10 research outputs found

    Tunable Interferometers Driven by Coherent Surface Acoustic Phonons

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    [EN] We demonstrate a compact tunable photonic modulator driven by surface acoustic waves (SAWs) in the low GHz frequency range. The device follows a well-known Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) structure with three output channels, built upon multi-mode interference (MMI) couplers. The light continuously switches paths between the central and the side channels, avoiding losses and granting a 180¿-dephasing synchronization between them. The modulator was monolithically fabricated on (Al,Ga)As, and can be used as a building block for more complex photonic functionalities. It can also be implemented in other material platforms such as Silicon or (In,Ga)P. Light modulated at multiples of the fundamental acoustic frequency can be accomplished by adjusting the applied acoustic power. An excellent agreement between theory and experiment is achievedCrespo-Poveda, A.; Hernández-Mínguez, A.; Biermann, K.; Tahraoui, A.; Gargallo-Jaquotot, B.; Muñoz, P.; Santos, P.... (2016). Tunable Interferometers Driven by Coherent Surface Acoustic Phonons. MRS Advances. 1651-1656. doi:10.1557/adv.2016.234S16511656Beck, M., de Lima, M. M., Wiebicke, E., Seidel, W., Hey, R., & Santos, P. V. (2007). Acousto-optical multiple interference switches. Applied Physics Letters, 91(6), 061118. doi:10.1063/1.2768889Soldano, L. B., & Pennings, E. C. M. (1995). Optical multi-mode interference devices based on self-imaging: principles and applications. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 13(4), 615-627. doi:10.1109/50.372474De Lima, M. M., Beck, M., Hey, R., & Santos, P. V. (2006). Compact Mach-Zehnder acousto-optic modulator. Applied Physics Letters, 89(12), 121104. doi:10.1063/1.2354411Crespo-Poveda, A., Hey, R., Biermann, K., Tahraoui, A., Santos, P. V., Gargallo, B., … de Lima, M. M. (2013). Synchronized photonic modulators driven by surface acoustic waves. Optics Express, 21(18), 21669. doi:10.1364/oe.21.021669Crespo-Poveda, A., Hernández-Mínguez, A., Gargallo, B., Biermann, K., Tahraoui, A., Santos, P. V., … de Lima, M. M. (2015). Acoustically driven arrayed waveguide grating. Optics Express, 23(16), 21213. doi:10.1364/oe.23.021213Sun, J., Timurdogan, E., Yaacobi, A., Hosseini, E. S., & Watts, M. R. (2013). Large-scale nanophotonic phased array. Nature, 493(7431), 195-199. doi:10.1038/nature1172

    Acoustically driven arrayed waveguide grating

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    “© 2015 Optical Society of America. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modifications of the content of this paper are prohibited"We demonstrate compact tunable phased-array wavelength-division multiplexers driven by surface acoustic waves (SAWs) in the low GHz range. The devices comprise two couplers, which respectively split and combine the optical signal, linked by an array of single-mode waveguides (WGs). Two different layouts are presented, in which multi-mode interference couplers or free propagating regions were separately employed as couplers. The multiplexers operate on five equally distributed wavelength channels, with a spectral separation of 2 nm. A standing SAW modulates the refractive index of the arrayed WGs. Each wavelength component periodically switches paths between the output channel previously asigned by the design and the adjacent channels, at a fixed applied acoustic power. The devices were monolithically fabricated on (Al, Ga) As. A good agreement between theory and experiment is achieved.The authors thank W. Seidel, and S. Rauwerdink for preparation of the devices. This research has been supported by the international campus of excellence VLC/CAMPUS and by the program INNCIDE from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), through the program "Valoritza i Transfereix" from the Vice-Principal of Research and Scientific Policy of the Universitat de Valencia and through the program INNOVA (grant SP20120860) from the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. Financial support by the Spanish MINECO Projects TEC2010-21337 and MAT2012-33483 is gratefully acknowledged. A. Crespo-Poveda and B. Gargallo acknowledge financial support through FPI grants BES-2010-036846 and BES-2011-046100, respectively.Crespo-Poveda, A.; Hernandez-Minguez, A.; Gargallo Jaquotot, BA.; Biermann, K.; Tahraoui, A.; Santos, PV.; Munoz, P.... (2015). Acoustically driven arrayed waveguide grating. Optics Express. 23(16):21213-21231. https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.23.021213S21213212312316Dragone, C. (1991). An N*N optical multiplexer using a planar arrangement of two star couplers. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 3(9), 812-815. doi:10.1109/68.84502Talahashi, H., Oda, K., Toba, H., & Inoue, Y. (1995). Transmission characteristics of arrayed waveguide N×N wavelength multiplexer. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 13(3), 447-455. doi:10.1109/50.372441Smit, M. K., & Van Dam, C. (1996). PHASAR-based WDM-devices: Principles, design and applications. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2(2), 236-250. doi:10.1109/2944.577370Munoz, P., Pastor, D., & Capmany, J. (2002). 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Optimizing imbalance and loss in 2 x 2 3-db multimode interference couplers via access waveguide width. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 21(10), 2305-2313. doi:10.1109/jlt.2003.818164Marcuse, D. (1978). Length optimization of an S-shaped transition between offset optical waveguides. Applied Optics, 17(5), 763. doi:10.1364/ao.17.000763De Lima, M. M., Alsina, F., Seidel, W., & Santos, P. V. (2003). Focusing of surface-acoustic-wave fields on (100) GaAs surfaces. Journal of Applied Physics, 94(12), 7848. doi:10.1063/1.162541

