209 research outputs found

    Emergent structural correlations in dense liquids

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    The complete quantitative description of the structure of dense and supercooled liquids remains a notoriously difficult problem in statistical physics. Most studies to date focus solely on two-body structural correlations, and only a handful of papers have sought to consider additional three-body correlations. Here, we go beyond the state of the art by extracting many-body static structure factors from molecular dynamics simulations and by deriving accurate approximations up to the six-body structure factor via density functional theory. We find that supercooling manifestly increases four-body correlations, akin to the two- and three-body case. However, at small wave numbers, we observe that the four-point structure of a liquid drastically changes upon supercooling, both qualitatively and quantitatively, which is not the case in two-point structural correlations. This indicates that theories of the structure or dynamics of dense liquids should incorporate many-body correlations beyond the two-particle level to fully capture their intricate behavior.</p

    Organising knowledge generation and dissemination in the Dutch high-water protection programme–a sender-receiver approach

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    In 2012 the Dutch High-Water Protection Programme (HWPP) was initiated. This programme prioritised dike strengthening projects for the near future with a yearly budget of around 350 million Euros. A safety assessment 2011–2013 indicated the need to strengthen 748 km of dikes. To achieve this, it was recognised that generation and dissemination of state-of-the-art-knowledge was necessary. For this purpose, four Spatial and Technical Research Projects (STRPs) were initiated. The challenge for these STRPs is to generate and disseminate the developed knowledge that is relevant for other dike strengthening projects within the HWPP. This paper examines whether the STRPs have successfully undertaken activities to generate and disseminate new knowledge to relevant stakeholders. We examine how the generation and dissemination of knowledge from the STRPs to the HWP

    Research Priorities to Increase Confidence in and Acceptance of Health Preference Research:What Questions Should be Prioritized Now?

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    Background and Objective: There has been an increase in the study and use of stated-preference methods to inform medicine development decisions. The objective of this study was to identify prioritized topics and questions relating to health preferences based on the perspective of members of the preference research community. Methods: Preference research stakeholders from industry, academia, consultancy, health technology assessment/regulatory, and patient organizations were recruited using professional networks and preference-targeted e-mail listservs and surveyed about their perspectives on 19 topics and questions for future studies that would increase acceptance of preference methods and their results by decision makers. The online survey consisted of an initial importance prioritization task, a best-worst scaling case 1 instrument, and open-ended questions. Rating counts were used for analysis. The best-worst scaling used a balanced incomplete block design. Results: One hundred and one participants responded to the survey invitation with 66 completing the best-worst scaling. The most important research topics related to the synthesis of preferences across studies, transferability across populations or related diseases, and method topics including comparison of methods and non-discrete choice experiment methods. Prioritization differences were found between respondents whose primary affiliation was academia versus other stakeholders. Academic researchers prioritized methodological/less studied topics; other stakeholders prioritized applied research topics relating to consistency of practice. Conclusions: As the field of health preference research grows, there is a need to revisit and communicate previous work on preference selection and study design to ensure that new stakeholders are aware of this work and to update these works where necessary. These findings might encourage discussion and alignment among different stakeholders who might hold different research priorities. Research on the application of previous preference research to new contexts will also help increase the acceptance of health preference information by decision makers.</p

    Acceptable risks of treatments to prevent rheumatoid arthritis among first-degree relatives:demographic and psychological predictors of risk tolerance.

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    Objectives:To quantify tolerance to risks of preventive treatments among first-degree relatives (FDRs) of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).Methods:Preventive treatments for RA are under investigation. In a preference survey, adult FDRs assumed a 60% chance of developing RA within 2 years and made choices between no treatment and hypothetical preventive treatment options with a fixed level of benefit (reduction in chance of developing RA from 60% to 20%) and varying levels of risks. Using a probabilistic threshold technique, each risk was increased or decreased until participants switched their choice. Perceived risk of RA, health literacy, numeracy, Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire and Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire-General were also assessed. Maximum acceptable risk (MAR) was summarised using descriptive statistics. Associations between MARs and participants’ characteristics were assessed using interval regression with effects coding.Results:289 FDRs (80 male) responded. The mean MAR for a 40% reduction in chance of developing RA was 29.08% risk of mild side effects, 9.09% risk of serious infection and 0.85% risk of a serious side effect. Participants aged over 60 years were less tolerant of serious infection risk (mean MAR ±2.06%) than younger participants. Risk of mild side effects was less acceptable to participants who perceived higher likelihood of developing RA (mean MAR ±3.34%) and more acceptable to those believing that if they developed RA it would last for a long time (mean MAR ±4.44%).Conclusions:Age, perceived chance of developing RA and perceived duration of RA were associated with tolerance to some risks of preventive RA therapy

