463 research outputs found

    Interstellar Carbon in Translucent Sightlines

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    We report interstellar C II column densities or upper limits determined from weak absorption of the 2325.4029 A intersystem transition observed in six translucent sightlines with STIS. The sightlines sample a wide range of interstellar characteristics including total-to-selective extinction, R_{V} = 2.6 - 5.1; average hydrogen density along the sightline, = 3 - 14 cm^{-3}; and fraction of H in molecular form, 0 - 40%. Four of the sightlines, those toward HD 37021, HD 37061, HD 147888 and HD 207198, have interstellar gas-phase abundances that are consistent with the diffuse sightline ratio of 161 +/- 17 carbon atoms in the gas per million hydrogen nuclei. We note that while it has a gas-phase carbon abundance that is consistent with the other sightlines, a large fraction of the C II toward HD 37061 is in an excited state. The sightline toward HD 152590 has a measured interstellar gas-phase carbon abundance that is well above the diffuse sightline average; the column density of C in this sightline may be overestimated due to noise structure in the data. Toward HD 27778 we find a 3 sigma abundance upper limit of <108 C atoms in the gas per million H, a substantially enhanced depletion of C as compared to the diffuse sightline value. The interstellar characteristics toward HD 27778 are otherwise not extreme among the sample except for an unusually large abundance of CO molecules in the gas.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Towards an Asymptotic-Safety Scenario for Chiral Yukawa Systems

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    We search for asymptotic safety in a Yukawa system with a chiral U(NL)LU(1)RU(N_L)_L\otimes U(1)_R symmetry, serving as a toy model for the standard-model Higgs sector. Using the functional RG as a nonperturbative tool, the leading-order derivative expansion exhibits admissible non-Ga\ssian fixed-points for 1NL571 \leq N_L \leq 57 which arise from a conformal threshold behavior induced by self-balanced boson-fermion fluctuations. If present in the full theory, the fixed-point would solve the triviality problem. Moreover, as one fixed point has only one relevant direction even with a reduced hierarchy problem, the Higgs mass as well as the top mass are a prediction of the theory in terms of the Higgs vacuum expectation value. In our toy model, the fixed point is destabilized at higher order due to massless Goldstone and fermion fluctuations, which are particular to our model and have no analogue in the standard model.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Reduction of peritoneal carcinomatosis by intraperitoneal administration of phospholipids in rats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Intraperitoneal tumor cell attachment after resection of gastrointestinal cancer may lead to a developing of peritoneal carcinosis. Intraabdominal application of phospholipids shows a significant decrease of adhesion formation even in case of rising tumor cell concentration.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In experiment A 2*10<sup>6 </sup>colonic tumor cells (DHD/K12/Trb) were injected intraperitonely in female BD-IX-rats. A total of 30 rats were divided into three groups with treatments of phospholipids at 6% or 9% and the control group. In experiment B a total of 100 rats were divided into ten groups with treatments of phospholipids at 9% and the control group. A rising concentration of tumor cells (10,000, 50,000, 100,000, 250,000 and 500,000) were injected intraperitonely in female BD-IX-rats of the different groups. After 30 days, the extent of peritoneal carcinosis was determined by measuring the tumor volume, the area of attachment and the Peritoneal Cancer Index (PCI).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In experiment A, we found a significant reduction (control group: tumor volume: 12.0 ± 4.9 ml; area of tumor adhesion: 2434.4 ± 766 mm<sup>2</sup>; PCI 28.5 ± 10.0) of peritoneal dissemination according to all evaluation methods after treatment with phospholipids 6% (tumor volume: 5.2 ± 2.2 ml; area of tumor adhesion: 1106.8 ± 689 mm<sup>2</sup>; PCI 19.0 ± 5.0) and phospholipids 9% (tumor volume: 4.0 ± 3.5 ml; area of tumor adhesion: 362.7 ± 339 mm<sup>2</sup>; PCI 13.8 ± 5.1). In experiment B we found a significant reduction of tumor volume in all different groups of rising tumor cell concentration compared to the control. As detected by the area of attachment we found a significant reduction in the subgroups 1*10<sup>4</sup>, 25*10<sup>4 </sup>and 50*10<sup>4</sup>. The reduction in the other subgroups shows no significance. The PCI could be reduced significantly in all subgroups apart from 5*10<sup>4</sup>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this animal study intraperitoneal application of phospholipids resulted in reduction of the extent of peritoneal carcinomatosis after intraperitoneal administration of free tumor cells. This effect was exceptionally noticed when the amount of intraperitoneal tumor cells was limited. Consequently, intraperitoneal administration of phospholipids might be effective in reducing peritoneal carcinomatosis after surgery of gastrointestinal tumors in humans.</p

