136 research outputs found

    Crystallization of octadecane solutions treated by ultrasound, in presence of oil resins

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    Ultrasonic treatment of octadecane solution in hexane was carried out. The influence of acoustic action duration and concentration of resins on the process of crystallization of octadecane solutions is shown

    Системы подготовки топлива на угольных ТЭС

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    РЕФЕРАТ Выпускная квалификационная работа 65 с., 12 рис., 16 табл., ____20______источников, 2 прил. Ключевые слова:ШБМ, ТОПЛИВО,УГОЛЬ,ПЫЛЕПРИГОТОВЛЕНИЕ . Объектом исследования является (ются): СИСТЕМЫ ПОДГОТОВКИ ТОПЛИВА НА УГОЛЬНЫХ ТЭС Цель работы – исследовать систему топливоприготовления на пылеугольной ТЭЦ В процессе исследования проводились Системный анализ топливного хозяйства и функциональный анализ В результате расчетов пришли к выводу, что топливоприготовление на буром угле значительно больше отбирает собственных нужд чем на каменном Основные конструктивные, технологические и технико-эксплуатационные характеристики: За основу реальные данный Бийской ТЭЦ Степень внедрения: исследование Область применения: Из-за устаревшего оборудования и износа теплосетей, главная задача проекта улуABSTRACT Final qualifying work 65 p., 12 fig., 16 tab., 20 ____ ______ sources, 2 adj. Keywords: SHBM, fuel, coal, coal pulverization. The object of this study is (are): SYSTEM OF PREPARATION OF FUEL IN COAL TPP Purpose - to investigate toplivoprigotovleniya system for pulverized coal thermal power station The study conduct a systematic analysis of the fuel economy and functional analysis The calculations concluded that toplivoprigotovlenie lignite significantly more seeds of their own needs than stone main constructive, technological and technical and operational characteristics: the basis of the actual active Biysk CHP implementation degree: research applications: due to outdated equipment and depreciation of heating systems, the main objective of the project to improve the quality of heat supply and electrification, instead of obsolete equipment Cost-effectiveness / relevance The study of the efficiency of the work planned for the future reconstruction of Biysk TPP is pulverizing syste

    Coordinating sustained coastal and ocean observing efforts in Germany

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    Germany’s national ocean observing activities are carried out by multiple actors including governmental bodies, research institutions, and universities, and miss central coordination and governance. A particular strategic approach to coordinate and facilitate ocean research has formed in Germany under the umbrella of the German Marine Research Consortium (KDM). KDM aims at bringing together the marine science expertise of its member institutions and collectively presents them to policy makers, research funding organizations, and to the general public. Within KDM, several strategic groups (SGs), composed of national experts, have been established in order to strengthen different scientific and technological aspects of German Marine Research. Here we present the SG for sustained open ocean observing and the SG for sustained coastal observing. The coordination effort of the SG’s include (1) Representing German efforts in ocean observations, providing information about past, ongoing and planned activities and forwarding meta-information to data centers (e.g., JCOMMOPS), (2) Facilitating the integration of national observations into European and international observing programs (e.g. GCOS, GOOS, BluePlanet, GEOSS), (3) Supporting innovation in observing techniques and the development of scientific topics on observing strategies, (4) Developing strategies to expand and optimize national observing systems in consideration of the needs of stakeholders and conventions, (5) Contributing to agenda processes and roadmaps in science strategy and funding, and (6) Compiling recommendations for improved data collection and data handling, to better connect to the global data centers adhering to quality standards

    From a Biomarker to Targeting in a Proof-Of-Concept Trial

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    Background There is high medical need for safe long-term immunosuppression monotherapy in kidney transplantation. Selective targeting of post-transplant alloantigen-(re)activated effector-T cells by anti-TNF antibodies after global T cell depletion may allow safe drug minimization, however, it is unsolved what might be the best maintenance monotherapy. Methods In this open, prospective observational single-centre trial, 20 primary deceased donor kidney transplant recipients received 2x20 mg Alemtuzumab (d0/d1) followed by 5 mg/kg Infliximab (d2). For 14 days all patients received only tacrolimus, then they were allocated to either receive tacrolimus (TAC, n = 13) or sirolimus (SIR, n = 7) monotherapy, respectively. Protocol biopsies and extensive immune monitoring were performed and patients were followed-up for 60 months. Results TAC-monotherapy resulted in excellent graft survival (5yr 92%, 95%CI: 56.6–98.9) and function, normal histology, and no proteinuria. Immune monitoring revealed low intragraft inflammation (urinary IP-10) and hints for the development of operational tolerance signature in the TAC- but not SIR-group. Remarkably, the TAC-monotherapy was successful in all five presensitized (ELISPOT+) patients. However, recruitment into SIR-arm was stopped (after n = 7) because of high incidence of proteinuria and acute/chronic rejection in biopsies. No opportunistic infections occurred during follow-up. Conclusions In conclusion, our novel fast-track TAC- monotherapy protocol is likely to be safe and preliminary results indicated an excellent 5-year outcome, however, a full–scale study will be needed to confirm our findings. Trial Registration EudraCT Number: 2006-003110-1

