6 research outputs found

    sj-pdf-3-jhs-10.1177_17531934231212973 - Supplemental material for Development of a core outcome set for traumatic brachial plexus injury

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    Supplemental material, sj-pdf-3-jhs-10.1177_17531934231212973 for Development of a core outcome set for traumatic brachial plexus injury by Caroline Miller, Jane Cross, Dominic M. Power and Christina Jerosch-Herold in Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume)</p

    sj-pdf-1-jhs-10.1177_17531934231212973 - Supplemental material for Development of a core outcome set for traumatic brachial plexus injury

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    Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-jhs-10.1177_17531934231212973 for Development of a core outcome set for traumatic brachial plexus injury by Caroline Miller, Jane Cross, Dominic M. Power and Christina Jerosch-Herold in Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume)</p

    sj-pdf-2-jhs-10.1177_17531934231212973 - Supplemental material for Development of a core outcome set for traumatic brachial plexus injury

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    Supplemental material, sj-pdf-2-jhs-10.1177_17531934231212973 for Development of a core outcome set for traumatic brachial plexus injury by Caroline Miller, Jane Cross, Dominic M. Power and Christina Jerosch-Herold in Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume)</p

    sj-pdf-4-jhs-10.1177_17531934231212973 - Supplemental material for Development of a core outcome set for traumatic brachial plexus injury

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    Supplemental material, sj-pdf-4-jhs-10.1177_17531934231212973 for Development of a core outcome set for traumatic brachial plexus injury by Caroline Miller, Jane Cross, Dominic M. Power and Christina Jerosch-Herold in Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume)</p

    Sahatavaran varastoinnin kehittäminen Versowood Oy:n Riihimäen sahalla

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    Opinnäytetyössä kuvataan Versowood Oy:n Riihimäen sahalla tapahtunutta sahatavaran varastoinnin kehittämishanketta, jolla pyrittiin vähentämään varastoihin sitoutunutta pääomaa, parantamaan varastojen järjestystä ja luomaan ohjeistus varastotoimintojen tueksi. Työssä kerrotaan sahatavaratuotannon ja varastoinnin pääperiaatteet sekä käytännön toteutus Riihimäen sahalla, sen toimintaketjussa havaitut ongelmakohdat ja niihin kehitetyt parannusehdotukset. Tiedonhankinnassa käytettiin hyödyksi henkilökunnan ja sidosryhmähenkilöiden haastatteluja, havainnointia, kyselylomakkeita, toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän tarjoamia tietoja sekä alan kirjallisuutta. Työn aikana löydettiin useita kehityskohteita ja luotiin yhtenäinen varastointiohje yrityksen kaikille kolmelle sahalle. Ehdotuksia ja ohjetta noudattamalla varastotyöskentelyä on mahdollista kehittää pakettien määrää vähentämällä ja niiden seurantaa parantamalla. Samalla varastoihin sitoutunutta pääomaa on mahdollista vähentää ja varastotyöskentelyä kokonaisuudessaan tehostaa.This study was made as a part of a development project aiming to help improve the lumber warehousing practices at Versowood Oy Riihimäki sawmill. The objectives of the development project were to decrease the working capital tied to warehouses, improve the overall order in warehouses, and create uniform warehousing guidelines. The guidelines had to be applicable to all three sawmills of the Versowood Group. The thesis explains the principles of sawmill production and warehousing as well as their implementation at the Riihimäki mill. It also presents the problems found on the operating chain and the improvements developed. Data for the research was acquired through interviews of personnel and stakeholders of as well as observations at the mill and of its surroundings. Information from the company ERP program and professional literature was also used to gather relevant information. During the project, several development targets were found. On the basis of these findings, suggestions for improvement were made and executed, and as a result a comprehensive warehousing guideline was created. By following the suggestions and guidelines provided it is possible to improve working at the warehouses by eliminating the number of packages and developing their tracking system. This leads to a decrease in the working capital tied to warehousing and improves the overall efficiency in work practices at the warehouses