17 research outputs found

    The influence of socio-geographical exposure and other factors on the extensification processes of land use

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    Hlavním tématem disertační práce je hodnocení vlivu sociálněgeografické exponovanosti a dalších faktorů (přírodních: nadmořská výška, sklonitost, bodová výnosnost) na extenzifikační procesy využití krajiny Česka v období více než 160 let, 1845-2010. Důraz je kladen také na související ztráty zemědělské a orné půdy, vzhledem k tomu, že zalesňování a zatravňování probíhalo v zásadě na úkor této půdy. Hlavní zdroj představuje "Databáze dlouhodobých změn využití ploch Česka (1845- 2010)", založená na katastrální evidenci. Jedná se tedy o detailní sledování zahrnující téměř 9000 tzv. srovnatelných územních jednotek. Hodnoceny jsou jak jednotlivé extenzifikační procesy, tak celková intenzita využití krajiny (pomocí koeficientu ekologické významnosti). Vzhledem k tomu, že většina území je stále ještě využívána jako zemědělská půda, zahrnuje práce také přehled vývoje vybraných ukazatelů intenzity zemědělství. Pozornost je věnována i širšímu kontextu proměn využití krajiny na evropské úrovni. Zásadní součástí práce je vytvoření modelů sociálněgeografické exponovanosti území Česka, které jsou srovnatelné s daty o využití krajiny v časových horizontech 1845, 1896, 1948, 1990 a 2010. Jejich hlavními složkami jsou mikroregionální a mezoregionální sídelní exponovanost (poloha vůči střediskům osídlení příslušné...The main topic of the dissertation thesis is the evaluation of the influence of socio- geographical exposure and other factors (natural: altitude, inclination of slopes, productivity of land) on the extensification processes of the land use in Czechia in the period of more than 160 years, 1845-2010. Emphasis is also placed on the associated losses of agricultural and arable land, given that afforestation and increase of grassland took place essentially at the expense of that land. The main data source is the "Database of long-term land use changes in Czechia (1845-2010)", LUCC Czechia, based on cadastral records. It is a detailed monitoring which covers almost 9,000 so-called stable territorial units. Both the extensification processes and the overall intensity of land use (using the coefficient of ecological importance) are evaluated. Given that most of the Czechia's territory is still used as agricultural land, the thesis also includes an overview of the evolution of the selected agricultural intensity indicators. Attention is likewise paid to the wider context of land use changes at the European level. The essential part of the thesis is to build models of socio-geographical exposure of Czechia, which are comparable with the data on land use in the time horizons of 1845, 1896, 1948, 1990 and...Katedra sociální geografie a region. rozvojeDepartment of Social Geography and Regional Develop.Přírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    The influence of socio-geographical exposure and other factors on the extensification processes of land use

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    Hlavním tématem disertační práce je hodnocení vlivu sociálněgeografické exponovanosti a dalších faktorů (přírodních: nadmořská výška, sklonitost, bodová výnosnost) na extenzifikační procesy využití krajiny Česka v období více než 160 let, 1845-2010. Důraz je kladen také na související ztráty zemědělské a orné půdy, vzhledem k tomu, že zalesňování a zatravňování probíhalo v zásadě na úkor této půdy. Hlavní zdroj představuje "Databáze dlouhodobých změn využití ploch Česka (1845- 2010)", založená na katastrální evidenci. Jedná se tedy o detailní sledování zahrnující téměř 9000 tzv. srovnatelných územních jednotek. Hodnoceny jsou jak jednotlivé extenzifikační procesy, tak celková intenzita využití krajiny (pomocí koeficientu ekologické významnosti). Vzhledem k tomu, že většina území je stále ještě využívána jako zemědělská půda, zahrnuje práce také přehled vývoje vybraných ukazatelů intenzity zemědělství. Pozornost je věnována i širšímu kontextu proměn využití krajiny na evropské úrovni. Zásadní součástí práce je vytvoření modelů sociálněgeografické exponovanosti území Česka, které jsou srovnatelné s daty o využití krajiny v časových horizontech 1845, 1896, 1948, 1990 a 2010. Jejich hlavními složkami jsou mikroregionální a mezoregionální sídelní exponovanost (poloha vůči střediskům osídlení příslušné...The main topic of the dissertation thesis is the evaluation of the influence of socio- geographical exposure and other factors (natural: altitude, inclination of slopes, productivity of land) on the extensification processes of the land use in Czechia in the period of more than 160 years, 1845-2010. Emphasis is also placed on the associated losses of agricultural and arable land, given that afforestation and increase of grassland took place essentially at the expense of that land. The main data source is the "Database of long-term land use changes in Czechia (1845-2010)", LUCC Czechia, based on cadastral records. It is a detailed monitoring which covers almost 9,000 so-called stable territorial units. Both the extensification processes and the overall intensity of land use (using the coefficient of ecological importance) are evaluated. Given that most of the Czechia's territory is still used as agricultural land, the thesis also includes an overview of the evolution of the selected agricultural intensity indicators. Attention is likewise paid to the wider context of land use changes at the European level. The essential part of the thesis is to build models of socio-geographical exposure of Czechia, which are comparable with the data on land use in the time horizons of 1845, 1896, 1948, 1990 and...Katedra sociální geografie a region. rozvojeDepartment of Social Geography and Regional Develop.Faculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Changes of recreational functions of intensively used river bottomland in the context of land development of Čelákovice and its neighbourhood

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    Katedra sociální geografie a region. rozvojeDepartment of Social Geography and Regional Develop.Faculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Gated Graphene Electrical Transport Characterization

