47 research outputs found

    Kincir Bertingkat pada Pembangkit Listrik Mikrohidro

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    Electricity is one of the basic needs of the community. The ability of PLN to provide electricity to the Indonesian people is still an obstacle and a challenge. On the other hand Indonesia has so much potential for water that has not been utilized optimally, which is around 75,000 MW and which is currently utilized only at 10.1% or 7,572 MW. Micro hydro power (MHP) with each 5 MW MHP in 2014. This study aims to utilize the remaining water flow from the existing mill for the installation of the second wheel to obtain maximum power. Experiments were carried out using equipment such as embedded iron fast pipes, waterwheel 1 and 2, pulleys, and generators. Installation on the end of the pipe against pin 1 uses the over-flow method to obtain optimal power. The average rotation speed of the generator for mill 1 is around 1500rpm and for the mill 2 around 1000rpm. The final result of this study, for generator 1 on wheel 1 can run smoothly and produce the appropriate output voltage of 220V, for generator 2 the generator 2 the output generator cannot be optimized because the generator component we use requires a minimum of 1500rpm to run it

    Comparison of Stress Distribution during Maxillary Protraction using Different Miniplate Diameters and Force Levels: A Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis

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    INTRODUCTION: The purpose of the study is to compare the stress distribution pattern in maxilla and mandible during maxillary protraction with different miniplate diameters (1.5 mm, 2 mm, 2.5mm) of different miniimplant thread pitches (0.5 mm, 1mm, 1.5mm) using different intermaxillary elastics (2 N, 4 N, 6 N, 8 N). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A 3D finite element model of maxilla with miniplate at infrazygomatic buttress and mandible with miniplate at mandibular parasymphysis was prepared using Autocad software along with the plate geometry. The stress distributions and displacement were analyzed using Ansys software, in the form of Von Mises stress. RESULTS: In implant study, the Von Mises stress in bone (Mpa) of 2mm diameter implant with 1 mm pitch is 142 Mpa which was least compared to 0.5mm pitch is 170 Mpa and 1.5mm pitch is 233 Mpa. In skull study, when different forces of 2 N, 4N, 6N and 8N was applied, the maximum Von Mises stress of the skull of 2 mm implant diameter with 0.5mm, 1mm and 1.5mm pitch was (18.454 Mpa, 18.47 Mpa and 18.344 Mpa), (18.465 Mpa, 18.492 Mpa and 18.244 Mpa), (18.388 Mpa, 18.43 Mpa and 18.086 Mpa), (18.272 Mpa, 18.324 Mpa and 17.883 Mpa) respectively which was similar compared to other two diameters. CONCLUSION: In implant study, when 1.5mm, 2mm and 2.5mm diameter implant of 0.5mm, 1mm and 1.5mm pitch were compared, 2mm diameter of 1 mm pitch shows the least stress in bone. In skull study, 2 mm diameter minimplants showed similar stress distribution pattern in the maxilla and mandible regardless of pitch variants and different force application

    Manajemen Sistem Monitoring Pembayaran Hutang Pembelian untuk Estimasi Pengeluaran sebagai Pendukung Keputusan

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    The development of information technology has recently experienced such rapid development, this is followed by the development of information media that continues to grow. Companies are always required to follow this development in order to improve service quality and company performance. At present, various companies are required to pay taxes according to the rules that have been determined as a form of the company's obligation to the state. Problems that often occur in the company are uncontrolled po and tax invoices, so that often there is an overpayment of tax debt from what should be, and this causes delays in decision making, so that financial planning in payment of purchase debt. To be able to overcome this problem, a computerized system is needed to monitor the purchase debt calculation system as a decision support for expenditure estimation. To be able to realize this, it takes several design steps by analyzing the procedures that are running, building a system design with usecase diagrams, activity diagrams, squen diagrams and class diagram designs as a form of data storage center which can then be processed automatically so that it becomes the basis for decision making. Then implemented by building a web-based system that can be used in the company. The expected benefits are the creation of a system that is able to run effectively and efficiently, as well as being able to print reports quickly and accurately, so as to reduce problems that often occur in the company


