160 research outputs found

    Interleukin-5 modulates interleukin-8 secretion in eosinophilic inflammation.

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    Serum and BALF (bronchoalveolar lavage fluid) IL-8 levels and serum levels were investigated in Toxocara canis infected guinea-pigs and the role of IL-5 as a modulator of cytokine secretion was studied. Serum levels increased early in infected animals, exceeding control levels 4 h after infection, peaked between days 6 and 18, and continued to exceed control levels after 48 days of infection. Serum and BALF IL-8 levels showed the same profile as blood eosinophilia, increasing 6 days post-infection and peaking between days 18 and 24. Treatment of infected animals with anti-IL-5 Ab suppressed eosinophilia with a parallel increase in blood IL-8 levels, whereas no change was found in levels. To support our in vivo observation we carried out experiments in vitro using guinea-pig LPS-stimulated adherent peritoneal cells which release large amounts of IL-8 into the supernatants. When rIL-5 was added to LPS-stimulated cells, 65% inhibition of IL-8 release into the supernatants was observed. Pre-incubation of cells with anti-IL-5 Ab prevented the inhibition of IL-8 release into the supernatants induced by rIL-5. Our results demonstrate for the first time that TNF-alpha and IL-8 are released concomitant with or after IL-5 in the eosinophilic inflammation induced by T. canis. Moreover, in addition to showing that IL-5 is fundamental for the induction of blood eosinophilia, the present results suggest that this cytokine may play a new biological role by acting as modulator of IL-8 secretion

    Integrated Green Chemical Approach to the Medicinal Plant Carpobrotus edulis Processing

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    Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry (LAQV), which is financed by national funds from FCT/MCTES (UID/QUI/50006/2019).Many plants have medicinal properties due to substances known as phytochemicals. To utilize these plants in practice, numerous procedures, such as extraction, isolation and characterization methods and toxicology and bioactivity studies, must be designed and implemented. Integrated approach to process Carpobrotus edulis, a weed medicinal plant widely spread in Portugal, was developed into a closed loop of two processes: microwave assisted extraction (MAE) and activation (MAA), to produce both phytochemicals and biochar. The use of MAE for phytochemical extraction was shown to be more energy efficient than conventional Soxhlet extraction: the process time was decreased by 7–8 times, and the energy efficiency was increased by up to 97%. The yield of the extracts is of 27%. Qualitative and quantitative identification/characterization of the phytochemicals were performed by LC-MS and phytochemical screening assays. The results clearly indicated that Carpobrotus edulis is rich by flavonoids (up to 24%). The use of MAA to process the residual biomass could shorten the activation time, resulting in reduced energy consumption. Biochar with a high yield of 65% (on a biomass basis) and a well-developed texture (surface area of 68.9 m2/g; total pore volume of 0.10 cm3/g; micropore volume of 0.07 cm3/g) is obtained.publishersversionpublishe

    Chaos and crises in a model for cooperative hunting: A symbolic dynamics approach

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    In this work we investigate the population dynamics of cooperative hunting extending the McCann and Yodzis model for a three-species food chain system with a predator, a prey, and a resource species. The new model considers that a given fraction sigma of predators cooperates in prey's hunting, while the rest of the population 1-sigma hunts without cooperation. We use the theory of symbolic dynamics to study the topological entropy and the parameter space ordering of the kneading sequences associated with one-dimensional maps that reproduce significant aspects of the dynamics of the species under several degrees of cooperative hunting. Our model also allows us to investigate the so-called deterministic extinction via chaotic crisis and transient chaos in the framework of cooperative hunting. The symbolic sequences allow us to identify a critical boundary in the parameter spaces (K, C-0) and (K, sigma) which separates two scenarios: (i) all-species coexistence and (ii) predator's extinction via chaotic crisis. We show that the crisis value of the carrying capacity K-c decreases at increasing sigma, indicating that predator's populations with high degree of cooperative hunting are more sensitive to the chaotic crises. We also show that the control method of Dhamala and Lai [Phys. Rev. E 59, 1646 (1999)] can sustain the chaotic behavior after the crisis for systems with cooperative hunting. We finally analyze and quantify the inner structure of the target regions obtained with this control method for wider parameter values beyond the crisis, showing a power law dependence of the extinction transients on such critical parameters

