47 research outputs found

    Gene expression in TGFbeta-induced epithelial cell differentiation in a three-dimensional intestinal epithelial cell differentiation model

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    BACKGROUND: The TGFβ1-induced signal transduction processes involved in growth and differentiation are only partly known. The three-dimensional epithelial differentiation model, in which T84 epithelial cells are induced to differentiate either with TGFβ1 or IMR-90 mesenchymal cell-secreted soluble factors, is previously shown to model epithelial cell differentiation seen in intestine. That model has not been used for large scale gene expression studies, such as microarray method. Therefore the gene expression changes were studied in undifferentiated and differentiated three-dimensional T84 cultures with cDNA microarray method in order to study the molecular changes and find new players in epithelial cell differentiation. RESULTS: The expression of 372 genes out of 5188 arrayed sequences was significantly altered, and 47 of them were altered by both mediators. The data were validated and the altered genes are presented in ontology classes. For the genes tested the expressions in protein level were in accordance with the mRNA results. We also found 194 genes with no known function to be potentially important in epithelial cell differentiation. The mRNA expression changes induced by TGFβ1 were bigger than changes induced by soluble factors secreted by IMR-90 mesenchymal cells. The gene expression data was depicted in already known signaling pathway routes. CONCLUSION: Our results reveal potential new signaling pathways and several new genes affected by TGFβ in epithelial cell differentiation. The differentiation induced by TGFβ1 appears to be more potent than the differentiation induced by mesenchymal cells. This study indicates that our cell culture model is a suitable tool in studying regulatory mechanisms during epithelial cell differentiation in intestine. Furthermore the present results indicate that our model is a good tool for finding new players acting in the differentiation of epithelial cells

    Evolution of a family of metazoan active-site-serine enzymes from penicillin-binding proteins: a novel facet of the bacterial legacy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bacterial penicillin-binding proteins and β-lactamases (PBP-βLs) constitute a large family of serine proteases that perform essential functions in the synthesis and maintenance of peptidoglycan. Intriguingly, genes encoding PBP-βL homologs occur in many metazoan genomes including humans. The emerging role of LACTB, a mammalian mitochondrial PBP-βL homolog, in metabolic signaling prompted us to investigate the evolutionary history of metazoan PBP-βL proteins.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Metazoan PBP-βL homologs including LACTB share unique structural features with bacterial class B low molecular weight penicillin-binding proteins. The amino acid residues necessary for enzymatic activity in bacterial PBP-βL proteins, including the catalytic serine residue, are conserved in all metazoan homologs. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that metazoan PBP-βL homologs comprise four alloparalogus protein lineages that derive from α-proteobacteria.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>While most components of the peptidoglycan synthesis machinery were dumped by early eukaryotes, a few PBP-βL proteins were conserved and are found in metazoans including humans. Metazoan PBP-βL homologs are active-site-serine enzymes that probably have distinct functions in the metabolic circuitry. We hypothesize that PBP-βL proteins in the early eukaryotic cell enabled the degradation of peptidoglycan from ingested bacteria, thereby maximizing the yield of nutrients and streamlining the cell for effective phagocytotic feeding.</p

    Glutamine synthetase in human carotid plaque macrophages associates with features of plaque vulnerability : An immunohistological study

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The AuthorsBackground and aims: Glutamine synthetase (GLUL), the sole generator of glutamine, is a metabolic nexus molecule also involved in atherosclerosis. We recently demonstrated a 2.2-fold upregulation of GLUL mRNA in stroke-causing carotid plaques when compared with plaques from asymptomatic patients. Here we compared in the same cohort GLUL mRNA expression with plaque gross morphology, and the colocalization of immunodetectable GLUL protein with histopathological changes and molecular and mechanical mediators linked to plaque development. Methods: Endarterectomy specimens from 19 asymptomatic and 24 stroke patients were sectioned longitudinally and immunostained for GLUL, CD68, α-smooth muscle actin, iron, heme oxygenase-1 and CD163, and graded semiquantitatively in every 1 mm2. The amounts of cholesterol clefts and erythrocytes were graded. The fibrous cap thickness within each 1 mm2 area was measured. The association between the local pathological findings was analyzed by a hierarchical mixed modelling approach. Results: The previously found correlation between GLUL mRNA and clinical symptomatology was supported by the increased GLUL mRNA in diseased tissue and increased local GLUL immunoreactivity in areas with multiple different atherosclerotic changes. A longer symptom-to-operation time correlated with lower GLUL mRNA (Rs = −0.423, p=0.050) but few outliers had a significantly higher GLUL mRNA levels, which persisted throughout the post-symptomatic period. Plaque ulceration associated with 1.8-fold higher GLUL mRNA (p=0.006). Macrophages were the main GLUL immunoreactive cells. GLUL immunostaining colocalized with erythrocytes, iron, CD163, and heme oxygenase-1. The correlations between local variables were consistent in both asymptomatic and stroke-causing plaques. An inverse correlation was found between the fibrous cap thickness and local GLUL immunoreactivity (p=0.012). Considerable variability in interplaque expression pattern of GLUL was present. Conclusions: Our results link connect macrophage GLUL expression with carotid plaque features characterizing plaque vulnerability.Peer reviewe

    Approach for Supporting Food Web Assessments with Multi-Decadal Phytoplankton Community Analyses—Case Baltic Sea

