53 research outputs found

    Effects of urinary extracellular vesicles from prostate cancer patients on the transcriptomes of cancer-associated and normal fibroblasts

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    Funding Information: This work was funded by the Latvian Council of Science, Project No. lzp-2018/0269. Publisher Copyright: © 2022, The Author(s).Background: Increasing evidence suggests that cancer-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) alter the phenotype and functions of fibroblasts and trigger the reprogramming of normal fibroblasts into cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs). Here, we for the first time studied the effects of urinary EVs from PC patients and healthy males on the transcriptional landscape of prostate CAFs and normal foreskin fibroblasts. Methods: Patient-derived prostate fibroblast primary cultures PCF-54 and PCF-55 were established from two specimens of PC tissues. EVs were isolated from urine samples of 3 patients with PC and 2 healthy males and used for the treatment of prostate fibroblast primary cultures and normal foreskin fibroblasts. The EV-treated fibroblasts were subjected to RNA sequencing analysis. Results: RNA sequencing analysis showed that the fibroblast cultures differed significantly in their response to urinary EVs. The transcriptional response of foreskin fibroblasts to the urinary EVs isolated from PC patients and healthy controls was very similar and mostly related to the normal functions of fibroblasts. On the contrary, PCF-54 cells responded very differently - EVs from PC patients elicited transcriptional changes related to the regulation of the cell division and chromosome segregation, whereas EVs from healthy males affected mitochondrial respiration. In PCF-55 cells, EVs from both, PC-patients and controls induced the expression of a number of chemokines such as CCL2, CCL13, CXCL1, CXCL8, whereas pathways related to regulation of apoptotic signaling and production of cell adhesion molecules were triggered specifically by EVs from PC patients. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that urinary EVs from PC patients and healthy controls elicit distinct transcriptional responses in prostate CAFs and supports the idea that EVs contribute to the generation of functional heterogeneity of CAFs. Moreover, this study suggests that the changes in the gene expression pattern in EV recipient cells might serve as a novel type of functional cancer biomarkers.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Effect of stem rot on wood basic density, carbon, and nitrogen content of living deciduous trees in hemiboreal forests

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    While numerous studies have focused on analyzing various aspects of the carbon (C) budget in forests, there appears to be a lack of comprehensive assessments specifically addressing the impact of stem rot on the C budget of broadleaf tree species, especially in old-growth forests where stem rot is prevalent. One of the main challenges in accurately quantifying C losses caused by stem rot is the lack of precise data on the basic density and C content of decayed wood, which are crucial for converting decayed wood volume into biomass and C stocks. Using linear mixed-effects models, we examine the variability of wood basic density, C content, and nitrogen (N) content. Discolored and decomposed wood was collected from the stems of 136 living deciduous trees common in hemiboreal forests in Latvia. Our research indicates a noticeable reduction in the wood basic density, coupled with an increase in the N content within the stem wood throughout the decomposition process in birch (Betula spp.), European aspen (Populus tremula L.), grey alder (Alnus incana (L.) Moench), and common alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.). While aspen wood showed a decreasing trend in C content as decay progressed, a pairwise comparison test revealed no significant differences in C content between discolored and decomposed wood for the studied species, unlike the findings for basic density and N content. This study emphasizes the need to account for stem rot in old-growth forest carbon budgets, especially in broadleaf species, and calls for more research on stem rot-induced carbon losses

    Was stuxnet an act of war?

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    Modern societies live in the complex and fragile information environment, in which data processing and exchange grow exponentially. Different digital computerized systems support most of key infrastructures like financial systems, power and water supplies, air traffic management, public and military communications. To increase accessibility to those systems in the information domain, it requires interoperability and interconnectivity which makes them complex to maintain and vulnerable to cyber-attacks/intrusions. The Internet is an ownerless, ubiquitous and open to all information exchange domains which can shape the international relations through the cyber domain and there is no internationalentity that can control and affect the data flow. Each country has its own legislation to react and influence local users through Internet service providers and only close cooperation among the states can help to identify and prevent illegal activities against other states as well as support foreign countries during investigations. The paper will uncover how cyber weapon was used to influence state struggling, becoming a nuclear power for the first time. It is divided into two parts to explain the essence of the act of war and cyberspace to understand the environment where Stuxnet was applied. Next it will focus on impact and reaction of Stuxnet in order to analyse its utilization within cyberspace

