621 research outputs found


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    Changes in language practices take place against a backdrop of social pressures for greater gender equality. The topic of the current paper concerns the grammatical and social complexities of a language reform for gender fair representation in the Polish context. This “socially-motivated” language reform, which aims to enhance social equality, is underpinned but also challenged by the language system on the one hand and the public debate on the other. Therefore, the grammatical constraints afforded by the language system need to be investigated in the context of the social attitudes to gender relations in Poland, as well as attitudes to the proposed linguistic innovations. It is our aim here to reflect upon the current social debate about the process of ongoing language change, more specifically to consider the relevant linguistic and social arguments. These arguments are revealed in a close analysis of a range of texts of varying genre, social reach and significance, written as a reaction to the usage dilemmas often faced by speakers. The texts were collected between January 2014 and November 2019. The paper concludes with suggestions of the best policy to deal with a highly controversial socio-linguistic issue such as this one

    Shear Moduli Determination Using Torsional Stiffness Measurements

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    The orthotropic shear moduli were determined for three different reconstituted wood materials. Shear moduli determination was accomplished using the respective formulae that define torsional stiffness for a linear elastic orthotropic rectangular parallelepiped. Applied test procedures required the experimental evaluation of torsional stiffness constants for rectangular specimens of decreasing width to thickness slenderness ratio. Anticlastic plate bending tests were also conducted to derive in-plane shear modulus values using standard ASTM D3044 procedures. In-plane shear modulus values derived from applied torsional theory were found to be in reasonable agreement with the standard ASTM test procedure

    Iosipescu Shear Test Apparatus Applied to Wood Composites

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    In-plane and transverse (through-the-thickness) shear strength properties were evaluated for three wood composite materials. A modified Iosipescu test apparatus was used to determine shear strength relative to the six possible material orientations. In-plane shear was also characterized using ASTM D1037-87 test standards. The Iosipescu shear test method was developed originally for metals testing. However, different forms of the test device have evolved for purposes of shear evaluation with numerous nonisotropic materials being evaluated. Previous research for various materials has shown satisfactory results with repeatability and apparent shear failure. The current research specifically utilized the University of Wyoming version of the original shear test device. Iosipescu test results for in-plane shear strength were comparable to values derived from the ASTM test method. Transverse shear strength values were found to exceed the magnitude of previously published ASTM test results. Greater directional or material orientation differences were observed for transverse shear properties

    Zastosowanie analgetyków opioidowych w leczeniu objawowym pacjentów z rozpoznaniem zaawansowanych nienowotworowych chorób płuc

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    Abstract Studies on the endogenous opioid system have demonstrated its presence, including opioid receptors, not only in the central nervous system but also in the respiratory tract. The presence of these receptors, both centrally and peripherally, provides the potential for treatment of respiratory symptoms, such as dyspnea and cough, with systemic and local application of opioids. These are especially important when symptomatic treatment becomes a priority in patient care.Badania nad endogennym układem opioidowym wykazały obecność receptorów opioidowych, nie tylko w ośrodkowym układzie nerwowym, ale także w drogach oddechowych. Chociaż mechanizmy duszności nie są w pełni zrozumiałe, obecność tych receptorów, zarówno centralnie jak i obwodowo, zapewnia możliwość leczenia objawów ze strony dróg oddechowych, takich jak duszność i kaszel, przy ogólnoustrojowym lub miejscowym zastosowaniu opioidów, kiedy leczenie przyczynowe zaawansowanych nienowotworowych choroby płuc jest niewystarczające. Podczas gdy jakość badań dotyczących stosowania opioidów w leczeniu kaszlu pozostaje niska, istnieje coraz więcej dowodów potwierdzających skuteczność i bezpieczeństwo parenteralnych i nebulizowanych opioidów w leczeniu duszności.

    Torsional Rigidity of Rectangular Wood Composite Materials

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    The torsional rigidity of wood members is necessary for predicting lateral torsional buckling of laterally unsupported beams, and is useful for estimating the stiffness of two-way floor systems and the natural frequency for wood floors. Current estimations of torsional rigidity of composite wood materials are based upon elastic constant ratios of solid wood. Recently published work has found differences in the elastic constant ratios of solid wood versus structural composite lumber (SCL) materials. These differences in elastic properties may indicate differences in torsional rigidity. Rectangular sections of solid-sawn lumber and various SCL materials were tested to determine values of torsional rigidity. Torsional rigidity of solid-sawn lumber was significantly different (

    Economic and environmental impact assessment of proposed bark-free requirements for wood pallets in international trade

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    In 2004 the European Commission issued Directive 2004/102/EC which, among other things, introduced the concept of requiring wood packaging materials to be “debarked.” While previous research has established that as many as one in five North American wood pallets contain at least one occurrence of bark, the process changes required to eliminate or segregate barky defects from pallets have not been adequately defined or quantified. Simulation-based findings as described in this paper indicate that the proposed EC regulation could add $2.7 billion over 10 years to the cost of U.S. pallets alone as they enter international trade markets, and depending on the degree of universal adoption of bark-free regulation, could result in as much as 16 billion additional board feet of lumber being consumed, again in U.S. pallet production alone. Labor, administration, and environmental costs dwarf the capital costs required to make this process transition. The largest potential cost, however, may come in the form of product substitution, as product manufacturers convert to alternative shipping platforms to avoid potential quarantine and return-of-product risk

    Economic and environmental impact assessment of proposed bark-free requirements for wood pallets in international trade

