8 research outputs found


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    Objetivo: instrumentalizar, com fluxograma e Procedimento Operacional Padrão, os enfermeirosda Atenção Primária à Saúde, a fim de monitorar os casos de sífiisl gestacional.Método: pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, tipo pesquisa-ação, modalidade prático-educativa.Participantes: representantes da Vigilância Epidemiológica, Programa Saúde da Mulher, AtençãoPrimária à Saúde, enfermeiros da Estratégia Saúde da Família e do corpo clínico médico.Concretizado na prefeitura de São José-SC, no mês de outubro de 2017.Resultados: elaborou-se um instrumento para auxiliar no atendimento de gestantes com exame deteste rápido reagente para sífilis.Conclusão: os participantes atuantes na prática assistencial da atenção primária permitiram, atravésde um processo dinâmico, a legitimidade, buscando atender às demandas dos serviços e dosprofissionais. A celeridade no diagnóstico, acompanhamento e tratamento da sífilis na gestaçãoestão relacionados com o manejo adequado, associado a ações, estratégias e atualizações,proporcionando assistência qualificada durante o período gestacional, para efetivamente erradicara sífilis congênita.Objective: To instruct, with a flowchart and Standard Operating Procedure, nurses fromPrimary Health Care, in order to monitor cases of gestational syphilis.Method: Qualitative research, action-research type, practical-educational modality. Attendees:Representatives of the Epidemiological Surveillance, Women’s Health Program,Primary Health Care, nurses from the Family Health Strategy and the medical staff. Made inthe city of São José-SC, in October 2017.Results: An instrument was developed to assist pregnant women with a rapid reagent test forsyphilis.Conclusion: The participants working in the primary care assistance practice, through adynamic process, allowed legitimacy, seeking to meet the demands of the services and theprofessionals. The speed in the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of syphilis in pregnancyare related to the proper management, associated with actions, strategies and updates,providing qualified assistance during the gestational period, to effectively eradicate congenitalsyphilis.Objetivo: instrumentalizar, con flujograma y Procedimiento Operativo Estándar, a losenfermeros de la Atención Primaria de la Salud, con el objetivo de monitorear los casos desífilis gestacional.Método: investigación de enfoque cualitativo, tipo investigación-acción, modalidad prácticoeducativa.Participantes: representantes de la Vigilancia Epidemiológica, Programa Salud dela Mujer, Atención Primaria de la Salud, enfermeros de la Estrategia Salud de la Familia y delcuerpo de clínica médica. Estudio realizado en la municipalidad de San José-SC, durante elmes de octubre de 2017.Resultados: se elaboró un instrumento para auxiliar en la atención de gestantes con de testrápido reactivo para sífilis.Conclusión: los participantes actuantes en la práctica asistencial da atención primariapermitieron, por medio de un proceso dinámico, la legitimidad, intentando atender lasdemandas de los servicios y de los profesionales. La celeridad en el diagnóstico, seguimientoy tratamiento de la sífilis gestacional se relacionan con el manejo adecuado, asociado aacciones, estrategias y actualizaciones, brindando asistencia cualificada durante el períodogestacional, para erradicar la sífilis congénita de manera efectiva

    Análise da eficiência da diatomita no tratamento de fluido sintético oleoso, visando aplicação em água produzida em campos de petróleo / Efficiency analysis of diatomite in the treatment of oily synthetic fluid, aiming at application in oil field produced water

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    Em campos maduros de petróleo é produzido um volume elevado de água como resíduo. O gerenciamento dessa água produzida é um grande desafio para as empresas petrolíferas e, em virtude das grandes quantidades de contaminantes tóxicos, a mesma deve ser rigorosamente tratada com a finalidade de atender as exigências ambientais antes de ser encaminhada ao seu destino final. Diversas técnicas para tratar a água produzida vêm sendo desenvolvidas e a adsorção tem ganhado bastante destaque nesses estudos por apresentar bons resultados. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a utilização da diatomita na forma natural e hidrofobizada como adsorventes para remoção de hidrocarbonetos em fluido sintético. Os materiais foram caracterizados pelas técnicas de termogravimetria e de espectroscopia de absorção na região do infravermelho por transformada de Fourier-FTIR, e através dos resultados obtidos foi verificado que o processo de hidrofobização da diatomita ocorreu corretamente. Para o estudo da eficiência dos materiais no processo de adsorção, um volume fixo de fluido sintético foi posto em contato com os adsorventes sob agitação, amostras foram recolhidas durante os testes experimentais para analisar a sua turbidez e massa específica. Verificou-se que a diatomita hidrofobizada apresentou uma remoção de turbidez nos fluidos acima de 43%, porém, o material natural mostrou uma eficiência maior para essa remoção, superior a 90%. Após o contato com os adsorventes, a massa específica dos fluidos aumentou para valores um pouco superiores ao da água, sugerindo que os hidrocarbonetos foram adsorvidos. Portanto, a diatomita apresenta bom potencial para ser utilizada no tratamento de água produzida. 

