20 research outputs found


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    The situation in the labour market is conditioned by many factors that often have a local dimension. Identification of different levels of development of labour demand as well as potential of labour supply on the local level is a crucial element of diagnosis of reasons for regional and local diversity and implementation of an appropriate labour market policy. As there is available a variety of indicators describing regional labour relations, there is a need to create synthetic measure to include different aspects of the labour market situation. The aim of the paper is identification of the diversity of the situation in the local labour markets of all 16 Polish voivodeships. At the first step, a synthetic measure including eight variables was created. At the second stage 16 Polish voivodeships were clustered following Ward’s and k-means methods. As the authors assume that the position of voivodeship labour markets is connected with the position of capital cities, the analysis was deepened by ranking voivodeship cities based on Hellwig’s method. As a result of conducted research and the classification of Polish voivodeships and their capital cities in the context of the situation in the labour market, there have been identified the reasons of regions’ positions and proposed recommendations for the labour market policy.

    Diversity of regional labour markets in Poland

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    Purpose: The aim of this article is to assess real changes taking place on regional labour markets in Poland over the last ten years. The starting point for the analysis was 2008 – the time of the economic crisis – and it was compared to 2018, a year marked by a significant improvement in the economy, including the labour market. Design/Methodology/Approach: To assess the initial and current situation on regional labour markets, the authors use variables obtained from CSO resources, diagnosing the situation in individual Polish voivodships. The identified set of variables served to create a synthetic indicator reflecting the situation on regional labour markets in Poland as a derivative of the condition of the economy. In order to conduct a comparative analysis of regional labour markets, the authors made rankings of voivodships for the two analysed periods with the use of the Hellwig method. The next stage of the study involved an estimation of the multiple regression model, which explains how the identified factors (determinants) affect the position of voivodships in the context of their employment potential. The authors adopted a ratio of the employed per 1,000 inhabitants as a dependent variable, while the variables determining the demand for labour were considered as independent variables. Findings: A ten-year comparison period adopted for the analyses showed that the economic crisis did not have a major impact on economic and labour market changes in Polish regions. Practical Implications: The proposed research methodology is universal and can be used to assess regional labour markets in other countries. Originality/Value: The conducted research allowed for the identification of factors influencing the situation on the labour market and the assessment of changes taking place on regional labour markets.peer-reviewe

    Innowacyjna polityka ustalania cen usług transportowych

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    The article draws particular attention to the innovative approach in the process of price management, based on dynamic and behavioral pricing. In addition, attention has been drawn to the possibility of price discrimination and the price determinants have been presented. At the beginning of the study, the currently used strategies in the management of prices in transport enterprises have been described and evaluated. Then, based on a literature review, an attempt was made to identify innovative practices in terms of the pricing policy and their use was suggested in the process of development of pricing strategies by the companies providing transport services.W warunkach rosnącej świadomości rynkowej klientów oraz globalnego dostępu do informacji jednym z głównych celów strategicznych każdego przedsiębiorstwa usług transportowych powinno stać się opracowanie i wdrożenie efektywnej polityki cenowej. Kompleksowe, innowacyjne i kreatywne zarządzanie cenami usług może bowiem przyczynić się do wzmocnienia pozycji konkurencyjnej na rynku, pozyskania nowych grup klientów, wykreowania wiarygodnego wizerunku firmy, a w konsekwencji do wygenerowania większego zysku. Innowacyjna polityka cenowa sprowadza się nie tylko do ustalenie poziomu cen, ale przede wszystkim do określenia i wprowadzenia innowacji zarówno w ramach strategii cenowej, w metodzie kalkulowania cen oraz w organizacji samego przedsiębiorstwa. W artykule zaproponowano innowacyjne podejście w procesie zarządzania cenami, oparte na dynamicznym i behawioralnym pricingu. W pracy omówiono również koncepcję nielinearnego pricingu oraz wskazano katalog determinant cen usług transportowych