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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahuiefektifitas penerapan model cooperative learning teknik jigsaw dalam layanan bimbingan klasikal terhadap pemahaman mengenai HIV AIDS.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian eksperimen berjenis pre eksperimen, dengan menggunakan model pre-post one goup design yaitu eksperimen yang dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan satu kelompok penelitian dengan melihat hasil pretest dan post tes. Penelitian ini menggunakan 1 kelas, yaitu kelas X-1 dengan jumlah 40 siswa. Uji coba instrumen terhadap 36 orang responden untuk mengetahui tingkat validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen. Hasil perhitungan validitas diperoleh 35 butir item yang valid. Hasil reliabilitasnya 0,9 dengan rumus KR-20 menunjukkan bahwa reliabilitasnya tinggi.Hasil uji normalitas dengan chi kuadrat diperoleh x2 hitung 7.5751 dan 9.1196 hasil yang diperoleh dari sampel yang berasal dari populasi berdistribusi normal. Pengujian homogenitas juga dihitung dengan rumus uji F. Hasil perhitungan homogenitas menyatakan bahwa Fhitung ttabel(0.05) = 1,68 jadi H0 ditolak. Kesimpulan penerapan model cooperative learning teknik jigsaw efektif digunakan untuk pemahaman HIVAIDS. Saran mengembangkan penelitian pada aspek afektif dengan model pembelajaran desain yang berbeda dan terdapat kelompok kontrol


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    Stunting merupakan kondisi gagal tumbuh pada balita akibat kekurangan gizi kronis, terutama pada 1000 hari pertama kehidupan. Setengah dari provinsi di Indonesia memiliki angka prevalensi stunting lebih tinggi dari angka nasional. Provinsi Maluku merupakan salah satu provinsi yang memiliki angka prevalensi stunting diatas angka nasional. Hasil Survei Status Gizi Balita Indonesia (SSGBI) dan susenas tahun 2019 menunjukkan bahwa angka prevalensi stunting di Maluku 30,38 persen. Pada tahun 2021 angka prevalensi stunting mengalami penurunan di Maluku menjadi 28,70 persen (Berdasarkan SSGI,2021). Tingginya angka prevalensi stunting di Maluku merupakan masalah yang serius dan perlu segera diatasi oleh pemerintah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor penyebab stunting dan dampaknya, mengetahui strategi pencegahan stunting, dan mengetahui percepatan penurunan stunting melalui pencegahan dari hulu di Maluku. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif. Target penurunan prevalensi stunting yang semakin mendekati masa waktu pencapaian pada tahun 2024 memerlukan strategi yang komprehensif dengan program yang dijalankan. Pencegahan stunting dari hulu baik pada fase remaja dan fase calon pengantin dapat membatu pengambilan kebijakan baik di level nasional maupun level provinsi/kabupaten/kota. Untuk itu diperlukan penguatan strategi penurunan stunting di dari hulu dengan edukasi dan pendampingan pranikah


