1,934 research outputs found

    Principal sources and dispersal patterns of suspended particulate matter in nearshore surface waters of the northeast Pacific Ocean

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Release-recovery paths of drift cards released in conjunction with ERTS-1 overflight show that nearshore surface currents along the central and northern California coast flowed southward at an average rate in excess of 10 cm/sec (8.5 km/day) during August and September 1973 (California Current). By the middle of October 1973, the nearshore surface currents had reversed and the dominant flow velocity was northward at an average rate in excess of 20 cm/sec (17 km/ day) (Davidson Current). The August-September data suggested the presence of counterclockwise gyres in Monterey Bay and the Gulf of the Farallones, but by the middle of October, the gyres were no longer evident. Imagery of April 1973 showed well developed plumes of suspended sediment in Monterey Bay from the Salinas River and in the Gulf of the Farallones from San Francisco Bay. ERTS-1 imagery provides an effective means of monitoring timber harvest in the redwood forest along the northern California coast. ERTS-1 imagery also clearly portrays contrasting topographic belts characterized by fluvial erosion and by mass movement. The most visually apparent and most persistent river mouth suspended sediment plumes are associated with those rivers that drain belts of topography that appear to have been eroded primarily by mass movement

    Influence of salicylic acid on phytochelatin synthesis in Zea mays during Cd stress

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    Abstract: Presoaking maize (Zea mays) seeds in salicylic acid (SA) reduces damage caused by cadmium. In the present work the possible role of phytochelatins (PCs) in SA-mediated protection against Cd toxicity was investigated. Seeds were presoaked in 0.5 mM SA, and seedlings were grown in hydroponic solution containing 0, 0.01, 0.015, or 0.025 mM Cd. Treatment with Cd increased the PC levels in maize roots, but only slight changes were observed in the leaves. Long-term exposure to Cd decreased the phytochelatin synthase (PCS) activity in the roots and led to an increase in PCS and glutathione reductase (GR) activities in maize leaves. Although presoaking seeds in SA solution before exposure to Cd may reduce the level of heavy metal injury and has an effect on the composition of individual PCs, this protection is not directly connected with the altered regulation of PCs

    Infrared photochemistry of ethylene clusters

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    Infrared irradiation of ethylene clusters formed in supersonic molecular beams, using a low power cw CO2 laser, results in the photodissociation of a large fraction of the van der Waals molecules. Under such conditions, infrared absorption intensity exhibits first-order power dependence and is readily detected as loss in molecular beam intensity. Intramolecular energy transfer rates, determined by measuring spectral linewidths, are shown to vary with the vibrational mode initially excited. Ethylene clusters containing one quantum of vibrational energy corresponding to the nun7 fundamental in the monomer (949 cm^–1) have a vibrationally predissociative lifetime of 0.33 psec. In comparison, the relaxation rate of ethylene-d4 clusters with one quantum of excitation corresponding to the nu12 (1078 cm^–1) mode of C2D4 is 0.7 psec

    Principal sources and dispersal patterns of suspended particulate matter in nearshore surface waters of the northeast Pacific Ocean and the Hawaiian Islands

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    The author has identified the following significant results. ERTS-1 multispectral scanner imagery of the nearshore surface waters of the Northeast Pacific Ocean is proving to be a useful tool for determining source and dispersal of suspended particulate matter. The principal sources of the turbid water, seen best on the green and red bands, are river and stream effluents and actively eroding coastlines; secondary sources are waste effluents and production of planktonic organisms, but these may sometimes be masked by the very turbid plumes of suspended sediment being discharged into the nearshore zone during times of high river discharge. The configuration and distribution of the plumes of turbid water also can be used to infer near-surface current directions. Comparison of imagery of the nearshore water off the northern California coast from October 1972 and January 1973 shows a reversal of the near-surface currents, from predominantly south-setting in the fall (California Current) to north-setting in the winter (Davidson Current)

    Encouraging energy efficiency in united kingdom independent retail? The case of the butcher, fishmonger and cycle-shop