    Transparency of university rankings in the effective management of university

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    University rankings are extremely important not only for future student, but also for universities themselves. They have a large impact on the institutions of higher education. A lot of universities believe, that rankings help them to maintain and create a reputation. Ranking systems function as some kind of fashion arena, where universities make comparisons between themselves. Universities want to improve their position in published classifications, so very often they try to change their policy and strategy. They also try to influence the ranking indicators, for example by hiring Nobel Prize winners. Therefore, there is an increasing need for reliable and transparent information about schools. However universities need not only statistical data, but also the tools, which will be useful in their comparisons and evaluations. The article presents the possibility of using one of the methods of graphic presentation of multidimensional empirical data structure, so called RGM, proposed by M. Rybaczuk. Thanks to this method universities could easily compare one another. They also could identify the fields of their activities, in which they are able to be better. The proposed way of graphical presentation of the universities could be a useful addition to traditional rankings, which just show us a lists of schools from the best to the worst

    Logistyka w obliczu starzejącego się społeczeństwa

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    The aim of this article is to highlight the problem of the ageing society that will be faced by the broadly defined logistics discipline. A systematic growth in the percentage of the elderly in the total population has been observed for many years. Numerous publications on population forecasts provide evidence for the shaping of the new demographic order on a global scale. This problem has been more and more frequently perceived not only as an economic and social threat but also as a development opportunity for those companies that will offer innovative solutions adjusted to the needs of the elderly. The ageing society also becomes a potential that should be noticed by enterprises providing logistics services as well. The article includes the literature studies in the areas of demography and grey power logistics. It presents the results of demographic forecasts. The article describes opportunities and threats associated with the trend of the ageing population. It also shows a senior-oriented policy in the EU and Poland. The paper introduces the issue of the grey power logistics as a megatrend in logistics and discusses logistics challenges in the light of the ageing society.Celem artykułu jest zaakcentowanie problemu starzejącego się społeczeństwa, z którym będzie musiała się zmierzyć szeroko rozumiana logistyka. Od wielu lat mówi się o systematycznym wzroście odsetka ludzi starszych w populacji. Publikowane liczne prognozy ludności świadczą bowiem o kształtowaniu się nowego porządku demograficznego świata. Coraz częściej problem ten postrzega się nie tylko jako zagrożenie ekonomiczne i społeczne, ale również jako szansę na rozwój firm, które zaproponują innowacyjne rozwiązania dostosowane do potrzeb ludzi starszych. Starzejące się społeczeństwo jest także potencjałem, który powinien zostać zauważony przez przedsiębiorstwa świadczące usługi logistyczne. W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki prognoz demograficznych. Omówiono szanse i zagrożenia związane z trendem starzejącego się społeczeństwa oraz zwrócono uwagę na postawę Unii Europejskiej i polskiego rządu wobec analizowanego problemu. W opracowaniu przedstawiono również zagadnienie grey power logistics jako megatrendu w logistyce oraz zidentyfikowano wyzwania, jakie stoją przed logistyką wobec starzejącego się społeczeństwa


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    Ideą porządkowania liniowego obiektów wielocechowych jest konstrukcja wskaźnika syntetycznego, na podstawie którego przeprowadza się analizę porównawczą. W badaniach empirycznych często pojawiają się problemy przy interpretacji wyników takiego uszeregowania, które wynikają między innymi z nieznacznych różnic w wartościach otrzymanej zmiennej syntetycznej. W artykule dokonano analizy wartości wskaźnika rankingu polskich uczelni oraz wskazano wady liniowego porządkowania. Następnie, w celu zniwelowania negatywnych skutków nieznacznych różnic pomiędzy wynikami kolejnych porównywanych obiektów zaproponowano procedurę skorygowania rezultatów liniowego rankingu z wykorzystaniem metody grupowania E. Nowaka. W pracy ukazano, iż rekomendowany algorytm postępowania jest również przydatny, gdy w zbiorze cech kryterialnych znajdują się takie, które charakteryzują się tak zwaną zdolnością grupowania.The idea of linear ordering of multivariate objects is construction of aggregated indicator, which will be useful in the comparative analysis. In the empirical research very often there are many problems with interpretation of the results of linear ordering. In the article analysis of value of indicator of polish university ranking was done and the defects of linear ordering was indicated. Moreover, the E. Nowak method of grouping to correct of the results of the linear ordering was proposed. The recommended algorithm is also useful, when in the set of characteristics of the objects are variables characterized by the so-called ability of grouping