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    ABSTRAK Pemodelan adalah suatu kegiatan untuk membentuk suatu objek dengan skala yang lebih kecil yang direpresentasikan dalam bentuk tiga dimensi. Perkembangan teknologi di bidang survei khususnya bidang pemodelan saat ini sudah berkembang dengan sangat pesat. Kehadiran Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) memberikan solusi dalam pemodelan suatu objek. TLS biasanya digunakan untuk memodelkan suatu objek dengan bentuk yang rumit dan memerlukan ketelitian yang tinggi. Untuk membuat model tiga dimensi, perlu dilakukan penggabungan data dari beberapa hasil penyiaman, yang biasa disebut dengan registrasi. Dalam penelitian ini, pemodelan salah satu ikon Kota Semarang yaitu Tugu Muda dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Terrestrial Laser Scanner. Proses akuisisi data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kombinasi dan metode traverse untuk proses registrasi yang kemudian dilakukan perbandingan terhadap hasil ketelitian metode-metode tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan GPS Geodetik untuk mengetahui koordinat yang dijadikan sebagai referensi dalam pembuatan jaring poligon dalam metode traverse. Penulis menggunakan TLS Topcon GLS-2000 sebagai alat untuk melakukan pemindaian objek. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan software Scan Master untuk registrasi metode Traverse, Maptek I-Site Studio untuk metode kombinasi, dan Autodesk Remake untuk pemodelan. Model scan hasil registrasi kemudian dibandingkan jaraknya terhadap objek aslinya dengan menggunakan Total Station. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah berupa model 3 dimensi Tugu Muda dalam bentuk point cloud yang kemudian dimodelkan menjadi objek yang solid. Besar RMS registrasi dari masing-masing metode adalah 0,037 m untuk metode kombinasi dan 0,076 untuk metode traverse. Sedangkan besar RMS dari hasil perbandingan jarak dengan Total Station adalah sebesar ±0,0051827 m untuk metode kombinasi dan sebesar ±0,0052574 m untuk metode traverse. Kata Kunci : Terrestrial Laser Scanner, Metode Kombinasi, Metode Traverse, Pemodelan 3D, Tugu Mud

    Borna disease virus (BDV) circulating immunocomplex positivity in addicted patients in the Czech Republic: a prospective cohort analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Borna disease virus (BDV) is an RNA virus belonging to the family Bornaviridae. Borna disease virus is a neurotropic virus that causes changes in mood, behaviour and cognition. BDV causes persistent infection of the central nervous system. Immune changes lead to activation of infection. Alcohol and drug dependence are associated with immune impairment.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We examined the seropositivity of BDV circulating immunocomplexes (CIC) in patients with alcohol and drug dependence and healthy individuals (blood donors). We examined 41 addicted patients for the presence of BDV CIC in the serum by ELISA at the beginning of detoxification, and after eight weeks of abstinence. This is the first such study performed in patients with alcohol and drug dependence.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>BDV CIC positivity was detected in 36.59% of addicted patients on day 0 and in 42.86% on day 56. The control group was 37.3% positive. However, we did not detect higher BDV CIC positivity in addicted patients in comparison with blood donors (p = 0.179). The significantly higher level of BDV CIC was associated with lower levels of GGT (gamma glutamyl transferase) (p = 0.027) and approached statistical significance with the lower age of addicted patients (p = 0.064). We did not find any association between BDV CIC positivity and other anamnestic and demographic characteristics.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In our study addicted patients did not have significantly higher levels of BDV CIC than the control group. The highest levels of BDV CIC were detected in patients with lower levels of GGT and a lower age.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>This study was approved by the ethical committee of the University Hospital Medical Faculty of Charles University in Pilsen, Czech Republic (registration number 303/2001).</p

    Design and synthesis of new benzophenone derivatives with in vivo anti-inflammatory activity through dual inhibition of edema and neutrophil recruitment.

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    A series of novel benzophenone derivatives containing a thiazole heterocyclic nucleus were designed by molecular hybridization. Molecular docking studies have demonstrated the inhibitory potential of the designed compounds against cyclooxygenase (COX) isoenzymes. These compounds were synthesized, characterized, and evaluated for their anti-inflammatory properties by the croton oil-induced ear edema assay to examine their effect on both prostaglandin (PG) production and neutrophils recruitment. The thiazole derivatives displayed a potent effect in terms of reducing ear edema. The analysis suggested that the presence of 4-phenyl-2-hydrazinothiazole and the absence of C40 -OCH3 on the benzophenone derivative structure are strongly related to the inhibition of PG production. In addition, the derivatives 2e, 3a and 3c concomitantly inhibit PG production and neutrophil recruitment, which may be a mechanism of action better than of common NSAIDs due to their inability to inhibit the neutrophil recruitment. Thus, these compounds can be considered as potential lead compounds toward the development of new anti-inflammatory drugs with an innovating mechanism of actio