6 research outputs found

    Hubungan Pembelajaran Toilet Training dengan Kejadian Enuresis pada Anak Prasekolah

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    Preschoolers inclined has many health problem that always threatening and able to impact quality of life such as, general health problems, behavioral disorders, learning disorders, and developmental disorders. One of the health problems in preschool children is enuresis. To overcome this problem can be done by using toilet training to train and teach children to be able to control bowel movements and urinating. The purpose of this study to determine how the relationship of learning toilet training in preschool children (5-6 years) with enuresis in Pakusari District. This study uses quantitative non-experimental analysis that is correlational using a cross-sectional study with the sampling technique Probability Sampling by means of Purposive Sampling and obtained are 252 respondents. Data analysis using Chi Square test. The results (X2 = 21,378; p-value = 0,0001) it can be concluded that there is a relationship between learning Toilet Training in preschool children (5-6 years) with enuresis in Pakusari District. There are several factors that influence learning toilet training such as the environment and education. The family environment is very influential because family has important effect for child. At stage of child growth the parents must attention to see the child’s readiness for receive learning toilet training.&nbsp


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    Perkembangan suatu kota dipengaruhi oleh persebaran penduduk dan kegiatan sosial ekonomi. Kegiatan sosial ekonomi seperti perdagangan dan jasa memiliki peran penting dalam perkembangan wilayah dan dapat mempengaruhi mobilitas penduduk melalui pergerakan konsumen. Kota Batu yang dikenal sebagai Kota Wisata, sangat bergantung pada aktivitas komersial sebagai penunjang sektor pariwisata. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pola sebaran mobilitas di Kota Batu melalui analisis multidimensional scaling, sehingga dapat menentukan prioritas pengembangan sarana komersial guna meningkatkan mobilitas penduduk. Sarana komersial yang memiliki tingkat review yang tinggi memicu adanya mobilitas atau pergerakan. Kemudian data ini dibandingkan dengan sebaran penduduk untuk melihat wilayah mana saja yang memiliki penduduk tinggi namun jumlah review yang rendah. Rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan mobilitas atau pergerakan di Kota Batu berada di Desa Giripurno, Desa Junrejo, Desa Oro-oro ombo, Desa Pendem, dan Desa Pesanggrahan. Hal ini dikarenakan wilayah tersebut memiliki penduduk yang tinggi namun tingkat jumlah review sarana komersial yang rendah. Dengan meningkatkan sarana komersial yang dapat memicu mobilitas atau pergerakan, memungkinkan wilayah tersebut dapat meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat setempat

    Konsepsi Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah (Analisis Fungsi Kepala Sekolah Sebagai Pengembangan Pembelajaran PAI)

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    The leaders’ existence in conducting their function facing the change occured in their schools by stating the aim, making  their deputy function through partisipative approach, based on their leader capability professionally. The head master as an influential person in developing or decreasing educational institution including Islamic educational subject have to be able to run their tasks as educator, manager, administrator, supervisor, leader, innovator and motivator. The head master leadership analysis as developer of PAI learning, if they can run their function as supervisor, leader, innovator in learning PAI policy. The school success in reaching out the PAI learning aim based on the leader capability in running their school. Their role influences to create the purposes has been decided. That is why the organization success in acheiving puposes based on the successful of their leader

    Kepimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Pengembangan Pembelajaran PAI di SMP Islam Terpadu Misykat Al Anwar Kwaron Diwek Jombang

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    Head master role is very important, they have to be able to plan, conduct, and evaluate their programs periodically towards education process. Learning as interactive process between students and their environment, so the practice is more important. The role of PAI in school is for founding Indonesia young generation especially in creating good and faithful human. The research result are: 1). the head master observes directly when the learning process occured, involved his vice especially for kepondokan task, asks the teachers to join workshop, PAI is taught integrally, adding reading and writing al qur’an as mulok, reading kitab, praying practice, and another extra program. 2). The lesson plan including discussion, demostration as method, it uses national curriculum, learning sometimes is done out of class, and  PAI is developed through bulughul al- maram and adabu at ta’lim wa al muta’allim, evaluation is conducted oral and written test. The supporting factors are professional teachers, good facilities, and most of students stay in Islamic boarding schools. The various students capability, and the limited time given are as obstacles factor

    Kepimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Pengembangan Pembelajaran PAI di SMP Islam Terpadu Misykat Al Anwar Kwaron Diwek Jombang

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    Head master role is very important, they have to be able to plan, conduct, and evaluate their programs periodically towards education process. Learning as interactive process between students and their environment, so the practice is more important. The role of PAI in school is for founding Indonesia young generation especially in creating good and faithful human. The research result are: 1). the head master observes directly when the learning process occured, involved his vice especially for kepondokan task, asks the teachers to join workshop, PAI is taught integrally, adding reading and writing al qur’an as mulok, reading kitab, praying practice, and another extra program. 2). The lesson plan including discussion, demostration as method, it uses national curriculum, learning sometimes is done out of class, and  PAI is developed through bulughul al- maram and adabu at ta’lim wa al muta’allim, evaluation is conducted oral and written test. The supporting factors are professional teachers, good facilities, and most of students stay in Islamic boarding schools. The various students capability, and the limited time given are as obstacles factor

    Kepimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Pengembangan Pembelajaran PAI di SMP Islam Terpadu Misykat Al Anwar Kwaron Diwek Jombang

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    Head master role is very important, they have to be able to plan, conduct, and evaluate their programs periodically towards education process. Learning as interactive process between students and their environment, so the practice is more important. The role of PAI in school is for founding Indonesia young generation especially in creating good and faithful human. The research result are: 1). the head master observes directly when the learning process occured, involved his vice especially for kepondokan task, asks the teachers to join workshop, PAI is taught integrally, adding reading and writing al qur’an as mulok, reading kitab, praying practice, and another extra program. 2). The lesson plan including discussion, demostration as method, it uses national curriculum, learning sometimes is done out of class, and  PAI is developed through bulughul al- maram and adabu at ta’lim wa al muta’allim, evaluation is conducted oral and written test. The supporting factors are professional teachers, good facilities, and most of students stay in Islamic boarding schools. The various students capability, and the limited time given are as obstacles factor