139 research outputs found

    Lead acid battery recycling for the twenty-first century

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    There is a growing need to develop novel processes to recover lead from end-of-life lead-acid batteries, due to increasing energy costs of pyrometallurgical lead recovery, the resulting CO2 emissions and the catastrophic health implications of lead exposure from lead-to-air emissions. To address these issues, we are developing an iono-metallurgical process, aiming to displace the pyrometallurgical process that has dominated lead production for millennia. The proposed process involves the dissolution of Pb salts into the deep eutectic solvent (DES) Ethaline 200, a liquid formed when a 1 : 2 molar ratio of choline chloride and ethylene glycol are mixed together. Once dissolved, the Pb can be recovered through electrodeposition and the liquid can then be recycled for further Pb recycling. Firstly, DESs are being used to dissolve the lead compounds (PbCO3, PbO, PbO2 and PbSO4) involved and their solubilities measured by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The resulting Pb2+ species are then reduced and electrodeposited as elemental lead at the cathode of an electrochemical cell; cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry are being used to determine the electrodeposition behaviour and mechanism. The electrodeposited films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). We discuss the implications and opportunities of such processes

    Ionic liquid-based strategy for predicting protein aggregation propensity and thermodynamic stability

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    Novel drug candidates are continuously being developed to combat the most life-threatening diseases; however, many promising protein therapeutics are dropped from the pipeline. During biological and industrial processes, protein therapeutics are exposed to various stresses such as fluctuations in temperature, solvent pH, and ionic strength. These can lead to enhanced protein aggregation propensity, one of the greatest challenges in drug development. Recently, ionic liquids (ILs), in particular, biocompatible choline chloride ([Cho]Cl)-based ILs, have been used to hinder stress-induced protein conformational changes. Herein, we develop an IL-based strategy to predict protein aggregation propensity and thermodynamic stability. We examine three key variables influencing protein misfolding: pH, ionic strength, and temperature. Using dynamic light scattering, zeta potential, and variable temperature circular dichroism measurements, we systematically evaluate the structural, thermal, and thermodynamic stability of fresh immunoglobin G4 (IgG4) antibody in water and 10, 30, and 50 wt % [Cho]Cl. Additionally, we conduct molecular dynamics simulations to examine IgG4 aggregation propensity in each system and the relative favorability of different [Cho]Cl-IgG4 packing interactions. We re-evaluate each system following 365 days of storage at 4 °C and demonstrate how to predict the thermodynamic properties and protein aggregation propensity over extended storage, even under stress conditions. We find that increasing [Cho]Cl concentration reduced IgG4 aggregation propensity both fresh and following 365 days of storage and demonstrate the potential of using our predictive IL-based strategy and formulations to radically increase protein stability and storage

    Process analysis of ionic liquid-based blends as H2S absorbents: search for thermodynamic/kinetic synergies

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    Acid gas absorption by ionic liquids (ILs) has arisen as a promising alternative technique for biogas or natural gas upgrading. In the present work, IL-based blends are evaluated for potential thermodynamic/kinetic synergistic effects on hydrogen sulfide (H2S) capture through physical and/or chemical absorption. First, a molecular simulation analysis by means of COSMO-RS was used to select IL-based blends with enhanced H2S absorbent thermodynamic properties. Physical absorption parameters of reference (KHenry) for H2S in several IL-based blends were calculated at 298 K, involving both IL mixtures and conventional industrial absorbents (tetraglyme (TGM)) with ILs at different compositions. A Henry's constant deviation parameter (ΔHKHenryH2S) was employed to analyze the nonideal effects of the mixture on H2S gas solubility in IL-based blends. In addition, the viscosities and diffusivities of the IL-based blends were estimated as key parameters controlling H2S diffusion and absorbent uptake rates. From this analysis, a sample of IL-based blends with promising thermodynamic and kinetic properties was selected for H2S physical absorption. A process simulation analysis using the COSMO-based/Aspen Plus methodology was then carried out and the selected absorbents were evaluated by modeling H2S capture in an industrial-scale commercial packed column. One IL, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazoium acetate ([Bmim][OAc]), presenting high H2S chemical absorption and a low viscous industrial solvent (TGM) were also included. The strong kinetic control of H2S capture by physical absorption indicated the limited potential performance of IL-based blends or neat ILs in industrial equipment. In contrast, the COSMO/Aspen analysis revealed that adequate formulations based on [Bmim][OAc] and TGM present enhanced H2S absorbent properties compared to the neat compounds. These computational results may be used to guide future experimental research to design new H2S absorbents, reducing the highly demanding experimental inputFinancial support from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (project CTQ2017-89441-R) and Comunidad de Madrid (project P2018/EMT4348) is acknowledge