    Modulation of purinergic signaling by NPP-type ectophosphodiesterases

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    Extracellular nucleotides can elicit a wide array of cellular responses by binding to specific purinergic receptors. The level of ectonucleotides is dynamically controlled by their release from cells, synthesis by ectonucleoside diphosphokinases and ectoadenylate kinases, and hydrolysis by ectonucleotidases. One of the four structurally unrelated families of ectonucleotidases is represented by the NPP-type ectophosphodiesterases. Three of the seven members of the NPP family, namely NPP1–3, are known to hydrolyze nucleotides. The enzymatic action of NPP1–3 (in)directly results in the termination of nucleotide signaling, the salvage of nucleotides and/or the generation of new messengers like ADP, adenosine or pyrophosphate. NPP2 is unique in that it hydrolyzes both nucleotides and lysophospholipids and, thereby, generates products that could synergistically promote cell motility. We review here the enzymatic properties of NPPs and analyze current evidence that links their nucleotide-hydrolyzing capability to epithelial and neural functions, the immune response and cell motility

    Improving mental health and psychosocial wellbeing in humanitarian settings: Reflections on research funded through R2HC

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    From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications RouterMajor knowledge gaps remain concerning the most effective ways to address mental health and psychosocial needs of populations affected by humanitarian crises. The Research for Health in Humanitarian Crisis (R2HC) program aims to strengthen humanitarian health practice and policy through research. As a significant portion of R2HC’s research has focused on mental health and psychosocial support interventions, the program has been interested in strengthening a community of practice in this field. Following a meeting between grantees, we set out to provide an overview of the R2HC portfolio, and draw lessons learned. In this paper, we discuss the mental health and psychosocial support-focused research projects funded by R2HC; review the implications of initial findings from this research portfolio; and highlight four remaining knowledge gaps in this field. Between 2014 and 2019, R2HC funded 18 academic-practitioner partnerships focused on mental health and psychosocial support, comprising 38% of the overall portfolio (18 of 48 projects) at a value of approximately 7.2 million GBP. All projects have focused on evaluating the impact of interventions. In line with consensus-based recommendations to consider a wide range of mental health and psychosocial needs in humanitarian settings, research projects have evaluated diverse interventions. Findings so far have both challenged and confirmed widely-held assumptions about the effectiveness of mental health and psychosocial interventions in humanitarian settings. They point to the importance of building effective, sustained, and diverse partnerships between scholars, humanitarian practitioners, and funders, to ensure long-term program improvements and appropriate evidence-informed decision making. Further research needs to fill knowledge gaps regarding how to: scale-up interventions that have been found to be effective (e.g., questions related to integration across sectors, adaptation of interventions across different contexts, and optimal care systems); address neglected mental health conditions and populations (e.g., elderly, people with disabilities, sexual minorities, people with severe, pre-existing mental disorders); build on available local resources and supports (e.g., how to build on traditional, religious healing and community-wide social support practices); and ensure equity, quality, fidelity, and sustainability for interventions in real-world contexts (e.g., answering questions about how interventions from controlled studies can be transferred to more representative humanitarian contexts).All studies described here were funded by Elrha’s Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) Programme, which aims to improve health outcomes by strengthening the evidence base for public health interventions in humanitarian crises.14pubpu

