431 research outputs found

    How not to abuse the market

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    This contribution deals with market abuse as one of the most important regulation of the capital market. Market abuse has been and still is one of the biggest threats of the capital market, because activities like insider trading makes capital market not fair investing area. It’s basically information asymmetry all around and moral hazard for insiders, considering using inside information in their own benefit. The main aim of the contribution is to challenge the importance of market abuse regulation and supervision to maintain correct function of the capital market. The question how not to abuse the market could be answered only with good set of regulation and well maintained supervisionTento příspěvek pojednává o zneužívání trhu jako o jedné z nejdůležitějších regulací kapitálového trhu. Zneužívání trhu bylo a stále je jednou z největších hrozeb kapitálového trhu, protože aktivity jako obchodování zasvěcených osob způsobují, že kapitálový trh není spravedlivou investiční oblastí. Jde v podstatě o informační asymetrii všude kolem a morální nebezpečí pro zasvěcené osoby, zvažující použití důvěrných informací ve svůj vlastní prospěch. Hlavním cílem příspěvku je zpochybnit význam regulace zneužívání trhu a dohledu pro zachování správné funkce kapitálového trhu. Otázka, jak nezneužívat trh, mohla být zodpovězena pouze s řádnou regulací a dobře udržovaným dohledemThis contribution deals with market abuse as one of the most important regulation of the capital market. Market abuse has been and still is one of the biggest threats of the capital market, because activities like insider trading makes capital market not fair investing area. It’s basically information asymmetry all around and moral hazard for insiders, considering using inside information in their own benefit. The main aim of the contribution is to challenge the importance of market abuse regulation and supervision to maintain correct function of the capital market. The question how not to abuse the market could be answered only with good set of regulation and well maintained supervisio

    Lubrication of flanges of railway vehicles by ecological lubricants

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    Cílem této práce je provést rešeršní a analytické zhodnocení jednotlivých přístupů aplikovaných výrobci v oblasti mazání okolků kolejových vozidel ekologickými mazivy. Analýza je zaměřena na cyklické i kontinuální způsoby mazání jednotlivých typů centrálních mazacích systémů umisťovaných na kolejových vozidlech.The Aim of this thesis is to search and analytical evaluation of different approaches applied by producers in the field of wheel flanges lubrication of railway vehicles by means of ecological lubricants. The analysis focuses on the cyclical and continuous methods of lubrication of different types of central lubrication systems placed on the railway vehicles.

    Income tax based on real estate lease

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    This article deals with income tax, mainly in the Czech Republic related to lease income. The author tries to compare two kinds of contracts dealing with housing regarding personal income tax. There are some tax possibilities for taxpayers in relation to choosing which contract to use. One of the most important criteria in deciding which contract could be used are tax implications in the event that both kinds of contracts are in compliance with the law. One of the parts of this article deals with the taxation of income from housing provision through Airbnb.Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Czech Republic2-592

    Integration of financial Market supervision

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    This book analyses the integration of financial market supervision at the international level, particularly focusing on EU law and the actual processes taking place in this area (system). Currently legislative action at the EU level has a significant impact on legislation in the Czech Republic, with which this work is also of concerned together with where the integration of supervision takes place. This book seeks among other things to find the causes increasingly ongoing process of integration of financial market supervision and determine whether the direction in which the international integration is going, is the right way. The main objective of this book is to determine, whether the process of integration increases itself the efficiency of financial market supervision, while simultaneously reducing systemic risk to financial market stability. The research in this book also seeks to determine whether the functional of regulation of the financial market has been significantly integrated into the financial market supervision and has become to a certain extent preventive - primary supervision.Tato kniha zkoumá integraci dohledu nad finančním trhem v mezinárodním měřítku, zejména se zaměřením na právo EU a aktuální procesy odehrávající se v této oblasti. Právě legislativní dění na EU úrovni má zásadní vliv i na právní úpravu v České republice, o níž je v této práci také pojednáno a kde integrace dohledu probíhá taktéž. Tato kniha se snaží mimo jiné nalézt příčiny stále probíhajícího procesu integrace dohledu nad finančním trhem se snahou o zjištění, zda je směr, kterým se mezinárodní integrace ubírá, tím směrem správným. Hlavním cílem této knihy je zjištění, zda již samotným procesem integrace dochází ke zvýšení efektivity dohledu nad finančním trhem a současně snížení systémového rizika ohrožení stability finančního trhu. Výzkum v rámci této knihy směřuje také ke zjištění, zda funkce regulace nad finančním trhem byla velmi významně integrována do dohledu nad finančním trhem a stala se do jisté míry preventivním – primárním dohledem.This book analyses the integration of financial market supervision at the international level, particularly focusing on EU law and the actual processes taking place in this area (system). Currently legislative action at the EU level has a significant impact on legislation in the Czech Republic, with which this work is also of concerned together with where the integration of supervision takes place. This book seeks among other things to find the causes increasingly ongoing process of integration of financial market supervision and determine whether the direction in which the international integration is going, is the right way. The main objective of this book is to determine, whether the process of integration increases itself the efficiency of financial market supervision, while simultaneously reducing systemic risk to financial market stability. The research in this book also seeks to determine whether the functional of regulation of the financial market has been significantly integrated into the financial market supervision and has become to a certain extent preventive - primary supervisio

    Does a Child\u27s Entrance Age Effect 2nd and 4th Graders CAT Performance?

