5 research outputs found

    The connection of personal, interpersonal and organizational parameters of both positive and negative characteristics of mental health of doctors and psychologists

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispitaju snage (resursi) (personalni, interpersonalni i organizacioni) i ishodi (pozitivni i negativni) mentalnog zdravlja u ovoj grupi zaposlenih i to kod lekara i psihologa. U radu je ispitana sledeća grupa resursa: pol, uzrast, obrazovanje, bračni status, broj dece, materijalni status, indeks telesne mase, temperament, zadovoljstvo porodicom, socijalnu podrška, izvori stresa na poslu, specifičnost radnog mesta, dužina radnog staža i promena radnog statusa (da li je bio premešten-a ili otpušten-a sa posla). Od ishoda, u istraživanju su ispitani: zadovoljstvo životom, zadovoljstvo poslom, depresivnost, anksioznost, hronične bolesti i simptomi izgaranja na poslu i 130 Datum odbrane Članovi komisije - rizično zdravstveno ponašanje. Uzorak su činili lekari (lekari kao i budući lekari studenti druge godine medicine) i psiholozi (psiholozi kao i budući psiholozi studenti druge godine psihologije) sa područja Kragujevca, Niša i Kosova i Metohije, njih ukupno 427. Individualni, interpersonalni i organizacioni parametri bitne su odrednice pozitivnih i negativnih karakteristika mentalnog zdravlja lekara i psihologa. Crte temperamenta su značajan parametar za predviđanje zadovoljstva životom, depresivnosti, anksioznosti i izgaranja na poslu. Nizak nivo socijalne podrške povezan je sa višim nivoima depresivnosti, anksioznosti i izgaranjem na poslu, viši nivoi zadovoljstva porodicom sa zadovoljstvom poslom i životom. Određeni činioci posla bitni su za predviđanjezadovoljstva životom i poslom kao i izgaranja na poslu. Ovakvi rezultati omogućiće unapređenje mentalnog zdravlja kod lekara i psihologa kao i povećanje kvaliteta usluga koje pružaju

    Socio-demographic characteristics as determinants of quality of life and depression of older people in Serbia

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    Studying the process of aging and old age is an important question in social sciences. The quality of life at this age, among other things, is being enriched with new life opportunities and challenges, as well as developmental tasks every single individual has to face with. Therefore the focus of this research is the correlation of the quality of life and depressiveness with different demographic characteristics of older people in Serbia. The demographic variables included: gender, age, education, marital status and monthly income of the respondents. The quality of life is measured using the Older People's Quality of Life Questionnaire - OPQOL (Bowling, 2009), as well as several questions on life domain satisfaction and chronical disease, while depressiveness was measured using Geriatric Depression Scale - GDS (Greenberg, 2007). The sample was a convenience one, consisted of 497 respondents, 50,35% of men and 49,7% of women, 65-92 years old. The final results show that the quality of life of older people in Serbia is within the average range, and depressiveness belongs to the -category with the level of mild occurence. Men are more satisfied with a job they have or used to have, while women better estimate their independence and control over their life. The age of respondents positively correlates with marital satisfaction, satisfaction with job, with parental role, health, social relations, independence and monthly incomes. The amount of monthly income positively correlates with job satisfaction and well-being, while it is negatively correlated with health, social relations, independence, home and neighbourhood, financial status and the depressiveness of the respondents. The level of education is significantly correlated with marital satisfaction, job, whole life, health, social relations and activities, satisfaction with home and neighbourhood, emotional and psychic well-being, financial status and the level of depressiveness of the respondents. The persons who are still married are more satisfied with marriage and their own parenthood, with well-being, have a higher level of satisfaction with their religious and cultural life, while there is a lower level of depressiveness in regard to the persons who are not married. The respondents who have some kind of a chronic disease are less satisfied with life, generally speaking, because of poor health; they have a lower level of independence and satisfaction with their own home and neighbourhood, a lower level of well-being and less satisfaction with their monthly income. However, they showed a lower level of depressiveness in regard to the ones who have no chronic diseases. Socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents, as well as somatic chronic disease and depressiveness are significant indicators of the quality of life of older people. Being aware of the already known quality of life of older people can point out some practical implications important for creating and implementing the programmes intended for older people, while being focused on the improvement of the quality of life and standards

    Some correlates of marriage among the population of the central part of Kosovo and Metohija

