29 research outputs found

    Conceptual Design and Analysis of No-Insulation High-Temperature Superconductor Tubular Wave Energy Converter

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    So far, a number of wave energy converters (WEC) have been proposed to increase efficiency and economic feasibility. Particularly, tubular WEC with permanent magnets and coil winding packs is mostly used to convert the wave energy. Due to the demand for high magnetic flux density in WEC, research has been conducted on high-temperature superconductors (HTS) WEC. In this paper, the conceptual design of no-insulation (NI) HTS tubular WEC and its optimization process are proposed. Using NI technology, it has become possible to design WEC with high volumetric efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Furthermore, the design is analyzed in the aspect of electromagnetism, mechanical force, and cryogen. The performance of the proposed WEC is evaluated as a response to various waveforms and their amplitudes. A rectifying circuit of WEC connected in parallel with load resistance is used for the output power study

    Determinants of Esports Highlight Viewership: The Case of League of Legends Champions Korea

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    Studies on esports league demand via new media platforms are limited yet. This paper is the first to identify determinants of esports highlight viewership. Using set-level highlight view count from YouTube, we analyze various determinants to explain view counts. As a result, we found that the number of kills, playoff games, age of video clip, 2nd round games, and 3rd set is positively correlated to view counts. Outcome uncertainty and upset results do not affect view counts. We interpret the results that as highlight clips are released after the game is finished, viewers can know the results when making a decision. Or, relatively short highlight videos reduce opportunity costs for fans and fans do not care about game outcomes much

    Missed a live match? Determinants of League of Legends Champions Korea highlights viewership

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    This research aims to explore the determinants of the League of Legends Champions Korea (LCK) highlight views and comment counts. The data of 629 game highlight views and comment counts for seven tournaments were collected from YouTube. The highlight views and comment counts were regressed on a series of before-the-game factors (outcome uncertainty and game quality), after-the-game factors (sum and difference of kills, assists, multiple kills, and upset results), and match-related characteristics (game duration, evening game, and clip recentness). A multi-level least square dummy variable regression was conducted to test the model. Among the before-the-game factors, outcome uncertainty and game quality were significantly associated with highlight views and comment counts. This indicated that fans liked watching games with uncertain outcomes and those involving high-quality teams. Among the after-the-game factors, an upset result was a significant determinant of esports highlight views and comment counts. Thus, fans enjoy watching underdogs win. Finally, the sum of kills and assists only affected view counts, which indicated that fans prefer watching offensive games with more kills and a solo performance rather than teamwork

    Ugly or Pretty: The Effects of Aesthetics and Exercise Involvement on Consumers’ Evaluations of Healthy Functional Foods

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    PURPOSE This study explores the impact of visual shape and exercise involvement on consumers' evaluation and happiness with healthy functional foods, specifically protein cookies. METHODS Using a one-factor design with two levels (pretty vs. ugly shape) and one measured variable (exercise involvement), we uncover interesting insights. RESULTS Consumers highly engaged in exercise show a greater purchase intention for ugly-shaped healthy functional foods compared to pretty-shaped ones. Conversely, consumers with low exercise involvement express a higher purchase intention and happiness when it comes to pretty-shaped healthy functional foods compared to their ugly counterparts. CONCLUSIONS These findings contribute to the sports management and sports science literature by shedding light on how visual shape influences the evaluation of healthy functional foods by sport consumers. Furthermore, this research offers valuable practical implications for designing the shape of such foods to cater to the preferences of sports enthusiasts

    Psychiatric Comorbidity in Korean Children and Adolescents with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Psychopathology According to Subtype

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    It is well-known that more than 50% of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) cases also have comorbid psychiatric disorders. We evaluated the comorbid psychopathology of Korean children and adolescents with ADHD using a standardized diagnostic instrument. The Korean Kiddie-Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia-Present and Lifetime Version (K-SADS-PL-K) was administered and completed in 105 patients who had been referred to the outpatient and inpatient clinics at the Samsung Medical Center from March 2004 to May 2005. All of the cases were diagnosed as ADHD according to DSM-IV criteria. We analyzed their clinical characteristics and psychiatric comorbidities, and assessed the correlation of any comorbidity with gender, age and ADHD subtype. Among our 105 participants, 70 (66.7%) subjects were diagnosed with combined-type ADHD, 22 (21.0%) were the predominantly inattentive type, only 1 (1.0%) was determined to have the predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type of ADHD, and 12 (11.4%) were classified as not otherwise specified (NOS) ADHD. Eighty (76.2%) subjects had at least one comorbid disorder such as oppositional defiant disorder (n = 53, 50.5%), anxiety disorders (n = 35, 33.3%) and affective disorders (n = 15, 14.3%). Our patients ranged in age from five to 16 years. Among the factors including gender, age, and ADHD subtype, ADHD subtype was the only one significant to comorbidity in our study. The results of this study suggest that psychiatric comorbidity in Korean children with ADHD is similar to the results of previous studies in western countries. Out of all the ADHD subtypes, the combined-type group had a significantly higher ratio of comorbid disorders and psychopathologies

