183 research outputs found

    Financial Analysis of an Average Transport Company in the Czech Republic

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    The goal of this summary is to introduce shortly the financial analysis, the features typical for transport companies in general, and determine the financial characteristics of an average transport company in the Czech Republic. Financial analysis is an effective tool for the evaluation of enterprise financial efficiency. It is able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a given enterprise. It is key tool for every transport company to measure and evaluate its efficiency. That will be helped by the balance sheet information, profit and loss statement information or cash flow statement. Ratios of profitability, activity ratios, Liquidity ratios, Debt ratios, absolute indicators, and the method of comprehensive evaluation of enterprise are used mainly. The data analysed in this contribution come from the Albertina database. It is the information of transport companies for the period of 2010 – 2014. Financial analysis of an average transport company is worked out based on the established data, and therefore the state of the future potential of transport in the Czech Republic. It can be claimed that the branch of transport is financially healthy and promising in the Czech Republic. Extension of growth, which has started already in 2011, is expected even further

    Estimation of the development of the Euro to Chinese Yuan exchange rate using artificial neural networks

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    The exchange rate is one of the most monitored economic variables, from the position of individual citizens or economists, financial institutions or entrepreneurs. In the long run, it is a reflection of the condition of the economy, and in the short and medium term it has a significant impact on the economy. The time series of currency development maps past developments, current status, and is also able to predict future developments. This article analyzes the time series of the development of EUR to Yuan exchange rate using artificial intelligence. It aims to evaluate this development and to indicate the prediction of the future development of EUR to Yuan

    Advances in the development of an imaging device for plaque measurement in the area of the carotid artery

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    This paper describes the advances in the development and subsequent testing of an imaging device for three-dimensional ultrasound measurement of atherosclerotic plaque in the carotid artery. The embolization from the atherosclerotic carotid plaque is one of the most common causes of ischemic stroke and, therefore, we consider the measurement of the plaque as extremely important. The paper describes the proposed hardware for enhancing the standard ultrasonic probe to provide a possibility of accurate probe positioning and synchronization with the cardiac activity, allowing the precise plaque measurements that were impossible with the standard equipment. The synchronization signal is derived from the output signal of the patient monitor (electrocardiogram (ECG)), processed by a microcontroller-based system, generating the control commands for the linear motion moving the probe. The controlling algorithm synchronizes the movement with the ECG waveform to obtain clear images not disturbed by the heart activity.Web of Science28235935

    CFD simulation of hydrodynamics of rectangular external loop airlift reactor

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    This contribution is aimed at CFD simulation of hydrodynamics of gas-liquid external loop rectangular airlift reactor using Euler-Euler model. Commercial code Fluent 6.3 is used to solve model equations. The goal of the work was to compare simulation results with experimental data available in literature. Simulated horizontal profiles of liquid and bubble velocity and gas holdup were compared with data from literature.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Hydrothermal fluorite mineralization is located within hydrothermally altered pegmatites near Rakšice (Brno massif). Fluorite prevails, quartz and mainly barite and calcite are minor components of the mineralization. Fluorite has been studied by the microthermometric techniques. Temperature of homogenization (TH) of primary and primary-secondary fluid inclusions ranges between 106° and 142°C. Salinity of traped aquous fluids is low between 0.0 and 3.7wt% NaCl eq. Formation conditions are discussed with other fluorite occurrences in the Bohemian Massif. Genetic aspects of the studied fluorite mineralization are compared with Tertiary fluorite mineralizations near Teplice and Jílové u Děčína

    Efekt koncentrace beta-hydroxybutyrátu v krvi na reprodukci, produkci a zdraví krav v prvních týdnech po otelení

