Integration of financial Market supervision


This book analyses the integration of financial market supervision at the international level, particularly focusing on EU law and the actual processes taking place in this area (system). Currently legislative action at the EU level has a significant impact on legislation in the Czech Republic, with which this work is also of concerned together with where the integration of supervision takes place. This book seeks among other things to find the causes increasingly ongoing process of integration of financial market supervision and determine whether the direction in which the international integration is going, is the right way. The main objective of this book is to determine, whether the process of integration increases itself the efficiency of financial market supervision, while simultaneously reducing systemic risk to financial market stability. The research in this book also seeks to determine whether the functional of regulation of the financial market has been significantly integrated into the financial market supervision and has become to a certain extent preventive - primary supervision.Tato kniha zkoumá integraci dohledu nad finančním trhem v mezinárodním měřítku, zejména se zaměřením na právo EU a aktuální procesy odehrávající se v této oblasti. Právě legislativní dění na EU úrovni má zásadní vliv i na právní úpravu v České republice, o níž je v této práci také pojednáno a kde integrace dohledu probíhá taktéž. Tato kniha se snaží mimo jiné nalézt příčiny stále probíhajícího procesu integrace dohledu nad finančním trhem se snahou o zjištění, zda je směr, kterým se mezinárodní integrace ubírá, tím směrem správným. Hlavním cílem této knihy je zjištění, zda již samotným procesem integrace dochází ke zvýšení efektivity dohledu nad finančním trhem a současně snížení systémového rizika ohrožení stability finančního trhu. Výzkum v rámci této knihy směřuje také ke zjištění, zda funkce regulace nad finančním trhem byla velmi významně integrována do dohledu nad finančním trhem a stala se do jisté míry preventivním – primárním dohledem.This book analyses the integration of financial market supervision at the international level, particularly focusing on EU law and the actual processes taking place in this area (system). Currently legislative action at the EU level has a significant impact on legislation in the Czech Republic, with which this work is also of concerned together with where the integration of supervision takes place. This book seeks among other things to find the causes increasingly ongoing process of integration of financial market supervision and determine whether the direction in which the international integration is going, is the right way. The main objective of this book is to determine, whether the process of integration increases itself the efficiency of financial market supervision, while simultaneously reducing systemic risk to financial market stability. The research in this book also seeks to determine whether the functional of regulation of the financial market has been significantly integrated into the financial market supervision and has become to a certain extent preventive - primary supervisio

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