    Correction of hyperopia with soft contact lenses

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    Diplomdarbs ir uzrakstīts latviešu valodā uz 41 lapas, satur 18 attēlus un 19 atsauces uz literatūras avotiem. Darba mērķis: Izpētīt galvenās problēmas, kas saistās ar hipermetropijas koriģēšanu ar mīkstajām kontaktlēcām (briļļu un kontaktlēcu optiskās atšķirības, mīksto kontaktlēcu materiāli, to īpašības, komforta līmenis, ar kontaktlēcu valkāšanu saistītas komplikācijas) un praktiski parādīt kā šīs problēmas risināt. Rezultāti: veiksmīgi tiek atrisināta divu sarežģītu hipermetropijas pacientu korekcija ar mīkstajām kontaktlēcām. Secinājumi: Salīdzinot ar citiem kontaktlēcu valkātājiem, hipermetropiem nepieciešams lielāks vizīšu skaits, lai nodrošinātu optimālu korekciju, kā arī hipermetropi ir daudz jūtīgāki uz redzes asuma un komforta līmeņa samazināšanos valkājot kontaktlēcas. Lai nodrošinātu maksimālu radzenes veselību, hipermetropiem pirmās izvēles kontaktlēcas ir silikona hidrogēla kontaktlēcas. Atslēgas vārdi: hipermetropija, mīkstās kontaktlēcas, hidrogēla kontaktlēcas, silikona hidrogēla kontaktlēcasThis work is written in Latvian and contains 41 pages of text, 18 pictures and 19 references. The purpose: The purpose of this work is to identify and describe the main problems that emerge from hyperopia correction with soft contact lenses. The main problems discussed are optical differences between spectacles and contact lenses, soft contact lens materials and their properties and complications from contact lens wear. Results: successful management of two complicated hyperopic patients with soft contact lenses. Conclusions: Compared to other contact lens wearers hyperopic patients need more visits to achieve optimal correction results. Compared to other contact lens wearers hyperopic patients are more sensitive to decreased visual acuity and comfort levels. To provide the best corneal health, the first choice contact lens for hyperopic patients is silicon hydrogel contact lens. Key words: hyperopia, hypermetropia, soft contact lenses, hydrogel contact lenses, silicon hydrogel contact lense

    Visual stimuli search and recognition in presence of distractive interation

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    Bakalaura darbs ir uzrakstīts latviešu valodā uz 34 lapām, satur 16 attēlus, 4 tabulas un 16 atsauces uz literatūras avotiem. Mērķis: Noteikt skaņas ietekmi uz redzes stimulu meklēšanu un atpazīšanu. Subjekti un metode: Pētījumā piedalījās 10 subjekti vecumā no 22 līdz 27 gadiem, 7 sievietes un 3 vīrieši. Subjektiem tika noteikts redzes stimula meklēšanas un atpazīšanas laiks pie dažādiem nosacījumiem. Subjekti veica divas mērījumu sērijas. Pirmajā sērijā subjekti tika uzskatīti par naivajiem, otrajā par pieredzējušiem. Rezultāti: naivo subjektu grupā redzes stimula vidējais meklēšanas un atpazīšanas laiks 1,28±0,12sek, redzes stimula vidējais meklēšanas un atpazīšanas laiks korelējošas skaņas ietekmē 1,07±0,05sek, pieskaitot praktizēšanās faktoru 1,26 ±0,05sek, redzes stimula vidējais meklēšanas un atpazīšanas laiks antikorelējošas skaņas ietekmē 1,18±0,11sek, pieskaitot praktizēšanās faktoru 1,44±0,11sek; pieredzējušo subjektu grupā redzes stimula vidējais meklēšanas un atpazīšanas laiks 1,10±0,06sek, pieskaitot praktizēšanas faktoru 1,39±0,06sek, redzes stimula vidējais meklēšanas un atpazīšanas laiks korelējošas skaņas ietekmē 1,04±0,05sek, pieskaitot praktizēšanās faktoru 1,34±0,05sek, redzes stimula vidējais meklēšanas un atpazīšanas laiks antikorelējošas skaņas ietekmē 1,08±0,06sek, pieskaitot praktizēšanās faktoru 1,40 ±0,06sek. Secinājumi: Gan „naivo” gan pieredzējušo subjektu grupā redzes stimula meklēšanas un atpazīšanas laiku korelēta skaņa ietekmē nebūtiski, lai to varētu uzskatīt par statistiski nozīmīgu. „Naivo” subjektu grupā redzes stimula meklēšanas un atpazīšanas laiku antikorelēta skaņa pasliktina būtiski, tas ir atšķirība ir statistiski noteikta. Pieredzējušo subjektu grupā redzes stimula meklēšanas un atpazīšanas laiku antikorelēta skaņa ietekmē nebūtiski, lai to varētu uzskatīt par statistiski nozīmīgu. Pieredzējušo subjektu reakcijas laiki pie visiem stimuliem ir īsāki nekā naivo subjektu reakcijas laiki. Statistiski būtisks uzlabojums tika novērots atpazīstot vienus pašus redzes stimulus, kā arī atpazīstot redzes stimulus antikorelētas skaņas ietekmē.Atslēgas vārdi: redzes stimuls, dzirdes stimuls, reakcijas laiks, multisensorā mijiedarbība.This work is written on Latvian and contains 34 pages of text, 16 pictures, 4 tables and 16 references. The purpose: to determine the influence of sound stimuli on search and recognition of visual stimuli. Subjects and Methods: 10 subjects, 7 women and 3 men aged from 22 to 27 years participated in this research. The searching and recognition time of visual stimuli was measured in presence of distractive interaction and without it. Each subject made a two series of measurements. In the first series the all subjects were considered as naïve but in second series as experienced. Results: in the group of naïve subjects the mean searching and recognition time of visual stimuli was 1,28±0,12sec, mean searching and recognition time of visual stimuli in presence of correlated sound stimuli was 1,07±0,05sec, adding practicing factor 1,26 ±0,05sec, mean searching and recognition time of visual stimuli in presence of anticorrelated sound stimuli was 1,18±0,11sec, adding practicing factor 1,44±0,11sec; in the group of experienced subjects the mean searching and recognition time of visual stimuli was 1,10±0,06sec, adding practicing factor 1,39±0,06sec; mean searching and recognition time of visual stimuli in presence of correlated sound stimuli was 1,04±0,05sec, adding practicing factor 1,08±0,05sec, mean searching and recognition time of visual stimuli in presence of anticorrelated sound stimuli was 1,34±0,06sec, adding practicing factor 1,40±0,06sec. Conclusions: In both groups the mean searching and recognition time of visual stimuli in presence of correlated sound stimuli was not significaly different from mean searching and recognition time of visual stimuli. In group of naïve subjects the mean searching and recognition time of visual stimuli in presence of anticorrelated sound stimuli was significaly slower than mean searching and recognition time of visual stimuli. In group of experienced subjects the mean searching and recognition time of visual stimuli in presence of anticorrelated sound stimuli was not significaly different from mean searching and recognition time of visual stimuli. Experienced subject response time to all kind of stimulus was significaly faster than response time of naïve subjects. Key words: visual stimuli, auditory stimuli, reaction time, multisensory interactio