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    The constant monitoring of dairy cow metabolism is extremely important, especially in the period immediately after calving, when the animals face the consequences of negative energy balance. The concentration of beta-hydroxybutyrate is one of the reliable indicators of metabolic status. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of beta-hydroxybutyrate concentration in the blood on selected parameters of production, reproduction, and health of Holstein dairy cows. The limit for subclinical ketosis was set to >1.2 mmol/L of beta-hydroxybutyrate in blood. Furthermore, the effects of lactation number, season, and year of assessment were added to the model equation. The results showed that high betahydroxybutyrate concentration in blood is associated with poor reproduction parameters (worse insemination interval and service period) and lower milk production. However, the results were ambiguous in relation to the somatic cell count and the occurrence of selected diseases (mastitis and ovarian cysts). Moreover, the effect of seasonality on the evaluated parameters was also confirmed (P<0.05), while assessed years were similar in most parameters. It can be concluded that the assessment of beta-hydroxybutyrate concentration as an indicator of potential ketosis is important and can be a suitable parameter for routine monitoring as it influences milk production, reproduction, and cow\u27s health.Sledování úrovně metabolismu u dojnice je neustále důležité a to hlavně v období bezprostředně po otelení, kdy jsou zvířata ohrožena důsledky negativní energetické bilance. Jedním z dobrých ukazatelů úrovně metabolismu je koncentrace beta-hydroxybutyrátu. Cílem této práce bylo zhodnotit vliv koncentrace beta-hydroxybutyrátu v krvi na vybrané parametry produkce, reprodukce a zdraví dojnic holštýnského skotu. Jako hranice subklinické ketózy byla nastavena hodnota beta-hydroxybutyrátu v krvi 1.2 mmol/L. Dele bylo provedeno vyhodnocení s využitím efektů pořadí laktace, kalendářního měsíce a roku hodnocení Z výsledků vyplývá, že je vysoká úroveň beta-hydroxybutyrátu v krvi spojená se zhoršenými parametry plodnosti (horší inseminační interval a servis perioda) a mléčné produkce. Nicméně, ve vztahu k počtu somatických buněk a výskytu vybraných onemocnění (mastitidy a výskyt ovariálních cyst) byly výsledky nejednoznačné. Navíc byl také potvrzen vliv sezónnosti na hodnocené ukazatele (P<0.05) a to i přesto, že hodnocené roky byly ve většině parametrů podobné. Z výsledků lze konstatovat, že hodnocení obsahu beta-hydroxybutyrátu jako indikátoru potenciální ketózy je důležité a potvrzuje se jako vhodný parametr pro rutinní monitoring ovlivňující mléčnou produkci, reprodukci a zdraví krav

    (μ-5-Carboxy­benzene-1,3-dicarboxyl­ato-κ2 O 1:O 3)bis­[bis­(2,2′-bipyridine-κ2 N,N′)copper(II)] 5-carboxy­benzene-1,3-dicarboxyl­ate 2,2′-bipyridine solvate trideca­hydrate

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    The asymmetric unit of the title complex, [Cu2(C9H4O6)(C10H8N2)4](C9H4O6)·C10H8N2·13H2O, comprises two formula units. The two CuII centres are bridged by a 5-carb­oxy­benzene-1,3-dicarboxyl­ate (Hbtc) ligand. Each of the metal centres is bonded to four N atoms of two bidentate 2,2′-bipyridine ligands (bpy) and one O atom of the Hbtc ligand in a highly distorted square-pyramidal geometry. The secondary structure is stabilized by a variety of O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds and π–π stacking inter­actions connecting the complex cations, Hbtc anions, bpy and water mol­ecules of crystallization. Three water molecules are disordered over two positions, with site occupancy factors of ca 0.8 and 0.2

    Aqua­(4-methyl­quinoline-κN)[N-(2-oxidobenzyl­idene)glycinato-κ3 O,N,O′]copper(II) hemihydrate