    Wpływ formuły normalizacyjnej na wynik porządkowania liniowego

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    In taxonomy, various methods of the data normalization are used. They can significantly affect the result of the classification. This article presents the analysis of the impact of the methods of the data normalization on the result of linear ordering. The following methods and tools are used in this research: standardization, Weber’s standardization, unitization, zero unitization with zero minimum and selected quotient transformation. A statement comparing the methods used in the study of classification is formulated. In the research data concerning innovation of European Union regions from Eurostat are used.W taksonomicznych badaniach empirycznych spotyka się różne formuły transformacji normalizacyjnej. Często pomija się fakt, iż jej wybór może istotnie wpływać na wynik klasyfikacji. W artykule zaprezentowano rezultaty eksperymentu badawczego, którego celem była analiza wpływu różnych procedur normalizacyjnych na wynik porządkowania liniowego obiektów. W pracy wykorzystano między innymi takie formuły normalizacyjne jak: standaryzacja, standaryzacja Webera, unitaryzacja, unitaryzacja zerowa oraz wybrane przekształcenia ilorazowe. Następnie dokonano komparacji otrzymanych wyników. Procedurę badawczą oparto o dane zaczerpnięte z bazy Eurostat, które dotyczyły innowacyjności regionów Unii Europejskiej. Zjawisko innowacyjności regionów zostało scharakteryzowane poprzez szereg cech, których realizacje były dostępne na poziomie badanych jednostek terytorialnych

    Definition and classification criteria of logistics services for elderly

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    An ageing population is a natural and inevitable phenomenon that constitutes an opportunity for the development of the logistics services industry. This is related to the fact that a new demographic profile of the world is determined by a growing number of customers — seniors – with special needs that generate the demand for services such as carriage and home delivery of food and medicines. Therefore, considering the growing demand for logistics services intended for older adults, there is a justified need to develop theoretical knowledge in this area. The paper aims to define a logistics service dedicated to an elderly person as the ultimate recipient as well as to identify the classification criteria of such services. The first part of the article is based on a literature review and presents definitions of a service and a logistics service according to various researchers. It also identifies different classifications of logistics services. These theoretical aspects provided a basis for authors to propose the notion of a logistics service and a catalogue of criteria for systemising logistics services dedicated to older adults. Logistics services for the elderly may be grouped according to classification criteria applicable to what is widely understood as logistics services in source literature. The classification criteria are the type of service, the immateriality of service, the frequency of contacting the customer, the type of purchaser market, the degree of service customisation, the type of a relationship between the service enterprise and the customer, and the place of service provision. Nonetheless, due to the customer-oriented approach in logistics, the authors proposed the classification criteria of these services with regard to age, financial situation, needs, health, expectations, hobby, skills and problems of older adults. Such an approach to classification is determined by considerable inherent diversification of the discussed group of customers as well as a specialised catalogue of logistics services. The classification of logistics services may contribute to the improved design of such services

    CEE labour markets – homogeneity or diversity?

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    The aim of the article is to assess real changes taking place on CEE labour markets over the last fifteen years, taking into account as the initial point of analysis – 2004, i.e. the moment of extension of the EU by the first CEE countries and as a final point of analysis – 2019. The research was conducted in two stages. The authors made comparisons with the use of the TOPSIS method, which allowed for creating rankings of CEE countries in terms of labour market situation in the analysed years. The second stage of the study involved the analysis of relations between employment and GDP by an estimation of the multiple regression model. The conducted analysis proves that CEE countries are diversified when it comes to the labour market situation. These countries are also characterized by significant dynamics of changes in the labour market. First published online 05 July 202

    Isokinetic Identification of Knee Joint Torques before and after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the serial change of isokinetic muscle strength of the knees before and after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) in physically active males and to estimate the time of return to full physical fitness. Extension and flexion torques were measured for the injured and healthy limbs at two angular velocities approximately 1.5 months before the surgery and 3, 6, and 12 months after ACLR. Significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) in peak knee extension and flexion torques, hamstring/quadriceps (H/Q) strength ratios, uninvolved/involved limb peak torque ratios, and the normalized work of these muscles between the four stages of rehabilitation were identified. Significant differences between extension peak torques for the injured and healthy limbs were also detected at all stages. The obtained results showed that 12 months of rehabilitation were insufficient for the involved knee joint to recover its strength to the level of strength of the uninvolved knee joint. The results helped to evaluate the progress of the rehabilitation and to implement necessary modifications optimizing the rehabilitation training program. The results of the study may also be used as referential data for physically active males of similar age