    Epidemiological surveillance of capybaras and ticks on warning area for Brazilian spotted fever

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    Aim: The vulnerability of tropical developing countries to the emerging disease constitutes a critical phenomenon in which the invasion of wild niches by human hosts, contributes to expansion of zoonotic diseases, such as the Brazilian spotted fever (BSF). This study performed a diagnosis of species occurrence of their hosts (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) and vectors (Amblyomma sculptum and Amblyomma dubitatum) on the warning area for this reemerging disease in Brazil. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in a warning area for BSF in the city of Americana, São Paulo state. The occurrence of capybaras was registered by use of binoculars and GPS equipment and 24 acarological researches were performed through 180 CO2 traps. Samples of adult ticks were dissected for salivary glands removal, DNA extraction, and evaluation by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) being tested by initial gltA-PCR, ompA-PCR, and Rickettsia bellii-specific PCR, with the positive samples subjected to sequencing. Results: Eleven clusters of capybaras (total of 71 individuals), were observed along the riparian of Ribeirão Quilombo and 7,114 specimens of A. sculptum and 7,198 specimens of A. dubitatum were collected in this same area. About 568 samples of adult ticks were dissected for salivary glands removal, DNA extraction and evaluation by gltA-PCR, with results of 1.94% (11/568) of positive samples. Results for the initial gltA-PCR indicated none positive sample to Rickettsia species into A. sculptum and 11 positive samples to A. dubitatum. These samples were negative to the ompA-PCR and positive to the Rickettsia bellii-specific PCR protocol and subjected to DNA sequencing, whose result indicated 100% similarity to Rickettsia bellii. The distribution of tick species A. sculptum and A. dubitatum was configured regarding to the biotic potential of the riparian areas, measuring the risks for BSF in peri-urban areas of Americana. Conclusion: These results confirmed a status of epidemiological warning with a strong association of the amplifiers hosts of Rickettsia and tick vectors for the transmission of BSF to humans in this region

    Environmental infestation and rickettsial infection in ticks in an area endemic for Brazilian spotted fever

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    Brazilian spotted fever (BSF), caused by Rickettsia rickettsii, is endemic in the municipality of Americana, southeastern Brazil, where the disease is transmitted by the tickAmblyomma cajennense. This study evaluated the tick fauna and rickettsial infection in free-living ticks that were captured monthly using dry ice traps in areas endemic for BSF in Americana, from July 2009 to June 2010. Two tick species were captured: A. cajennense (6,122 larvae; 4,265 nymphs; 2,355 adults) and Amblyomma dubitatum(7,814 larvae; 3,364 nymphs; 1,193 adults). The immature stages of A. cajennense and A. dubitatum had similar distribution through the 12-month period, with larvae of both species collected in highest numbers between April and July, and nymphs between June and October. The highest numbers of A. cajennense adults were collected between October and December, whereas A. dubitatum adults were collected in relatively similar numbers throughout the 12-month period. Rickettsial infection was evaluated by means of PCR in 1,157 A. cajennense and 1,040 A. dubitatum ticks; only 41 (3.9%) A. dubitatum were found to be infected byRickettsia bellii. The present study showed that the areas of Americana that are endemic for BSF are characterized by high environmental burdens of A. cajennense and A. dubitatum

    Epidemiology of capybara-associated Brazilian spotted fever.

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    BACKGROUND:Brazilian spotted fever (BSF), caused by the bacterium Rickettsia rickettsii, has been associated with the transmission by the tick Amblyomma sculptum, and one of its main hosts, the capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris). METHODS:During 2015-2019, we captured capybaras and ticks in seven highly anthropic areas of São Paulo state (three endemic and four nonendemic for BSF) and in two natural areas of the Pantanal biome, all with established populations of capybaras. RESULTS:The BSF-endemic areas were characterized by much higher tick burdens on both capybaras and in the environment, when compared to the BSF-nonendemic areas. Only two tick species (A. sculptum and Amblyomma dubitatum) were found in the anthropic areas; however, with a great predominance of A. sculptum (≈90% of all ticks) in the endemic areas, in contrast to a slight predominance of A. dubitatum (≈60%) in the nonendemic areas. Tick species richness was higher in the natural areas, where six species were found, albeit with a predominance of A. sculptum (≈95% of all ticks) and environmental tick burdens much lower than in the anthropic areas. The BSF-endemic areas were characterized by overgrowth populations of A. sculptum that were sustained chiefly by capybaras, and decreased populations of A. dubitatum. In contrast, the BSF-nonendemic areas with landscape similar to the endemic areas differed by having lower tick burdens and a slight predominance of A. dubitatum over A.sculptum, both sustained chiefly by capybaras. While multiple medium- to large-sized mammals have been incriminated as important hosts for A. sculptum in the natural areas, the capybara was the only important host for this tick in the anthropic areas. CONCLUSIONS:The uneven distribution of R. rickettsii infection among A. sculptum populations in highly anthropic areas of São Paulo state could be related to the tick population size and its proportion to sympatric A. dubitatum populations