604 research outputs found


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    Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Iowa Farm Values Up Slightly In 1956

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    Reports from 175 Iowa real estate brokers indicate that pressure for enlarging farm size more than offset the effects of lowered farm income and drouth on the values of Iowa farm land and buildings in 1956

    Iowa Farm Values Up in 1955

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    Farm expansion, social security and capital gains overbalance drouth, lower hog prices

    Політична економія глобалізму і проблеми структурної модернізації національної економіки

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    У статті досліджується політична економія глобалізму як транзитивної системи зі своїми протиріччями та внутрішніми конфліктами. Розкриваються негативні наслідки і ризики функціонування системи силового глобалізму та його відмінності від об’єктивної природної глобалізації як форми глобальної інтеграції. Увага також акцентується на ролі держави в сучасних глобалізаційних процесах та на проблемі структурної модернізації національної економіки в умовах глобальної конкурентності. Проаналізовано основні вектори і характер глобальних зрушень на початку ХХІ ст. та спрогнозовано їх тенденції до середини століття.В статье исследуется политическая экономия глобализма как транзитивной системы со своими противоречиями и внутренними конфликтами. Раскрываются негативные последствия и риски функционирования системы силового глобализма и его отличия от объективной естественной глобализации как формы глобальной интеграции. Внимание также акцентируется на роли государства в современных глобализационных процессах и на проблеме структурной модернизации национальной экономики в условиях глобальной конкурентности. Проанализированы основные векторы и характер глобальных сдвигов в начале ХХІ века и спрогнозированы их тенденции к середине века.In this article the political economy of globalism as a transitive system with its contradictions and internal conflicts is investigated. Negative consequences and risks of functioning of power globalism system and its differences from objective natural globalization as form of global integration are covered. Attention is also accented on the role of the state in modern globalization processes and on the problem of structural modernization of national economy in the global competition conditions. Basic vectors and character of global changes at the beginning of the XXIst century are analysed and their tendencies to the middle of age are predicted

    Route persistence. Modelling and quantifying historical route-network stability from the Roman period to early-modern times (AD 100–1600):a case study from the Netherlands

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    Research on route-network stability is rare. In time, due to cultural and/or natural causes, settlement locations and route orientation shift. The nature of these spatial changes sheds light on the complex interaction between settlements and surrounding natural landscape conditions. This study investigates the stability of route networks in the Netherlands during the past two millennia by determining their persistence through time. Environmental, archaeological and historical data are used to reconstruct and compare route networks. By using network friction, archaeological data on settlement patterns and route networks in combination with historical data (e.g. old maps), we were able to model route-network persistence (not necessarily continuity) from the Roman to early medieval periods (AD 100–800) and from the Early Middle Ages to the Early Modern Times (AD 800–1600). Results show that around 67.6% of the modelled early-mediëval routes in the Netherlands are persistent with routes in the Roman period. Covering a much larger surface area of the Netherlands, 24.5% of the early-modern routes show a clear persistence with their early-medieval counterparts. Besides the differences in surface area, this downfall can largely be explained by cultural dynamics, with 71.4% of the earlymodern route network following modelled movement corridors. already in existence during the Early Middle Ages

    Patient-reported aesthetic outcomes of upper blepharoplasty:a randomized controlled trial comparing two surgical techniques

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    It is not yet established whether additional orbicularis oculi muscle excision leads to better patient-reported aesthetic outcomes (PRO) compared to a skin-only resection blepharoplasty. A double-blind randomized controlled trial of upper blepharoplasty, with or without muscle excision, was performed on 54 White European patients who assessed the procedure via PRO. FACE-Q questionnaires covering eyes in general, upper eyelids, forehead and eyebrows, overall face, age appearance appraisal, age appraisal, social functioning, satisfaction with the outcome, and adverse effects were completed preoperatively and at 6 and 12 months after upper blepharoplasty. The Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scale was used to assess scarring. The FACE-Q scores for skin-only and skin/muscle upper blepharoplasty were similar regarding the upper eyelids, forehead and eyebrows, overall face, patient perceived aging and age, social functioning, and satisfaction with the results, and also increased for both procedures with time. The FACE-Q score regarding the eyes in general was higher in the skin-only group at the 12-month follow-up. Scarring and adverse effects did not differ between the groups. Additional muscle resection does not seem to influence patient satisfaction. Thus, when performing an upper blepharoplasty, there is no need for additional muscle resection as a routine procedure to improve patient satisfaction

    Postoperative skeletal stability at the one-year follow-up after splintless Le Fort I osteotomy using patient-specific osteosynthesis versus conventional osteosynthesis:a randomized controlled trial

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the 1-year skeletal stability of the osteotomized maxilla after Le Fort I surgery, comparing conventional osteosynthesis with patient-specific osteosynthesis. Patients were assigned to a conventional or patient-specific osteosynthesis group using prospective randomization. The primary outcome was the three-dimensional change in postoperative skeletal position of the maxilla between the 2-week and 1-year follow-up cone beam computed tomography scans. Fifty-eight patients completed the protocol for the 2-week postoperative analysis, and 27 patients completed the 1-year follow-up study protocol. Of the 27 patients completing the entire protocol, 13 were in the conventional group and 14 in the patient-specific osteosynthesis group. The three-dimensional translation analysis showed that the use of the patient-specific osteosynthesis resulted in a skeletally stable result, comparable to that of conventional miniplate fixation. For both the patient-specific osteosynthesis and conventional miniplate fixation groups, median translations of less than 1 mm and median rotations of less than 1° were observed, indicating that both methods of fixation resulted in a stable result for the 27 patients examined. For the Le Fort I osteotomy, the choice between patient-specific osteosynthesis and conventional osteosynthesis did not affect the postoperative skeletal stability after 1 year of follow-up