50 research outputs found

    Political Entrenchment in an Ojibwa Wild Rice Economy

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    ABSTRACT - Immunity from both state ricing regulations and the competition of white harvesters characterizes the protective legal niche occupied by Ojibwa Indians who gather wild rice in the Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge in Minnesota. Since 1937 the economic benefits of the Rice Lake rice beds have become restricted to an increasingly exclusive membership of socially and genetically interrelated harvesters from several nearby Indian communities. It appears that this relatively favorable political-economic situation has enhanced the sensitivity of Rice Lake harvesters to current ricing problems encountered by Indians throughout northern Minnesota, and the institution of a rice auction has become an ideological arena in which the opposing political attitudes and economic interests of Indians and whites clash, but without upsetting business transactions

    Recent Ethnographic Research - Upper Churchill River Drainage, Saskatchewan, Canada

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    Recent developments in ethnographic research in the Upper Churchill River drainage of northwestern Saskatchewan are reviewed. These include an analysis of the spatial organization of trapping economics, and an examination of behavioral responses to current technological impact (particularly housing, imported food and machinery, and new roads) in a southern Chipewyan community. Although high-income trappers generally exploit the largest trapping areas at the greatest distances from a primary settlement, the increasing congregation of short-distance trappers near the village may be exacerbating ecological and economic instability associated with new consumer goods and purchasing habits. Another direction of research involves analysis of economic and social interactions between Chipewyan and Cree communities that shed light upon processes of inter-tribal communication, symbiosis, enmity and identity management

    Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives on an Athapaskan Moose Kill

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    A recent development in anthropology involves examination of living human populations in an attempt to better understand the "formation processes" that create archaeological remains. An ethnologist and an archaeologist collaborated in the observation and analysis of procurement, butchering and distribution of moose among a group of contemporary Athapaskan (Chipewyan) Indians in northwestern Saskatchewan in 1977. Subtleties in the behavior of one particular hunting party illustrate the complexity and variability of skeletal and anatomical spatial distributions accompanying various stages in processing, distributing and consuming a moose (Alces alces andersoni). Variables such as seasonality, proximity to a major settlement, transportation technology, sexual division of labor and ideational factors heavily influence the formation of archaeo-faunal remains within several components of a regional settlement system.Key words: ethnoarchaeology, Chipewyan Indians, moose hunting, decision making, site formationUne recherche anthropologique récente comporte l'étude de populations vivantes en visant une meilleure compréhension des processus qui forment les restes archéologiques. Une ethnologue et un archéologue ont collaboré dans l'observation et l'analyse des méthodes d'obtention, de boucherie et de distribution d'orignal au sein du'une groupe contemporain d'indiens athapascans (Chipewyans) dans le nord-ouest de la Saskatchewan. Les subtilités dans le comportement d'un groupe particulier de chasseurs démontrent la complexité et la variabilité des distributions spatiales anatomiques et squelettiques suivant les diverses étapes du dépeçage, de la distribution et de la consommation d'un orignal (Alces alces andersoni). Des variables telles que le caractère saisonnier, la proximité à un site majeur d'habitation, la technologie du transport et I'ingéniosité influencent de façon importante la formation de restes archéologiques animaux dans de nombreuses composantes d'une habitation régionale.Mots clés: ethnoarchéologie, indiens Chipewyans, chasse à l'orignal, processus de décision, formation de site

    Propagation of Pike in Multi-Purpose Lake Management

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    Methods for rearing, harvesting, and management use of pike (Esox lucius L) in Minnesota are described, especially as related to multiple use of shallow water areas. Principal emphasis is placed on the method of removing fingerling and yearling pike in winter from shallow lakes. Such lakes often raise wild rice and also are utilized by waterfowl. The pike, spawned naturally in these lakes, are harvested by pumping aerated water through fish traps when oxygen levels in the lake become low. Pumping is most effective when oxygen levels in the lake fall below 2 parts per million but is higher in the trap area

    Školska zdravstvena skrb i preporuke za školske zdravstvene službe u Finskoj

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    Povijesni pregled Povijesni dio ovog članka uglavnom se temelji na knjizi “Školske zdravstvene službe u Finskoj(1) autora dr. Pirja Terha, počasnog predsjednika odbora FASAM-a. Školske zdravstvene službe aktivne su u Finskoj više od 100 godina. Sustav i preporuke tijekom tih 100 godina mijenjane su mnogo puta. Prvi školski liječnik u Finskoj svoj je rad započeo u školi već 1885. godine. Veći broj školskih liječnika došao je raditi u škole većih gradova na početku 20. stoljeća. Medicinske sestre u škole su došle već 1920. godine. Individualni fizikalni pregledi uvedeni su 1930-ih. U to je vrijeme bila učestala tuberkuloza. Mantoux test i radioskopija uvedeni su u škole.U ratno vrijeme (1939-1945) najvažniji je zadatak bilo liječenje zaraznih bolesti. Djeci i obiteljima savjetovano je kako postići da djeca nedovoljne težine dobiju na težini. U mnogim su gradovima siromašna djeca u školi dobivala hranu za sebe i cijelu obitelj.1950-ih je godina donesen Zakon o školskim liječnicima. Otvoreno je radno mjesto za liječničkog upravitelja pri nacionalnom zdravstvenom odboru. Uvedeno je cijepljenje - npr. cijepljenje protiv dječje paralize ili PDT (cijepljenje protiv hripavca, difterije i tetanusa)

    The School Health Care and the Recommendations for School Health Care Services in Finland

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    HistoryThe following historical part of the present article is mostly based on the article in the book   of School Health   Care Service in Finland.(1)written by   dr. Pirjo Terho, the honorary chairman of the board of FASAMSchool health care services have been active for over 100 years in Finland. The system and the recommendations have been changed many times during these years. The very first school doctor in Finland began his work in school already in 1885. More school doctors came in to schools in big cities at the beginning of the 20th century. School nurses came into schools as early as in 1920. Individual physical examinations came in the 1930’s. Tuberculosis was common at the time. Tuberculin tests and radioscopies were done to children in schools

    Encuesta multidisciplinaria en Curré: informe preliminar

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    The goal of the report that we present in the following has for its objective to make known preliminary results obtained by an Anthropology Team, based ona series of surveys taken in the indigenous community of Curré, cantón Buenos Aires, Costa Rica. The investigators focussed on a series of socio-cultural themes as they were recordedin this Indigenous community: social organization, economic resources, languages, recent revitalization, political elections.El objetivo del informe que presentamos a continuación tiene como finalidad dar a conocer los resultados preliminares obtenidos por un equipo de antropólogos, con base en una serie de encuestas en el pueblo indígena de Curré, cantón de Buenos Aires, Costa Rica. Los investigadores se enfocaron en una serie de temas socioculturales; tales como los encontrados en este pueblo indígena: organización social, recursos económicos, lenguajes, revitalización reciente, elecciones políticas

    A Late Glacial family at Trollesgave. Denmark

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    YesMicrowear analysis is applied to reconstruct the function and social organisation at the Late Glacial site of Trollesgave, Denmark. As with Bromme Culture sites in general, the lithic assemblage consists of primarily three types of tools. There is a strong association between these types and their use: end scrapers for dry hide scraping; burins for working hard material, primarily bone; and tanged points primarily for projectile tips. Nearly all divergence from this pattern can be referred to as the activities of children, the products and workshops of which have previously been identified. Based on the combined information from microwear analysis, flint knapping and spatial distribution of artefacts, the assemblage is inferred as the traces of a single family hunting (and fishing) occupation.Danish Council for Independent Research (FKK ref. no. 273-08-0424