    Visual stimuli search and recognition in presence of distractive interation

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    Bakalaura darbs ir uzrakstīts latviešu valodā uz 34 lapām, satur 16 attēlus, 4 tabulas un 16 atsauces uz literatūras avotiem. Mērķis: Noteikt skaņas ietekmi uz redzes stimulu meklēšanu un atpazīšanu. Subjekti un metode: Pētījumā piedalījās 10 subjekti vecumā no 22 līdz 27 gadiem, 7 sievietes un 3 vīrieši. Subjektiem tika noteikts redzes stimula meklēšanas un atpazīšanas laiks pie dažādiem nosacījumiem. Subjekti veica divas mērījumu sērijas. Pirmajā sērijā subjekti tika uzskatīti par naivajiem, otrajā par pieredzējušiem. Rezultāti: naivo subjektu grupā redzes stimula vidējais meklēšanas un atpazīšanas laiks 1,28±0,12sek, redzes stimula vidējais meklēšanas un atpazīšanas laiks korelējošas skaņas ietekmē 1,07±0,05sek, pieskaitot praktizēšanās faktoru 1,26 ±0,05sek, redzes stimula vidējais meklēšanas un atpazīšanas laiks antikorelējošas skaņas ietekmē 1,18±0,11sek, pieskaitot praktizēšanās faktoru 1,44±0,11sek; pieredzējušo subjektu grupā redzes stimula vidējais meklēšanas un atpazīšanas laiks 1,10±0,06sek, pieskaitot praktizēšanas faktoru 1,39±0,06sek, redzes stimula vidējais meklēšanas un atpazīšanas laiks korelējošas skaņas ietekmē 1,04±0,05sek, pieskaitot praktizēšanās faktoru 1,34±0,05sek, redzes stimula vidējais meklēšanas un atpazīšanas laiks antikorelējošas skaņas ietekmē 1,08±0,06sek, pieskaitot praktizēšanās faktoru 1,40 ±0,06sek. Secinājumi: Gan „naivo” gan pieredzējušo subjektu grupā redzes stimula meklēšanas un atpazīšanas laiku korelēta skaņa ietekmē nebūtiski, lai to varētu uzskatīt par statistiski nozīmīgu. „Naivo” subjektu grupā redzes stimula meklēšanas un atpazīšanas laiku antikorelēta skaņa pasliktina būtiski, tas ir atšķirība ir statistiski noteikta. Pieredzējušo subjektu grupā redzes stimula meklēšanas un atpazīšanas laiku antikorelēta skaņa ietekmē nebūtiski, lai to varētu uzskatīt par statistiski nozīmīgu. Pieredzējušo subjektu reakcijas laiki pie visiem stimuliem ir īsāki nekā naivo subjektu reakcijas laiki. Statistiski būtisks uzlabojums tika novērots atpazīstot vienus pašus redzes stimulus, kā arī atpazīstot redzes stimulus antikorelētas skaņas ietekmē.Atslēgas vārdi: redzes stimuls, dzirdes stimuls, reakcijas laiks, multisensorā mijiedarbība.This work is written on Latvian and contains 34 pages of text, 16 pictures, 4 tables and 16 references. The purpose: to determine the influence of sound stimuli on search and recognition of visual stimuli. Subjects and Methods: 10 subjects, 7 women and 3 men aged from 22 to 27 years participated in this research. The searching and recognition time of visual stimuli was measured in presence of distractive interaction and without it. Each subject made a two series of measurements. In the first series the all subjects were considered as naïve but in second series as experienced. Results: in the group of naïve subjects the mean searching and recognition time of visual stimuli was 1,28±0,12sec, mean searching and recognition time of visual stimuli in presence of correlated sound stimuli was 1,07±0,05sec, adding practicing factor 1,26 ±0,05sec, mean searching and recognition time of visual stimuli in presence of anticorrelated sound stimuli was 1,18±0,11sec, adding practicing factor 1,44±0,11sec; in the group of experienced subjects the mean searching and recognition time of visual stimuli was 1,10±0,06sec, adding practicing factor 1,39±0,06sec; mean searching and recognition time of visual stimuli in presence of correlated sound stimuli was 1,04±0,05sec, adding practicing factor 1,08±0,05sec, mean searching and recognition time of visual stimuli in presence of anticorrelated sound stimuli was 1,34±0,06sec, adding practicing factor 1,40±0,06sec. Conclusions: In both groups the mean searching and recognition time of visual stimuli in presence of correlated sound stimuli was not significaly different from mean searching and recognition time of visual stimuli. In group of naïve subjects the mean searching and recognition time of visual stimuli in presence of anticorrelated sound stimuli was significaly slower than mean searching and recognition time of visual stimuli. In group of experienced subjects the mean searching and recognition time of visual stimuli in presence of anticorrelated sound stimuli was not significaly different from mean searching and recognition time of visual stimuli. Experienced subject response time to all kind of stimulus was significaly faster than response time of naïve subjects. Key words: visual stimuli, auditory stimuli, reaction time, multisensory interactio