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    In 2004 the European Commission issued Directive 2004/102/EC which, among other things, introduced the concept of requiring wood packaging materials to be “debarked.” While previous research has established that as many as one in five North American wood pallets contain at least one occurrence of bark, the process changes required to eliminate or segregate barky defects from pallets have not been adequately defined or quantified. Simulation-based findings as described in this paper indicate that the proposed EC regulation could add $2.7 billion over 10 years to the cost of U.S. pallets alone as they enter international trade markets, and depending on the degree of universal adoption of bark-free regulation, could result in as much as 16 billion additional board feet of lumber being consumed, again in U.S. pallet production alone. Labor, administration, and environmental costs dwarf the capital costs required to make this process transition. The largest potential cost, however, may come in the form of product substitution, as product manufacturers convert to alternative shipping platforms to avoid potential quarantine and return-of-product risk

    Laminating Creosote-Treated Hardwoods

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    A study was conducted to investigate the bondability of four selected hardwood species after being treated with creosote. A completely randomized block factorial design was employed. Experimental factors included five wood species (chestnut oak, red oak, red maple, yellow-poplar, and southern pine), five adhesive systems (elevated temperature cure phenol-resorcinol-formaldehyde, room temperature cure phenol-resorcinol-formaldehyde, resorcinol-formaldehyde, emulsion polymer isocyanate, and low-viscosity formulation emulsion polymer isocyanate) and two exposure levels (ambient room and vacuum/pressure/soak conditions). Exposure levels effects on the different wood species resulted in highly variable adhesive system performance. Exposure level effects were most evident for the higher density oaks. Shear strength and percent wood failure results for all wood species revealed a general trend towards a higher performance for the two phenol-resorcinol-formaldehyde systems. Res-orcinol-based adhesive systems had the highest shear strength values. Percent wood failure values were highest for the elevated temperature cure phenol-resorcinol-formaldehyde system for all species. Elevated temperature cure adhesive systems appeared to be required to successfully bond high-density creosote treated species. Successful bonding of medium-density species can be accomplished at room temperatures given proper adhesive system selection

    Retroperitoneal hematoma after use of oral anticoagulants in the postoperative period complicated by atrial fibrillation - A case report

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    One of the elements of therapeutic conduct aimed at avoiding the most severe cardiovascular events such as: heart attack or brain ischemic stroke is the treatment against thrombosis with the use of low molecular weight heparin, anticoagulants and anti - platelet drugs. This therapy is related with bleeding complications, occurring 2 -20% of the patients during treatment with anticoagulants. The aim of this study is to analyze the complications of anticoagulation with oral anticoagulants and low molecular weight heparin in the treatment of cardiac event in the early postoperative period after total hip replacement In 5 day after right THA an event of atrial fibrillation (AF) occurred in 69 year old patient. According to cardiologist recommendation oral anticoagulant was administered to accompany previously used low molecular heparin on the 14th day after surgery. At the moment when the therapeutic dose was achieved the patient presented severe pain which was localized in a right inguinal region and also in a surgically treated hip. The next day it was observed further increase in pain intensity as a right - sided femoral neuralgia accompanied by neurological deficits such as: progressive disorder of sensation on the front surface of the right thigh, weakness right knee reflex muscle, weakness in the active hip flexion and knee extension. In CT and ultrasonography examination the huge retroperitoneal hematoma in a right lumbar-illiac muscle was imaged. Severe hip pain after total hip replacement with progressive symptoms of peripheral nerve lesion obligated to do additional examination in the field of diagnostic imaging of the abdomen and requires a multidisciplinary evaluation. Taking into consideration indications and contraindications and an extensive clinical and laboratory monitoring are crucial conditions to prevent bleeding during anticoagulant therapy.Jednym z elementów postępowania terapeutycznego mającym zapobiec najcięższym incydentom sercowonaczyniowym, takim jak zawał serca lub udar niedokrwienny mózgu jest leczenie przeciw zakrzepowe. Leczenie to wiąże się jednak z ryzykiem powikłań krwotocznych, występujących u 2-20% chorych w czasie leczenia antykoagulantami. Celem pracy jest analiza powikłania leczenia przeciw zakrzepowego z zastosowaniem doustnych antykoagulantów i heparyny drobnocząsteczkowej w terapii incydentu sercowego we wczesnym okresie pooperacyjnym po endoprotezoplastyce stawu biodrowego. U chorej lat 69 po incydencie migotania przedsionków w 5 dobie pooperacyjnej, od 14 doby rozpoczęto leczenie p/ zakrzepowe z wykorzystaniem heparyny drobnocząsteczkowej i antykoagulantów doustnych. W momencie uzyskania dawki terapeutycznej chora zgłosiła silne dolegliwości bólowe zlokalizowane w okolicy prawej pachwiny i operowanego stawu biodrowego. W kolejnym dniu obserwowano dalsze narastanie natężenia bólu o charakterze rwy udowej prawostronnej z towarzyszącymi deficytami neurologicznymi: postępującym zaburzeniem czucia na przedniej powierzchni uda prawego, osłabieniem odruchu kolanowego prawego, osłabieniem siły mięśniowej w zakresie czynnego zgięcia stawu biodrowego i wyprostu stawu kolanowego. W wykonanych badaniach TK i USG stwierdzono duży krwiak zaotrzewnowy prawego dołu biodrowego. Silny ból stawu biodrowego w okresie pooperacyjnym po endoprotezoplastyce stawu biodrowego z postępującymi objawami uszkodzenia nerwu obwodowego obliguje do wykonania badań dodatkowych w zakresie diagnostyki obrazowej jamy brzusznej i przestrzeni zaotrzewnowej oraz wymaga spojrzenia wielospecjalistycznego. Uwzględnienie wskazań i przeciwwskazań oraz dokładna kontrola kliniczna i laboratoryjna są nieodzownymi warunkami zapobiegania krwawienia w czasie leczenia antykoagulantami