    Cosmeceutical potential of grateloupia turuturu: using low-cost extraction methodologies to obtain added-value extracts

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    The invasive macroalga Grateloupia turuturu is known to contain a diversity of bioactive compounds with different potentialities. Among them are compounds with relevant bioactivities for cosmetics. Considering this, this study aimed to screen bioactivities with cosmeceutical potential, namely, antioxidant, UV absorbance, anti-enzymatic, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory activities, as well as photoprotection potential. Extractions with higher concentrations of ethanol resulted in extracts with higher antioxidant activities, while for the anti-enzymatic activity, high inhibition percentages were obtained for elastase and hyaluronidase with almost all extracts. Regarding the antimicrobial activity, all extracts showed to be active against E. coli, S. aureus, and C. albicans. Extracts produced with higher percentages of ethanol were more effective against E. coli and with lower percentages against the other two microorganisms. Several concentrations of each extract were found to be safe for fibroblasts, but no photoprotection capacity was observed. However, one of the aqueous extracts was responsible for reducing around 40% of the nitric oxide production on macrophages, showing its anti-inflammatory potential. This work highlights G. turuturu’s potential in the cosmeceutical field, contributing to the further development of natural formulations for skin protection.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Density Distribution of Pharyngeal Carriage of Meningococcus in Healthy Young Adults: New Approaches to Studying the Epidemiology of Colonization and Vaccine Indirect Effects.

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    BACKGROUND: Improved understanding of Neisseria meningitidis (Nm) carriage biology and better methods for detection and quantification would facilitate studies of potential impact of new vaccines on colonization and transmission in adolescents. METHODS: We performed plate cultures on 107 oropharyngeal swabs stored frozen in skim milk tryptone glucose glycerol (STGG) broth and previously positive for Nm. We compared quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) detection of Nm in 601 STGG-swabs with culture. Using qPCR (n = 87), a log-phase broth culture standard curve and semiquantitative plate cultures (n = 68), we measured density of carriage. We compared qPCR genogrouping of DNA extracts from STGG-swabs and from plate culture lawns (n = 110) with purified isolates (n = 80). RESULTS: Swab storage resulted in only 10% loss of culture sensitivity. Direct sodC qPCR Nm detection yielded more positives (87/601, 14.5%) than culture (80/601, 13.3%). Most samples (57/110) positive by culture were also positive by qPCR and vice versa, but discrepancies (single positives) were frequent among low-density samples. sodC qPCR was positive in 79/80 isolates but in only 65 by ctrA qPCR. Density both by culture and qPCR varied across 4 orders of magnitude with the majority being low (1000). Genogrouping qPCRs yielded more positive results when performed on DNA extracts from lawn cultures. CONCLUSIONS: We provide the first description of the distribution of Nm carriage density. This could be important for understanding transmission dynamics and population-level effectiveness of adolescent vaccine programs. Storage of swabs frozen in STGG for batched laboratory analysis facilitates carriage studies and direct sodC qPCR for Nm combined with qPCR genogrouping of lawn culture extracts provides accurate, detailed description of colonization

    Trinucleotide repeats in 202 families with ataxia: a small expanded (CAG)n allele at the SCA17 locus

