8 research outputs found

    DNA- and DNA-Protein-Crosslink Repair in Plants

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    The protease WSS1A, the endonuclease MUS81 and the phosphodiesterase TDP1 are involved in independent pathways of DNA-protein crosslink repair in plants

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    DNA–protein crosslinks (DPCs) represent a severe threat to the genome integrity; however, the main mechanisms of DPC repair were only recently elucidated in humans and yeast. Here we define the pathways for DPC repair in plants. Using CRISPR/Cas9, we could show that only one of two homologs of the universal repair proteases SPARTAN/ weak suppressor of smt3 (Wss1), WSS1A, is essential for DPC repair in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). WSS1A defective lines exhibit developmental defects and are hypersensitive to camptothecin (CPT) and cis-platin. Interestingly, the CRISPR/Cas9 mutants of TYROSYL-DNA PHOSPHODIESTERASE 1 (TDP1) are insensitive to CPT, and only the wss1A tdp1 double mutant reveals a higher sensitivity than the wss1A single mutant. This indicates that TDP1 defines a minor backup pathway in the repair of DPCs. Moreover, we found that knock out of the endonuclease METHYL METHANESULFONATE AND UV SENSITIVE PROTEIN 81 (MUS81) results in a strong sensitivity to DPC-inducing agents. The fact that wss1A mus81 and tdp1 mus81 double mutants exhibit growth defects and an increase in dead cells in root meristems after CPT treatment demonstrates that there are three independent pathways for DPC repair in Arabidopsis. These pathways are defined by their different biochemical specificities, as main actors, the DNA endonuclease MUS81 and the protease WSS1A, and the phosphodiesterase TDP1 as backup

    The DNA-dependent protease AtWSS1A suppresses persistent double strand break formation during replication

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    The protease WSS1A is an important factor in the repair of DNA-protein crosslinks in plants. Here we show that the loss of WSS1A leads to a reduction of 45S rDNA repeats and chromosomal fragmentation in Arabidopsis. Moreover, in the absence of any factor of the RTR (RECQ4A/TOP3α/RMI1/2) complex, which is involved in the dissolution of DNA replication intermediates, WSS1A becomes essential for viability. If WSS1A loss is combined with loss of the classical (c) or alternative (a) nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) pathways of double-strand break (DSB) repair, the resulting mutants show proliferation defects and enhanced chromosome fragmentation, which is especially aggravated in the absence of aNHEJ. This indicates that WSS1A is involved either in the suppression of DSB formation or in DSB repair itself. To test the latter we induced DSB by CRISPR/Cas9 at different loci in wild-type and mutant cells and analyzed their repair by deep sequencing. However, no change in the quality of the repair events and only a slight increase in their quantity was found. Thus, by removing complex DNA-protein structures, WSS1A seems to be required for the repair of replication intermediates which would otherwise be resolved into persistent DSB leading to genome instability

    The repair of topoisomerase 2 cleavage complexes in Arabidopsis

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    DNA–protein crosslinks (DPCs) and DNA double-stranded breaks (DSBs), including those produced by stalled topoisomerase 2 cleavage complexes (TOP2ccs), must be repaired to ensure genome stability. The basic mechanisms of TOP2cc repair have been characterized in other eukaryotes, but we lack information for plants. Using CRISPR/Cas-induced mutants, we show that Arabidopsis thaliana has two main TOP2cc repair pathways: one is defined by TYROSYL-DNA-PHOSPHODIESTERASE 2 (TDP2), which hydrolyzes TOP2–DNA linkages, the other by the DNA-dependent protease WSS1A (a homolog of human SPARTAN/yeast weak suppressor of smt3 [Wss1]), which also functions in DPC repair. TDP1 and TDP2 function nonredundantly in TOP1cc repair, indicating that they act specifically on their respective stalled cleavage complexes. The nuclease METHYL METHANESULFONATE AND UV-SENSITIVE PROTEIN 81 (MUS81) plays a major role in global DPC repair and a minor role in TOP2cc repair. DSBs arise as intermediates of TOP2cc repair and are repaired by classical and alternative nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) pathways. Double-mutant analysis indicates that “clean” DNA ends caused by TDP2 hydrolysis are mainly religated by classical NHEJ, which helps avoid mutation. In contrast, the mutagenic alternative NHEJ pathway mainly processes nonligateable DNA ends. Thus, TDP2 promotes maintenance of plant genome integrity by error-free repair of TOP2cc

    An Arabidopsis FANCJ helicase homologue is required for DNA crosslink repair and rDNA repeat stability.

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    Proteins of the Fanconi Anemia (FA) complementation group are required for crosslink (CL) repair in humans and their loss leads to severe pathological phenotypes. Here we characterize a homolog of the Fe-S cluster helicase FANCJ in the model plant Arabidopsis, AtFANCJB, and show that it is involved in interstrand CL repair. It acts at a presumably early step in concert with the nuclease FAN1 but independently of the nuclease AtMUS81, and is epistatic to both error-prone and error-free post-replicative repair in Arabidopsis. The simultaneous knock out of FANCJB and the Fe-S cluster helicase RTEL1 leads to induced cell death in root meristems, indicating an important role of the enzymes in replicative DNA repair. Surprisingly, we found that AtFANCJB is involved in safeguarding rDNA stability in plants. In the absence of AtRTEL1 and AtFANCJB, we detected a synergetic reduction to about one third of the original number of 45S rDNA copies. It is tempting to speculate that the detected rDNA instability might be due to deficiencies in G-quadruplex structure resolution and might thus contribute to pathological phenotypes of certain human genetic diseases

    ZYP1 is required for obligate cross-over formation and cross-over interference in Arabidopsis

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    The synaptonemal complex is a tripartite proteinaceous ultrastructure that forms between homologous chromosomes during prophase I of meiosis in the majority of eukaryotes. It is characterized by the coordinated installation of transverse filament proteins between two lateral elements and is required for wild-type levels of crossing over and meiotic progression. We have generated null mutants of the duplicatedArabidopsistransverse filament geneszyp1aandzyp1busing a combination of T-DNA insertional mutants and targeted CRISPR/Cas mutagenesis. Cytological and genetic analysis of thezyp1null mutants reveals loss of the obligate chiasma, an increase in recombination map length by 1.3- to 1.7-fold and a virtual absence of cross-over (CO) interference, determined by a significant increase in the number of double COs. At diplotene, the numbers of HEI10 foci, a marker for Class I interference-sensitive COs, are twofold greater in thezyp1mutant compared to wild type. The increase in recombination inzyp1does not appear to be due to the Class II interference-insensitive COs as chiasmata were reduced by ∌52% inmsh5/zyp1compared tomsh5. These data suggest that ZYP1 limits the formation of closely spaced Class I COs inArabidopsis. Our data indicate that installation of ZYP1 occurs at ASY1-labeled axial bridges and that loss of the protein disrupts progressive coalignment of the chromosome axes