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    Graphene is a very interesting new material, and promises attractive applications in future nanodevices. It is a 2D carbon structure with very interesting physical behavior. Graphene is an almost transparent material that has higher carrier mobility than any other material at room temperature. Graphene can therefore be used in applications such as ultrahigh-speed transistors and transparent electrodes. In this paper, we present our preliminary experiments on the transport behavior of graphene at room temperature. We measured the resistivity of Hall-bar samples depending on gate voltage (backgated graphene). Hysteresis between the forward and backward sweep direction was observed

    Nukleofilní B-arylace na monokarbadodekaboranovém skeletu katalyzovaná Li (+)

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    We are interested in the 12-vertex closo-carborane CB11H12- 1 with aryl substituents in positions 1 and 12, and its permethylated derivative, CHB11Me11- 2, in connection with the synthesis of rod like structures

    Ztráty zemědělské půdy po roce 1990 v Libereckém kraji

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    The use of Czechia’s landscape was repeatedly changed, especially by political factors. After 1989, there were large-scale processes of property return, privatization and transformation of the economy and society. In 2003, before entry into EU, approximately 300,000 hectares of agricultural land were not used economically. This was evidently an impact of a tremendous fragmentation of the holdings in the early 1990s as well as large differences between the structure of owners of land and its real users (tenants). A mere 62% of arable land (and 78% of agricultural land in all), registered in the Cadastre of Real Estate (register of owners) is also included in the Land Parcel Identification System (register of users). This disharmony between the cadastral data and the state in the terrain prompted us to focus our attention on this state. We analyze the driving forces which brought it about as well as the size and regional structure of such differences.25327

    The influence of socio-geographical exposure and other factors on the extensification processes of land use

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    The main topic of the dissertation thesis is the evaluation of the influence of socio- geographical exposure and other factors (natural: altitude, inclination of slopes, productivity of land) on the extensification processes of the land use in Czechia in the period of more than 160 years, 1845-2010. Emphasis is also placed on the associated losses of agricultural and arable land, given that afforestation and increase of grassland took place essentially at the expense of that land. The main data source is the "Database of long-term land use changes in Czechia (1845-2010)", LUCC Czechia, based on cadastral records. It is a detailed monitoring which covers almost 9,000 so-called stable territorial units. Both the extensification processes and the overall intensity of land use (using the coefficient of ecological importance) are evaluated. Given that most of the Czechia's territory is still used as agricultural land, the thesis also includes an overview of the evolution of the selected agricultural intensity indicators. Attention is likewise paid to the wider context of land use changes at the European level. The essential part of the thesis is to build models of socio-geographical exposure of Czechia, which are comparable with the data on land use in the time horizons of 1845, 1896, 1948, 1990 and..

    Evaluation of Long-Term Land Use Changes in Czechia at Different Scale Levels

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    Long-term evolution of nature-society interactions can be studied by using data of land use change. In the thesis is used a detailed statistical database of Czechia (developed at Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science). The database allows monitoring changes of eight categories of land use in the period 1845-2000. Attention is devoted to the growing differentiation of land use at different scale levels, the thesis is concentrated on functional specialization of czech regions. Deepening division of labour between regions is reflected by increasing territorial concentration of land use. This process is monitored by using three methods. Ternary plots present an overview of the differentiation trends of land use. Spatial autocorrelation methods present the general development and specific areas of functional specialization in Czechia. A review by territorial heterogeneity rate provides a detailed look at the change of territorial concentration of land use. The thesis operates with three territorial classifications (hydrological, geomorphological and administrative) at two regional levels and the level of Czechia. Results are interpreted using the driving forces (such as technological development, economics, historical events, society). The final part of the thesis compares the development of..

    The influence of socio-geographical exposure and other factors on the extensification processes of land use

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    The main topic of the dissertation thesis is the evaluation of the influence of socio- geographical exposure and other factors (natural: altitude, inclination of slopes, productivity of land) on the extensification processes of the land use in Czechia in the period of more than 160 years, 1845-2010. Emphasis is also placed on the associated losses of agricultural and arable land, given that afforestation and increase of grassland took place essentially at the expense of that land. The main data source is the "Database of long-term land use changes in Czechia (1845-2010)", LUCC Czechia, based on cadastral records. It is a detailed monitoring which covers almost 9,000 so-called stable territorial units. Both the extensification processes and the overall intensity of land use (using the coefficient of ecological importance) are evaluated. Given that most of the Czechia's territory is still used as agricultural land, the thesis also includes an overview of the evolution of the selected agricultural intensity indicators. Attention is likewise paid to the wider context of land use changes at the European level. The essential part of the thesis is to build models of socio-geographical exposure of Czechia, which are comparable with the data on land use in the time horizons of 1845, 1896, 1948, 1990 and..

    The influence of socio-geographical exposure and other factors on the extensification processes of land use

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    The main topic of the dissertation thesis is the evaluation of the influence of socio- geographical exposure and other factors (natural: altitude, inclination of slopes, productivity of land) on the extensification processes of the land use in Czechia in the period of more than 160 years, 1845-2010. Emphasis is also placed on the associated losses of agricultural and arable land, given that afforestation and increase of grassland took place essentially at the expense of that land. The main data source is the "Database of long-term land use changes in Czechia (1845-2010)", LUCC Czechia, based on cadastral records. It is a detailed monitoring which covers almost 9,000 so-called stable territorial units. Both the extensification processes and the overall intensity of land use (using the coefficient of ecological importance) are evaluated. Given that most of the Czechia's territory is still used as agricultural land, the thesis also includes an overview of the evolution of the selected agricultural intensity indicators. Attention is likewise paid to the wider context of land use changes at the European level. The essential part of the thesis is to build models of socio-geographical exposure of Czechia, which are comparable with the data on land use in the time horizons of 1845, 1896, 1948, 1990 and..