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    Combining the existing knowledge on links between functional characteristics of phytoplankton taxa and food web functioning with the methods from long-term data analysis, we present an approach for using phytoplankton monitoring data to draw conclusions on potential effects of phytoplankton taxonomic composition on the next trophic level. This information can be used as a part of marine food web assessments required by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive of the European Union. In this approach, both contemporary taxonomic composition and recent trends of changes are used to assess their potential consequences for food web functioning. The approach consists of four steps: (1) long-term trend analysis of class-level and total phytoplankton biomass using generalized additive models (GAMs) and calculating average biomass share of each phytoplankton class from the total phytoplankton biomass, (2) comparing the current phytoplankton community composition and its long-term changes with non-metric ordination analysis (NMDS) of genus-level biomass, (3) describing which taxa (the most accurate taxonomic level) are primarily responsible for forming the biomass and for causing the possible changes, and (4) interpretation of the phytoplankton results to assess the potential effects on the next trophic level. Within step 4, special attention is given to the following characteristic of taxa: potential suitability or quality as food for grazers, harmfulness, size, and trophy. These characteristics are selected based on existing scientific knowledge on their relevance to the higher trophic levels. In this article, we present the concept of the suggested approach and demonstrate the phytoplankton analyses with multi-decadal monitoring data from the northern Baltic Sea. We also discuss the future development of the approach toward a food web index by combining or replacing the taxonomic analyses with functional trait-based approaches

    Primary age-related tauopathy in a Finnish population-based study of the oldest old (Vantaa 85+)

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    Abstract Aims Few studies have investigated primary age-related tauopathy (PART) in a population-based setting. Here, we assessed its prevalence, genetic background, comorbidities and features of cognitive decline in an unselected elderly population. Methods The population-based Vantaa 85+ study includes all 601 inhabitants of Vantaa aged ≥ 85 years in 1991. Neuropathological assessment was possible in 301. Dementia (DSM IIIR criteria) and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores were assessed at the baseline of the study and follow-ups. PART subjects were identified according to the criteria by Crary et al and were compared with subjects with mild and severe Alzheimer's disease (AD) neuropathological changes. The effects of other neuropathologies were taken into account using multivariate and sensitivity assays. Genetic analyses included APOE genotypes and 29 polymorphisms of the MAPT 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR region). Results The frequency of PART was 20n = 61/301, definite PART 5. When PART subjects were compared with those with severe AD pathology, dementia was less common, its age at onset was higher and duration shorter. No such differences were seen when compared with those with milder AD pathology. However, both AD groups showed a steeper decline in MMSE scores in follow-ups compared with PART. APOE ε4 frequency was lower, and APOE ε2 frequency higher in the PART group compared with each AD group. The detected nominally significant associations between PART and two MAPT 3′UTR polymorphisms and haplotypes did not survive Bonferroni correction. Conclusions PART is common among very elderly. PART subjects differ from individuals with AD-type changes in the pattern of cognitive decline, associated genetic and neuropathological features.Peer reviewe

    Distribution of Lewy-related pathology in the brain, spinal cord, and periphery : the population-based Vantaa 85+study

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    Evolving evidence has supported the existence of two anatomically distinct Lewy-related pathology (LRP) types. Investigation of spinal cord and peripheral LRP can elucidate mechanisms of Lewy body disorders and origins of synuclein accumulation. Still, very few unselected studies have focused on LRP in these regions. Here we analysed LRP in spinal cord, dorsal root ganglion, and adrenal gland in the population-based Vantaa 85 + study, including every ≥ 85 years old citizen living in the city of Vantaa in 1991 (n = 601). Samples from spinal cord (C6-7, TH3-4, L3-4, S1-2) were available from 303, lumbar dorsal root ganglion from 219, and adrenal gland from 164 subjects. Semiquantitative scores of LRP were determined from immunohistochemically stained sections (anti-alpha-synuclein antibody 5G4). LRP in the ventral and dorsal horns of spinal cord, thoracic intermediolateral column, dorsal root ganglion and adrenal gland were compared with brain LRP, previously determined according to DLB Consortium criteria and by caudo-rostral versus amygdala-based LRP classification. Spinal LRP was found in 28% of the total population and in 61% of those who had LRP in the brain. Spinal cord LRP was found only in those subjects with LRP in the brain, and the quantity of spinal cord LRP was associated with the severity of brain LRP (p Peer reviewe

    Microbial community analysis reveals high level phylogenetic alterations in the overall gastrointestinal microbiota of diarrhoea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome sufferers

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    Abstract Background A growing amount of scientific evidence suggests that microbes are involved in the aetiology of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and the gastrointestinal (GI) microbiota of individuals suffering from diarrhoea-predominant IBS (IBS-D) is distinguishable from other IBS-subtypes. In our study, the GI microbiota of IBS-D patients was evaluated and compared with healthy controls (HC) by using a high-resolution sequencing method. The method allowed microbial community analysis on all levels of microbial genomic guanine plus cytosine (G+C) content, including high G+C bacteria. Methods The collective faecal microbiota composition of ten IBS-D patients was analysed by examining sequences obtained using percent G+C (%G+C) -based profiling and fractioning combined with 16S rRNA gene clone library sequencing of 3267 clones. The IBS-D library was compared with an analogous healthy-control library of 23 subjects. Real-time PCR analysis was used to identify phylotypes belonging to the class Gammaproteobacteria and the order Coriobacteriales. Results Significant differences were found between clone libraries of IBS-D patients and controls. The microbial communities of IBS-D patients were enriched in Proteobacteria and Firmicutes, but reduced in the number of Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes compared to control. In particular, 16S rDNA sequences belonging to the family Lachnospiraceae within the phylum Firmicutes were in greater abundance in the IBS-D clone library. Conclusions In the microbiota of IBS-D sufferers, notable differences were detected among the prominent bacterial phyla (Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Proteobacteria) localized within the GI tract