    Associations between Meal Companions and Obesity in South Korean Adults

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    Dinner, considered the main meal of the day, forms a large portion of an individual’s overall food intake. Therefore, having family dinners has a significant impact on peoples’ health. This study examined the relationship between meal companions and obesity among South Korean adults. Data from 23,494 participants, from the 2013–2017 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES), were examined. Participants were divided into three categories: dinner with family, dinner with others, and dinner alone. Obesity was the dependent variable, using body mass index recommended by the KNHANES. A multinomial logistic regression analysis was performed to examine the target association. Compared to those that had family dinners, people who ate dinner with others or alone had a higher obesity risk (With Others: odds ratio (OR) = 1.19, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.04–1.36; Alone: OR = 1.15, 95% CI = 1.03–1.27). Participants who engaged in weekly heavy drinking were more likely to be obese than those who did not drink (OR = 1.34, 95% CI = 1.19–1.51). Moreover, those who had dinner with others or alone were at higher risk of obesity regardless of their breakfast companion. Further, people who had daily meals outside of their homes had a higher risk of obesity than those who had dinner with others and those who had family dinners. Having family dinners poses a significantly lower risk of obesity compared to having dinners with others or alone, as shown by this investigation. By detailing the correlation between meal companions and obesity, this study could help motivate dieters to have more frequent family dinners

    “Don’t Give Up!”: Can the competitiveness and difficulty of video games build persistence for a subsequent non-gaming task?

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    Video game players must face difficult challenges that require determination and dedication. Such grit is a valuable quality in other non-gaming contexts that necessitate persistent behaviors. Research suggests that competitive and difficult video game play may acclimate players to arduous challenges and steel them against hardships. Participants played competitively (one-on-one) or cooperatively with an NPC (two-on-two) against NPC opponents of varying difficulty (e.g., easy, medium, or hard) in the video game Super Smash Bros. Subsequent persistence was measured in an anagram task that included unsolvable items. Results suggest that video game competitiveness is necessary to facilitate subsequent persistence. However, the difficulty of opponents did not influence the amount of time players spent on the anagram task, despite withstanding the most competence-thwarting game play against hard opponents. The current study suggests that competitive play, in general, adequately jumpstarts persistent behaviors in players and that players may not cultivate persistence by enduring frustrating game play but, instead, may be invigorated or enticed to attain goals when challenged

    Effect of Recycled Concrete on the Flexural Behavior of Concrete-Filled FRP Tubes

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    Abstract This paper presents the results of short span concrete-filled fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) tubes filled with different recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) replacement ratios. The mechanical response of recycled concrete-filled FRP tubes (RCFFTs) under flexural load was examined to investigate the influence of RCA as an in-filled material. The experimental results were compared with the simplified finite element model to estimate the failure behavior of the test units. RCFFTs with a 100% RCA replacement ratio showed a similar bending behavior compared to natural aggregate concrete-filled FRP tubes. The flexural behavior of 100% recycled aggregate concrete could be complemented and utilized because of the high strength and high stiffness of the FRPs

    hBN Flake Embedded Al2O3 Thin Film for Flexible Moisture Barrier

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    Due to the vulnerability of organic optoelectronic devices to moisture and oxygen, thin-film moisture barriers have played a critical role in improving the lifetime of the devices. Here, we propose a hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) embedded Al2O3 thin film as a flexible moisture barrier. After layer-by-layer (LBL) staking of polymer and hBN flake composite layer, Al2O3 was deposited on the nano-laminate template by spatial plasma atomic layer deposition (PEALD). Because the hBN flakes in Al2O3 thin film increase the diffusion path of moisture, the composite layer has a low water vapor transmission ratio (WVTR) value of 1.8 × 10−4 g/m2 day. Furthermore, as embedded hBN flakes restrict crack propagation, the composite film exhibits high mechanical stability in repeated 3 mm bending radius fatigue tests

    Development of an anti-pollution coating process technology for the application of an on-site PV module

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    This study aimed to apply annealing processes during the coating of photovoltaic (PV) module glasses to PV modules already installed through an easy and simple procedure. Three types of annealing treatments were applied to PV module glasses, i.e., furnace, rapid thermal annealing (RTA) and torch. Among these, torch annealing, which can be easily carried out at PV module installation sites, was applied to PV module glasses using different numbers of repetition. Light transmittance, contact angle, anti-pollution characteristics, adhesion and hardness of the functional coating films after using different annealing treatment times and methods were measured, and it was confirmed that these characteristics varied depending on the annealing treatment times and methods. Through this, it was possible to optimize the process conditions that provide excellent anti-pollution characteristics and could be easily utilized at on-site PV modules