    Immediate versus postponed intervention for infected necrotizing pancreatitis

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    BACKGROUND Infected necrotizing pancreatitis is a potentially lethal disease that is treated with the use of a step-up approach, with catheter drainage often delayed until the infected necrosis is encapsulated. Whether outcomes could be improved by earlier catheter drainage is unknown. METHODS We conducted a multicenter, randomized superiority trial involving patients with infected necrotizing pancreatitis, in which we compared immediate drainage within 24 hours after randomization once infected necrosis was diagnosed with drainage that was postponed until the stage of walled-off necrosis was reached. The primary end point was the score on the Comprehensive Complication Index, which incorporates all complications over the course of 6 months of follow-up. RESULTS A total of 104 patients were randomly assigned to immediate drainage (55 patients) or postponed drainage (49 patients). The mean score on the Comprehensive Complication Index (scores range from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating more severe complications) was 57 in the immediate-drainage group and 58 in the postponed-drainage group (mean difference, −1; 95% confidence interval [CI], −12 to 10; P=0.90). Mortality was 13% in the immediate-drainage group and 10% in the postponed-drainage group (relative risk, 1.25; 95% CI, 0.42 to 3.68). The mean number of interventions (catheter drainage and necrosectomy) was 4.4 in the immediate-drainage group and 2.6 in the postponed-drainage group (mean difference, 1.8; 95% CI, 0.6 to 3.0). In the postponed-drainage group, 19 patients (39%) were treated conservatively with antibiotics and did not require drainage; 17 of these patients survived. The incidence of adverse events was similar in the two groups. CONCLUSIONS This trial did not show the superiority of immediate drainage over postponed drainage with regard to complications in patients with infected necrotizing pancreatitis. Patients randomly assigned to the postponed-drainage strategy received fewer invasive interventions

    Long-Term Outcome of Immediate Versus Postponed" Intervention in Patients With Infected Necrotizing Pancreatitis" (POINTER)" Multicenter Randomized Trial

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    Objective: To compare the long-term outcomes of immediate drainage versus the postponed-drainage approach in patients with infected necrotizing pancreatitis. Background: In the randomized POINTER trial, patients assigned to the postponed-drainage approach using antibiotic treatment required fewer interventions, as compared with immediate drainage, and over a third were treated without any intervention. Methods: Clinical data of those patients alive after the initial 6-month follow-up were re-evaluated. The primary outcome was a composite of death and major complications. Results: Out of 104 patients, 88 were re-evaluated with a median followup of 51 months. After the initial 6-month follow-up, the primary outcome occurred in 7 of 47 patients (15%) in the immediate-drainage group and 7 of 41 patients (17%) in the postponed-drainage group (RR 0.87, 95% CI 0.33-2.28; P=0.78). Additional drainage procedures were performed in 7 patients (15%) versus 3 patients (7%) (RR 2.03; 95% CI 0.56-7.37; P=0.34). The median number of additional interventions was 0 (IQR 0-0) in both groups (P=0.028). In the total follow-up, the median number of interventions was higher in the immediate-drainage group than in the postponed-drainage group (4 vs. 1, P=0.001). Eventually, 14 of 15 patients (93%) in the postponed-drainage group who were successfully treated in the initial 6-month follow-up with antibiotics and without any intervention remained without intervention. At the end of follow-up, pancreatic function and quality of life were similar. Conclusions: Also, during long-term follow-up, a postponed-drainage approach using antibiotics in patients with infected necrotizing pancreatitis results in fewer interventions as compared with immediate drainage and should therefore be the preferred approach.</p

    Dynamic causal modelling for EEG and MEG

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    Dynamic Causal Modelling (DCM) is an approach first introduced for the analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to quantify effective connectivity between brain areas. Recently, this framework has been extended and established in the magneto/encephalography (M/EEG) domain. DCM for M/EEG entails the inversion a full spatiotemporal model of evoked responses, over multiple conditions. This model rests on a biophysical and neurobiological generative model for electrophysiological data. A generative model is a prescription of how data are generated. The inversion of a DCM provides conditional densities on the model parameters and, indeed on the model itself. These densities enable one to answer key questions about the underlying system. A DCM comprises two parts; one part describes the dynamics within and among neuronal sources, and the second describes how source dynamics generate data in the sensors, using the lead-field. The parameters of this spatiotemporal model are estimated using a single (iterative) Bayesian procedure. In this paper, we will motivate and describe the current DCM framework. Two examples show how the approach can be applied to M/EEG experiments