    Investigation of the chemocatalytic and biocatalytic valorization of a range of different lignin preparations: The importance of β-O-4 content

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    A set of seven different lignin preparations was generated from a range of organosolv (acidic, alkaline, ammonia-treated, and dioxane-based), ionic liquid, autohydrolysis, and Kraft pretreatments of lignocelluloses. Each lignin was characterized by 2D HSQC NMR spectroscopy, showing significant variability in the β-O-4 content of the different lignin samples. Each lignin was then valorised using three biocatalytic methods (microbial biotransformation with Rhodococcus jostii RHA045, treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescens Dyp1B or Sphingobacterium sp. T2 manganese superoxide dismutase) and two chemocatalytic methods (catalytic hydrogenation using Pt/alumina catalyst, DDQ benzylic oxidation/Zn reduction). Highest product yields for DDQ/Zn valorization were observed from poplar ammonia percolation-organosolv lignin, which had the highest β-O-4 content of the investigated lignins and also gave the highest yield of syringaldehyde (243 mg L -1 ) when using R. jostii RHA045 and the most enzymatic products using P. fluorescens Dyp1B. The highest product yield from the Pt/alumina hydrogenation was observed using oak dioxasolv lignin, which also had a high β-O-4 content. In general, highest product yields for both chemocatalytic and biocatalytic valorization methods were obtained from preparations that showed highest β-O-4 content, while variable yields were obtained with preparations containing intermediate β-O-4 content, and little or no product was obtained with preparations containing low β-O-4 content

    Alkylation of methyl linoleate with propene in ionic liquids in the presence of metal salts

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    Vegetable oils and fatty acid esters are suitable precursor molecules for the production of a variety of bio-based products and materials, such as paints and coatings, plastics, soaps, lubricants, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, printing inks, surfactants, and biofuels. Here, we report the possibility of using Lewis acidic ionic liquids (ILs) to obtain polyunsaturated ester dimerization-oligomerization and/or, in the presence of another terminal alkene (propene), co-polymerization. In particular, we have tested the Lewis acidic mixtures arising from the addition of a proper amount of GaCl3 (X > 0.5) to two chloride-based (1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride, [bmim]Cl, and 1-butylisoquinolium chloride, [BuIsoq]Cl) or by dissolution of a smaller amount of Al(Tf2N)3 (X = 0.1) in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, [bmim][Tf2N]. On the basis of product distribution studies, [bmim][Tf2N]/Al(Tf2N)3 appears the most suitable medium in which methyl linoleate alkylation with propene can compete with methyl linoleate or propene oligomerization

    Thermolysis of Organofluoroborate Ionic Liquids to NHC-Organofluoroborates

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    A range of dialkylimidazolium organotrifluoroborate ionic liquids were prepared by anion metathesis from newly available potassium organotrifluoroborate salts, and their physical properties were characterized by TGA, DSC, and STA. Thermal decomposition was subsequently investigated under vacuum with direct insertion mass spectrometry to determine whether thermolysis was a viable route to prepare N-heterocyclic carbene organofluoroborates, which are an important class of emerging compounds. Several key targets were identified, which highlighted the potential to shortcut complex synthetic methodologies otherwise required to access such molecules