    Doplera efekta ietekmes uz bezvadu tīklu izpēte un analīze transporta sakaru sistēmās

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    Šī pētījuma galvenā uzmanība ir teorētiski un praktiski novērtējot bezvada lokālā tīklu ar Elektrotehnikas un Elektroniskas inženieru institūts (IEEE) 802.11g standartu mobilā vidē kā transporta līdzeklis infrastruktūra (V2I) vairāk no Doplera efekta puses

    IEEE 802.11n Evaluation in Vehicular Communication Systems

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    In this paper is presented the model of wireless base station goodput evaluation. There was used wireless access point model as queuing system with different kind of requests and cyclic auto traffic model. Wireless mobile networks have different parameters, such as client stations distance to access point, number of clients in wireless network range, vehicle speed and traffic type. These parameters were analyzed and presented in this paper

    Analyzing IEEE 802.11n Standard: Outdoor Performance

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    This paper describes the IEEE 802.11n standard of wireless network, basic concepts of 802.11n, and its comparison with legacy standard. The paper also includes practical measurements of outdoors testing both standards 802.11n and 802.11g fixing such features as distance, throughput and signal/noise ratio that characterize the basic performance

    Latvijas Universitātes Zinātniskās petniecības fonds (1935 – 1940)

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    Rakstā atspoguļota Latvijas Universitātes Zinātniskās pētniecības fonda darbība no tā dibināšanas 1935. gadā līdz tā likvidācijai 1940. gadā. Fonda līdzekļi tika piešķirti mācībspēkiem zinātniskajai pētniecībai – aparatūras, pētniecības materiālu iegādei, ekspedīcijām, arhīvu studijām u. tml. Šis fonds saņēma iemaksas no valsts budžeta, Kultūras fonda piešķirtos līdzekļus, LU speciālos līdzekļus un privātus dāvinājumus. Līdzekļus piešķīra un fondu pārvaldīja īpaša komiteja, kuras lēmumus par finanšu piešķiršanu un izlietošanu apstiprināja LU Padome. Komitejā darbojās seši locekļi un priekšsēdētājs – LU rektors. Piecu gadu laikā fonds atbalstīja 66 LU mācībspēku lūgumus par apmēram 87 000 latu. Fonds darbību izbeidza 1940. gadā valsts varas maiņas dēļ