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    Second and fourth graders NCE reading, math, and language arts scores from the CAT were analyzed using a multiple regressoin and 3-way ANOVA to determine the effects of a child\u27s entrance age on achievement and whether the interaction effect was significant. The study also controlled for SES by using the children\u27s lunch payment status

    The EU Bank Resolution Framework: Institutional Changes of the Financial Safety Net in Poland and the Czech Republic

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    In response to the global financial crisis, fundamental changes have been made at the European level to the legal framework of single financial market regulation and supervision. One of the significant legal steps was the establishment of a common system of recovery and resolution of failing banks. Within the framework of a systemic approach to the EU financial market, the article illustrates the steps taken towards the implementation of the resolution framework into domestic financial markets of Poland and the Czech Republic.V reakci na globální finanční krizi došlo na evropské úrovni k zásadním změnám právního rámce regulace a dohledu nad jednotným finančním trhem. Jedním z významných právních kroků bylo vytvoření společného systému vymáhání a řešení bankrotujících bank. Článek v rámci systémového přístupu k finančnímu trhu EU ilustruje kroky podniknuté k implementaci rámce řešení krize na domácí finanční trhy Polska a České republiky.In response to the global financial crisis, fundamental changes have been made at the European level to the legal framework of single financial market regulation and supervision. One of the significant legal steps was the establishment of a common system of recovery and resolution of failing banks. Within the framework of a systemic approach to the EU financial market, the article illustrates the steps taken towards the implementation of the resolution framework into domestic financial markets of Poland and the Czech Republic

    Lifetime Assessment of a Steam Pipeline

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    The aim of this paper is to design a method for assessing the life of steam pipes for Czech power plants. The most widely-used material in Czech power plants is steel 15 128. Our findings may also be applied for international equivalents of this steel. The paper shows the classification of cavitation damage and microstructure classification status, based on the German VGB Act, with references to EPRI law in the USA. Calculations of remaining life on the basis of Russian experience are also shown. The possibility of applying this method to increase the operating parameters for power plants is discussed

    Transgenerational Patterns of Communication Orientations and Depression Among Mothers and Adult Children

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    This study investigated intergenerational transmissions of conversation orientations, conformity orientations, and depressive symptoms among 235 (N = 470) mother–child dyads. The analysis revealed that mothers’ reports of conformity orientation in her family of origin positively predicted her child’s report of conformity orientation and conversation orientation. Moreover, maternal depressive symptoms predicted child reports of family communication climates, which in turn predicted child depressive symptoms. A mediation analysis showed a significant indirect effect from maternal depressive symptoms to child depressive symptoms through child reports of conformity orientation. Implications for transgenerational patterns of family communication climates and depressive symptoms are discussed

    Spojenecké letecké výsadky během operace Overlord

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    Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na nasazení leteckých výsadkových divizí během operace Overlord. Seskoky parašutistů proběhly v noci z 5. na 6. června před vyloděním na plážích Normandie. Jejich úkolem bylo obsadit a udržet klíčové pozice ve vnitrozemí a tím zamezit německým jednotkám v přesunu posil proti vylodění na plážích. Letecký výsadek byl tvořen třemi divizemi, 6. britská výsadková divize, 82. americká výsadková divize a 101. americká výsadková divize. Práce se zabývá uvedením do kontextu druhé světové války, plánováním a přípravami leteckého výsadku. Dále popisuje nasazení parašutistů a na závěr se zaměří na hodnocení jejich nasazení a přínos pro budoucí spojenecké výsadkové operace.ObhájenoThe bachelor thesis focuses on the deployment of airborne divisions during Operation Overlord. The parachute jumps took place on the night of June 5-6 before landing on the beaches of Normandy. Their task was to capture and hold key positions behind enemy lines, thus preventing German troops from moving reinforcements to the beaches. The airborne forces consisted of three divisions, the 6th British Airborne Division, the 82nd US Airborne Division and the 101st US Airborne Division. The work describes the context of World War II, the planning and preparation of airborne assault. It also describes the deployment of paratroopers and concludes with an evaluation of their deployment and contribution to future Allied airborne operations