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    The UK non-domestic sector accounts for 16% of energy use and major cuts are needed to meet a ‘net zero’ CO2 emissions target by 2050. Policy and research to date have focused on technical potential and there are gaps in understanding social contexts, which are key to energy efficiency improvement. Furthermore, SMEs have been overlooked, despite the need for concerted action here to meet targets. In this study, mixed-method case study research is undertaken with three independent retailers (a butcher, fishmonger and cycle-shop) to explore energy management and energy efficiency adoption. Building on the 4Cs “Concern, Conditions and Capacity within a Community” (4Cs) framework developed by Janda, this study has identified the interrelationships between Cs and explored the underlying factors that appear the be more important in determining responses to energy efficiency opportunities. Reflecting on the 4Cs, improving energy efficiency within this sector is complex, so it is perhaps not surprising that energy efficiency adoption has been low to date. This study highlights the importance of the ‘social’ within a socio-technical context. Whilst technical conditions are invariably the most important factor in engineering calculations of energy efficiency potential, they appear to be of considerably less importance than social contexts in practice. The findings suggest that a greater focus on social context within a socio-technical frame could help make future policy interventions more effective. Whilst some of these findings may be sector-specific, several are likely to be transferable to other SMEs, retail and hospitality organisations

    Personalised electronic messages to improve sun protection in young adults

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    The incidence of all skin cancers, including melanoma, continues to rise. It is well known that ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the main environmental risk factor for skin cancer, and excessive exposure at a young age increases the risk of developing skin cancer. The aim of this study was to determine the acceptability and feasibility of delivering sun protection messages via electronic media such as short message services (SMS) to people 18-40 years, and explore factors associated with their acceptability. Overall, 80% of participants agreed that they would like to receive some form of sun protection advice; of these, 20% prefer to receive it via SMS and 42% via email. Willingness to receive electronic messages about the UV index was associated with being unsure about whether a suntanned person would look healthy and greater use of sun protection in the past. Careful attention to message framing and timing of message delivery and focus on short-term effects of sun exposure such as sunburn and skin ageing should increase the acceptability of such messages to young people. We conclude that sun protection messages delivered to young adults via electronic media appear feasible and acceptable

    Intruder mobility in a vibrated granular packing

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    We study experimentally the dynamics of a dense intruder sinking under gravity inside a vibrated 2D granular packing. The surrounding flow patterns are characterized and the falling trajectories are interpreted in terms of an effectivive friction coefficient related to the intruder mean descent velocity (flow rules). At higher confining pressures i.e. close to jamming, a transition to intermittent dynamics is evidenced and displays anomalous "on-off" blockade statistics. A systematic analysis of the flow rules, obtained for different intruder sizes, either in the flowing regime or averaged over the flowing and blockade regimes, strongly suggest the existence of non-local properties for the vibrated packing rheology.

    Consumer acceptance of patient-performed mobile teledermoscopy for the early detection of melanoma

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    Background Mobile teledermoscopy allows consumers to send images of skin lesions to a teledermatologist for remote diagnosis. Currently, technology acceptance of mobile teledermoscopy by people at high risk of melanoma is unknown. Objectives We aimed to determine the acceptance of mobile teledermoscopy by consumers based on perceived usefulness, ease of use, compatibility, attitude/intention, subjective norms, facilitators and trust before use. Consumer satisfaction was explored after use

    Voigt effect-based wide-field magneto-optical microscope integrated in a pump-probe experimental setup

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    In this work, we describe an experimental setup for a spatially resolved pump-probe experiment with an integrated wide-field magneto-optical (MO) microscope. The MO microscope can be used to study ferromagnetic materials with both perpendicular-to-plane and in-plane magnetic anisotropy via polar Kerr and Voigt effects, respectively. The functionality of the Voigt effect-based microscope was tested using an in-plane magnetized ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As. It was revealed that the presence of mechanical defects in the (Ga,Mn)As epilayer alters significantly the magnetic anisotropy in their proximity. The importance of MO experiments with simultaneous temporal and spatial resolutions was demonstrated using a (Ga,Mn)As sample attached to a piezoelectric transducer, which produces a voltage-controlled strain. We observed a considerably different behavior in different parts of the sample that enabled us to identify sample parts where the epilayer magnetic anisotropy was significantly modified by the presence of the piezoelectric transducer and where it was not. Finally, we discuss the possible applicability of our experimental setup for the research of compensated antiferromagnets, where only MO effects even in magnetic moments are present