning model with this balance turned out to be very effective to be applied in learning. From the results obtained, the basic locomotor motion learning model with this balance turned out to be very effective when applied in learning. This can be seen from the increase in pre-test and post-test by using the paired sample test on the SPSS 25.0 T-Test. The difference in significance on T-count is shown as -98.097 df = 31, p-value = 0.001 <0.05 ; With this, there appears to be a significant increase in the results of the assessment of children's skills at SDN Semanan 14 Petang Class I

    The effect of eye-hand coordination, kinesthetic perception and anxiety on the results archery scoring of athlete u-12 west jakarta

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    This study aims to reveal the direct and indirect effects, as well as the simultaneous effect of exogenous variables on endogenous variables. The sample in this study were 37 archers from all clubs in the West Jakarta area. The research approach used in this study is an associative quantitative approach with test techniques. The data analysis technique uses a path analysis approach (path analysis). The results showed that: 1) there was a direct effect of eye-hand coordination on the archery scores of U-12 archery athletes in West Jakarta amounted to 6.7%, 2) there was a direct influence of kinesthetic perception on the results of archery scoring results for U-12 archery athletes in West Jakarta. is 1.69%, 3) there is a direct and significant effect of anxiety on the archery scores of U-12 archery athletes in West Jakarta, which is 15.8%, 4) there is a direct and significant effect of eye-hand coordination on the anxiety of U-12 archery athletes. West Jakarta by 43.96%, 5) there is a direct and significant effect of kinesthetic perception on the anxiety of West Jakarta U-12 archery athletes by 44.76%, 6) there is an indirect effect of eye-hand coordination through anxiety on archery scoring results are of 27.35%, 7) there is an indirect effect of kinesthetic perception through anxiety on the archery scoring results of 18.9%

    The Effect of Arm Muscle Power, Waist Flexibility, And Self-Confidence on Front Handspring Skills in Artistics Gymnastics

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    This study aims to determine the effect of arm muscle power, waist flexibility and self-confidence on front handspring skills of students of Medan State University Sports Coaching Education. Data collection was carried out in November 2021 at the Faculty of State University of Medan. The research method used in this study is a survey method with path analysis techniques. The sample used in this study amounted to 84 students who came from first semester students of Sports Coaching Education. The first test was taken, namely the measurement of arm muscle power and waist flexibility measurement, then continued with measuring self-confidence and front handspring skills. The hypothesis testing technique used in this study is using path analysis techniques. The data obtained will go through a data analysis process through SPSS. The results of this study indicate that there is a direct effect of the variable X1 on X3 = 0.171, the direct effect of the variable X2 on X3 = 0.677, the direct effect of the variable X1 on Y = 0.157, the direct effect of the variable X2 on Y = 0.199, the direct effect of the variable X2 on Y = 0.199, the direct variable X3 on Y = 0.651, indirect effect of variable X1 on Y through X3 = 0.111 and indirect effect of variable X2 on Y through X3 = 0.440

    Analysis of Limb Explosive Performance of Elite Water Ski and Wakeboard Athletes: A Comparative Study

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    This research uses the Survey Research Method, a quantitative research type approach meaning research that is comparative or different. The population and sample in this study were water skiers and wakeboard athletes as many as 30 people consisting of male and female athletes. Data collection techniques using tests and measurements: physical condition tests; For leg muscle explosiveness by using a vertical jump measuring instrument and a chronojump. Data analysis using quantitative descriptive analysis techniques, overall The data analysis technique used is a t-test at a significant level of 5%. To obtain the results of this study, which one better results from the explosive power of leg muscles in Water Ski and Wakeboard Athletes of DKI Jakarta Province using Vertical jump and Chronojump? The results of this study showed that: There was a difference in leg explosive power in terms of the use of vertical jump and chronojump tools in  Water Ski and Wakeboard athletes with an average value between the two groups, wherein the vertical jump group with an initial test average value of 47.50,  the chronojump group with an average value of 27.97. This means that the vertical jump group is better than the chronojump group. However, further research is needed related to the environmental, psychosocial, and psychological factors of athletes and those related to improving athlete performance