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    The subject of the study was to examine the quality of a marriage correlates in population in Kosovo and Metohija. The main goal of the research was to examine the relationship of marriage quality with: marital locus of control, social support, length of marriage, age, material status and educational level of the respondents. The sample was consisted of respondents of both sexes (N = 200) with a permanent residence in the central part of Kosovo and Metohija. The study used: scale of adaptation in marriage, scale of marital locus control, evaluation list of interpersonal support and the questionnaire of the elementary data of the respondents. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and by t-test. The results showed that the quality of marriage and individual dimensions are: satisfaction of marriage, cohesion, couple's harmony and expressing emotions are closer to theoretical maximum. Marital locus of control is low in regard to the theoretical maximum, while the external marital locus of control is average value. Social support expressed in general, as well as individually by the perception of availability, (ie. The type of perceived social support: evaluation as (informative) support, touchable (concrete) support, self-esteem and belonging to support to support) is closer to the theoretical maximum. There is negative correlation between internal locus of control with the quality of marriage in general and in dimensions (marriage satisfaction, cohesion and couple's harmony). Then negative correlation of internal locus of control with age and years spent in marriage and positive correlation of internal locus of control with material status and self-esteem as a type of perceived social support. There was not obtained statistically significant correlation quality of marriage with external marital locus of control. There were not obtained statistically significant correlation of age, years spent in marriage, material status and educational level of respondents with social support in general and by type observed social support. By these studies the different results were obtained than supposed ones, which indicate to certain specifics of a sample, but also selection of respondent that could affect the results. The obtained results showed that the study of this issue should continue, with the involvement of a larger number of respondents and other variables, which are supposed that are associated with the quality of marriage, but not covered by this study. It is particularly important to continue the research correlates of the quality of marriage, spouses and families in whole on the sample in Kosovo and Metohija, because it is the sample and the issue that almost were not researched in this area

    Life satisfaction and depression of Serbian adolescents in Kosovo and Metohija from 2008 to 2012

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    The main aim of this study was to investigate if there was a change of level of depression and life satisfaction of Serbian adolescents in Kosovo and Metohija. For that purpose we used a part of data from some research realized at the beginning of the year 2008 and compared them with data collected at the end of year 2012. In both sequences of research we measured depression by Beck's Depression Inventory, but satisfaction with life was measured by different scales. We had to standardize scores for satisfaction with life so we could compare data from different research sequences. Our results showed that depression level in second research sequence was significantly lower, while we didn't get significant differences in life satisfaction. Also, we found differences in depression and life satisfaction regarding gender, family material status and place where examines lives (north Kosovo and Metohija or Serbian enclaves). Obtained results were discussed regarding the possibility of adaptation at unfavourable circumstances of growing up and living

    Affective temperament, social support and stressors at work as the predictors of life and job satisfaction among doctors and psychologists

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    Background/Aim. Affective temperament, social support and work-related stresors belong to the group of life and job satisfaction indicators. The aim of this research was to examine predictive roles of the basic affective temperament traits, social support and work-related stressors in the feeling of job and life satisfaction among doctors and psychologists. Methods. The sample consisted of 203 individuals out of whom there were 28% male and 72% female doctors (61%) and psychologists (39%), 25–65 years old (39.08 ± 9.29), from the two university towns in Serbia. The set of questionnaires included Serbian version of the Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris and San Diego – autoquestionnaire version (TEMPS-A), Satisfaction with Life scale, Job Satisfaction Survey, short Interpersonal Support Evaluation List, and Source of Stress at Work Scale (IRSa) for estimating the frequency of stressors at work. Results. According to the existing norms our examinees are satisfied with their life, but considerably less satisfied with their work, specially with pay and benefits, while they are most satisfied with nature of work itself and social relations with co-workers and supervisors. Our results show that depressive and hyperthymic, and to some extent cyclothymic temperament traits of the affective temperament significantly predict 21% of life satisfaction variance. Situational factors, such as stressors at work and social support, are important in predicting job satisfaction (58% of variance) with no significant contribution of temperament traits. The analysis did not point out any significant relation of sex, occupation, and age with life and job satisfaction. Conclusions. Affective temperaments can be regarded as predictors of life satisfaction, but in order to better predict satisfaction the aspects of wider social surrounding and sources of stressors at work must be taken in consideration. Future studies should consider other indicators of life satisfaction such as family or health satisfaction, stressors outside of work situations, and negative aspects of caregiving, for example hyperactivation. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 47023: Kosovo and Metohija between national identity and European integration, br. 175014 i br. 175007