15 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Fetal-Phonocardiogram Signal Denoising Using The Discrete Wavelet Transform

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    The obligation for comprehensive fetal heart rate investigation had driven to improve the passive and non-invasive diagnostic instruments despite the USG or CTG method. Fetal phonocardiography (f-PCG) utilizing the auscultation method met the above criteria, but its interpretation frequently disturbed by the presence of noise. For instance, maternal heart and body organ sounds, fetal movements noise, and ambient noise from the environment where it is recording are the noise that corrupted the f-PCG signal. In this work, the use of discrete wavelet transforms (DWT) to eliminate noise in the f-PCG signal with SNR as the performance parameters observed. It was observing the effect of changes in wavelet type and threshold type on the SNR value. The test was carried out on f-PCG data taken from physio.net. Initial SNR values ranged from -26.7 dB to -4.4 dB; after application of DWT procedure to f-PCG, SNR increased significantly. Based on the test results obtained, wavelet type coif1 with the soft threshold gave the best result with 11.69 dB in SNR value. The coif1 had a superior result than other mother wavelets that use in this work, so the fPCG signal analysis for fetal heart rate investigation suggested to use it.The obligation for comprehensive fetal heart rate investigation had driven to improve the passive and non-invasive diagnostic instruments despite the USG or CTG method. Fetal phonocardiography (f-PCG) utilizing the auscultation method met the above criteria, but its interpretation frequently disturbed by the presence of noise. For instance, maternal heart and body organ sounds, fetal movements noise, and ambient noise from the environment where it is recording are the noise that corrupted the f-PCG signal. In this work, the use of discrete wavelet transforms (DWT) to eliminate noise in the f-PCG signal with SNR as the performance parameters observed. It was observing the effect of changes in wavelet type and threshold type on the SNR value. The test was carried out on f-PCG data taken from physio.net. Initial SNR values ranged from -26.7 dB to -4.4 dB; after application of DWT procedure to f-PCG, SNR increased significantly. Based on the test results obtained, wavelet type coif1 with the soft threshold gave the best result with 11.69 dB in SNR value. The coif1 had a superior result than other mother wavelets that use in this work, so the fPCG signal analysis for fetal heart rate investigation suggested to use it

    Analysis of Position Angle of Arrival in Multipath Fading Channel using Correlated Double Ring Channel Model for VANET Communications

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    Correlated Double Ring channel modeling in the mobile to mobile communication system (M2M) and vehicular based communication system was pointed out. This modeling required the transmitter and receiver were randomly moving and surrounded by scatterers in a static ring. The scatterers’ positions were placed randomly at the radius of the ring of transmitter and receiver. Received signals were measured based on complex envelope parameters. Two signals propagation scenarios were implemented, they were signals of Rayleigh and Rician distributed. In order to calculate the Rayleigh and Rician complex envelope values, there were some parameters involved which were Angle of Arrival (AoA) and velocity of transmitter and receiver that created Doppler effects. The effects of AoA parameter were investigated towards envelope complex values of Rayleigh and Rician according to predetermined various velocities and scatterers’ positions were divided into four positions criteria. The simulation result shows that for scheme 2 at velocity 40 m/s, distribution magnitude for Rayleigh is 0,1 and Rician is 0,5. It concludes that Rician distribution always outperforms Rayleigh distribution for all predetermined velocities and this scheme give the largest magnitude over all. This is because of the closest distance between scatterers of transmitter and receiver. Also, certain velocities range over all scatterers’ positions, the magnitude of Rayleigh and Rician complex envelope have similar graphic tendency.Correlated Double Ring channel modeling in the mobile to mobile communication system (M2M) and vehicular based communication system was pointed out. This modeling required the transmitter and receiver were randomly moving and surrounded by scatterers in a static ring. The scatterers’ positions were placed randomly at the radius of the ring of transmitter and receiver. Received signals were measured based on complex envelope parameters. Two signals propagation scenarios were implemented, they were signals of Rayleigh and Rician distributed. In order to calculate the Rayleigh and Rician complex envelope values, there were some parameters involved which were Angle of Arrival (AoA) and velocity of transmitter and receiver that created Doppler effects. The effects of AoA parameter were investigated towards envelope complex values of Rayleigh and Rician according to predetermined various velocities and scatterers’ positions were divided into four positions criteria. The simulation result shows that for scheme 2 at velocity 40 m/s, distribution magnitude for Rayleigh is 0,1 and Rician is 0,5. It concludes that Rician distribution always outperforms Rayleigh distribution for all predetermined velocities and this scheme give the largest magnitude over all. This is because of the closest distance between scatterers of transmitter and receiver. Also, certain velocities range over all scatterers’ positions, the magnitude of Rayleigh and Rician complex envelope have similar graphic tendency

