15 research outputs found

    Production concept of bracket

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem konzoly pro uchycení rámu na sušení prádla. Součást je vyráběna z ocele 11 343. Polotovarem je pozinkovaný plech o tloušťce 2 mm. S ohledem na požadovanou kvalitu součásti a výrobní množství (40 000 ks) byla na základě literární studie zvolena nová technologie výroby pomocí konvenčního stříhání v nástroji s následným ohybem na ohraňovacím lise. Pro zvolené technologie byly provedeny technologické výpočty a navr-žen střižný nástroj o kterém pojednává zpracovaná výkresová dokumentace. Součástí práce je také technicko–ekonomické zhodnocení navrženého způsobu výroby.The thesis deals with the production concept of the bracket for fixing the drying frame. The component is made of 11 343 steel. The semi-finished product is galvanized sheet with 2 mm thickness. With regard to the required quality of the component and the yearly production quantity (40,000 pieces), a new production technology was chosen based on a literary study by means of conventional shearing in a tool, followed by bending on a press brake. For the selected technologies, technological calculations and a cutting tool were designed, which are dealt with in the drawing documentation. The work also includes technical-economic evalua-tion of the proposed production method.

    Specifics of Main Components of Simple Blanking Tool

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    Práce předkládá specifika funkčních částí jednoduchého střižného nástroje. Práce je rozdělena do 5 základních částí. První část se zabývá obecně problematikou stříhání v nástrojích. Druhá seznamuje s jednoduchým střižným nástrojem. Třetí a nejrozsáhlejší část detailně popisuje jednotlivé vybrané funkční části střižného nástroje. Čtvrtá část obsahuje možné způsoby pro zvýšení životnosti funkčních částí a poslední pátá část je souhrnným přehledem nejčastěji používaných materiálů u těchto funkčních částí.The thesis elaborated Specifics of Main Components of Simple Blanking Tool. The thesis is divided into 5 basic parts. The first part deals with the issue of cutting tools in general. The second one introduces a simple blanking tool. The third and most extensive part describes in detail the selected main components of blanking toll. The fourth part contains possible ways to increase the life of main components and the last part is summary of the most frequently used materials for these functional parts.

    Towards Predicting Cyber Attacks Using Information Exchange and Data Mining

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    In this paper, we present an empirical evaluation of an approach to predict attacker's activities based on information exchange and data mining. We gathered the cyber security alerts shared within the SABU platform, in which around 220,000 alerts from heterogeneous geographically distributed sensors (intrusion detection systems and honeypots) are shared every day. Subsequently, we used the methods of sequential rule mining to identify common attack patterns and to derive rules for predicting attacks. As we illustrate in this paper, a collaborative environment allows attack prediction in multiple dimensions. First, we can predict what will the attacker do next and when. Second, we can predict where will the attack hit, e.g., when an attacker is targeting several networks at once. In a week-long experiment, we processed in total over 1 million alerts, from which we mined predictive rules every day. Our findings show that most of the rules display stable values of support and confidence and, thus, can be used to predict cyber attacks in consecutive days after mining without a need to actualize the rules every day

    On the Sequential Pattern and Rule Mining in the Analysis of Cyber Security Alerts

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    Data mining is well-known for its ability to extract concealed and indistinct patterns in the data, which is a common task in the field of cyber security. However, data mining is not always used to its full potential among cyber security community. In this paper, we discuss usability of sequential pattern and rule mining, a subset of data mining methods, in an analysis of cyber security alerts. First, we survey the use case of data mining, namely alert correlation and attack prediction. Subsequently, we evaluate sequential pattern and rule mining methods to find the one that is both fast and provides valuable results while dealing with the peculiarities of security alerts. An experiment was performed using the dataset of real alerts from an alert sharing platform. Finally, we present lessons learned from the experiment and a comparison of the selected methods based on their performance and soundness of the results

    Mitigating Norway spruce mortality through the combined use of an anti-attractant for Ips typographus and an attractant for Thanasimus formicarius