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    BACKGROUND: Ten neurodegenerative disorders characterized by spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) are known to be caused by trinucleotide repeat (TNR) expansions. However, in some instances the molecular diagnosis is considered indeterminate because of the overlap between normal and affected allele ranges. In addition, the mechanism that generates expanded alleles is not completely understood. OBJECTIVE: To examine the clinical and molecular characteristics of a large group of Portuguese and Brazilian families with ataxia to improve knowledge of the molecular diagnosis of SCA. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We have (1) assessed repeat sizes at all known TNR loci implicated in SCA; (2) determined frequency distributions of normal alleles and expansions; and (3) looked at genotype-phenotype correlations in 202 unrelated Portuguese and Brazilian patients with SCA. Molecular analysis of TNR expansions was performed using polymerase chain reaction amplification. RESULTS: Patients from 110 unrelated families with SCA showed TNR expansions at 1 of the loci studied. Dominantly transmitted cases had (CAG)(n) expansions at the Machado-Joseph disease gene (MJD1) (63%), at SCA2 (3%), the gene for dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA) (2%), SCA6 (1%), or SCA7 (1%) loci, or (CTG)(n) expansions at the SCA8 (2%) gene, whereas (GAA)(n) expansions in the Freidreich ataxia gene (FRDA) were found in 64% of families with recessive ataxia. Isolated patients also had TNR expansions at the MJD1 (6%), SCA8 (6%), or FRDA (8%) genes; in addition, an expanded allele at the TATA-binding protein gene (TBP), with 43 CAGs, was present in a patient with ataxia and mental deterioration. Associations between frequencies of SCA2 and SCA6 and a frequency of large normal alleles were found in Portuguese and Brazilian individuals, respectively. Interestingly, no association between the frequencies of DRPLA and large normal alleles was found in the Portuguese group. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that (1) a significant number of isolated cases of ataxia are due to TNR expansions; (2) expanded DRPLA alleles in Portuguese families may have evolved from an ancestral haplotype; and (3) small (CAG)(n) expansions at the TBP gene may cause SCA17

    Autophagosomes cooperate in the degradation of intracellular C-terminal fragments of the amyloid precursor protein <i>via </i>the MVB/lysosomal pathway

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    © FASEB. Brain regions affected by Alzheimer disease (AD) displaywell-recognized early neuropathologic features in the endolysosomal and autophagy systems of neurons, including enlargement of endosomal compartments, progressive accumulation of autophagic vacuoles, and lysosomal dysfunction.Although the primary causes of these disturbances are still under investigation, a growing body of evidence suggests that the amyloid precursor protein (APP) intracellular C-terminal fragment b (C99), generated by cleavage of APP by b-site APP cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE-1), is the primary cause of the endosome enlargement inADand the earliest initiator of synaptic plasticity and long-termmemory impairment. The aimof the present study was to evaluate the possible relationship between the endolysosomal degradation pathway and autophagy on the proteolytic processing and turnover of C99. We found that pharmacologic treatments that either inhibit autophagosomeformationorblock the fusionof autophagosomes to

    Percepção ambiental de docentes e discentes da rede de ensino público superior do município de Parintins - CESP/ UEA.

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    As questões ambientais são pautas das arenas de discussão locais e globais. Todos reconhecem que o nosso ambiente está sendo devastado, pois são constantes as notícias vinculadas na mídia falada e escrita sobre mudanças climáticas, poluição de rios e do ar, destruição da floresta, extinção de espécies, esgotamento dos recursos minerais. A importância da pesquisa em percepção ambiental para o planejamento ambiental é uma ação coordenada para minimizar estes impactos antrópicos negativos gerados por nossas ações ao ambiente. "Uma das dificuldades para a proteção dos ecossistemas naturais está na existência de diferenças nas percepções dos valores e da importância dos mesmos entre indivíduos de culturas diferentes ou de grupos sócio-econômicos que desempenham funções, no plano social. Neste cenário, caracterizar o conhecimento e a percepção ambiental dos atores envolvidos, docentes e discentes da rede de ensino público (superior) do município de Parintins, instigando-os através de abordagem participativa na construção de estratégias e ações transformadoras, pode ajudar a clarear os passos a serem trilhados na expectativa de implantação de um programa de educação ambiental com começo, meio e fim

    Levantamento da produção de hortaliças no município de Parintins na feira da Paraíba.

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    O trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um levantamento sobre a olericultura na cidade de Parintins-Am especialmente na Feira da Paraíba na rua do mesmo nome