    Seleksi Fitur Terhadap Performa Kinerja Sistem E-Nose untuk Klasifikasi Aroma Kopi Gayo

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengoptimasi kinerja system E-Nose dengan melakukan seleksi fitur untuk memperoleh kombinasi fitur yang terbaik dalam mengklasifikasi aroma jenis kopi arabika Gayo. Kopi ini merupakan salah satu kopi spesial dari Indonesia yang berasal dari Provinsi Aceh. Berbagai faktor dapat mempengaruhi hasil akhir kopi salah satunya pada proses pengolahan pasca panen diantaranya teknik proses kering (drying) dengan metode Natural dan Wine. Perbedaan metode pengolahan pasca panen ini dapat mempengaruhi aroma kopi yang dihasilkan dari setiap kopi yang memiliki aroma dan cita rasa yang khas. Penerapan sistem Electronic Nose (E-Nose) dapat diaplikasikan untuk mengklasifikasi aroma yang berbeda dari jenis kopi Gayo natural dan Gayo wine, namun kesamaan respon sensor dan banyaknya data menyebabkan kurang spesifik dan menurunkan performa kinerja sistem. Implementasi seleksi fitur dapat diterapkan pada proses klasifikasi dengan menggunakan metode Support Vector Machine (SVM) berdasarkan jumlah galat Sum of Absolute Errors (SAE) untuk mendapatkan kombinasi fitur terbaik sehingga mendapatkan kinerja sistem yang lebih optimal. Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan 5 fitur terbaik dengan nilai akurasi sebesar 93,33%, presisi sebesar 93,33% dan sensitivitas sebesar 93,33%. &nbsp

    Underwater Data Transmission Using Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) Modulation with Bit Rate of 2400 bps

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    Underwater acoustic communication is a technology that uses sound or acoustic waves and water as its propagation medium. This technology has been used in various fields, such as underwater wireless sensor networks, underwater monitoring system, and surveillance systems. An acoustic modem is required to facilitate communication between nodes. In this paper, an underwater acoustic modem using Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) modulation has been designed. This modulation is widely used because of its reliability and simple design. FSK modem was designed using M=2 level or known as Binary FSK (BFSK) with 40 kHz mark frequency and 43 kHz space frequency. This study tested data packets sending and its error rate against the distance variation. Testing for 70-bit data resulted in 1% error at 100 cm distance and 37% error at 170 cm distance. When compared with the previous testing at 1200 bps which resulted in 0% and 35% error, it can be seen that error at 1200 bps is better than at 2400 bps, but the data transmission was better at 2400 bps. Addition to the number of bits sent and distance has an influence on the error value, i.e. the greater the distance and the amount of data sent, the greater the error value

    Sistem deteksi ketepatan pembacaan surah al-Kautsar berbasis kata menggunakan mel frequency cepstrum coefficient dan cosine similarity

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    In this study, a system has been developed to help detect the accuracy of the reading of the Koran in the Surah Al-Kautsar based on the accuracy of the number and pronunciation of words in one complete surah. This system is very dependent on the accuracy of word segmentation based on envelope signals. The feature extraction method used was Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCC), while the Cosine Similarity method was used to detect the accuracy of the reading. From 60 data, 30 data were used for training, while the rest were for testing. From each of the 30 training and test data, 15 data were correct readings, and 15 other data were incorrect readings. System accuracy was measured by word-for-word recognition, which results in 100 % of recall and 98.96 % of precision for the training word data, and 100 % of recall and 99.65 % of precision for the test word data. For the overall reading of the surah, there were 15 correct readings and 14 incorrect readings that were recognized correctly.Dalam penelitian ini telah dibuat sistem bantu untuk mendeteksi ketepatan pembacaan Al-Qur’an pada surah Al-Kautsar berdasarkan ketepatan jumlah dan pelafalan kata dalam satu surah lengkap. Sistem ini sangat tergantung dengan ketepatan segmentasi kata yang berdasarkan envelope sinyal. Metode ekstraksi ciri yang digunakan adalah Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCC), sedangkan metode Cosine Similarity digunakan untuk deteksi ketepatan pembacaannya. Dari 60 data, 30 data digunakan untuk pelatihan, sedangkan sisanya untuk pengujian. Dari masing-masing 30 data latih dan uji, 15 data adalah pembacaan benar dan 15 data lain adalah pembacaan salah. Akurasi sistem diukur atas pengenalan kata demi kata, yaitu menghasilkan recall dan presisi 100 % dan 98,96 % untuk data kata latih serta 100 % dan 99,65 % untuk data kata uji. Dalam hal bacaan keseluruhan surah, ada 15 bacaan benar dan 14 bacaan salah yang dikenali dengan tepat