    High-Grade Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) Associates with Increased Proliferation and Attenuated Immune Signaling

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    Implementation of high-risk human papilloma virus (HPV) screening and the increasing proportion of HPV vaccinated women in the screening program will reduce the percentage of HPV positive women with oncogenic potential. In search of more specific markers to identify women with high risk of cancer development, we used RNA sequencing to compare the transcriptomic immune-profile of 13 lesions with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 (CIN3) or adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) and 14 normal biopsies from women with detected HPV infections. In CIN3/AIS lesions as compared to normal tissue, 27 differential expressed genes were identified. Transcriptomic analysis revealed significantly higher expression of a number of genes related to proliferation, (CDKN2A, MELK, CDK1, MKI67, CCNB2, BUB1, FOXM1, CDKN3), but significantly lower expression of genes related to a favorable immune response (NCAM1, ARG1, CD160, IL18, CX3CL1). Compared to the RNA sequencing results, good correlation was achieved with relative quantitative PCR analysis for NCAM1 and CDKN2A. Quantification of NCAM1 positive cells with immunohistochemistry showed epithelial reduction of NCAM1 in CIN3/AIS lesions. In conclusion, NCAM1 and CDKN2A are two promising candidates to distinguish whether women are at high risk of developing cervical cancer and in need of frequent follow-up.publishedVersio

    Closely related Campylobacter jejuni strains from different sources reveal a generalist rather than a specialist lifestyle

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    Background: Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli are human intestinal pathogens of global importance. Zoonotic transmission from livestock animals or animal-derived food is the likely cause for most of these infections. However, little is known about their general and host-specific mechanisms of colonization, or virulence and pathogenicity factors. In certain hosts, Campylobacter species colonize persistently and do not cause disease, while they cause acute intestinal disease in humans. Results: Here, we investigate putative host-specificity using phenotypic characterization and genome-wide analysis of genetically closely related C. jejuni strains from different sources. A collection of 473 fresh Campylobacter isolates from Germany was assembled between 2006 and 2010 and characterized using MLST. A subset of closely related C. jejuni strains of the highly prevalent sequence type ST-21 was selected from different hosts and isolation sources. PCR typing of strain-variable genes provided evidence that some genes differed between these strains. Furthermore, phenotypic variation of these strains was tested using the following criteria: metabolic variation, protein expression patterns, and eukaryotic cell interaction. The results demonstrated remarkable phenotypic diversity within the ST-21 group, which however did not correlate with isolation source. Whole genome sequencing was performed for five ST-21 strains from chicken, human, bovine, and food sources, in order to gain insight into ST-21 genome diversity. The comparisons showed extensive genomic diversity, primarily due to recombination and gain of phage-related genes. By contrast, no genomic features associated with isolation source or host were identified. Conclusions: The genome information and phenotypic data obtained in vitro and in a chicken infection model provided little evidence of fixed adaptation to a specific host. Instead, the dominant C. jejuni ST-21 appeared to be characterized by phenotypic flexibility and high genetic microdiversity, revealing properties of a generalist. High genetic flexibility might allow generalist variants of C. jejuni to reversibly express diverse fitness factors in changing environments

    Pediatric Microdose Study of [14C]Paracetamol to Study Drug Metabolism Using Accelerated Mass Spectrometry: Proof of Concept

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    Results: Ten infants (aged 0.1–83.1 months) were included; one was excluded as he vomited shortly after administration. In nine patients, [14C]AAP and metabolites in blood samples were detectable at expected concentrations: median (range) maximum concentration (Cmax) [14C]AAP 1.68 (0.75–4.76) ng/L, [14C]AAP-Glu 0.88 (0.34–1.55) ng/L, and [14C]AAP-4Sul 0.81 (0.29–2.10) ng/L. Dose-normalized oral [14C]AAP Cmax approached median intravenous average concentrations (Cav): 8.41 mg/L (3.75–23.78 mg/L) and 8.87 mg/L (3.45–12.9 mg/L), respectively.Conclusions: We demonstrate the feasibility of using a [14C]labeled microdose to study AAP pharmacokinetics, including metabolite disposition, in young children.Background: Pediatric drug development is hampered by practical, ethical, and scientific challenges. Microdosing is a promising new method to obtain pharmacokinetic data in children with minimal burden and minimal risk. The use of a labeled oral microdose offers the added benefit to study intestinal and hepatic drug disposition in children already receiving an intravenous therapeutic drug dose for clinical reasons.Methods: In an open-label microdose pharmacokinetic pilot study, infants (0–6 years of age) received a single oral [14C]AAP microdose (3.3 ng/kg, 60 Bq/kg) in addition to intravenous therapeutic doses of AAP (15 mg/kg intravenous every 6 h). Blood samples were taken from an indwelling catheter. AAP blood concentrations were measured by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and [14C]AAP and metabolites ([14C]AAP-Glu and [14C]AAP-4Sul) were measured by accelerator mass spectrometry.Objective: The objective of this study was to present pilot data of an oral [14C]paracetamol [acetaminophen (AAP)] microdosing study as proof of concept to study developmental pharmacokinetics in children