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    This study investigates the efficacy of combined treatment strategy, incorporating pheromones for bark beetle I. typographus (IT) and attractant of its natural enemy T. formicarius (TF), along with anti-attractants for IT (containing 1-hexanol, 1-octen-3-ol, 3-octanol, eucalyptol, trans-thujanol, and trans-conophthorin), to enhance protection methods for Picea abies against biotic disturbances. Two field experiments—trapping experiment and tree protection experiment—were conducted in June 2023 in managed spruce-dominated beetle-affected stands in Czechia. We anticipated higher catches of IT in traps baited with IT pheromone (containing s-ipsdienol, s-cis-verbenol, and 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol) and TF attractant compared to traps using IT pheromone alone, since compounds intrinsic to IT pheromone, namely 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol, ipsenol, and ipsdienol, are integral components of the attractant designed for TF. We hypothesized that application of TF attractant and IT anti-attractant would enhance the treatment's protective properties, assuming that attracted TF would function as a predator, reducing bark beetle population and increasing tree survival rates. Semiochemical composition declared by the producers was verified using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. In the trapping experiment, EcoTrap-type traps were baited with six combinations of lures and anti-attractant. In the tree protection experiment, 28 mature Norway spruce trees situated at newly created forest edges underwent four treatment types: TF attractant, IT anti-attractant, their combination, and no treatment (“control”). Traps baited solely with TF attractant did not capture either beetle, whereas traps lured with IT pheromone, TF attractant and anti-attractant showed no captures of IT but recorded the highest numbers of TF, suggesting significant potential for combined treatment efficacy. Surprisingly, tree mortality was observed exclusively among trees treated only with TF attractant and in their vicinity, suggesting unique bark beetles' response to the mixture of predator's attractant and host tree kairomones, a phenomenon that was not previously reported. Application of anti-attractant and TF treatment effectively prevented tree mortality, demonstrating the repellent potential of IT anti-attractant against bark beetles. However, mortality rates showed no significant differences among control trees, those treated with anti-attractants, or those treated with the combination of anti-attractants and TF attractant, underscoring necessity for further research to optimize treatment efficacy

    Vyrovnání nivelační sítě metodou nejmenších čtverců

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    Analysis of organisational structure of choise authority of public administration

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    Práce se zabývá analýzou organizačních struktur OkÚ Trutnov, MěÚ Trutnov a OÚ Mladé Buky. V rámci práce je provedena expertiza za účelem zjištění požadovaných vlastností a dovedností vrcholového pracovníka veřejné správy.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Řízení výzkumné divize státního podniku Pramet Šumperk

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    Error protection of data transmission using BCH Codes

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    Diplomová práce Zabezpečení přenosu dat BCH kódy se zabývá významnou skupinou cyklických kódů, které jsou schopny zabezpečit binární data před nezávislými chybami. Bose, Chaudhuri a Hocquenghem (BCH) kódy využívají Galoisova tělesa. Kódování je stejné jako u cyklických kódů a může být použit lineární zpětnovazební posuvný registr. Dekódování je složitější a lze využít několik algoritmů - v této práci jsou zmíněny dva: Petersonův a Berlekam-Massey. Cílem této práce je nalézt BCH kód opravující až t = 6 nezávislých chyb v posloupnosti n = 150 bitů, poté prostudovat možné realizace a podle kritérií vybrat a navrhnout kodek vybraného kódu. Tuto práci lze pomyslně rozdělit do tří částí: nejprve je uveden teoretický popis kódování a dekódování BCH kódem, následuje výběr kódu a realizace (byl vybrán kód BCH (63, 30) a realizace pomocí FPGA obvodu). V poslední části je uveden návrh kodéru a dekodéru BCH kódu.The thesis Data transmission error-protection with BCH codes deals with a large class of random-error correcting cyclic codes which are able to protect binary data and can be used for example in data storages, high speed modems. Bose, Chaudhuri and Hocquenghem (BCH) codes operate over algebraic structures called Galois fields. The BCH encoding is the same as cyclic encoding and can be done with linear feedback shift register but decoding is more complex and can be done with different algorithms - in this thesis there are two algorithms for decoding Peterson and Berlekam-Massey mentioned. The aim of this thesis is to find BCH code which is able to correct t = 6 independent errors in up to data sequence n = 150 bits, then peruse possible realizations of the codecs and set criteria for the best realization, then design and test this realization. This thesis is split into three main parts. In the first part there are encoding and decoding methods of the BCH code generally described. The second part deals with selecting of the right code and realization. There was chosen BCH (63,30) code and realization with FPGA chip. In the last part is described design of BCH encoder and decoder and compilation in the Altera design software.