    A Case Study of Athletes' Physical Condition Before the DKI Jakarta Pelatda for Water Ski and Wakeboard

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    The descriptive method employs a qualitative sort of research methodology. 16 water ski and wakeboard athletes 9 men and 7 women made up the study's population and samples. Tests and measurements are used in data gathering techniques, including the measuring of weight using scales. physical condition tests: flexibility using the sit-and-reach test, agility using the shuttle run test, muscle endurance using sit-ups and push-ups, limb explosive power performing vertical jump tests, arm power testing with the use of throw medicine balls, test balance using the standing stroke, an aerobic using a 300 meter sprint, and endurance performing the bleep test. Overall data analysis utilizing Microsoft Excel 2019 and quantitative descriptive analysis methodologies According to the study's findings, physical fitness is a crucial aspect in determining an athlete's success, especially for DKI Jakarta Provincial Water Ski and Wakeboard Athletes who are training to become DKI Jakarta Regional Athletes for PON 2024. To improve athlete performance, more research must be done on environmental influences, psychological issues, athlete psychology, and related topics

    Pengembangan Formula Minuman Olahraga Berbasis Tempe untuk Pemulihan Kerusakan Otot

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari formulasi minuman olahraga berbasis tempe untuk pemulihan kerusakan otot dengan kandungan gizi yang tepat dan dapat diterima secara sensori. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan faktor tunggal yaitu jumlah penambahan air untuk melarutkan tepung tempe yang terdiri dari tiga tingkatan yaitu 500 ml, 600 ml dan 700 ml, dengan masing-masing perlakuan mengandung 23 gram protein. Tepung tempe yang digunakan mengandung kadar air 5,39%, abu 1,22 % berat kering, protein 45,55% berat kering, lemak 33,9% berat kering, karbohidrat 13,94 % berat kering, kalsium 0,14% berat kering, besi 0,018% berat kering, natrium 0,004% berat kering, magnesium 0,06% berat kering, klorida 0,04% berat kering dan kalium 0,10% berat kering. Hasil uji hedonik minuman tempe menunjukkan bahwa penambahan air 600 ml cenderung mempunyai nilai kesukaan secara keseluruhan yang paling tinggi (5,42) dibandingkan dengan penambahan air 700 ml (5,37) dan 500 ml (nilai 4,92) (P>0,05). Minuman tempe dengan penggunaan air 600 ml mempunyai penerimaan secara keseluruhan yang tertinggi dengan nilai 80%. Minuman tersebut mempunyai karakteristik per sajian sebagai berikut kandungan protein 23 gram, karbohidrat 48 gram, lemak 17,11 gram, energi 438 kkal, branched chain amino acids (BCAA) 4161,6 mg, Ca 72,92 mg, Fe 9,46 mg, Mg 33,12 mg, Na 2,37 mg dan Cl 21,30 mg, dan K 54 mg

    Modern Islam, Politics, and the Making of Religious Commodification Among Female Members of Majelis Taklim Circle in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia

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    Despite the common belief in society about the declining fate of religion in time of modernity, everyday behaviors of religious societies have shown that religion has been increasingly commodified for political purposes. This article aims to study the ways in which modernity has enabled the dynamic use of religious commodification in political sectors.  Its main question is how political leaders have used religious doctrines, values, and symbols for gaining their electoral supports. Data of this research is collected through surveys among female Muslim members of Islamic learning circles (majelis taklim) in Bandar Lampung, the biggest city in the province of Lampung, where religious learning circles have increasingly flourished in the last few years. This research finds out ample evidence showing the significant influences of modernization and commodification of religion in determining political behaviors of the female members of Islamic learning circles. Modernization in the context of this research is defined as knowledge, urbanization, increased income, technological progress, social norms, social interaction, social institutions, and  commodification of religion is identified as the acts of making religious teachings and activities as a commodity, empirically manifested in the form of transforming social relations into economic relations (relation oriented for economic interests, materialization of a thing spiritual)