93 research outputs found

    Branżowa analiza zagrożenia przedsiębiorstw upadłością

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    W artykule zostały zaprezentowane wyniki badań sytuacji przedsiębiorstw w latach 2007–2011, dotyczących zmian stopnia zagrożenia w branżach gospodarki (działach PKD). System wczesnego ostrzegania został zbudowany w oparciu o model predykcji oraz model regresji logistycznej, które dzięki zastosowaniu innowacyjnych metod i technik szczegółowych, można uznać za unikatowe w kraju

    Estimation of the logistic regression model for company bankruptcy

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    Estimated on Poland’s largest known sample, Firth’s logistic regression model which is used for predicting bankruptcy constitutes a unique and specific model which is highly effective in predicting the level of threat to company bankruptcy when compared to other models, used not only in Poland but also abroad

    Sand Removal from Sandstone Cliffs as the Main Factor Influencing Properties of Organic Soils – a Case Study of Transitional Bog in the Stołowe Mountains

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    With this paper we investigate the effect of sand contribution to organic soils and direct influence of this process on the physical and physicochemical properties on the example of transitional bog in the Stołowe Mountains (the Central Sudetes), which was periodically covered by sand material from sandstone cliffs weathering. Field survey and soil sampling were conducted in August 2015 in the area of Białe Skały. Soil material for laboratory analysis was collected from three peat cores, while soil samples were collected from each soil horizon distinguished in each core. Obtained results indicate the great impact of mineral material admixture on soil properties, both physicochemical and chemical. Recorded values of each soil parameter in the organic horizons adjacent to the mineral interlayers differ considerably from those obtained in the soil profile free of sand admixtures. Preliminary study of soil cover of transitional bog will allow correct planning of palaeoecological research about genesis and evolution of this peatland.

    Malignancies in xeroderma pigmentosum — case report and literature review

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    Xeroderma pigmentosum (skóra pergaminowata barwnikowa, XP) jest rzadką chorobą dziedziczoną w sposób autosomalny recesywny, u podłoża której leżą zaburzenia naprawy uszkodzeń DNA, wywołanych między innymi promieniowaniem nadfioletowym. Choroba ta występuje w Europie i Stanach Zjednoczonych z częstością 1–4 przypadków na 1 000 000 populacji i objawia się zaburzeniami czynności skóry, oczu oraz układu nerwowego. Na pierwszy plan wysuwają się zmiany skórne. U pacjentów cierpiących na XP pod wpływem promieniowania UV dochodzi do powstawania na skórze rumienia, bolesnych pęcherzy, owrzodzeń, przebarwień. Ostatnim ogniwem ewolucji tych zmian są nowotwory złośliwe skóry — rak płaskonabłonkowy, podstawnokomórkowy i czerniak złośliwy. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 15-letniej chorej ze zdiagnozowaną skórą barwnikową i zmianami skóry twarzy, przybierającymi postać niegojących się owrzodzeń. Usunięte zmiany okazały się ogniskami raka podstawnokomórkowego (BCC). Występuje on u dzieci i młodych dorosłych sporadycznie, zwykle na podłożu innych chorób predysponujących. Wczesne rozpoznanie i usunięcie BCC jest istotne ze względu na jego destrukcyjny wzrost i duże ryzyko nawrotu.Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by inappropriate repair of UV-induced damages. It occurs with frequency of 1–4 per 1 million. The main symptoms are connected with skin, eyes and nervous system. Skin changes are the most important and they reveal as erythema, painful blisters, ulceration and freckles. The last level of skin changes’ transformation are malignant neoplasms (squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma and melanoma). The case of 15-year-old girl with xeroderma pigmentosum and face’s ulcerations is presented. This lesion has been found as basal cell carcinoma. Basal cell carcinoma concerns occasionally children and young adults. In this cases there is usually association with other diseases. Because of the risk of tissue destruction and local recurrence there is quite important to diagnose and remove it early

    The Use of Virtual Twins in the Robotic Yoghurt Mixing Process

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    This paper presents the results of computer simulations related to the selection and optimisation of parameters for a robotic yoghurt mixing process. The authors proposed a station configuration using the RobotStudio environment for off-line robot programming and virtual controller technology and determined the performance of the robotised production line. The main component of the study was a computer simulation of the station based on the Picking PowerPac package and Pick Master 3 program. As a result of the simulations, numerical values were obtained informing about the number of handled and rejected products, filled containers and the times of production cycles of the station

    Trajectory Tracking Control of a Mobile Robot with the ROS System

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    This article provides a simulation and laboratory study of a control system for a two-wheeled differential-drive mobile robot with ROS system. The authors propose an approach to designing a control system based on a parametric model of the robots dynamics. The values of unknown parameters of the dynamic model have been determined by means of a Levenberg-Marguardt identification method. By comparing the desired trajectories with those obtained from simulation and laboratory tests, and based on errors analysis, the correctness of the model parameter identification process and the control system operation was then determined

    Laparoscopic dissection of uterine artery and coagulation uteroovarian ligament for the treatment of symptomatic myomas

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    Abstract Objectives: Our purpose was to evaluate the effects and safety of laparoscopic dissection of the uterine artery and coagulation of the utero-ovarian ligament in treating symptomatic myomas. Material and methods: We studied 40 women, aged 31 to 50, with symptomatic uterine fibroids undergoing laparoscopic dissection of the uterine artery and coagulation of the utero-ovarian ligament. Ultrasound examination of uterus and dominant fibroid were performed. Their volume reduction was measured. Clinical response was evaluated according to questionnaire assessing the level of menstrual bleeding, pain and urgency. Results: There were no complications during operations. Within 6 months after the surgery the mean uterus volume was reduced by 22% and mean volume of dominant fibroid was reduced by 51%. Six months after the surgery menstrual bleeding was reduced in case of 34/38 patients (85%), completed pain relief has been observed in case of 19/25 patients (76%). In case of 11/15 (73%) patients, a regression of urgency has been observed. Conclusions: Laparoscopic dissection of the uterine artery and coagulation of the utero-ovarian ligament is a safe and effective method of treating symptomatic myomas. It is an alternative to hysterectomy, especially for women who wish to preserve their uteru