    Sampled and discretized of short-time Fourier transform and non-negative matrix factorization: the single-channel source separation case

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    The Short-time Fourier transform (STFT) is a popular time-frequency representation in many source separation problems. In this work, the sampled and discretized version of Discrete Gabor Transform (DGT) is proposed to replace STFT within the single-channel source separation problem of the Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) framework. The result shows that NMF-DGT is better than NMF-STFT according to Signal-to-Interference Ratio (SIR), Signal-to-Artifact Ratio (SAR), and Signal-to-Distortion Ratio (SDR). In the supervised scheme, NMF-DGT has a SIR of 18.60 dB compared to 16.24 dB in NMF-STFT, SAR of 13.77 dB to 13.69 dB, and SDR of 12.45 dB to 11.16 dB. In the unsupervised scheme, NMF-DGT has a SIR of 0.40 dB compared to 0.27 dB by NMF-STFT, SAR of -10.21 dB to -10.36 dB, and SDR of -15.01 dB to -15.23 dB

    Analisis Perbandingan Kinerja Ekualisasi Zero Forcing dan MMSE pada FBMC-OQAM

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    ABSTRAKKebutuhan layanan data pada teknologi 5G sangatlah tinggi. FBMC sebagai solusi dari kelemahan yang ada di OFDM menjadi teknologi yang digunakan pada komunikasi 5G. Pada OFDM, penggunaan ekualisasi sudah sangat banyak dilakukan penelitiannya dan menunjukkan hasil yang bervariasi tergantung dari jenis ekualisasi yang digunakan. Beberapa jenis ekualisasi yang digunakan pada modulasi OFDM antara lain Zero Forcing dan MMSE. Pada penelitian ini, beberapa variasi ekualisasi tersebut diterapkan pada FBMC dan dianalisis perbandingan kinerjanya. Penggunaan modulasi Offset-QAM yang dipadukan dengan FBMC mempunyai fungsi sebagaimana cyclic prefix pada OFDM (CP-OFDM) yakni untuk mengurangi inter symbol interference (ISI). Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa nilai BER pada FBMC yang menggunakan ekualisasi MMSE pada SNR 5 dB mempunyai nilai sebesar 0,2941 sedangkan BER pada FBMC yang menggunakan ekualisasi ZF sebesar 0,2875. Nilai SER untuk ZF sebesar 0,5514 dan untuk MMSE sebesar 0,5391. Kapasitas kanal Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kinerja FBMC dengan menggunakan ekualisasi MMSE lebih baik dibanding Zero Forcing.Kata kunci: FBMC, Offset-QAM, ekualisasi, Zero Forcing, MMSE ABSTRACTThe needs of data service on 5G technology is extremely necessary. FBMC as a solution over OFDM's drawbacks becomes the technology that is used in 5G communication. In OFDM technology, various equalisation methods have been used and final result highly depends on which method being used. Some of equalisation methods used in OFDM modulation are Zero Forcing (ZF) and MMSE. In this research, those equalisation methods were used on FBMC modulation and the performances were analyzed. The use of Offset-QAM modulation combined with FBMC actually functioning like Cyclic Prefix on OFDM which is to reduce Inter Symbol Interference (ISI). The result shows that BER value on FBMC that used MMSE equalisation when SNR 5 dB equals to 0.2941 whereas BER value on FBMC that used ZF equals to 0.2875. The value of SER on ZF is 0.5514 and MMSE is 0.5391. Channel Capacity calculation also shows that FBMC performance with MMSE is better than Zero Forcing.Keywords: FBMC, Offset-QAM, equalization, Zero Forcing, MMS


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    Segmentation using RGB and depth information has been done in this study. Segmentation is done by using a tri-map which is generated automatically by the fuzziness factor on each pixel on the outer boundary of foreground region segmented using region growing upon depth information. Segmentation is accomplished using two methods namely the closed form matting and learningbased matting. Matting method is first used to produce a matte that will be used as a tri-map advanced to the second method. The second method is intended as an improvement to segmentation. The selection of the first method is based on scribble, not a tri-map as they are used so that the excess is attempted to be used to receive a tri-map that is created automatically with the possibility that the trimap cannot give good separation area. The second method is chosen because it can be based on a tri-map and scribble also consume short time since the mathematical operation in it is simple. Segmentation scheme is intended to offer an alternative segmentation in video matting in multimedia applications such as film, broadcasting, and others. Until now, blue screen technology or chroma keying is still popular. Meanwhile, the method in this study is called the depth keying. Keywords: Color information, Segmentation, Depth information, Depth keying method, Chroma keying metho

    Power Control Game Performance in Cognitive Femtocell Network

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