    Systematic Review of the Relationships Between Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Health Indicators in School-Aged Children and Youth

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    Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) is essential for disease prevention and health promotion. Emerging evidence suggests other intensities of physical activity (PA), including light-intensity activity (LPA), may also be important, but there has been no rigorous evaluation of the evidence. The purpose of this systematic review was to examine the relationships between objectively measured PA (total and all intensities) and health indicators in school-aged children and youth. Online databases were searched for peer-reviewed studies that met the a priori inclusion criteria: population (apparently healthy, aged 5–17 years), intervention/exposure/comparator (volumes, durations, frequencies, intensities, and patterns of objectively measured PA), and outcome (body composition, cardiometabolic biomarkers, physical fitness, behavioural conduct/pro-social behaviour, cognition/academic achievement, quality of life/well-being, harms, bone health, motor skill development, psychological distress, self-esteem). Heterogeneity among studies precluded meta-analyses; narrative synthesis was conducted. A total of 162 studies were included (204 171 participants from 31 countries). Overall, total PA was favourably associated with physical, psychological/social, and cognitive health indicators. Relationships were more consistent and robust for higher (e.g., MVPA) versus lower (e.g., LPA) intensity PA. All patterns of activity (sporadic, bouts, continuous) provided benefit. LPA was favourably associated with cardiometabolic biomarkers; data were scarce for other outcomes. These findings continue to support the importance of at least 60 min/day of MVPA for disease prevention and health promotion in children and youth, but also highlight the potential benefits of LPA and total PA. All intensities of PA should be considered in future work aimed at better elucidating the health benefits of PA in children and youth

    The Leukemia-Associated Fusion Protein MN1-TEL Blocks TEL-Specific Recognition Sequences

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    The leukemia-associated fusion protein MN1-TEL combines the transcription-activating domains of MN1 with the DNA-binding domain of the transcriptional repressor TEL. Quantitative photobleaching experiments revealed that ~20% of GFP-tagged MN1 and TEL is transiently immobilised, likely due to indirect or direct DNA binding, since transcription inhibition abolished immobilisation. Interestingly, ~50% of the MN1-TEL fusion protein was immobile with much longer binding times than unfused MN1 and TEL. MN1-TEL immobilisation was not observed when the TEL DNA-binding domain was disrupted, suggesting that MN1-TEL stably occupies TEL recognition sequences, preventing binding of factors required for proper transcription regulation, which may contribute to leukemogenesis

    HWBP: Kennisdoorwerking : Stand van zaken rondom het laten stromen van kennis vanuit POV's naar projecten toe