    Combinación y procedimiento de obtención de esmaltes cerámicos bactericidas para productos cerámicos

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    La presente invención se refiere a una combinación para un esmalte cerámico bactericida con micro-rugosidad caracterizada porque comprende una primera formulación y una segunda formulación, y cada una de ellas tiene una cantidad distinta de cationes cinc, tal que la primera formulación comprende un porcentaje equivalente de ZnO de <= 20% en peso y la segunda formulación comprende un porcentaje equivalente de ZnO menor que la nominal correspondiente a la composición de la primera formulación; así como a un esmalte cerámico bactericida que comprende la combinación de formulaciones dispuesta de modo que la primera formulación constituye una capa externa de esmalte en contacto con el aire y la segunda formulación constituye una capa interna de esmalte en contacto con una superficie, y la capa externa tiene menor espesor que la capa interna, y al uso de la combinación o del esmalte bactericida para aplicar sobre sustratos y obtener materiales esmaltados.Peer reviewedConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Nanobiomatters Industries SLA1 Solicitud de patente con informe sobre el estado de la técnic

    Multifunctional Nanostructured Glazes by means of protected and dispersed nanoparticles

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    9 páginas, 6 figuras.-- Comunicación presentada al XIth World Congress on Ceramic Tile Quality celebrada en Febrero de 2010 en Castellón (España).New glazes with innovative characteristics have been developed for the ceramic floor and wall tile industry by the dispersion of nanoparticles. Matrix particles of sepiolite clay have been prepared to support and protect different types of dispersed nanoparticles of a metallic or oxide nature. The developed glazes are nanostructured and multifunctional, since different properties can be combined in a single glaze, such as a metallised appearance, and hydrophobic, bactericidal, fungicidal, and self-cleaning properties. The concept of supported nanoparticles uses, efficiently, current processes of nanoparticle technology, providing an innovative ceramic product and greater added value. The developed glaze also addresses issues of great topicality, such as sustainability and the reduction of environmental impact throughout its life cycle, since it requires much smaller quantities of functional metallic oxides and assures their immobilisation thanks to encapsulation. The fact that these metals remain fixed in the sepiolite matrix, avoiding agglomeration and enhancing their stability during the production process, reduces manufacturing costs and minimises occupational risks in the use and handling of nanoparticles.This project has been carried out in the frame of R&D&I CENIT ‘DOMINO: Development and Obtainment of Innovative Materials with Oriented Nanotechnology’, co-funded by CDTI in the frame of the INGENIO 2010 Programme.Peer reviewe

    Combinación y procedimiento de obtención de esmaltes cerámicos bactericidas para productos cerámicos