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    The title complex, [Cu(C9H7NO3)(C10H9N)(H2O)]·0.5H2O, crystallizes with two independent formula units in the asymmetric unit; the solvent mol­ecule is located on a twofold axis of symmetry. The CuII atom is coordinated by one tridentate N-salicylideneglycinate Schiff base ligand, one 4-methyl­quinoline ligand and one water mol­ecule, leading to a slightly distorted square-pyramidal N2O3 geometry. In the crystal structure, the mol­ecules are linked by O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds into linear chains in the [100] direction. The structure is further stabilized by inter­molecular C—H⋯O inter­actions and C⋯C contacts with C⋯C = 3.3058 (2), 3.3636 (2) and 3.3946 (2) Å

    Muzna svojstva krava Jersey pasmine tijekom razdoblja laktacije i utjecaj na produljenje sisa izazvano mužnjom

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    The aim of this study was to monitor milkability traits of Jersey cows over the course of lactation, and to investigate how milkability characteristics affected milking induced teat prolongation (MITP; %). For the purpose of the experiment, milkability parameters and teat length of 43 Jersey cows were monitored throughout the lactation. The effects of milk yield, milking time, lag time, average milk flow, and milk flow during various stages of milking on milking induced teat prolongation were evaluated. Jersey cows in this study achieved an average daily milk yield of 16.8 kg with an average milking time of 5 min. The average milk flow was 1.73 kg min-1 and the occurrence of bimodal milk flows was 23.8 %. Milkability characteristics significantly affected MITP. Milk yield, lag time and milk flow at the beginning of milking affected the MITP of both pairs of teats, while average milk flow and milk flow during the second minute of milking showed significant differences only for MITP of front teats. Furthermore, MITP was not dependent on milking time nor milk flow after the second min of milking, but was strongly affected by milk yield and milk flow disturbances at the beginning of milking. Higher MITP was observed for high milk yields, low lag times, normal milk flows at the beginning of milking, and fast milk flows during the milking. Thus, the desired milkability characteristics caused higher MITP. The findings of this study suggest that the high teat prolongation during milking might be interpreted as a positive sign for milking efficiency.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je praćenje muznih svojstava krava Jersey pasmine tijekom razdoblja laktacije te utvrditi utjecaj parametara muznih svojstava na produljenje sisa izazvano mužnjom uzrokovano mužnjom (MITP; %). U tu svrhu su tijekom razdoblja laktacije određivani muzni parametri i duljina sisa u 43 krave Jersey pasmine. Pritom se određivao utjecaj količine mlijeka, vremena mužnje, brzine otpuštanja mlijeka, prosječnog protoka mlijeka te protoka mlijeka u različitim stadijima laktacije na produljenje sisa izazvano mužnjom. Jersey krave na kojima je provedeno istraživanje imale su prosječnu dnevnu količinu mlijeka od 16,8 kg uz prosječno trajanje mužnje od 5 min. Prosječan protok mlijeka iznosio je 1,73 kg min-1, a pojava bimodalnog protoka mlijeka bila je 23,8 %. Muzna svojstva pokazala su statistički značajan utjecaj na MITP. Količina mlijeka, brzina otpuštanja mlijeka i protok mlijeka na početku mužnje utjecali su na MITP oba para sisa, dok su prosječan protok mlijeka i protok mlijeka tijekom druge minute mužnje značajno utjecali samo na MITP vrijednosti prednjih sisa. Nadalje, nakon druge minute mužnje, MITP se nije pokazao ovisnim ni o trajanju mužnje, niti o protoku mlijeka, ali je bio pod jakim utjecajem količine mlijeka te varijacijama u protoku zabilježenim na početku mužnje. Više vrijednosti MITP zabilježene su kod viših količina mlijeka, bržeg otpuštanja mlijeka, normalnog protoka mlijeka na početku mužnje i brzih protoka mlijeka tijekom mužnje. Stoga se može reći kako su poželjna muzna svojstva uzrokovali više MITP vrijednosti. Prema rezultatima ovog istraživanja visok stupanj produljenja sisa tijekom mužnje bi se mogao protumačiti kao dobar znak za procjenu učinkovitosti mužnje