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    Op dit moment lopen er vier project overstijgende verkenningen (POVs) bij het Hoogwaterbeschermingsprogramma (HWBP). Deze POVs zijn kennisintensief en er wordt dan ook veel kennis ontwikkeld. Deze kennis is soms te vatten in documenten, maar soms betreft het ervaringskennis, welke moeilijker overdraagbaar is. Het leren tussen de betrokken partijen (overheden, kennisinstellingen en bedrijfsleven) wordt als een belangrijk aspect gezien om de overall ambitie van het HWBP te halen. De programmadirectie faciliteert en stimuleert het overstijgend leren tussen de verschillende projecten en POVs. Een belangrijk aspect hierbij is om aandacht te besteden aan het ontsluiten, borgen en toepassen van de in de POVs opgedane kennis/ervaring in de HWBP-projecten. Bij het voorliggende onderzoeksrapport staat dit centraal. De programmadirectie wil graag in kaart brengen op welke wijze de POVs en relevante projecten de ontwikkelde kennis gaan borgen - of dat al reeds hebben gedaan - opdat toekomstige HWBP projecten bij alle waterschappen hier gebruik van kunnen maken. Onderzoeksvraag hierbij is op welke wijze wordt de kennis en kunde uit de vier lopende POVs geborgd en hoe werkt het door in uitvoeringsprojecten van het HWBP, de daarbij betrokken organisaties en nationaal beleid (ontwerp- en toetsinstrumentarium)? In deze rapportage wordt per POV aangegeven welke activiteiten zijn ondernomen om de kennis door te laten stromen. Per POV worden enkele adviezen gegeven. Tevens zijn er generieke aanbevelingen voor de huidige POVs, nog op te starten POVs en op systeemniveau

    Human and animal fertility studies in cystinosis reveal signs of obstructive azoospermia, an altered blood-testis barrier and a subtherapeutic effect of cysteamine in testis

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    Cystinosis is an inherited metabolic disorder caused by autosomal recessive mutations in the CTNS gene leading to lysosomal cystine accumulation. The disease primarily affects the kidneys followed by extra-renal organ involvement later in life. Azoospermia is one of the unclarified complications which are not improved by cysteamine, which is the only available disease-modifying treatment. We aimed at unraveling the origin of azoospermia in cysteamine-treated cystinosis by confirming or excluding an obstructive factor, and investigating the effect of cysteamine on fertility in the Ctns−/− mouse model compared with wild type. Azoospermia was present in the vast majority of infantile type cystinosis patients. While spermatogenesis was intact, an enlarged caput epididymis and reduced levels of seminal markers for obstruction neutral α-glucosidase (NAG) and extracellular matrix protein 1 (ECM1) pointed towards an epididymal obstruction. Histopathological examination in human and mouse testis revealed a disturbed blood-testis barrier characterized by an altered zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1) protein expression. Animal studies ruled out a negative effect of cysteamine on fertility, but showed that cystine accumulation in the testis is irresponsive to regular cysteamine treatment. We conclude that the azoospermia in infantile cystinosis is due to an obstruction related to epididymal dysfunction, irrespective of the severity of an evolving primary hypogonadism. Regular cysteamine treatment does not affect fertility but has subtherapeutic effects on cystine accumulation in testis

    Endomicroscopic and transcriptomic analysis of impaired barrier function and malabsorption in environmental enteropathy

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    Introduction: Environmental enteropathy (EE) is associated with growth failure, micronutrient malabsorption and impaired responses to oral vaccines. We set out to define cellular mechanisms of impaired barrier function in EE and explore protective mechanisms. Methods: We studied 49 adults with environmental enteropathy in Lusaka, Zambia using confocal laser endomicroscopy (CLE); histology, immunohistochemistry and mRNA sequencing of small intestinal biopsies; and correlated these with plasma lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and a zinc uptake test. Results: CLE images (median 134 for each study) showed virtually ubiquitous small intestinal damage. Epithelial defects, imaged by histology and claudin 4 immunostaining, were predominantly seen at the tips of villi and corresponded with leakage imaged in vivo by CLE. In multivariate analysis, circulating log-transformed LPS was correlated with cell shedding events (β = 0.83; P = 0.035) and with serum glucagon-like peptide-2 (β = -0.13; P = 0.007). Zinc uptake from a test dose of 25mg was attenuated in 30/47 (64%) individuals and in multivariate analysis was reduced by HIV, but positively correlated with GLP-2 (β = 2.72; P = 0.03). There was a U-shaped relationship between circulating LPS and villus surface area. Transcriptomic analysis identified 23 differentially expressed genes in severe enteropathy, including protective peptides and proteins. Conclusions: Confocal endomicroscopy, claudin 4 immunostaining and histology identify epithelial defects which are probably sites of bacterial translocation, in the presence of which increased epithelial surface area increases the burden of translocation. GLP 2 and other protective peptides may play an important role in mucosal protection in EE
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