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    [EN] The invention relates to a combination for a bactericidal ceramic enamel with micro-roughness, characterised in that it comprises a first formulation and a second formulation, each formulation having a defined quantity of zinc cations, such that the first formulation comprises an equivalent percentage of ZnO of <= 20 wt. %, and the second formulation comprises an equivalent percentage of ZnO of less than the nominal corresponding to the composition of the first formulation. The invention also relates to a bactericidal ceramic enamel comprising the combination of formulations arranged such that the first formulation forms an outer layer of enamel in contact with the air and the second formulation forms an inner layer of enamel in contact with a surface, the outer layer being thinner than the inner layer, and to the use of the combination or the bactericidal enamel for applying to substrates and obtaining enamelled materials.[ES] La presente invencion se refiere a una combinación para un esmalte cerámico bactericida con micro-rugosidad caracterizada porque comprende una primera formulación, y cada una de ellas tiene una cantidad distinta de ecationes cinc, tal que la primera formulación comprende un porcentaje de ZnO <= en peso y la segunda formulación comprende un porcentaje equivalente de ZnO menor que la nominal correspondiente a la composición de la primera formulación; así como a un esmalte cerámico bactericida que comprende la combinación de formulaciones dispuesta de modo que la primera formulación constituye una capa externa de esmalte en contacto con el aire y la segunda formulación constituye una capa interna de esmalte en contacto con una superficie, y la capa externa tiene menor espesor que la capa interna, y al uso de la combinación o del esmalte bactericida para aplicar sobre sustratos y obtener esmaltados.Peer reviewedConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), KERAFRIT S.A., NANOBIOMATTERS INDUSTRIES S.L.A1 Solicitud de patente con informe sobre el estado de la técnic

    Development of nanostructrured multifunctional glazes

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    Este trabajo ha obtenido el premio Alfa de oro en la Feria Internacional de Cerámica CEVISAMA 2009[ES] El desarrollo de nuevos esmaltes con características innovadoras para la industria de pavimentos y revestimientos cerámicos se ha realizado mediante la dispersión de nanopartículas sobre partículas matriz basadas en fibras de sepiolita de diámetro nanométrico, <50 nm. La sepiolita es una arcilla fibrilar de composición compatible con el esmalte. Los aspectos más relevantes de la investigación realizada han permitido acondicionar las partículas matrices para soportar y proteger diferentes tipos de nanopartículas dispersas de naturaleza metálica u oxídica. Los esmaltes desarrollados tienen la cualidad de encontrarse nanoestructurados y ser multifuncionales, ya que pueden combinarse en un solo esmalte diferentes propiedades como la de tener aspecto metalizado, propiedades hidrofóbicas, bactericidas, fungicidas y de autolimpieza. El concepto de nanopartículas soportadas utiliza de forma eficiente los procesos actuales de tecnología de nanopartículas para obtener multifuncionalidades en los esmaltes, ofreciendo producto cerámico innovador y de mayor valor añadido.[EN] The development of new glazes with innovative characteristics for the tile industry was afforded by using disperse nanoparticles on host sepiolite particles. Sepiolite clay has fibrillar morphology with a diameter <50 nm and with a composition compatible with the glaze. The host particles were conditioned to support and to protect different disperse nanoparticles having metallic or oxidic nature. The developed glazes possess a nanostructure which is responsible for different properties. Different functionalities could be combined in a single glaze as a multifunctional glaze: metallic aspect, hydrophobic response, bactericide and fungicide properties, and self cleaning characteristics. The efficiency of the supported nanoparticles allows the use of the nanoparticles technology to obtain multifunctional glazes and powered the innovations into the tile product with added value.Peer reviewe

    Esmalte cerámico hidrofóbico con brillo metálico y su procedimiento de obtención

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    La presente invención se refiere a una composición basada en óxidos metálicos y arcilla, la cual es empleada en una suspensión acuosa para la formación del recubrimiento de cerámicas, además la invención se refiere a un procedimiento para la obtención de materiales esmaltados con brillo metálico y de elevado carácter hidrófobo.Peer reviewedConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, KERAFRIT, S.A.A1 Solicitud de patente con informe sobre el estado de la técnic

    Low Firing Zn Metallic Composite Glazes for Earthenware

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